1. (157) The August Plate - (About) 1100 metres. Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible). (Terms) (8)
02:30 PM
ALTAIR 56 ( - ) KNOTTY OAK 56 ( - ) SANDARINA 54.5 ( - )
CAESARS PALACE 56 ( - ) SIROCO 56 ( - ) WILL TO WIN 54.5 ( - )
COUNTRY'S JEWEL 56 ( - ) DONNA BELLA 54.5 ( 30)
CAESARS PALACE Injury 07-05-19 to 09-05-19
KNOTTY OAK Sesamoiditis 30-07-18 to 19-08-18
DONNA BELLA Infection 28-05-19 to 01-06-19,  Sore Back 04-07-19
SANDARINA guttural pouch infection 21-06-19
WILL TO WIN Injury 01-06-19 to 03-06-19, Infection 02-06-19 to 06-06-19, guttural pouch infection 02-06-19,  Sore Back 09-07-19 to 11-07-19
2. (158) The Commanche Plate  - Div. II- (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 00 to 20, 5 years old and over (10)
03:00 PM
BAROG 60 ( 16) PURITY 56 (  8) ZEDCLASS 52.5 (  1)
NOBLE SPLENDOR 59.5 ( 15) STRING OF PEARLS 54.5 (  5) PROUDWISH 52 (  0)
ALL SAID AND DONE 56.5 (  9) AAFRIKAAN 53.5 (  3)
WINX 56.5 (  9) RACY PRINCESS 53 (  2)
Weights raised 2 Kgs
NOBLE SPLENDOR Intra Articular Inj. 21-05-19, Intra Articular Inj. 16-07-19
ALL SAID AND DONE Abscess 13-05-19 to 17-05-19, Lameness 07-06-19 to 13-06-19, Lameness 07-06-19 to 13-06-19, Lameness 09-07-19 to 11-07-19
STRING OF PEARLS EIPH(Bleeder) 01-07-16, Lameness 20-07-19 to 22-07-19
AAFRIKAAN Phlebitis 30-11-17
ZEDCLASS EIPH(Bleeder) 28-10-17, EIPH(Bleeder) 23-03-19 to 29-03-19, EIPH(Bleeder) 23-03-19 to 29-03-19
PROUDWISH Phlebitis 31-08-18, Phlebitis 01-09-18
3. (159) The Lt. Col. Gaunt Memorial Trophy - (About) 1600 metres.  Horses rated 45 to 65, 5 years old and over (12)
03:30 PM
DR LOGAN 60 ( 65) GOOD TIME INDEED 56 ( 57) AARON THE BARON 53 ( 51)
STAR CRACKER 59 ( 63) SUPER SMART 55.5 ( 56) MASADA 53 ( 51)
GYPSY 57.5 ( 60) STANDOUT 54.5 ( 54) TORSORO 53 ( 51)
DR LOGAN EIPH(Bleeder) 18-06-18, Intra Articular Inj. 10-07-19, Intra Articular Inj. 23-07-19
STAR CRACKER Injury 25-05-19 to 29-05-19
STRIKING GREY Arytenoidetomy 06-10-16
GOOD TIME INDEED EIPH(Bleeder) 18-05-18 to 24-05-18
SUPER SMART Intra Articular Inj. 22-06-19
STARRY WIND Injury 09-07-19 to 11-07-19
TORSORO EIPH(Bleeder) 09-11-18 to 15-11-18, Injury 11-06-19 to 15-06-19
WILD WILD ANGELS Intra Articular Inj. 31-05-19
4. (160) The Bangalore City Sprint Championship Gold Cup (Grade III)- (About) 1200 metres. 3 years old and over. (Terms) (7)
04:00 PM
Total Prize Money : Rs. 10,00,000
                              Winner     Second      Third     Fourth      Fifth      Sixth
Owner - The Trophy &        4,95,000   1,65,000     82,500     41,250     24,750     16,500 
Trainer                       60,000     20,000     10,000      5,000      3,000      2,000 
Jockey                        45,000     15,000      7,500      3,750      2,250      1,500 
ACCOLADE 60 (109) SOUTHPAW 60 (102) LADY LEGEND 58.5 ( 95)
