Bangalore Summer Meeting 2022
								Fourth Day,Sunday, 29th May, 2022
									    RACE CARD

First Treble Pool Leg 1
1st Race	01:30 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 00 to 25
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.1,31,585	Rs.65,795	Rs.39,475	Rs.15,265	Rs.7,370	Rs.3,685
Tr	Rs.15,950	Rs.7,975	Rs.4,785	Rs.1,850	Rs.895	Rs.445
Jk	Rs.11,960	Rs.5,980	Rs.3,590	Rs.1,390	Rs.670	Rs.335
1	MOUNT VIEW	62.5	S. John (8)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Zalfana(IRE)	(25)	Neil Darashah
Stud:Manjri  16/03/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Manjri Horse Breed's Farm Pvt. Ltd's b g 4
Claret, gold epaulettes and claret cap
2	MEGA SUCCESS	62	Vivek (6)
Knight's Tour(AUS)-Lady Duff	(24)	S. Inayathulla
Stud:Sans Craintes  17/02/18		<b>AAAA
Mr S. Inayathulla's b g 4
Dark blue, white cross sashes and arm band, hooped cap
Starts:8	First:0	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:3	Unplaced:3
30/12/21	B114  	 20-45	1200	55.0     	Vivek     	 15/1  	439	 3/11	  25+1	 1:14:56(3.4)	        AAAA
18/01/22	B141  	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Vivek     	 25/1  	439	 7/12	  26-0	 1:28:26(3.5)	        AAAA
26/01/22	B158  	 20-45	1200	54.0     	Vivek     	 10/1  	432	 4/10	  26-0	 1:14:22(3.5)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B170  	 20-45	1400	60.0     	Vivek     	  6/1  	433	 3/9 	  26-0	 1:28:29(3.5)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B193  	 20-45	1200	53.0/49.0	S. khan   	  6/1  	433	 8/11	  26-2	 1:15:56(3.4)	        AAAA
30/12/21 B114 interfd passing 900 M. 
26/01/22 B158 inconvd at the start.
3	FOVEAL VISION	61.5	N.R.Santosh Raj -2 (1)
Black Cash(USA)-Avision	(23)	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Star Born  01/03/17	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr P. Prasanna Kumar &  Mr. Dean Stephens' b g 5
White, brown belt, striped sleeves, white cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:5
02/11/21	B4    	 20-45	1400	56.5     	Naveen Kum	 40/1  	451	10/11	  25-0	 1:29:88(3.8)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B113  	 20-45	1400	52.5     	Harish B. 	 40/1  	436	 7/10	  25-0	 1:28:37(3.4)	        AAAA
11/01/22	B120  	 20-45	1100	55.5     	Shamaz    	 12/1  	438	 5/10	  25-0	  1:8:58(3.6)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B194  	 00-25	1200	62.5     	Harish B. 	 10/1  	436	 7/12	  25-0	 1:15:87(3.4)	        AAAA
19/03/22	B211  	 00-25	1100	62.5     	Harish B. 	 10/1  	438	 5/12	  25-2	  1:8:85(3.7)	        AAAA
11/01/22 B120 Joc fined for not making any effort to improve position.
25/02/22 B194 Adv 1 G.P.
4	KNOTTY IN BLUE	61.5	Gaurav Singh (5)
Air Support(USA)-Chilli Girl	(23)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Kunigal  16/05/18	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr K. Kamesh's b g 4
Royal blue, peach maltese cross and striped sleeves, royal blue cap
Starts:9	First:0	Second:0	Third:3	Fourth:2	Unplaced:4
25/12/21	B104  	   3YO	1200	57.0     	C.Umesh   	 15/1  	425	 5/13	  23-1	 1:15:27(3.9)	        AAAA
11/01/22	B125  	 20-45	1800	54.5/50.5	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	432	 5/6 	  22-0	 1:55:18(3.6)	        AAAA
26/01/22	B151  	 20-45	1200	58.5     	Srinath   	 12/1  	429	 3/10	  22-0	 1:13:78(3.5)	        AAAA
19/02/22	B185  	 00-25	1200	61.0     	P. Trevor 	  9/4  	426	 3/11	  22+1	 1:16:08(3.3)	        AAAA
05/03/22	C154  	 20-45	1200	54       	P. Trevor 	  0/0  	HNC	 4/17	   *-*	 1:12:94(3.4)	        AAAA
5	CHANDRA KANTA	60	S.Mubarak (9)
Sussex(GB)-Royal Gesture	(20)	Dheeraj.V
Stud:Pratap  28/01/18		<b>AAAA
Mr H. S. Chandre Gowda's ch f 4
Cerise; pink and royal blue checked halves, cerise sleeves, pink cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
18/01/22	B138  	 00-25	1400	61.0     	Naveen Kum	 60/1  	419	 9/10	  22-0	 1:30:07(3.5)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B173  	 00-25	1200	61.0/57.0	S. khan   	 40/1  	424	10/12	  22-0	 1:19:48(3.5)	        AAAA
19/03/22	B211  	 00-25	1100	61.0/57.0	S. khan   	 40/1  	426	10/12	  22-2	 1:10:60(3.7)	        AAAA
10/02/22 B173 inconvd at the start.
6	LIGHT OF LOVE	59.5	B. Nayak (4)
Green Coast(IRE)-Days of Thunder	(19)	Mahmood Khan
Stud:A.B.  21/01/16	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Mahmood Khan's b m 6
Dark blue,gold belt,light green sleeves with gold arm band,light green cap
Starts:6	First:0	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
19/12/20	B59   	 15-35	1200	55.0     	PrashantPD	  0/0  	452	 5/14	  22-2	 1:16:03(3.4)	        AAAA
25/01/21	B97   	 15-35	1200	58.0     	AImranKhan	  0/0  	437	 2/12	  20+2	 1:15:53(3.4)	        AAAA
02/11/21	B1    	 00-25	1200	59.0     	AImranKhan	  4/1  	470	10/11	  16-0	 1:21:60(3.8)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B112  	 00-25	1200	58.0/54.0	I. Ahmed  	  9/2  	443	 2/10	  16+3	 1:15:90(3.4)	        AAAA
12/01/22	B134  	 00-25	1200	59.5     	Chethan   	 10/1  	440	11/12	  19-0	 1:16:97(3.5)	        AAAA
19/12/20 B59 stumbled passing 250 M & sustd bleeding inj on rht hind fetlock. 
