Bangalore Summer Meeting 2018, 1st Day, Sunday, 13 May 2018
1. The Welcome Trophy - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible)., Distance: 1100m, Time:02:30 PM
FLAT OUTGastric ulcers (24/03/18)
FLAT OUTInjury (24/04/18 to 26/04/18)
KARTOOSLameness (18/04/18)
PELUCHEInjury (18/03/18 to 20/03/18)
PELUCHEGastric ulcers (26/03/18)
PELUCHEInjury (03/04/18 to 05/04/18)
SUN POWERGastric ulcers (23/03/18)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYLaryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) (07/12/17)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYTieback / Hobdays (31/01/18)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYInfection (28/02/18)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYInfection (20/04/18)
GIN DAISYInjury (16/04/18 to 16/04/18)
LE MARCInfection (05/04/18)
SHE'S SUPERBInfection (26/03/18)
2. The Happy Valley Plate - Horses rated 00 to 20, Distance: 1400m, Time:03:00 PM
GAME AGAIN Sore Back (17/02/18)
GAME AGAIN Sore Back (13/03/18)
GAME AGAIN Sore Back (21/03/18)
GAME AGAIN Sore Back (24/03/18)
MYSTIFY METieback / Hobdays (14/09/16)
MYSTIFY MEArytenoidetomy (14/09/16)
PERFECT HORIZONArthrotomy (23/10/16)
INDIAN BRAHMOSDermatitis (26/04/18)
FREE PORTsplint (11/03/18)
FREE PORTsplint (16/03/18)
FREE PORTInfection (03/04/18)
FREE PORTInjury (04/04/18 to 05/04/18)
GOLDEN OPINIONMyopathy (06/04/18)
GUMPTIONcapped elbow (16/02/18)
4. The Jayachamaraja Wadiyar Cup(Grade III) - 4 years old and over., Distance: 1400m, Time:04:00 PM
BOLD COMMANDLameness (10/02/18)
BOLD COMMANDIntra Articular Inj. (12/02/18)
BOLD COMMAND Sore Back (12/02/18)
BOLD COMMANDMyopathy (06/04/18)
KANGRAInfection (13/04/18)
TUTANKHAMUNIntra Articular Inj. (18/02/18)
TUTANKHAMUNGastric ulcers (23/03/18)
FIRE GLOWcellulitis (31/03/18)
FIRE GLOW Sore Back (01/04/18)
SHAMANSuspensory Desmitis (26/06/17)
SHAMANLameness (23/02/18)
SHAMANInjury (29/03/18 to 31/03/18)
SHAMANInfection (13/04/18)
5. The Elusive Pimpernel Trophy - Horses rated 60 and above, Distance: 1200m, Time:04:30 PM
RUM RUNNERInfection (24/03/18)
RUM RUNNER Sore Back (24/03/18)
RUM RUNNERInfection (24/03/18)
RUM RUNNERFever (24/03/18)
7. The Littleover Plate DIV II - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1100m, Time:05:30 PM
DONTBREAKTHERULESLameness (20/02/18)
DONTBREAKTHERULESIntra Articular Inj. (05/03/18)
DONTBREAKTHERULESIntra Articular Inj. (14/03/18)
PRINCESS HOLLYGastric ulcers (27/03/18)
BOLD MOVELameness (10/02/18)
BOLD MOVEMyopathy (11/02/18)
BOLD MOVEIntra Articular Inj. (17/02/18)
BOLD MOVEIntra Articular Inj. (24/02/18)
PINK SMILEGastric ulcers (20/02/18)
PINK SMILEguttural pouch infection (25/04/18)
DESERT GOLDEIPH(Bleeder) (29/06/16)
FLYING BULLETTieback / Hobdays (25/01/15)
3. The Littleover Plate DIV I - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1100m, Time:03:30 PM
VOLATILITYLameness (09/02/18)
VOLATILITYInjury (10/04/18 to 11/04/18)
VOLATILITYOedema (15/04/18)
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (19/08/16)
TANISHKAInjury (23/03/18 to 25/03/18)
BREAKING AWAYEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (14/06/15)
BREAKING AWAYLameness (24/04/18)
AEROSPEEDInjury (23/03/18 to 25/03/18)
ODYSSEYGastric ulcers (26/03/18)
6. The Royal Command Plate - Horses rated 15 to 35, Distance: 1200m, Time:05:00 PM
BERGAMOTguttural pouch infection (11/02/18)
BERGAMOTInfection (11/02/18)
BERGAMOTGastric ulcers (23/03/18)
BERGAMOTIntra Articular Inj. (14/04/18)
BERGAMOT Sore Back (14/04/18)
RAW GOLDInjury (26/02/18 to 02/03/18)
RAW GOLDInjury (07/03/18 to 11/03/18)
LAND OF LIBERTYInjury (27/03/18 to 31/03/18)
LAND OF LIBERTYInjury (15/04/18 to 15/04/18)
LAND OF LIBERTYInjury (17/04/18 to 19/04/18)
BAROGLameness (23/02/18)
BAROGInfection (13/04/18)
RHAPSODYEIN QUEENGastric ulcers (25/03/18)
ISLAND PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (13/03/18)
ISLAND PEARLInjury (23/04/18 to 25/04/18)
MUSIC DIVINEsplint (17/02/18)
MUSIC DIVINEguttural pouch infection (07/03/18)
MUSIC DIVINEInjury (13/03/18 to 17/03/18)