18th Day  Sunday, 15th July, 2018
GOING : Good Going. Penetrometer Reading : 4.4 cms
Railing fixed at its original position
(about) 1200 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,49,995)
 Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, 
Weight raised 5.0 Kg
98e     FINAL DESTINY            20+9           425     (13/4)  57.5            (3)     V.R.Jagadeesh           1       1:14.362
98d     REVAN STAR               19+1           455     (9/2)   57              (6)     T. S. Jodha             2       1:14.514
76c     HALFSIES                 21-0           452     (4/1)   58              (12)    Y. S. Srinath           3       1:14.547
62      FANTASTIC APP            19-2           438     (20/1)  57              (13)    Vinod Shinde            4       1:15.016
        GALINO                   21-0           429     (20/1)  58      Cr57    (9)     Rayan Ahmed R.          5       1:15.784
76      KRUGER PARK              16-3           428     (20/1)  55.5    Cr53.5  (1)     Nazerul Alam            6       1:15.794
59      LASSILO                  18-0           537     (12/1)  56.5            (8)     Shiva Kumar S.          7       1:16.471
86      ASTRON                   25-0           460     (6/1)   60      Cr57    (11)    Koushik                 8       1:16.646
96      FLYING BULLET            16-0           422     (40/1)  55.5            (7)     Akshay                  9       1:17.407
        PRINCESS PRIDE           15-3           430     (10/1)  55              (2)     Neeraj Rawal            10      1:18.138
98      PREMIER PREMISES         20-3           438     (25/1)  57.5    Cr56.5  (5)     Darshan R.N             11      1:18.726
69      INDIAN LEAGUE            17-0           448     (30/1)  56              (4)     D'nuSingh Deora         12      1:21.549
        PERFECTGOLDENERA         19-*           WDR     (0/0)   57              (10)    M. Kumar                wdr     
D-1, Snk, 2 3/4, 4 3/4, Shd, 4 1/4, 1, 4 3/4, 4 1/2, 3 1/2, 17 1/4
Tote- W 36 P 15,15,13 SHP 33 THP 42 Q 80 F 172 T 261,82 EXP 4435,3992
Or- Mr Shankar Srinivas'
Tr- R. V. Manohar
 Jockey V.R.Jagadeesh replaced the indisposed Jockey  P.S. Chouhan on FINAL DESTINY. 
 Jockey Vinod Shinde (FANTASTIC APP) was fined Rs.1,000/- for shifting ''in''  and causing interference to PRINCESS PRIDE which had to checked by its rider and shift out and taking out ASTRON passing the 800 Metres. 
 GALINO (Rayan Ahmed R.) pulled up lame on right fore.Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
 LASSILO (Shiva Kumar S.) was slowly away and lost few lengths at the start. Trainer was informed in a jump out on a starting gate practice day.
 ASTRON (Koushik)  jumped out awkwardly and the Jockey was fined Rs.1,000/- for allowing his mount to drift out under the use of whip between the 400 Metres till about 150 Metres.
 PREMIER PREMISES (Darshan R.N) was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. 
  PERFECTGOLDENERA (M. Kumar) was withdrawn on veterinary grounds as it was found to be lame on right fore. Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
Routine Sample - b g FINAL DESTINY.