02/11/21 B1 Enq into running and riding - explan noted.
7	DON'S DEN	59	Darshan R.N (7)
Smuggler's Cove(IRE)-Above The Line	(18)	V. Lokanath
Stud:A.B.  16/03/18		<b>AAAA
Mr Sharath M. Narayana & Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's b f 4
Grey, claret horse shoe and sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
18/12/21	B99   	 20-45	1100	52.5/53.5	Darshan RN	 20/1  	424	 6/10	  22-0	  1:9:39(3.4)	        AAAA
18/01/22	B139  	 20-45	1200	51.0/50.0	AbhaySingh	  6/1  	432	 5/11	  22-0	 1:15:90(3.5)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B173  	 00-25	1200	61.0/57.0	S. Saqlain	 10/1  	421	 9/12	  22-2	 1:17:40(3.5)	        AAAA
19/03/22	B216  	 00-25	1100	60.0     	Vishal Bun	 40/1  	417	 7/11	  20-2	  1:9:71(3.7)	        AAAA
10/02/22 B173 inconvd passing 900 M..
8	LIGHTNING CHARLIE	58.5	Surya P. (2)
Surfrider(IRE)-Royal Princess	(17)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:A.B.  15/03/17	<b> (scp) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Divya Chawcharia's b g 5
Yellow,light blue sash,light blue arm bands on yellow sleeves,light blue cap
Starts:7	First:0	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:6
06/03/21	B150  	 15-35	1400	55.5/51.5	D Antony  	  0/0  	446	10/12	  25-0	 1:31:10(3.6)	        AAAA
25/11/21	B58   	 00-25	1200	59.5/56.5	Vishal Bun	  7/1  	432	 6/11	  19-2	 1:23:42(6.1)	        AAAA
12/01/22	B129  	 00-25	1200	59.0/56.0	Vishal Bun	 12/1  	425	11/12	  17-0	 1:16:93(3.5)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B169  	 00-25	1200	58.5     	Darshan RN	 10/1  	427	 5/12	  17-0	 1:15:49(3.5)	        AAAA
19/03/22	B211  	 00-25	1100	58.5     	Vishal Bun	 15/1  	429	 3/12	  17-0	  1:7:90(3.7)	        AAAA
12/01/22 B129 interfd at the start. 
10/02/22 B169 lost rht rein & regained it; loss of whip passing 200 M.
19/03/22 B211 running green in the straight; abrasion on left Achilles.
9	CAPITAL GAIN	56.5	M. Mark (10)
Saamidd(GB)-Mini Cooper	(13)	S. Dominic
Stud:Blood Horse  10/03/17	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAHAHA
Miss. Maria Divya Dominic's b m 5
Light blue, orange disc, arm band and cap
Starts:10	First:0	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:8
07/08/21	B2    	 15-35	1200	53.0     	Rayan Ahme	  0/0  	476	11/12	  18-2	 1:15:60(4.2)	      AAhAhA
01/11/21	B9    	 00-25	1600	55.5     	Naz'l Alam	 20/1  	464	 3/11	  10-0	 1:41:48(4.2)	      AAhAhA
26/11/21	B59   	 00-25	1400	57.0     	Rayan Ahme	 12/10 	468	 6/10	  10-0	 1:34:30(5.6)	      AAhAhA
25/12/21	B105  	 00-25	1600	55.0/51.0	Tousif    	 30/1  	470	 6/12	  10-0	 1:42:10(3.9)	      AAhAhA
18/02/22	B174  	 00-25	1400	55.0     	M. Mark   	 20/1  	466	 2/10	  10+3	 1:29:71(3.6)	      AAhAhA
01/11/21 B9 jumped out awkwardly.
18/02/22 B174 Enq into the running & riding.
10	PERFECT HALO	56.5	Rajesh Kumar M (11)
Midnight Interlude(USA)-Darcique(GB)	(13)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Badal  21/04/17	<b> (ts) 	<b>HAAAA
Mrs. Sandhya Suman's dkb m 5
White ,Royal Blue Sash,Red Arm Bands,Quartered cap.
Starts:8	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:7
07/08/21	B1    	 00-20	1200	60.0     	Vin.Shinde	  0/0  	430	 8/12	  20-2	 1:16:15(4.2)	        AAAA
25/12/21	B105  	 00-25	1600	56.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  8/1  	424	11/12	  12-0	 1:43:60(3.9)	        AAAA
18/01/22	B135  	 00-25	1400	56.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 15/1  	420	 8/11	  12-0	 1:30:27(3.5)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B194  	 00-25	1200	56.0/52.0	S. Saqlain	 10/1  	408	 2/12	  12+1	 1:15:00(3.4)	      hhAAAA
25/03/22	B217  	 00-25	1200	56.5     	Surya P.  	  8/1  	416	 5/12	  13-0	 1:14:72(3.6)	      hhAAAA
25/12/21 B105 not galloping fluently - NAD.
18/01/22 B135 Joc reprd for dropping hands.
25/02/22 B194 tightnd passing red marker post.
