Bangalore Summer Meeting 2018, 12th Day, Sunday, 24 Jun 2018
1. The Fantabulous King Plate - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible)., Distance: 1400m, Time:02:30 PM
FLAT OUTGastric ulcers (24/03/18)
FLAT OUTInjury (24/04/18 to 26/04/18)
ROYAL RESOLUTIONMyopathy (28/04/18)
ROYAL RESOLUTIONDermatitis (30/04/18)
SANTIAGOEIPH(Bleeder) (09/02/18)
SANTIAGOFever (02/04/18)
SINGHSAABInfection (04/05/18)
SUMMER PALACEInjury (01/05/18 to 01/05/18)
TYTO ALBAguttural pouch infection (13/04/18)
TYTO ALBAsplint (27/04/18)
DHANALAKSHMIInjury (30/05/18 to 01/06/18)
SHESMYSCRIPT Sore Back (24/03/18)
VAILLameness (10/04/18)
2. The Sweet Memories Trophy - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1600m, Time:03:00 PM
SETAGLOWInjury (04/04/18 to 05/04/18)
SETAGLOWEpiglottic Entrapment (28/04/18)
AFTER HOURSPhlebitis (04/11/17)
AFTER HOURSPhlebitis (08/11/17)
AFTER HOURSSuspensory Desmitis (13/12/17)
AFTER HOURS Sore Back (06/04/18)
AFTER HOURS Sore Back (20/04/18)
WINXGastric ulcers (29/03/18)
WINXGastritis (30/03/18)
WINXcapped elbow (28/04/18)
3. The Justice P.Medapa Memorial Cup DIV I - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over. (Whips not allowed), Distance: 1400m, Time:03:30 PM
SILVER LEGENDEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (24/01/16)
SIYOUNIGastric ulcers (03/04/18)
SIYOUNIGastric ulcers (03/04/18)
DEL PORTOEIPH(Bleeder) TRACK (15/11/14)
DEL PORTOEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (30/11/15)
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (19/08/16)
POWERSCOURTInjury (28/03/18 to 01/04/18)
POWERSCOURTMyopathy (16/04/18)
CALL ME MAYBEGastric ulcers (29/03/18)
CALL ME MAYBEGastritis (30/03/18)
CALL ME MAYBELag screw fixation (03/04/18)
CALL ME MAYBEInjury (03/04/18 to 05/04/18)
CALL ME MAYBEIntra Articular Inj. (07/04/18)
AFRICAN EMPERORInjury (22/03/18 to 26/03/18)
COLOUR OF GOLDLameness (30/04/18)
COLOUR OF GOLDInjury (30/04/18 to 02/05/18)
ONE BIG GANGLameness (16/05/18)
4. The Colts Championship Stakes(Grade I) - 3-year-old Indian Colts & Geldings (foaled in 2015)., Distance: 1600m, Time:04:00 PM
SIR CECILInjury (23/05/18 to 23/05/18)
SIR CECILInjury (25/05/18 to 25/05/18)
SIR CECILInfection (05/06/18)
STAR SUPERIORDermatitis (28/03/18)
STAR SUPERIORguttural pouch infection (15/04/18)
STAR SUPERIORInfection (25/04/18)
5. The Alekona Trophy - Horses rated 15 to 35, Distance: 1400m, Time:04:30 PM
HIGH ADMIRALEIPH(Bleeder) (17/05/17)
HIGH ADMIRALGastric ulcers (24/03/18)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (15/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (16/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (19/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (24/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (08/12/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (12/12/17)
DON DELA VEGAGastric ulcers (26/03/18)
DON DELA VEGAInfection (25/04/18)
DON DELA VEGAFever (29/04/18)
FIRING LINEIntra Articular Inj. (06/04/18)
GOLD MISTInjury (09/05/18 to 13/05/18)
BAZINGA Sore Back (24/03/18)
BAZINGAGastric ulcers (30/03/18)
PLAY SAFEFracture (28/02/18)
PLAY SAFEInjury (30/03/18 to 30/03/18)
PLAY SAFEInjury (30/03/18 to 30/03/18)
STARRY WINDMyopathy (04/04/18)
ULTIMATE SPEEDInjury (25/03/18 to 29/03/18)
ULTIMATE SPEEDInjury (17/04/18 to 19/04/18)
ULTIMATE SPEEDguttural pouch infection (23/04/18)
ULTIMATE SPEEDInfection (23/04/18)
RHAPSODYEIN QUEENGastric ulcers (25/03/18)
GIN DAISYInjury (16/04/18 to 16/04/18)
6. The Dupont Plate - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible)., Distance: 1200m, Time:05:00 PM
REGAL FORCE Sore Back (24/03/18)
REGAL FORCEInfection (12/04/18)
SADAQATSesamoiditis (11/12/17)
SADAQATGastric ulcers (26/03/18)
SNOWDONInjury (19/04/18 to 21/04/18)
SNOWDONInjury (15/05/18 to 17/05/18)
STUNNING GREYInjury (06/04/18 to 10/04/18)
STUNNING GREYInjury (23/05/18 to 23/05/18)
DESERT ANGELArthrotomy (03/01/18)
DESERT ANGELArthrotomy (03/01/18)
HONEY TRAPLameness (29/03/18)
INTO THE GROOVEguttural pouch infection (13/04/18)
INTO THE GROOVEInfection (20/04/18)
MUSIC GIRLInfection (12/04/18)
WINNING FORCEMyopathy (02/04/18)
WINNING FORCEGastric ulcers (15/04/18)
WINNING FORCEIntra Articular Inj. (09/05/18)
7. The Justice P.Medapa Memorial Cup DIV II - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over. (Whips not allowed), Distance: 1400m, Time:05:30 PM
STANLEYEIPH(Bleeder) (06/08/16)
STANLEY Sore Back (06/04/18)
SECRET DIMENSIONGastric ulcers (30/03/18)
AMAZING LOVEInjury (07/05/18 to 09/05/18)
AMAZING LOVEInjury (11/05/18 to 17/05/18)
NOBLE SAPPHIREGastric ulcers (26/03/18)
REGENCY GIRLIntra Articular Inj. (06/04/18)
CADILLAC SKYEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (06/06/16)
CADILLAC SKYEIPH(Bleeder) (23/10/17)
CADILLAC SKYIntra Articular Inj. (06/04/18)
CADILLAC SKYcapped elbow (06/05/18)
CAMPARI GIRLEIPH(Bleeder) (09/07/17)
CAMPARI GIRLEIPH(Bleeder) (03/02/18)
HAPPY DANCINGEIPH(Bleeder) (25/02/18)
PARADISOMyopathy (09/04/18)
PARADISOMyopathy (12/04/18)
ROYAL REINEIPH(Bleeder) (06/12/16)
ROYAL REINIntra Articular Inj. (05/04/18)
ROYAL REINIntra Articular Inj. (22/05/18)