1. (69) The Everynsky Trophy  - Div.II-(About) 1200 Metres. Maiden Horses 3 years old only

   (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once

   ineligible)(Terms). (9)                                                             2.00p.m.

 MAJESTIC STYLE     56  ( - )   SPIRITOFKNOWLEDGE  56  ( - )    SOUTH LAKE         54.5( - )

 NEW CROWN          56  ( - )   ENGADINER          54.5( - )    SWANKY             54.5( - )

 RAMON              56  ( - )   RESEMBLANCE        54.5( - )    VEDA               54.5( - )


MAJESTIC STYLE Back from 06/05/2015 to 07/05/2015,  Colic 08/05/2015

NEW CROWN Castration 12/07/2014,  Infection from 10/04/2015 to 14/04/2015

RAMON Colic 24/04/2015,  Castration 12/01/2015

RESEMBLANCE Infection from 01/04/2015 to 05/04/2015

SPIRITOFKNOWLEDGE Castration 31/03/2014,  Lameness from 01/04/2015 to 03/04/2015,SWANKY Injury from 08/04/2015 to 13/04/2015,VEDA Colic 13/04/2015,  Injury from 13/04/2015 to 15/04/2015,  Injury from 08/05/2015 to 10/05/2015


2. (70) The Bold Gesture Plate - (About) 1100 Metres. Horses rated 00 to 25. (11)   2.30p.m.

 GALWAY GIRL        62.5( 25)   JEYEM'S PRIDE      59.5( 19)    GAGAN STAR         58  ( 16)

 RAKSHITHA          62.5( 25)   TRAPEZOID          59.5( 19)    FLYING BULLET      57.5( 15)

 ICECREAM           60.5( 21)   HONOURABLE EMPRESS 59  ( 18)    APOLLO GALAXY      54  (  8)

 INTENSIVE ACT      60.5( 21)   CLASSY GESTURES    58.5( 17)


APOLLO GALAXY Castration 20/10/2011,  Lameness from 16/04/2015 to 18/04/2015

FLYING BULLET Castration 14/06/2013,  Tieback / Hobdays from 25/01/2015 to 29/01/2015

HONOURABLE EMPRESS Intra Articular Inj. Lt.Knee 23/04/2015,  Injury from 13/04/2015 to 17/04/2015

INTENSIVE ACT EIPH(Bleeder) from 17/11/2014 to 26/11/2014,  Castration 17/07/2014

RAKSHITHA Colic 08/05/2015,  Fever 14/05/2015

TRAPEZOID Castration 28/10/2013,  Tieback / Hobdays from 29/08/2014 to 02/09/2014


3. (71) The Everynsky Trophy -Div. I-(About) 1200 Metres. Maiden Horses 3 years old only

   (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once

    ineligible)(Terms). (9)                                                           3.00p.m.

 ADMIRAL MESSI      56  ( 32)   I'VE GOT CLOUT     56  ( - )    BABOOSH            54.5( - )

 HEJJE              56  ( - )   LIFE AWAITS        56  ( - )    *MIRACLE OF LOVE   54.5( - )

 HERR VOSS          56  ( - )   SPIRIT AND TRUTH   56  ( - )    TOKYO BLOOM        54.5( - )



HEJJE Castration 01/12/2014,LIFE AWAITS Colic 17/03/2015,  Castration 29/03/2015

MIRACLE OF LOVE Infection from 28/05/2015 to 01/06/2015,SPIRIT AND TRUTH Castration 19/03/2015


4. (72) The Flirting Vision Plate  - Div. I  - (About) 1400 Metres. Horses rated 20 to 45,

   4 years old and over. (8)                                                            3.30p.m.

 RAPID ADVANCE      61.5( 43)   HELLO BOSS         58.5( 37)    OCEAN PARK         56.5( 33)

 SHARP WITTED       60.5( 41)   ACEEMPRESSJESSIE   57  ( 34)    HAPPY HOURS        55  ( 30)

 FAUSTINA           58.5( 37)   IMPERIAL VERSE     56.5( 33)


HAPPY HOURS Colic 07/04/2015,  EIPH(Bleeder) from 16/09/2014 to 25/09/2014,  EIPH(Bleeder) 15/09/2014,  EIPH(Bleeder) from 24/11/2014 to 03/12/2014,  EIPH(Bleeder) from 23/12/2014 to 01/01/2015,  EIPH

HELLO BOSS Castration 26/12/2013,  Lameness from 02/04/2015 to 04/04/2015

OCEAN PARK Castration 09/05/2013

RAPID ADVANCE Castration 28/11/2014,  Lameness from 14/03/2015 to 16/03/2015

SHARP WITTED Colic 09/04/2015,  Castration 25/07/2013


5. (73) The Karnataka Mile Championship Cup (Grade II) - (About) 1600 Metres.

   4 years old and over(Terms). (14)                                                4.00p.m.


