2ND RACE BLACK SUPER STAR - Gelded on 7th Feb.10. Treated for infection 4 to 8th Mar.10. SPARK OF HARMONY - Treated for injury(Right hock) 23 to 25th Feb.10. Treated for infection 24 to 28th Mar.10. Treated for injury (Left hind fetlock) 13 to 17th Apr.10. 3RD RACE SANFRANCISCO GIRL - Treated for Resp. infection 30th Jan. to 5th Feb.10. Treated for injury(Right hind) 9 to 13th Apr.10. 4TH RACE LOVE CONQUERS ALL - Treated for Resp. infection 3 to 7th Mar.10. STORMYRED - Treated for G.P.infection 20th Feb.10. MISSONI - Treated for Resp. infection 19 to 26th Apr. 10. 5TH RACE GLORIOSA - Treated for Resp. infection 19 to 26th Apr. 10. 7TH RACE CHINTZ - Treated for G.P.infection 18th Feb.10. Treated for Both fore pastern 18th Mar.10. SOCIAL CLIMBER - Treated for Resp. infection 2 to 8th Mar.10.