DREAM CATCHER 60 (104) STAR BARON 60 (103)
SMILE STONE 60 (102) SUBAH KA TARA 60 ( 94)
ACCOLADE  Sore Back 11-06-19
DREAM CATCHER Injury 10-06-19 to 16-06-19
SMILE STONE Injury 10-06-19 to 12-06-19
SUBAH KA TARA Injury 17-06-19 to 19-06-19
LADY LEGEND  Sore Back 24-05-19
5. (161) The Karnataka Sub-Area Cup - (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 60 and above (11)
04:30 PM
MERLOT 60 ( 79) SHESMYSCRIPT 57.5 ( 74) FIRE GLOW 55 ( 69)
BUSCADERO 57.5 ( 74) CASTAWAY 56.5 ( 72) SNOWDON 55 ( 69)
HAEDI'S FOLLY 57.5 ( 74) RUM RUNNER 56 ( 71) SPIRITOUS 54.5 ( 68)
INTO THE GROOVE 57.5 ( 74) REGAL MUSIC 55.5 ( 70)
Weights raised 0.5 Kg
BUSCADERO EIPH(Bleeder) 23-07-18 to 27-07-18, Fever 14-06-19, Fever 15-06-19
HAEDI'S FOLLY  Sore Back 03-05-19, guttural pouch infection 07-07-19,  Sore Back 07-07-19
INTO THE GROOVE Injury 24-06-19 to 25-06-19, Intra Articular Inj. 07-07-19
CASTAWAY Infection 03-05-19 to 07-05-19
FIRE GLOW cellulitis 03-05-19, Injury 08-06-19 to 10-06-19
SNOWDON Arytenoid chondropathy 19-11-18 to 23-11-18
6. (162) The Kunigal Stud Plate - (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 30 to 50, 4 years old and over (11)
05:00 PM
STAR MAN 60 ( 50) GAME CHANGER 57.5 ( 45) BERNARDINI 53.5 ( 37)
COLONEL HARTY 58 ( 46) BOLD MOVE 57 ( 44) INCITATUS 53.5 ( 37)
KERAZANO 58 ( 46) AMAZING SKILL 56.5 ( 43) SCARLET PRINCESS 53.5 ( 37)
VENUS BAY 58 ( 46) BLACK WHIZZ 56 ( 42)
STAR MAN EIPH(Bleeder) 11-01-19 to 17-01-19
KERAZANO Arthrotomy 14-12-18 to 15-12-18, Intra Articular Inj. 07-05-19
GAME CHANGER EIPH(Bleeder) 06-07-18, EIPH(Bleeder) 03-11-18 to 09-11-18, guttural pouch infection 23-07-19
BLACK WHIZZ  Sore Back 18-06-19, Intra Articular Inj. 18-06-19
BERNARDINI Arthrotomy 14-11-18
7. (163) The Commanche Plate  - Div. I- (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 00 to 20, 5 years old and over (10)
05:30 PM
ONLY PRINCE 60 ( 20) ALL BY MYSELF 58.5 ( 17) GOOD WORD 55.5 ( 11)
FIRST STEP 59.5 ( 19) BRAVADO 58.5 ( 17) SEABORN 55 ( 10)
INDIAN BRAHMOS 59.5 ( 19) SAVISA 58 ( 16)
ABOVE THE REST 59 ( 18) ABLE MASTER 57 ( 14)
ONLY PRINCE EIPH(Bleeder) RACE 07-06-15 to 16-06-15, Sesamoiditis 14-12-18,  Sore Back 18-06-19
FIRST STEP Injury 21-05-19 to 27-05-19, Injury 02-06-19 to 06-06-19, Lameness 14-07-19 to 16-07-19
ALL BY MYSELF Arthrotomy 03-03-16
BRAVADO Phlebitis 17-07-18, Phlebitis 04-08-18, Phlebitis 07-08-18
SAVISA Injury 25-05-19 to 31-05-19
ABLE MASTER Lameness 25-05-19 to 27-05-19, Intra Articular Inj. 19-06-19
SEABORN EIPH(Bleeder) 02-12-18 to 06-12-18, EIPH(Bleeder) 11-01-19 to 19-01-19
Races Selected for:
Jackpot : 3,4,5,6,7
1st Treble : 2,3,4
2nd Treble : 5,6,7
The Epsom Plate has been postponed to Friday, 2nd August, 2019.
Starting declarations at 05:00 PM on Tuesday, 30th July, 2019