11	SILENT TRIGGAR	56	M. Prabhakaran (3)
Corporate Jungle(USA)-Cliche(IRE)	(12)	Dheeraj.V
Stud:Hazara  29/01/17	<b> (cnb) (ts) 	<b>HAHAHAHA
Mr N. Venkataswamy ,  Mr. Vinay Kumar A.N &  Mr. Santhosh.P's dk b m 5
Pink, claret maltese cross, yellow and white striped sleeves, pink cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
13/03/21	B156  	 15-35	1200	56.0     	Darshan RN	  0/0  	438	 7/12	  22-0	 1:15:31(3.9)	    hAhAhAhA
12/01/22	B129  	 00-25	1200	58.5     	Naveen Kum	 20/1  	431	10/12	  16-0	 1:16:85(3.5)	    hAhAhAhA
10/02/22	B167  	 00-25	1200	58.0     	M.Pr'karan	 30/1  	422	 6/11	  16-2	 1:16:43(3.5)	    hAhAhAhA
26/03/22	B231  	 00-25	1400	57.0     	M.Pr'karan	 20/1  	414	 6/10	  14-2	 1:29:35(3.5)	    hAhAhAhA
13/03/21 B156 jumped awkwardly outwards; lame on right fore.
12/01/22 B129 interfd appr 1000 M.
12	REGAL FORCE	53.5	A.Ashhad Asbar (12)
Net Whizz(USA)-Dandoona(GB)	(7)	Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Hazara  16/03/15	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Imtiaz Khan's b g 7
Royal Blue,White Chevrons,Royal Blue cap
Starts:12	First:0	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:5	Unplaced:4
20/10/19	my113 	 00-25	1200	60.5     	Ar'd Alam 	  7/4  	453	 3/10	   *-*	 1:13:82(3.8)	      AAhAhA
11/01/20	B97   	 15-35	1400	56.0     	Manish R  	 20/1  	450	 5/9 	  22-2	 1:26:96(3.1)	        AAAA
07/02/20	B137  	 15-35	1200	59.0     	T.S. Jodha	  5/1  	446	10/11	  20-2	 1:16:01(3.2)	        AAAA
27/02/20	B168  	 15-35	1400	55.0     	Manish R  	  0/0  	453	 4/11	  18-2	 1:27:30(2.9)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B231  	 00-25	1400	53.5     	Surya P.  	 25/1  	447	 4/10	   7-0	 1:28:78(3.5)	        AAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
MOUNT VIEW Suspensory Desmitis 12/11/20 , Suspensory Desmitis 11/05/21 , Phlebitis from 12/05/21 to 19/05/21
MEGA SUCCESS Injury from 01/03/22 to 05/03/22 , Lameness from 01/03/22 to 05/03/22
FOVEAL VISION Phlebitis from 05/01/20 to 07/01/20 , Suspensory Desmitis from 10/09/21 to 12/09/21 , Lameness 26/02/22 , Lameness 21/03/22
KNOTTY IN BLUE  Sore Back 08/04/22
CHANDRA KANTA Phlebitis 15/04/21
LIGHT OF LOVE Arthritis 24/01/22
DON'S DEN Sesamoiditis 15/05/21 , Sesamoiditis from 03/06/21 to 11/06/21 , Suspensory Desmitis 11/09/21
LIGHTNING CHARLIE Suspensory Desmitis 24/04/21 , guttural pouch infection 02/04/22
REGAL FORCE Sesamoiditis from 29/08/18 to 07/09/18 , Sesamoiditis from 22/09/18 to 28/09/18 , EIPH(Bleeder) from 25/05/19 to 31/05/19 , EIPH(Bleeder) from 30/06/19 to 06/07/19 , EIPH(Bleeder) from 14/11/20 to 20/11/20 , Suspensory Desmitis 12/10/21 , Lameness 01/03/22 , Myopathy 15/03/22
First Treble Pool Leg 2
2nd Race	02:00 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45, 4 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.1,65,000	Rs.82,500	Rs.49,500	Rs.19,140	Rs.9,240	Rs.4,620
Tr	Rs.20,000	Rs.10,000	Rs.6,000	Rs.2,320	Rs.1,120	Rs.560
Jk	Rs.15,000	Rs.7,500	Rs.4,500	Rs.1,740	Rs.840	Rs.420
Air Support(USA)-Sans Pareil	(29)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Kunigal  22/04/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Dr Suresh Chintamaneni's b f 4
White,Gold Swastika,Gold Sleeves and White cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:3	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
27/02/21	B139  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Antony Raj	  0/0  	424	 3/12	   *-*	 1:13:62(3.1)	        AAAA
07/08/21	B3    	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Neeraj Raw	  0/0  	424	 2/12	   *-*	 1:13:09(4.2)	        AAAA
01/11/21	B11   	   3YO	1200	55.5     	Antony Raj	  9/2  	417	 2/11	  28-0	 1:13:92(4.2)	        AAAA
03/12/21	B68   	   3YO	1400	55.5     	Antony Raj	  7/1  	418	 3/9 	  28-0	 1:27:93(3.6)	        AAAA
25/12/21	B104  	   3YO	1200	55.5     	Antony Raj	 10/1  	423	 2/13	  28+1	 1:14:23(3.9)	        AAAA
25/12/21 B104 inconvd appr 900 M.
