Bangalore Summer Meeting 2019, 12th Day, Sunday, 23 Jun 2019
1. The Sports Authority of India Cup DIV II - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible) (Outstation horses eligible)., Distance: 1200m, Time:02:00 PM
KIONIAInfection (04/05/19)
QUEEN REGNANTInfection (26/03/19)
QUEEN REGNANTsplint (09/04/19)
3. The Sports Authority of India Cup DIV I - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible) (Outstation horses eligible)., Distance: 1200m, Time:03:10 PM
SILVER ECLIPSEArthrotomy (18/02/19)
GIETHORNLameness (23/04/19)
GIETHORNESWT(Physiotherapy) (27/04/19)
GIETHORNESWT(Physiotherapy) (07/05/19)
GIETHORNLameness (28/05/19)
HARBOUR SUNRISESesamoiditis (22/07/18)
HARBOUR SUNRISESesamoiditis (28/07/18)
HARBOUR SUNRISEInfection (23/04/19)
HARBOUR SUNRISEInfection (23/04/19)
HARBOUR SUNRISEInjury (09/05/19 to 13/05/19)
HARBOUR SUNRISEguttural pouch infection (24/05/19)
HARBOUR SUNRISEInjury (01/06/19 to 05/06/19)
ICE FLOEInjury (21/05/19 to 27/05/19)
2. The Sweet Memories Plate DIV II - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1100m, Time:02:35 PM
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (19/08/16)
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (08/07/18)
NAWABZAADILameness (02/04/19)
QUEEN ISABELLAEIPH(Bleeder) (02/06/18)
QUEEN ISABELLAEIPH(Bleeder) (01/12/18)
QUEEN ISABELLAEIPH(Bleeder) (02/12/18)
QUEEN ISABELLAESWT(Physiotherapy) (08/05/19)
QUEEN ISABELLAInjury (02/06/19 to 06/06/19)
SHE'S STYLISHLameness (11/06/19)
PARADISOGastric ulcers (26/03/19)
PARADISOsplint (03/06/19)
AMALFI COAST Sore Back (02/04/19)
CAPSTONEEIPH(Bleeder) (14/12/18)
CAPSTONEEIPH(Bleeder) (15/12/18)
CAPSTONEFever (18/04/19)
4. The A. M. C. Gowda Memorial Trophy - Horses rated 45 to 65, Distance: 2000m, Time:03:45 PM
DR LOGANEIPH(Bleeder) (18/06/18)
DR LOGANIntra Articular Inj. (20/04/19)
STRIKING GREYArytenoidetomy (06/10/16)
PLAY SAFEFracture (28/02/18)
PLAY SAFEIntra Articular Inj. (16/04/19)
ROYAL CRYSTALInfection (27/04/19)
5. The Fillies Championship Stakes(Grade I) - 3-year-old Indian Fillies (Foaled in 2016), Distance: 1600m, Time:04:20 PM
ANJEZEInfection (10/06/19)
COSMIC RAYESWT(Physiotherapy) (02/04/19)
COSMIC RAYESWT(Physiotherapy) (20/04/19)
COSMIC RAYSesamoiditis (08/05/19)
MISSING YOUInjury (02/06/19 to 02/06/19)
THAILANDguttural pouch infection (27/04/19)
6. The Nanoli Stud Plate - Horses rated 30 to 50, Distance: 1200m, Time:04:55 PM
ROMA VICTORFever (25/03/19)
ROMA VICTORInfection (24/04/19)
ROMA VICTORguttural pouch infection (24/04/19)
ROMA VICTORguttural pouch infection (26/04/19)
ROMA VICTORInfection (21/05/19)
RECZAIcellulitis (02/04/19)
SUPERNORMALPhlebitis (01/01/19)
SUPERNORMALPhlebitis (02/01/19)
SUPERNORMALPhlebitis (08/01/19)
SUPERNORMALPhlebitis (14/01/19)
KARADENIZInjury (23/03/19 to 27/03/19)
TRIGGARInjury (29/03/19 to 02/04/19)
ANIMAL QUEENPhlebitis (04/09/18)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (27/01/17)
BLUEJACKSuspensory Desmitis (08/01/18)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (11/12/18)
BLUEJACKInjury (19/05/19 to 21/05/19)
DESERT ROSELameness (17/04/19)
7. The Sweet Memories Plate DIV I - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1100m, Time:05:30 PM
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYLaryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) (07/12/17)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYTieback / Hobdays (31/01/18)
VARCASVATieback / Hobdays (27/02/19)
VARCASVATieback / Hobdays (27/02/19)
FANTASTIC APPInfection (25/03/19)
FANTASTIC APPInjury (03/06/19 to 07/06/19)
BELLA MAMMAFever (27/04/19)
BELLA MAMMAFever (22/05/19)
ISLAND PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (13/03/18)
ISLAND PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (10/06/18)
ISLAND PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (19/05/19)
ISLAND PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (20/05/19)
LUCKY ISABELLAInfection (08/04/19)