Bangalore Summer Meeting 2018, 20th Day, Sunday, 22 Jul 2018
1. The Pronto Pronto Stakes - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible)., Distance: 1200m, Time:02:30 PM
BENEDICTIONInjury (23/04/18 to 25/04/18)
CHARMED LIFESuspensory Desmitis (10/01/18)
CHARMED LIFEsplint (16/05/18)
NAAYAABInjury (22/04/18 to 24/04/18)
VANITY FAIRFever (21/04/18)
VANITY FAIRInfection (25/05/18)
2. The Mount Everest Trophy - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible)., Distance: 1100m, Time:03:00 PM
COMMANDPOSTESWT(Physiotherapy) (03/05/18)
COMMANDPOSTLameness (01/06/18)
JERSEY STORMInfection (23/04/18)
BOND OF TRUSTInjury (07/06/18 to 07/06/18)
CHARMAINEInfection (19/04/18)
CHARMAINEsplint (27/04/18)
3. The Kunigal Stud Plate - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1600m, Time:03:30 PM
FRESH STARTEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (20/01/15)
FRESH STARTEIPH(Bleeder) TRACK (01/10/15)
FRESH STARTEIPH(Bleeder) TRACK (07/12/15)
ERDEMIRLameness (17/06/18)
ERDEMIR Sore Back (21/06/18)
STANLEYEIPH(Bleeder) (06/08/16)
TURF TACTICSEIPH(Bleeder) (02/01/17)
4. The Tetrasoft Inc.Bangalore St.Leger (Grade II) 2018 - Indian Horse 4 years old and over (Foaled in 2014 or before), Distance: 2800m, Time:04:00 PM
DESERT GODOedema (05/05/18)
DESERT GODOedema (05/05/18)
DESERT GODDermatitis (05/05/18)
DESERT GODInfection (23/05/18)
DESERT GODInjury (07/07/18 to 09/07/18)
SALAZAAR Sore Back (09/05/18)
5. The Marilingaiah Memorial Trophy - Horses rated 45 to 65, Distance: 1400m, Time:04:30 PM
ZAFRANEIPH(Bleeder) (10/06/18)
MULHOLLANDInjury (16/06/18 to 22/06/18)
GREAT TRIBUTEInjury (01/06/18 to 01/06/18)
SUMMER DAWNInjury (27/05/18 to 27/05/18)
6. The Aureole Time Plate - Horses rated 15 to 35, Distance: 1100m, Time:05:00 PM
EWANDORPhlebitis (27/11/17)
EWANDORPhlebitis (28/11/17)
EWANDORPhlebitis (02/12/17)
EWANDORLameness (07/05/18)
EWANDORPhlebitis (24/06/18)
BREAKING AWAYEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (14/06/15)
BREAKING AWAYLameness (24/04/18)
SMILE OF COURAGEInfection (21/04/18)
CAMILALameness (18/06/18)
GIFTEDIntra Articular Inj. (21/04/18)
GIFTEDInjury (01/07/18 to 03/07/18)
7. The Astronomic Plate - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1600m, Time:05:30 PM
SETAGLOWEpiglottic Entrapment (28/04/18)
AFTER HOURSPhlebitis (04/11/17)
AFTER HOURSPhlebitis (08/11/17)
AFTER HOURSSuspensory Desmitis (13/12/17)
AFTER HOURS Sore Back (20/04/18)
AFTER HOURS Sore Back (03/07/18)
AFTER HOURSIntra Articular Inj. (03/07/18)
NYSSAEIPH(Bleeder) (01/09/16)
NYSSAEIPH(Bleeder) (01/11/17)
INTERNAL AFFAIREIPH(Bleeder) (21/05/18)
GOLD MISTInjury (09/05/18 to 13/05/18)
DANCING PRINCESSEIPH(Bleeder) (28/05/16)
DANCING PRINCESSEIPH(Bleeder) (30/05/16)
MASTER OF WARLameness (25/05/18)
MASTER OF WARInjury (06/06/18 to 10/06/18)