Total Stakes : Rs.25,66,400


                        Winner      Second      Third       Fourth      Fifth       Sixth

Owner-The Trophy &   12,70,368      4,23,456    2,11,728    1,05,864    63,518      42,346

Trainer                1,53,984       51,328      25,664      12,832    7,699      5,133     

Jockey                 1,15,488       38,496      19,248       9,624    5,774      3,850



 SNOWDRIFT          60  (104)   TOROLOCO           56  (106)    CZAR OF ROMANCE    54  ( 99)

 BE SAFE            59  (113)   ACCLAIMED          55.5(102)    AGATTA             53.5( 98)

 AGOSTINI           58  (104)   FIELD MARSHAL      55.5(100)    DUMA               53.5(106)

 ARROGANT APPROACH  56  (106)   YOUR ROYAL MAJESTY 55  (104)    DEL SANTO          53  ( 63)

 IM DIFFERENT       56  (108)   ADEMARO            54  ( 94)

                          Weights raised 1.5 Kgs


AGATTA Injury from 28/04/2015 to 02/05/2015

AGOSTINI Infection from 05/05/2015 to 09/05/2015,  Injury from 10/03/2015 to 12/03/2015

ARROGANT APPROACH Castration 29/11/2012

CZAR OF ROMANCE Arthrotomy R 08/10/2014,  from 18/10/2014 to 29/10/2014,  Infection from 28/04/2015to 02/05/2015

DEL SANTO Colic 03/04/2015,  Castration 30/05/2014,  Infection from 29/04/2015 to 03/05/2015

FIELD MARSHAL Castration 12/04/2011

IM DIFFERENT Colic 31/03/2015,  Castration 13/05/2012,  Injury from 09/04/2015 to 13/04/2015,  Injury from 10/04/2015 to 14/04/2015SNOWDRIFT Lameness from 30/04/2015 to 01/05/2015.,TOROLOCO Castration 10/04/2011





6. (74) The Chettinad Stud Plate - (About) 1400 Metres. Horses rated 40 to 65,

    5 years old and over (Whips not allowed). (12)                                      4.30p.m.

 CLICK              62  ( 64)   AUDRICK            59.5( 59)    COOL APPROACH      56.5( 53)

 ACCURACY           61.5( 63)   OPTIMISTIC         59.5( 59)    AS GOOD AS IT GETS 55.5( 51)

 PORT BLAIR         61  ( 62)   JACKIE OH          57.5( 55)    DEEP BLUE SEA      55.5( 51)

 FRANKNESS          60  ( 60)   ARTORIUS           57  ( 54)    OPEN PAGE          53  ( 46)



ACCURACY Colic 24/04/2015,  29/04/2015,  EIPH(Bleeder) from 21/12/2014 to 30/12/2014,  Fever from 25/04/2015 to 29/04/2015,  Castration 16/04/2015,  Injury from 11/05/2015 to 13/05/2015

ARTORIUS Castration 28/10/2012,AS GOOD AS IT GETS Castration 10/04/2013

AUDRICK Infection from 14/04/2015 to 18/04/2015

CLICK Injury from 23/04/2015 to 25/04/2015

COOL APPROACH Arthrotomy L 12/12/2009,  Castration 14/05/2010

DEEP BLUE SEA Intra Articular Inj. BFF 16/05/2015,  Castration 06/05/2012

OPTIMISTIC Back 15/03/2015,  Castration 24/03/2013


7. *(75) The V.T.Velu Memorial Trophy - (About) 1600 Metres. Horses rated 60 and above. (8)


 SPREADEAGLE        60.5( 81)   TORCH BEARER       56  ( 72)    PASSING FULCRUM    51  ( 62)

 ATHLETIC STAR      60  ( 80)   MAGNITUDE STAR     54.5( 69)    PRICELESS ACE      50.5( 61)

 ARABIAN WARRIOR    56  ( 72)   PARUSHRAM          54.5( 69)


ARABIAN WARRIOR Back from 21/03/2015 to 22/03/2015,  EIPH(Bleeder) from 13/03/2013 to 22/03/2013,

 Infection from 12/04/2015 to 16/04/2015,  Injury from 14/03/2015 to 18/03/2015,  Tieback / Hobdays 26

ATHLETIC STAR Castration 11/04/2012

PASSING FULCRUM Castration 22/03/2014

PRICELESS ACE Intra Articular Inj. LFF 03/04/2015,  Castration 16/03/2013,  Infection from 15/05/2015 to 19/05/2015

SPREADEAGLE Castration 20/03/2014,TORCH BEARER Castration 07/01/2014,  Injury from 07/04/2015 to 11/04/2015


8. (76) The Flirting Vision Plate  - Div. II  - (About) 1400 Metres. Horses rated 20 to 45,

   4 years old and over. (9)                                                           5.30p.m.

 FRUIT PRINCE       60  ( 32)   SECRET LAUNCH      57  ( 26)    WESTERN UNION      56  ( 24)

 RENEE              60  ( 32)   ZEESHAN            57  ( 26)    MUSICAL TREASURE   55.5( 23)

 JET SET GO         59  ( 30)   SHINING BAY        56  ( 24)    SCORCHING          55  ( 22)

                          Weights raised 4 Kgs


FRUIT PRINCE Castration 13/06/2013

JET SET GO Arthrotomy R from 16/07/2013 to 20/07/2013,  Castration 12/11/2012,  Lameness from 15/03/2015 to 17/03/2015

RENEE Injury 05/05/2015,  24/05/2015,SECRET LAUNCH Castration 31/08/2013

SHINING BAY Castration 15/03/2014

WESTERN UNION Arthrotomy R 03/06/2014,  Colic 22/04/2015,ZEESHAN Castration 04/12/2013



                              Races selected for:

                                 1st Treble   : 3,4,5

                                    Jackpot   : 4,5,6,7,8

                                 2nd Treble   : 6,7,8





The V.T.Velu Memorial Cup has been declared void owing to paucity of acceptors



The Prabalo Plate has been preponed from Sunday 07/06/2015



     Starting declarations at 10.00 A.M.  on Saturday,  6th June, 2015.


                                                       S. NIRMAL PRASAD


 4th June, 2015                                    BANGALORE TURF CLUB LTD.