(126) THE CHENNAI CUP - Div. I
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,95,000)
 Horses rated 30 to 50, 4 years old and over, 
63b     GOOD TIME INDEED         46+13          456     (7/4)   58              (12)    Akshay Kumar(Hyd)       1       1:26.482
        NOAHS ARK                44+5           HNC     (10/1)  57      Cr54    (9)     Koushik                 2       1:26.584
(98)    HUEMAC                   44-0           471     (14/10) 57      Cr54    (1)     Antony Raj S.           3       1:27.868
88      TANOURA                  45-1           468     (20/1)  57.5            (8)     V.R.Jagadeesh           4       1:28.604
10      AMBER CROWN              45-2           464     (15/1)  57.5            (3)     A.Imran Khan            5       1:28.760
95e     QUICK ACTION             39-1           438     (25/1)  54.5            (11)    T. S. Jodha             6       1:28.779
84c     CALL ME MAYBE            43-2           448     (20/1)  56.5            (2)     Arshad Alam             7       1:28.940
        REFERENCE                50-0           HNC     (10/1)  60              (7)     Irvan Singh             8       1:29.195
84      SILVER LEGEND            50-2           438     (40/1)  60      Cr58    (4)     Sunil Samson            9       1:29.804
88b     BIRCHWOOD                39-0           450     (15/1)  54.5    Cr51    (5)     R Manjunath             10      1:32.068
65      BLACK LIGHTNING          45-0           463     (30/1)  57.5            (10)    Shiva Kumar S.          11      1:33.032
(86)    STARRY WIND              40-*           WDR     (0/0)   55              (6)     Y. S. Srinath           wdr     
D-3/4, 7 3/4, 4 1/2, 1, Shd, 1, 1 1/2, 3 3/4, 13 3/4, 6
Tote- W 23 P 12,21,12 SHP 61 THP 50 Q 113 F 275 T 412,93 EXP 3582,2533
Or-  Mrs. Payal Sthalekar's
Tr- M. P. Mahaesh
 Jockey Koushik (NOAHS ARK) placed 2nd by the judge objected against Jockey Akshay Kumar (GOOD TIME INDEED) placed 1st for “ When I made my move in the straight the winner took my ground in the process I had to check my horse, Whereby I had to pull him outside and the winner took me outside which cost me a certain second place".  The Stewards held an enquiry immediately after the race and interviewed the Jockeys concerned. After deliberations, they decided to overrule the objection. 
  HUEMAC (Antony Raj S.) burst its blood vessels. Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
 QUICK ACTION (T. S. Jodha) walked out of the gates at the start. Trainer was informed in a jump on a starting gate practice day. 
 Jockey Arshad Alam replaced the indisposed Jockey  P.S. Chouhan on CALL ME MAYBE. 
 STARRY WIND (Y. S. Srinath) was withdrawn on veterinary grounds as it was found to be lame on left fore.Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
Routine Sample - b c GOOD TIME INDEED. 
(about) 1200 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,49,995)
 Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, 
86b     EXPORT QUALITY           27+14          420     (3/1)   56              (5)     Y. S. Srinath           1       1:14.142
73b     TOKYO ROSE               29+6           431     (5/2)   57              (13)    Arshad Alam             2       1:14.393
76d     PRINCESS RUMELA          26+1           459     (5/1)   55.5            (9)     Neeraj Rawal            3       1:14.918
67e     IMPRIMATUR               34-1           HNC     (11/2)  59.5            (11)    P. Trevor               4       1:15.360
        GOOD WORD                25-2           425     (25/1)  55      Cr53    (10)    Nazerul Alam            5       1:15.382
103b    PRAZSKY                  32-2           444     (12/1)  58.5    Cr55.5  (1)     Koushik                 6       1:15.506
74      COUNTRY'S BLOOM          35-0           406     (20/1)  60              (3)     A.Imran Khan            7       1:15.536
73c     SKYBOUND                 27-0           442     (25/1)  56              (4)     Mohd. Feroz             8       1:15.611
74      PRINCESS HOLLY           29-2           HNC     (20/1)  57              (8)     Kiran Rai P             9       1:15.914
55      DONTBREAKTHERULES        24-0           470     (20/1)  54.5    Cr51.5  (7)     Chethan Gowda           10      1:16.130
101wdr  FINE BARRISTOR           30-0           499     (12/1)  57.5            (2)     Mudassar Nazar          11      1:16.259
76      YOURESOHANDSOME          29-0           427     (60/1)  57              (12)    A.R.Pradeep             12      1:17.000
48e     OASIS BREEZE             28-0           415     (8/1)   56.5    Cr55.5  (6)     Darshan R.N             dnc     
D-1 1/2, 3 1/4, 2 3/4, Hd, 3/4, Snk, 1/2, 1 3/4, 1 1/4, 3/4, 4 1/2
Tote- W 34 P 16,14,17 SHP 37 THP 42 Q 55 F 117 T 352,179 EXP 658,240
Or-  Mr. Divya Chawcharia's
Tr- Neil B Devaney
 An enquiry is being held into the running and riding of SKYBOUND, trained by Sandhu.G and ridden by Mohd. Feroz in the above race. 
 Jockey Mudassar Nazar (FINE BARRISTOR) had to steady his mount due to the crowding of the field. 