2	CHUL BUL RANI	59	Ranjeet Singh (11)
Juniper(USA)-Secret Love	(27)	Dheeraj.V
Stud:Master Racing  17/04/16		<b>BABAAA
Mr H. S. Chandre Gowda's b m 6
Cerise; pink and royal blue checked halves, cerise sleeves, pink cap
Starts:10	First:1	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:6
02/11/21	B1    	 00-25	1200	55.5     	D. Patel  	 20/1  	459	 2/11	   9+3	 1:15:67(3.8)	      bAbAAA
26/11/21	B59   	 00-25	1400	58.0     	D. Patel  	 10/1  	465	10/10	  12-0	 1:39:84(5.6)	      bAbAAA
25/02/22	B194  	 00-25	1200	56.0     	Naz'l Alam	 10/1  	432	 1/12	 12+14	 1:14:34(3.4)	      bAbAAA
11/03/22	B198  	 20-45	1200	56.5/52.5	S. khan   	  8/1  	429	 5/12	  26-0	 1:14:21(3.4)	      bAbAAA
25/03/22	B220  	 20-45	1200	53.0/49.0	S. khan   	 12/1  	421	 3/12	  26+1	 1:13:65(3.6)	      bAbAAA
02/11/21 B1 Joc suspd for Incompetent riding
3	RIGHTLY NOBLE	59	Surya P. (8)
Green Coast(IRE)-Oriental Image	(27)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:A.B.  15/01/17		<b>HHAHHAHHAHHA
Mr Tatineni Prasad Rao , Mr R. Shiva Shankar & Mr M. Satyanarayana's b m 5
Dark green & white halves,white arm bands on dark green sleeves,checked cap
Starts:8	First:1	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
25/11/21	B51   	 00-25	1200	60.0/57.0	Vishal Bun	  1/1  	456	 3/11	  14-0	 1:21:86(6.1)	hhAhhAhhAhhA
10/12/21	B81   	 00-25	1200	57.0/53.0	S. Hussain	  8/1  	463	 1/10	 14+10	 1:17:44(4.6)	hhAhhAhhAhhA
25/12/21	B106  	 20-45	1200	54.0/51.0	Vishal Bun	 12/1  	459	 2/13	  24+3	 1:14:43(3.9)	hhAhhAhhAhhA
25/02/22	B193  	 20-45	1200	53.5/51.5	Vishal Bun	  7/2  	470	 3/11	  27-0	 1:14:29(3.4)	hhAhhAhhAhhA
11/03/22	B202  	 20-45	1200	53.5     	Vishal Bun	 15/1  	467	10/12	  27-0	 1:15:34(3.4)	hhAhhAhhAhhA
4	SHUBANKAR	59	Vishal N Bunde (3)
Pinson(IRE)-Tinkerbell	(27)	Warren Singh
Stud:Nakul  26/04/18		<b>HAHAAA
Mr Laksh Bhatia's gr c 4
Red, royal blue horse shoe and red cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
18/02/22	B178  	 20-45	1200	52.5/51.0	Vishal Bun	 25/1  	459	11/11	  25-0	 1:18:87(3.6)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B203  	 00-25	1600	62.5     	M. Mark   	 60/1  	454	 2/12	  25+2	 1:41:07(3.4)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B228  	 20-45	1400	53.5/49.5	Shreyas S 	 15/1  	452	 8/11	  27-0	 1:27:91(3.5)	        AAAA
11/03/22 B203 Joc severely reprd for slowing pace appr 1400 M; sustd superf inj on rht fore fetlock.
5	CAPRI GIRL	58.5	Akshay Kumar (4)
Air Support(USA)-Jersey Girl	(26)	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Manju Meadows  11/01/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Ananth Iyengar & Mr Jairam G. Kimmane's b f 4
Yellow, red `V', red and yellow halved sleeves, red star on yellow cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:1
01/11/21	B11   	   3YO	1200	55.5     	D'u S Deor	 12/1  	397	 4/11	  22-0	 1:15:13(4.2)	        AAAA
11/01/22	B120  	 20-45	1100	54.0     	D'u S Deor	  6/1  	401	 2/10	  22+2	  1:7:93(3.6)	        AAAA
18/02/22	B175  	 20-45	1200	57.5     	D'u S Deor	  9/1  	404	 2/12	  24+2	 1:16:95(3.6)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B198  	 20-45	1200	56.5     	D'u S Deor	  8/1  	398	 7/12	  26-0	 1:14:80(3.4)	      bAbAAA
11/01/22 B120 interfd passing 700 M. 
11/03/22 B198 Adv 1 G.P.
6	EMBOSOM	58.5	Arul J.H -2 (6)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Secret Garden	(26)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Usha  06/02/17	<b> (cnb) 	<b>AAHAHA
Mr. Gaurav Kapur's b m 5
Red,White epaulettes,Red and white striped sleeves,hooped cap
Starts:7	First:1	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:3	Unplaced:1
10/12/21	B83   	 00-25	1200	58.0/54.0	Shreyas S 	 11/4  	406	 1/11	  16+9	 1:16:00(4.6)	        AAAA
25/12/21	B106  	 20-45	1200	54.5     	D'u S Deor	  9/1  	401	 4/13	  25-0	 1:14:68(3.9)	        AAAA
12/01/22	B133  	 20-45	1200	52.5     	Shamaz    	 12/1  	400	 3/10	  25-0	 1:14:42(3.5)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B198  	 20-45	1200	56.0/54.0	Arul J.H  	 10/1  	404	 4/12	  25-0	 1:14:19(3.4)	      AAhAhA
25/03/22	B224  	 00-25	1200	62.5/60.5	Arul J.H  	 19/10 	406	 2/12	  25+1	 1:15:49(3.6)	      AAhAhA
12/01/22 B133 lost left rein passing 350 M & regained it.
