2ND RACE PLAKA - Treated for both stifle 5th and 19th Mar.10. NESSIE - Treated for infection 21 to 25th Feb.10. 3RD RACE ORDAINED ONE - Treated for infection 13 to 18th Apr.10. 5TH RACE ONE FOR THE MONEY - Gelded on 1st Apr.10. KUNIGAL STAR - Treated for stiffness 27 to 28th Feb.10. and 1 to 3rd Mar.10. VALAHAK - Treated for Left stifle 7th Feb.10. Treated for G.P.infection 8th Feb.10. Treated for injury(Right fore) 17 to 22nd Feb.10. Treated for tide up 25 to 27th Feb.10; 3 to 5th and 10 to 11th Mar.10. LA CLIQUE - Treated for both fore pastern 18th Mar.10. 6TH RACE MYSTIC DAWN - Treated for infection 13 to 18th Apr.10. 7TH RACE SIACHEN - Treated for back 27th Mar.10. Physiotherapy ESWT (Back) 31st Mar.10. 8TH RACE DREAM PARK - Treated for colic 6th Mar.10. CRUISING - Treated for Epistaxis 6 to 15th Feb.10. 9TH RACE ASTON PARK - Treated for Fever 1st Aprl. 10. REGAL RANSOM - Treated for back 12th Feb.10.Physiotherapy ESWT (Back) 15th Feb.10.