 OASIS BREEZE (Darshan R.N) planted and lost many lengths at the start. Trainer was informed a Mock Race. 
Routine Sample - b m EXPORT QUALITY. 
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 3,85,000)
 Horses rated 60 and above, 
43e     BRAINSTORM               60+16          487     (11/4)  50      Cr51    (9)     A. Sandesh              1       1:25.528
(70)    SEDULOUS                 70+4           HNC     (6/1)   55              (8)     T. S. Jodha             2       1:25.858
(79)    AUTOMATIC                76-0           466     (3/1)   58              (7)     S. Zervan               3       1:26.549
79c     SPEED HAWK               67-2           460     (12/1)  53.5            (6)     Arshad Alam             4       1:26.696
        COURAGE                  66-0           HNC     (3/1)   53              (5)     P. Trevor               5       1:26.841
79d     FAIR GAME                81-2           444     (25/1)  60.5    Cr59.5  (4)     Darshan R.N             6       1:27.121
        RAVELNATION              75-2           503     (25/1)  57.5            (10)    Shiva Kumar S.          7       1:27.869
72      FIRE GLOW                84-2           HNC     (30/1)  62      Cr58    (2)     Chethan Gowda           8       1:28.142
93b     SUPER SUCCESS            70-0           452     (15/1)  55              (3)     D'nuSingh Deora         9       1:28.579
93      GUSTY WIND               66-0           459     (60/1)  53              (1)     V.R.Jagadeesh           10      1:29.593
79      SHINING MAGIC            70-0           483     (60/1)  55              (11)    Ramesh KumarN           11      1:29.975
D-2, 4 1/4, 1, 1, 1 3/4, 4 1/2, 1 3/4, 2 3/4, 6 1/4, 2 1/4
Tote- W 33 P 13,19,14 SHP 54 THP 43 Q 183 F 247 T 591,243 EXP 3311,1968
Or- M/s. Blazing Saddles(PF) rep. by Mr. Niraj Tyagi &  Mr. Vikas Sachdeva's
Tr- P. Shroff
BRAINSTORM (A. Sandesh)  was slowly away.
 SEDULOUS (T. S. Jodha) was slowly away.
 Jockey S. Zervan (AUTOMATIC) was fined Rs.1,000/- for shifting ''in'' and causing interference to GUSTY WIND on his inside passing the 800 Metres. 
AUTOMATIC (S. Zervan) sustained superficial injury on right hind outer bulb of heel. 
 Jockey Arshad Alam (SPEED HAWK) was reprimanded for shifting out and inconveniencing COURAGE on his outside approaching 200 Metres. 
 Jockey P. Trevor  (COURAGE) reported that his mount raced very keen between the 900 Metres till about 700 Metres. 
 SHINING MAGIC (Ramesh Kumar N) reared up as the gates opened and lost many lengths at the start.Trainer was informed a Mock Race. 
Routine Sample - b g BRAINSTORM.
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 10,77,760)
4 years old and over.
99      CAVALLO VELOCE           105+7          460     (25/1)  51.5    Cr52    (2)     Akshay Kumar(Hyd)       1       1:24.996
(42)    CASTLEBRIDGE             125-0          527     (55/100)        60              (8)     P. Trevor               2       1:25.111
58      YOUR ROYAL MAJESTY       112-0          449     (9/2)   55              (9)     A. Sandesh              3       1:25.213
99d     SMILE STONE              108-0          462     (12/1)  52      Cr53.5  (3)     Naveen M.               4       1:25.318
58      FLASH DRIVE              97-0           424     (60/1)  52      Cr52.5  (5)     T. S. Jodha             5       1:25.573
43d     ADMIRAL HATSU            77-0           461     (20/1)  52              (1)     S. Zervan               6       1:25.641
72c     BOLD COMMAND             101-0          467     (12/1)  56.5            (6)     A.Imran Khan            7       1:26.298
99      SAVANNAH SOUND           93-3           437     (60/1)  51.5            (7)     Arshad Alam             8       1:26.840
72      KNIGHT OF KE             93-3           490     (60/1)  52              (4)     K. Sai Kiran            9       1:27.709
D-3/4, 3/4, 3/4, 1 1/2, Lnk, 4, 3 1/4, 5 1/4
Tote- W 359 P 36,11,13 SHP 40 THP 43 Q 211 F 1295 T 2366,1400 EXP 7067,5825
Or-  Mr. Arun Alagappan's
Tr- B.Suresh
Trainer Mr. Suresh was questioned regarding the improved performance of his charge CAVALLO VELOCE (Akshay Kumar) as compared to its previous run in Race No.99 i.e., The Chief Minister''s Cup (Grade III) (about) 1200 Metres, 4 years old and over run on 30th June, 2018 where it ran unplaced. The trainer stated that: 
(a) Jockey P. Trevor when he rode his charge in its previous start had suggested that it did not have speed to compete in 1200 Metres race;
(b) It was very hesitant in the race and did not seem to enjoy the Blinkers and Tongue Strap as such the Jockey had suggested to remove the said equipments; and
(c) The horse was running at bottom weight which was also an added advantage and the increase in distance also helped his charge to perform better.