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Zalfana(IRE)	(25)	Neil Darashah
Stud:Manjri  16/03/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>
Manjri Horse Breed's Farm Pvt. Ltd's b g 4
Claret, gold epaulettes and claret cap
8	RULE OF LAW	58	Kiran Rai P (10)
David Livingston(IRE)-Glebe Queen(IRE)	(25)	S. Ganapathy
Stud:Hazara  23/01/18	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust's ch g 4
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
07/08/21	B4    	   3YO	1400	56.0     	As'k Kumar	  0/0  	400	12/12	   *-*	 1:29:60(4.2)	        AAAA
04/12/21	B76   	 20-45	1400	60.0     	Kiran RaiP	 12/1  	385	 3/5 	  25+2	 1:30:34(3.4)	        AAAA
25/12/21	B111  	 20-45	1600	53.5     	Kiran RaiP	 30/1  	382	10/13	  27-0	 1:41:49(3.9)	        AAAA
18/02/22	B175  	 20-45	1200	59.0     	Kiran RaiP	 40/1  	373	 9/12	  27-2	 1:18:26(3.6)	        AAAA
9	SHE'S ALL CLASS	58	A.Ashhad Asbar (5)
Total Gallery(IRE)-Whispering Gallery	(25)	Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Badal  09/03/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mr S. M. Choudury &  Mr. Sunil Kumar.Y's b f 4
Light green; red, yellow and red sash, light green and yellow hooped sleeves, red cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
25/03/22	B217  	 00-25	1200	61.0     	GSaiVamshi	  5/2  	459	 2/12	  22+3	 1:14:29(3.6)	      hAhAAA
10	ANNE BOLEYN	57.5	Rayan Ahmed R. (2)
Top Class(USA)-Aceempressjessie	(24)	S. Dominic
Stud:Mukteshwar  14/01/17	<b> (hood) (ts) (scp) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Aditya P. Thackersey & Mrs Prabha Dominic's dkb m 5
White, claret maltese cross, hooped sleeves and hooped cap
Starts:10	First:1	Second:0	Third:3	Fourth:1	Unplaced:5
16/01/21	B92   	 30-50	1200	56.5     	Rayan Ahme	  0/0  	476	 3/11	  36-0	 1:15:63(3.6)	        AAAA
26/11/21	B62   	 20-45	1200	55.0     	D'u S Deor	  7/1  	471	11/11	  30-0	 1:23:06(5.6)	        AAAA
25/12/21	B106  	 20-45	1200	57.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  7/1  	466	 6/13	  30-2	 1:15:03(3.9)	        AAAA
11/01/22	B126  	 20-45	1100	54.0/50.0	Shreyas S 	 10/1  	469	 7/10	  28-2	  1:9:14(3.6)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B220  	 20-45	1200	53.0     	R Oliver  	 30/1  	456	 6/12	  26-2	 1:14:08(3.6)	      bAbAAA
16/01/21 B92 jumped awkwardly inwards; inconvd appr 400 M.
11	ANOTHER RAINBOW	56.5	Raghuveer Singh (1)
Always A Rainbow(CAN)-Southern Bay	(22)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  31/03/15	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Syed Muheeb's b r 7
Dark green, yellow halves, arm band and cap
Starts:36	First:2	Second:4	Third:3	Fourth:6	Unplaced:21
05/02/21	B120  	 15-35	1400	55.5     	Rayan Ahme	  0/0  	418	 4/12	  26-2	 1:30:50(3.8)	        AAAA
13/03/21	B163  	 15-35	1400	56.0/53.0	H.M.Akshay	  0/0  	415	 4/12	  24-0	 1:27:98(3.9)	        AAAA
26/11/21	B67   	 00-25	1400	59.0     	D'u S Deor	 20/1  	442	 7/10	  18-0	 1:36:39(5.6)	        AAAA
19/02/22	B181  	 00-25	1600	59.0     	Vin.Shinde	 25/1  	421	 3/11	  18+1	 1:42:57(3.3)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B218  	 00-25	1600	59.5     	Suraj Nare	 95/100	425	 2/9 	  19+3	 1:39:78(3.6)	        AAAA
26/11/21 B67 planted, Adv one Mock Race.
12	SLING SHOT	56.5	V.R.Jagadeesh (9)
Green Coast(IRE)-Browne Envelope(IRE)	(22)	V. Lokanath
Stud:A.B.  05/01/18		<b>AAAA
Col. Kuldeep Singh Garcha & Mr V. Lokanath's b g 4
Cerise, White panel, Stripped sleeves, Cerise cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:5
05/02/21	B114  	   3YO	1200	56.0     	PrashantPD	  0/0  	432	 7/11	   *-*	 1:18:48(3.8)	        AAAA
06/03/21	B147  	   3YO	1200	57.0     	V.R Jag'sh	  0/0  	432	 8/12	   *-*	 1:16:44(3.6)	        AAAA
10/12/21	B82   	   3YO	1400	57.0     	S. Saqlain	 60/1  	425	 5/8 	  25-1	 1:29:44(4.6)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B114  	 20-45	1200	54.5     	Md. Habeeb	 20/1  	422	 6/11	  24-0	 1:14:79(3.4)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B224  	 00-25	1200	62.0     	Vin.Shinde	 12/1  	423	 9/12	  24-2	 1:16:69(3.6)	        AAAA
06/03/21 B147 accidentally stumbled passing 1000 M. 
30/12/21 B114 jumped awkwardly outwards.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 5.5Kgs
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
RIGHTLY NOBLE Suspensory Desmitis 31/01/21 , Injury from 12/03/22 to 16/03/22 , guttural pouch infection from 31/03/22 to 01/04/22
CAPRI GIRL Lameness from 12/03/22 to 14/03/22 , cellulitis from 12/03/22 to 16/03/22 , Injury from 12/03/22 to 16/03/22
EMBOSOM Suspensory Desmitis 24/09/21 , Suspensory Desmitis from 01/10/21 to 02/10/21
RULE OF LAW  Sore Back 21/03/22 , Gastric ulcers 22/03/22 ,  Sore Back 22/03/22
SHE'S ALL CLASS Sesamoiditis from 06/03/21 to 03/04/21 , Suspensory Desmitis 17/07/21 , guttural pouch infection from 29/03/22 to 02/04/22 , Infection from 29/03/22 to 02/04/22
ANNE BOLEYN Lameness from 27/02/22 to 01/03/22 , Injury 27/02/22 , Infection 05/05/22
First Treble Pool Leg 3
3rd Race	02:30 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible) (Outstation horses eligible).
Weights: 	Colts & Geldings	 - 56	Kgs.
 	Fillies	 - 54.5	Kgs.

Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.2,88,750	Rs.144,375	Rs.86,625	Rs.33,495	Rs.16,170	Rs.8,085
Tr	Rs.35,000	Rs.17,500	Rs.10,500	Rs.4,060	Rs.1,960	Rs.980
Jk	Rs.26,250	Rs.13,125	Rs.7,875	Rs.3,045	Rs.1,470	Rs.735
1	ALPHA DOMINO	56	P. S. Chouhan (8)
Ampere(FR)-Ajaweed(IRE)	( - )	Altamash Ahmed
Stud:Equus  20/01/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>BABAAA
Equus Racing's b g 3
Dark blue
2	BREEZE BLUSTER	56	Darshan R.N (7)
Air Support(USA)-Quiet Storm(IRE)	( - )	V. Lokanath
Stud:Kunigal  02/10/19		<b>AAAA
Mr V. Lokanath's b r 3
Light blue, black stars, light blue sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
19/03/22	B214  	   3YO	1200	56.0     	Vishal Bun	 30/1  	421	 9/10	   *-*	 1:15:22(3.7)	        AAAA
3	FORSETI	56	Akshay Kumar (1)
Top Class(USA)-Wilderness	( - )	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Mukteshwar  04/05/19	<b> (cnb) (bb) 	<b>BABAAA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal's b c 3
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, light green cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
25/01/22	B146  	   3YO	1200	57.0     	Darshan RN	 12/1  	442	 3/6 	   *-*	 1:14:64(3.8)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B191  	   3YO	1400	55.0     	Darshan RN	 12/1  	441	 6/6 	   *-*	 1:26:65(3.4)	      bAbAAA
25/02/22 B191 raced fiercely b/w 1100 M till abt 700 M.
4	FORTUNATE SON	56	N. S. Parmar (2)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Only For Gold	(36)	M. K. Jadhav
Stud:Poonawalla Mystical  23/04/19	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Vijay B Shirke , Mrs Vijay B. Shirke &  M/S. SKJ Thoroughbreds Pvt Ltd. rep. by  Mr. Prashant Nagar's b g 3
Light green, red sash, yellow sleeves, light green cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:3	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
19/12/21	M8    	   2YO	1200	55.5     	N.S.Parmar	  0/0  	HNC	 8/9 	   *-*	 1:14:56(3.8)	        AAAA
07/01/22	M39   	   3YO	1000	56       	N.S.Parmar	  0/0  	HNC	 2/6 	   *-*	  1:0:52(4.0)	        AAAA
06/02/22	M82   	   3YO	1600	56       	N.S.Parmar	  0/0  	HNC	 2/6 	   *-*	 1:37:67(3.9)	        AAAA
27/03/22	M139  	   3YO	1400	56       	N.S.Parmar	  0/0  	HNC	 2/9 	   *-*	 1:24:98(3.8)	        AAAA
5	PRINCE O' WAR	56	A. Sandesh (6)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Dhaawiah(USA)	( - )	M. K. Jadhav
Stud:Usha  24/03/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
M/S. SKJ Thoroughbreds Pvt Ltd. rep. by  Mr. Prashant Nagar's b g 3
Dark blue, white star, green sleeves, orange arm band, red cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
07/01/22	M39   	   3YO	1000	56       	A.Sandesh 	  0/0  	HNC	 5/6 	   *-*	  1:1:65(4.0)	        AAAA
20/03/22	M133  	   3YO	1200	56       	N.S.Parmar	  0/0  	HNC	 7/10	   *-*	 1:14:13(4.0)	        AAAA
6	SUNWAY LAGOON	56	M. Mark (3)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Arabica	( - )	S. Dominic
Stud:Kunigal  15/03/19	<b> (bb) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mrs Prabha Dominic's ch c 3
Grey,red maltese cross, brown sleeves, grey Cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
25/01/22	B147  	   3YO	1200	56.0     	M. Mark   	 40/1  	442	 5/9 	   *-*	 1:15:17(3.8)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B197  	   3YO	1400	56.0     	M. Mark   	 20/1  	440	 8/10	   *-*	 1:30:01(3.4)	        AAAA
11/03/22 B197 had to be checked b/w 1000 M to 900 M.
7	BESUGE	54.5	Arvind Kumar. N (4)
Smuggler's Cove(IRE)-Aunt Dottie(GB)	( - )	Dheeraj.V
Stud:A.B.  03/11/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr H. S. Chandre Gowda's b f 3
Cerise; pink and royal blue checked halves, cerise sleeves, pink cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
11/03/22	B199  	   3YO	1200	55.5     	S. Hussain	 20/1  	493	 7/8 	   *-*	 1:17:91(3.4)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B227  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	S. Hussain	 60/1  	492	 5/11	   *-*	 1:15:42(3.5)	        AAAA
11/03/22 B199 had to be steadied appr 700 M. 
26/03/22 B227 drifted out under pressure in final 150 M
8	BLUE DEW	54.5	Vishal N Bunde (9)
Territories-Crimson Cheer(USA)	( - )	Aravind G.
