Bangalore Summer Meeting 2019, 18th Day, Sunday, 14 Jul 2019
1. The Supervite Plate - Horses rated 00 to 20, Distance: 1100m, Time:02:30 PM
CASHMERELameness (22/04/19)
HAVE A NICE DAYIntra Articular Inj. (27/04/19)
HAVE A NICE DAYIntra Articular Inj. (27/04/19)
PREMIER PREMISESLameness (25/05/19)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (06/03/17)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (24/07/17)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (28/03/18)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (21/07/18)
EPONAEIPH(Bleeder) (25/02/18)
EPONAEIPH(Bleeder) (21/05/18)
2. The Parsiana Plate DIV I - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:00 PM
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYLaryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) (07/12/17)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYTieback / Hobdays (31/01/18)
PRINCEAZEEMEIPH(Bleeder) (20/05/19)
AINEDermatitis (23/04/19)
ARECA ANGELEIPH(Bleeder) (09/08/18)
ARECA ANGELEIPH(Bleeder) (10/08/18)
ARECA ANGELInfection (23/04/19)
ARECA ANGELInfection (23/04/19)
ARECA ANGELInfection (23/04/19)
4. The Maharaja's Gold Cup(Grade II) - 4 years old and over., Distance: 2200m, Time:04:00 PM
STAR SUPERIOR Sore Back (31/05/19)
STAR SUPERIORIntra Articular Inj. (31/05/19)
STAR SUPERIORInjury (16/06/19 to 20/06/19)
SALAZAARIntra Articular Inj. (27/04/19)
SALAZAARLameness (14/05/19)
SALAZAARIntra Articular Inj. (08/06/19)
SALAZAARESWT(Physiotherapy) (12/06/19)
SALAZAARIntra Articular Inj. (02/07/19)
SUPER SMARTIntra Articular Inj. (22/06/19)
3. The D. Kumar Siddanna Memorial Cup - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible)., Distance: 1400m, Time:03:30 PM
CHALLENGING STARESWT(Physiotherapy) (08/06/19)
CHALLENGING STARInjury (13/06/19 to 19/06/19)
CHALLENGING STARFever (21/06/19)
CHALLENGING STARFever (21/06/19)
CHALLENGING STARFever (21/06/19)
CHALLENGING STARIntra Articular Inj. (24/06/19)
CHALLENGING STARPhlebitis (26/03/19)
CHALLENGING STARLameness (24/05/19)
CHALLENGING STARIntra Articular Inj. (25/05/19)
CHALLENGING STARSesamoiditis (25/05/19)
CHALLENGING STARESWT(Physiotherapy) (01/06/19)
CUBAN PETEguttural pouch infection (28/04/19)
CUBAN PETEguttural pouch infection (07/05/19)
CUBAN PETEguttural pouch infection (22/06/19)
CUBAN PETEguttural pouch infection (29/06/19)
MY VISIONInfection (23/04/19)
SANDARINAguttural pouch infection (21/06/19)
SEA OF CORTEZFever (17/06/19)
SEA OF CORTEZguttural pouch infection (05/07/19)
5. The Yeravada Stud Plate - Horses rated 30 to 50, Distance: 1400m, Time:04:30 PM
PINK SMILEFever (25/04/19)
PINK SMILEInjury (10/06/19 to 14/06/19)
MOHICANguttural pouch infection (04/06/19)
MOHICANInfection (04/06/19)
MOHICANSuspensory Desmitis (21/06/19)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (27/01/17)
BLUEJACKSuspensory Desmitis (08/01/18)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (11/12/18)
BLUEJACKInjury (19/05/19 to 21/05/19)
BLUEJACKInjury (23/06/19 to 29/06/19)
RENEGADEInfection (24/06/19)
RED GALILEOSuspensory Desmitis (02/01/19)
RED GALILEOLameness (22/04/19)
RED GALILEOLameness (27/04/19)
RED GALILEOLameness (12/05/19)
KUDLA PUNCHEIPH(Bleeder) (14/12/18)
KUDLA PUNCHLameness (16/04/19)
KUDLA PUNCHLameness (28/04/19)
6. The Parsiana Plate DIV II - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:05:00 PM
DESERT ANGELArthrotomy (03/01/18)
DESERT ANGELArthrotomy (03/01/18)
DESERT ANGELIntra Articular Inj. (20/04/19)
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (19/08/16)
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (08/07/18)
LOOK OUTArthrotomy (19/04/17)
FIRST STEPInjury (21/05/19 to 27/05/19)
FIRST STEPInjury (02/06/19 to 06/06/19)