His explanations were noted for future reference.              
Compulsory samples were taken for analysis from the following I,II & III placed horses viz:
b c CAVALLO VELOCE               I 
b c CASTLEBRIDGE                  II 
 Jockey T. S. Jodha (FLASH DRIVE) reported that his mount was hanging ''in'' in the straight. The horse was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. Trainer was informed to take appropriate corrective measures before accepting  with it again. 
(about) 2000 Metres     (Net Rs. 1,52,20,000)
3-year-old Indian horses (foaled in 2015)
(85)    SIR CECIL                76+6           491     (1/1)   56              (6)     P. Trevor               1       2:03.893
85b     STAR SUPERIOR            72-0           HNC     (2/1)   56              (4)     Suraj Narredu           2       2:04.365
85d     VAN DYKE                 46-0           466     (12/1)  56              (2)     A. Sandesh              3       2:05.586
(71)    PUNJABI GIRL             59-0           446     (10/1)  54.5            (1)     S. Zervan               4       2:07.609
85c     RIKKI TIKKI TAVI         52-0           HNC     (25/1)  56              (5)     Neeraj Rawal            5       2:08.156
(77)    POSEIDON                 55-0           468     (60/1)  56              (7)     Darshan R.N             6       2:08.468
        HOME OF THE BRAVE        60-0           HNC     (20/1)  56              (3)     Y. S. Srinath           7       2:08.856
D-3, 7 1/2, 12 1/4, 3 1/4, 2, 2 1/4
Tote- W 18 P 13,13 SHP 24 THP 35 Q 12 F 28 T 92,65 EXP 139,57
Or- Sarainaga Racing Pvt Ltd's
Tr- S. Padmanabhan
Compulsory samples were taken for analysis from the following I,II & III placed horses viz:
gr r SIR CECIL                I 
ch c VAN DYKE             III  
 HOME OF THE BRAVE (Y. S. Srinath) ) took a fly jump. 
(about) 1600 Metres     (Net Rs. 7,93,480)
Maiden 3-year-old Horses.
75b     INDIAN PHARAOH           34+9           439     (11/2)  56              (6)     P. Trevor               1       1:39.656
        BRADFIELD COLLEGE                       HNC     (11/2)  56              (3)     Neeraj Rawal            2       1:39.868
61c     SECRETIVE FORCE                         460     (11/2)  56              (12)    Y. S. Srinath           3       1:40.022
        ROBERTA                                 480     (2/1)   54.5            (1)     A. Sandesh              4       1:40.444
71e     DIFFERENT LEAGUE         28-0           437     (6/1)   54.5            (10)    Akshay Kumar(Hyd)       5       1:41.049
61d     RADIANT TREASURE         *-23           466     (25/1)  56              (7)     Arshad Alam             6       1:41.153
34      GRAND CHIEFTAIN          29-0           436     (30/1)  56              (8)     A.Imran Khan            7       1:41.850
        WHO'SYOURDADDY                          430     (12/1)  56      Cr57    (11)    S. John                 8       1:42.325
75d     SHOW GIRL                               HNC     (10/1)  54.5            (5)     Yash Narredu            9       1:43.221
        BONAFIDE                                493     (9/1)   54.5            (2)     S. Zervan               10      1:43.434
34      STAR COMMANDO            *-25           465     (60/1)  56              (4)     T. S. Jodha             11      1:44.747
11e     HOLLISTER                25-0           430     (50/1)  56              (9)     Kiran Naidu             dnc     
D-1 1/4, 1, 2 1/2, 3 3/4, 3/4, 4 1/4, 3, 5 1/2, 1 1/4, 8
Tote- W 46 P 16,22,16 SHP 48 THP 50 Q 78 F 114 T 239,130 EXP 755,438
Or- Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr Byram N. Jeejeebhoy & Radiant Blood Stock Pvt Ltd rep. by Mrs Sharmila Padmanabhan and Mr S. Padmanabhan's
Tr- S. Padmanabhan
Jockey P. Trevor (INDIAN PHARAOH) was reprimanded for shifting ''in'' and inconveniencing BRADFIELD COLLEGE on his inside approaching 1500 Metres.