Stud:Hazara  04/04/19		<b>AAXX
Mr. Aravind Ganapathy's b f 3
White,purple fleur- de-lys, purple sleeves, purple cap
9	CROWN CONSORT	54.5	Suraj Narredu (12)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Crown Empress	( - )	S. Narredu
Stud:Kunigal  27/03/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. K.Kaliyaperumal , United Racing & Bloodstock Breeders Limited ,  Mr. M. Ravi Mrs. R.Chellam's b f 3
Royal Blue,Red sash,Red sleeves and cap
10	MEGHANN	54.5	Anjar Alam (11)
Perfect Stride(GB)-Game Dancer	( - )	Warren Singh
Stud:Yeravada  17/01/19		<b>AAAA
Mr Warren Singh's b f 3
Peacock blue; light green, red and light green belt, red sleeves, white cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
26/03/22	B227  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Surya P.  	 60/1  	408	 9/11	   *-*	 1:17:95(3.5)	        AAAA
11	PERIDOT	54.5	*K.G. Likith Appu (5)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Alexandrite	( - )	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Kunigal  02/11/19		<b>AAAA
Mr Fazal Ur Rahman ,  Mr. Naveen Preben Gowda ,  Mr. Ananda.CMr Prashanth Raj. N's b f 3
Dark green, cerise belt and arm band, cerise cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
26/03/22	B227  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Likith    	 12/1  	406	 6/11	   *-*	 1:15:48(3.5)	        AAAA
12	SWIFT	54.5	P. Trevor (10)
Dabirsim-Love Is Enough(JPN)	( - )	P. Shroff
Stud:Nanoli  26/02/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Five Stars Shipping Co Pvt Ltd's b f 3
Dark blue, red & yellow sash, yellow sleeves, red arm band, red spots on dark blue cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
24/04/22	M172  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	P. Trevor 	  0/0  	HNC	 5/5 	   *-*	 1:13:10(3.8)	        AAAA
Change of Equipment
BREEZE BLUSTER Injury from 19/03/22 to 20/03/22 , Myopathy from 12/04/22 to 14/04/22
FORSETI splint from 10/03/22 to 11/03/22 , Injury from 16/04/22 to 20/04/22
SUNWAY LAGOON  Sore Back 13/04/22
BESUGE Sesamoiditis from 15/09/21 to 12/10/21
BLUE DEW Myopathy from 18/04/22 to 19/04/22
PERIDOT Sesamoiditis from 18/09/21 to 08/10/21 , Injury 27/03/22
Second Treble Pool Leg 1
4th Race	03:00 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45, 5 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.1,65,000	Rs.82,500	Rs.49,500	Rs.19,140	Rs.9,240	Rs.4,620
Tr	Rs.20,000	Rs.10,000	Rs.6,000	Rs.2,320	Rs.1,120	Rs.560
Jk	Rs.15,000	Rs.7,500	Rs.4,500	Rs.1,740	Rs.840	Rs.420
1	THREE ACES	60.5	Vishal N Bunde (10)
Strong Suit(USA)-Dream Again(GB)	(41)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Manjri  04/02/16	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda , Mr. Rakesh Kumar & Mr V. Lokanath's dk b g 6
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, striped cap
Starts:10	First:2	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:5
06/03/21	B151  	 30-50	1200	56.0     	GSaiVamshi	  0/0  	469	 5/12	  37-0	 1:14:54(3.6)	        AAAA
26/11/21	B62   	 20-45	1200	55.5     	Md. Habeeb	 60/1  	473	 1/11	  31+9	 1:18:70(5.6)	        AAAA
18/12/21	B98   	 20-45	1200	60.0/56.0	S. Saqlain	  5/1  	461	 3/12	  40+1	 1:14:04(3.4)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B118  	 20-45	1200	60.5     	Md. Habeeb	 20/1  	464	 4/11	  41-0	 1:13:74(3.4)	        AAAA
26/01/22	B153  	 20-45	1200	60.5     	Darshan RN	 12/1  	473	 7/10	  41-0	 1:14:13(3.5)	        AAAA
06/03/21 B151 tightnd passing 1000 M; did not get a clear run b/w 200 M & 150 M.
18/12/21 B98  leaning 'in' soon after the start. 
26/01/22 B153 blood vessels.
2	QUEEN REGNANT	59.5	Bhawani Singh (7)
Dean's Kitten(USA)-Aim To Achieve(IRE)	(39)	Aravind G.
Stud:Sohna  28/03/16		<b>AAAA
Mr. Aravind Ganapathy & Mr Sultan Singh's b m 6
White,purple fleur- de-lys, purple sleeves, purple cap
Starts:15	First:0	Second:2	Third:7	Fourth:4	Unplaced:2
12/01/22	B133  	 20-45	1200	56.5     	As'k Kumar	 25/1  	446	 4/10	  33-2	 1:14:42(3.5)	        AAAA
03/02/22	B162  	 20-45	1400	58.5/55.5	Vishal Bun	 10/1  	448	 3/12	  31+1	 1:29:74(4.0)	        AAAA
19/02/22	B180  	 20-45	1400	56.0/54.0	Vishal Bun	 12/1  	445	 3/12	  32+1	 1:27:68(3.3)	        AAAA
05/03/22	C155  	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Neeraj Raw	  0/0  	HNC	 2/10	   *-*	 1:27:13(3.4)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B223  	 20-45	1200	59.0     	Suraj Nare	  9/4  	445	 3/11	  38+1	 1:13:78(3.6)	        AAAA
3	HOPE ISLAND	59	S. John (4)
Win Legend(JPN)-Validate	(38)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Dashmesh  27/02/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Rajagiri Rubber & Produce Co. Ltd., rep. by Mr & Mrs  Dilip Thomas' dkb h 5
Red, gold cross sashes and cap
Starts:7	First:2	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
14/01/21	C89   	   4YO	2400	57       	S. John   	  0/0  	HNC	 7/10	   *-*	 2:35:14(3.5)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B113  	 20-45	1400	52.5/53.0	Vivek     	  3/1  	437	 3/10	  25+1	 1:27:32(3.4)	        AAAA
18/01/22	B136  	 20-45	1600	53.5     	Antony Raj	 95/100	437	 2/11	  26+2	 1:38:99(3.5)	        AAAA
03/02/22	B162  	 20-45	1400	57.0     	Antony Raj	  9/4  	436	 8/12	  28-0	 1:31:08(4.0)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B226  	 20-45	1600	54.5     	Antony Raj	  3/1  	435	 1/8 	 28+10	 1:39:42(3.5)	        AAAA
