1. The Sir Bruce Plate - (About) 1100 Metres. Maiden Indian Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible) (Terms). (8) 2.00 p.m. #GRIS RAPIDE 56 WAY TO FANTASY 56 CHILLI CHOCOLATE 54.5 SPICY STAR 56 #WESTERN PALACE 56 #FANTASTIC FLAME 54.5 #KALYAN 56 ONE 54.5 2. The Treasure Girl Plate - (About) 1400 Metres. Maiden Indian Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible) (Terms). (8) 2.30 p.m. RAPTOR FORCE 56 FOUR SEASONS 54.5 #SABARI 54.5 #AFFIRMED CROWN 56 GLORIOUS PRINCESS 54.5 DA BOMB 54.5 FIREZONE 56 #CHIMERIQUE 54.5 3. The Confucious Plate - (About) 1200 Metres. Horses rated 20 to 45. (12) 3.00 p.m. RAPID RESPONSE 62 #WORTH A MILLION 56 TIKKUN OLAM 54 #LADY BANKS 58.5 #CLOUSEAU 55 CINDY GIRL 53.5 BAFFLED 56.5 #RAIN MAN 55 #THE ROLLS 53 #GIVE ME THE MONEY 56 #FIRE OF JOY 55 #WORD TO WORD 51.5 Eliminated:QUEENS COMPOSER 4. The S.M.Ramakrishna Rao Memorial Cup - (About) 2000 Metres. Horses rated 80 and above. (6) 3.30 p.m. #PREDOMINANT 60 ARTURO 58.5 RED KEY POINT 55 COTSWOLD ARMS 59 ANGELIQUE 57 FRIENDLY FIRE 53.5 Weights raised 2 Kgs. 5. The Nawab M.Arshad Ali Khan Memorial Cup - (About) 1400 Metres. For 3-year-old Indian Horses (Foaled in 2005) (Terms). (9) 4.00 p.m. #TOMSK 57 LYCIA FALCON 54 FLAIR QUEEN 50.5 CELESTIAL SON 55 YOU'RE WONDERFUL 52 SAFARI 50.5 MIGHTY HEART 55 SUGRIV 52 STAR LUXURIOUS 50.5 6. The D.M.Shivaswamy Memorial Cup-Div.I - (About) 1200 Metres. Horses rated 40 to 65, 4, 5 and 6 years old. (12) 4.30 p.m. #KORPORATE 62.5 REBELLIOUS 61 #TINA'S TRIUMPH 57.5 #PANCHAKSHARI 62.5 ARTIC BLAST 61 #READ MY MIND 57 NOBLE GUEST 61 ADORABELLA 60 CALLISTA 56.5 OUR LANCER 61 #ZAFAR 58.5 #GRAPHIC DESIGN 54.5 Eliminated:HAWAIIAN SUNRISE and DOUBLE EMERGE 7. The Belmont Park Plate - (About) 1600 Metres. Horses rated 00 to 25. (12) 5.00 p.m. #TOUCH OF MAGIC 62.5 VOICE OF INDIA 59.5 #GRACIAN 53.5 #SOLITARY CHAMP 62 RONKONKOMA 59.5 #LIVE IT UP 53 #YOU BEAUTY 60 ROYAL ARTIST 59 #PRINCE NORBERT 52 #BUCK PASSER JUNIOR 59.5 AWESOME FIGHTER 55 ROYAL FILLY 52 Eliminated:PRETTY N FAST 8. The D.M.Shivaswamy Memorial Cup-Div.II - (About) 1200 Metres. Horses rated 40 to 65, 4, 5 and 6 years old. (12) 5.30 p.m. #INDIAN ARCELOR 60 ENFORCER 57 SUNNYLAND 56 MARIANELLA 59.5 DARKTAN 56.5 SUPER SONIC 56 FACTION LEADER 58.5 BALLERINA GIRL 56.5 SEASONS GREETINGS 55.5 #AUCHINLECH 57 SATIN WOOD 56 #LOOK ALIKE 55.5 Weights raised 3 Kgs. # Final Entry. Races selected for: Mini Jackpot : 2, 4, 6 and 8 2nd Exacta : 6 Treble : 3, 5 and 7 3rd Exacta : 7 Jackpot : 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 4th Exacta : 8 1st Exacta : 5 Starting declarations at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 18th July, 2008. S. NIRMAL PRASAD SECRETARY 17th July, 2008 BANGALORE TURF CLUB LTD.