 JockeyA. Sandesh (ROBERTA) reported that his mount was inclined to run out between the 700 Metres till about rounding the final bend. 
 Jockey Akshay Kumar replaced the indisposed Jockey P.S. Chouhan on DIFFERENT LEAGUE. 
DIFFERENT LEAGUE (Akshay Kumar) planted and lost many lengths at the start. Trainer was informed a Mock Race.
 HOLLISTER (Kiran Naidu) reared up as the gates opened and and took no part in the race. Trainer was informed a Mock Race.
Routine Sample - b c INDIAN PHARAOH. 
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,95,000)
 Horses rated 30 to 50, 4 years old and over, 
Weight raised 3.0 Kg
(67)    HAEDI'S FOLLY            43+16          HNC     (5/1)   59.5            (2)     Y. S. Srinath           1       1:26.229
36b     SPIRIT OF LONDON         32+4           462     (8/1)   54              (4)     K. Sai Kiran            2       1:26.903
80c     QUEEN LATIFA             41+1           HNC     (13/10) 58.5            (6)     Arshad Alam             3       1:27.352
57e     ALLSETTOGO               44-0           445     (10/1)  60              (10)    P. Trevor               4       1:27.487
28d     AGNETA                   38-0           HNC     (17/4)  57              (9)     Shiva Kumar S.          5       1:27.812
69c     IRISH PRINCE             31-1           393     (40/1)  53.5            (7)     M. Kumar                6       1:28.312
60b     RAW GOLD                 36-2           416     (15/1)  56              (8)     V.R.Jagadeesh           7       1:28.596
88      STANLEY                  40-2           463     (40/1)  58              (11)    M. Prabhakaran          8       1:28.649
95      AIR OF DISTINCTION       37-1           401     (20/1)  56.5            (5)     A.Imran Khan            9       1:29.251
14      ALVAREZ                  40-2           449     (50/1)  58      Cr56    (3)     Sunil Samson            10      1:29.652
80      CLASSIC CUT              39-0           HNC     (12/1)  57.5            (1)     S. John                 11      1:30.316
D-4, 2 3/4, 3/4, 2, 3, 1 3/4, Lnk, 3 3/4, 2 1/2, 4
Tote- W 58 P 17,18,12 SHP 47 THP 57 Q 146 F 478 T 521,158 EXP 3470,1688
Or- Mr Rienzie M. K. Edwards & Mrs P. P. M. Edwards'
Tr- Darius R. Byramji
 Jockey P. Trevor  (ALLSETTOGO) reported that his mount was not galloping fluently in the final 150 Metres of the race. The horse was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. 
 An enquiry is being held into the running and riding of AGNETA, trained by Sandhu G. and ridden by Shiva Kumar S in the above race. 
 Jockey M. Kumar (IRISH PRINCE) was fined Rs.1,000/- for shifting ''in'' and causing interference to the horses on its inside viz; QUEEN LATIFA and AIR OF DISTINCTION   soon after the start. 
 CLASSIC CUT (S. John) burst its blood vessels. Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
Routine Sample - b g HAEDI''S FOLLY.  
Jackpot Consolation-paid Rs.5971(Winning Tickets86)
Treble I-paid Rs.46914 on EXPORT QUALITY,BRAINSTORM,CAVALLO VELOCE(Winning Tickets1)
Treble II-paid Rs.510 on SIR CECIL,INDIAN PHARAOH,HAEDI'S FOLLY(Winning Tickets176)