4	SEE MY HEELS	59	Rayan Ahmed R. (6)
Whatsthescript(IRE)-Villandry(GB)	(38)	S. Narredu
Stud:Manju Meadows  23/02/17	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Daulat Chhabria & Mr S. Narredu's b m 5
Orange,black panel,orange seam on black sleeves,  black stripe on orange cap
Starts:11	First:2	Second:2	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:5
18/01/22	B136  	 20-45	1600	57.0     	Darshan RN	  9/1  	435	 5/11	  33-0	 1:39:74(3.5)	        AAAA
03/02/22	B166  	 20-45	1400	56.5     	Darshan RN	 10/1  	436	 5/12	  33-2	 1:29:01(4.0)	        AAAA
19/02/22	B180  	 20-45	1400	55.5/51.5	S. Hussain	 10/1  	434	 5/12	  31-2	 1:27:73(3.3)	        AAAA
18/03/22	B207  	 20-45	1400	54.5     	Suraj Nare	  9/4  	432	 1/11	  29+8	 1:27:04(3.8)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B226  	 20-45	1600	59.0/55.0	S. Hussain	 10/1  	434	 3/8 	  37+1	 1:40:11(3.5)	        AAAA
5	BROOKLYN SUPREME	56.5	Nazerul Alam (2)
Royal Gladiator-Beucaire(IRE)	(33)	Kishan Thomas
Stud:Pratap  23/04/14	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr S. T. Kalappa's b g 8
Red and white vertical halves, black sleeves, white arm band and cap
Starts:34	First:3	Second:3	Third:2	Fourth:3	Unplaced:23
06/03/20	B179  	 30-50	1600	58.0     	Chetan K.S	  0/0  	454	 2/12	  44+2	 1:38:22(3.1)	        AAAA
28/11/20	B39   	 30-50	1200	56.5     	Chetan K.S	  0/0  	454	12/13	  43-0	 1:18:15(5.0)	        AAAA
25/01/21	B103  	 30-50	1400	57.5     	Chetan K.S	  0/0  	445	10/12	  43-2	 1:29:61(3.4)	        AAAA
02/11/21	B7    	 20-45	1600	57.5     	Chetan K.S	 50/1  	444	11/11	  35-0	 1:42:66(3.8)	        AAAA
04/12/21	B75   	 20-45	1600	58.0     	Chetan K.S	 40/1  	453	 9/9 	  35-2	 1:41:74(3.4)	        AAAA
6	SOUTHERN POWER	56.5	Akshay Kumar (11)
Juniper(USA)-Brave Cat	(33)	Faraz Arshad
Stud:Master Racing  12/05/16		<b>HAHAAA
Dr. K.Raghavan , Dr Arun Raghavan & Mr Dayanand Kachuwah's b g 6
Royal Blue,White star, Red Sleeves,white cap
Starts:16	First:2	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:2	Unplaced:9
18/12/21	B103  	 00-25	1400	61.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  3/1  	438	 2/12	  23+3	 1:28:13(3.4)	      hAhAAA
18/01/22	B136  	 20-45	1600	53.5     	Ar'd Alam 	 15/1  	HNC	 8/11	  26-0	 1:41:02(3.5)	      hAhAAA
03/02/22	B162  	 20-45	1400	56.0     	Naz'l Alam	 20/1  	HNC	 4/12	  26-1	 1:30:14(4.0)	      hAhAAA
25/02/22	B187  	 20-45	1400	52.5     	Neeraj Raw	 12/1  	HNC	 6/10	  25-2	 1:26:90(3.4)	      hAhAAA
25/03/22	B218  	 00-25	1600	61.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 17/4  	HNC	 1/9 	 23+10	 1:39:49(3.6)	      hAhAAA
18/01/22 B136 tightend passing 1400 M.
7	TIFANNY	55.5	A. Sandesh (3)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Nostalgic Memories	(31)	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  12/02/17		<b>BABAAA
Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr Zavaray S. Poonawalla, Mrs Behroze Z. Poonawalla and Mrs.Simone Poonawalla Pandole & Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr.Jamshed B.Jeejeebhoy's b m 5
Red, white maltese cross with white seam on the sleeves and red cap
Starts:5	First:1	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
27/02/21	B137  	 15-35	1200	58.5     	P. Trevor 	  0/0  	444	 3/12	  22-0	 1:13:72(3.1)	      bAbAAA
10/12/21	B83   	 00-25	1200	58.0/54.0	Tousif    	  7/1  	460	 9/11	  16-0	 1:17:18(4.6)	      bAbAAA
26/01/22	B152  	 00-25	1200	58.0     	S.A. Gray 	 10/1  	444	 2/14	  16+4	 1:13:82(3.5)	      bAbAAA
05/03/22	C161  	 20-45	1800	51.5     	Neeraj Raw	  0/0  	HNC	 5/12	   *-*	 1:53:58(3.4)	      bAbAAA
26/03/22	B232  	 00-25	1400	60.0     	R Oliver  	  9/4  	427	 1/9 	 20+11	 1:26:69(3.5)	      bAbAAA
27/02/21 B137 inconvd at the start.
8	IMPECCABLE	54	Vinod Shinde (8)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Supreme Princess	(28)	Rajesh Narredu
Stud:Usha  11/04/17	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Rajesh Narredu , Mrs B. E. Saldanha ,  M/S. DT Racing & Breeding LLP rep. by Mr D. R. ThackerThe Estate of Late Madhav G.Patankar's ch g 5
Dark blue, gold star, gold and dark blue halved sleeves, gold star on dark blue cap
Starts:12	First:1	Second:2	Third:2	Fourth:2	Unplaced:5
11/01/22	B120  	 20-45	1100	54.0/50.0	S. Hussain	  9/1  	427	 7/10	  22-0	  1:9:08(3.6)	        AAAA
18/01/22	B136  	 20-45	1600	51.5/48.0	S. Hussain	 25/1  	423	 7/11	  22-2	 1:40:36(3.5)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B188  	 20-45	1200	50.0     	Vin.Shinde	 15/1  	427	 6/10	  20-2	 1:14:72(3.4)	        AAAA
19/03/22	B211  	 00-25	1100	59.0     	Suraj Nare	  6/4  	426	 4/12	  18-2	  1:8:37(3.7)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B231  	 00-25	1400	58.0     	Vin.Shinde	  7/1  	420	 1/10	 16+12	 1:27:60(3.5)	        AAAA
25/02/22 B188 did not get a clear run.
9	MARCO POLO	54	P. S. Chouhan (5)
Royal Gladiator-Moneypenny(IRE)	(28)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Pratap  25/04/15	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal , Mr Gautam Aggarwal & Mrs. Geeta Aggarwal's dk b g 7
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, light green cap
Starts:24	First:2	Second:3	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:16
04/12/21	B75   	 20-45	1600	57.0/54.0	Arul J.H  	 11/4  	446	 3/9 	  33+1	 1:40:24(3.4)	      hAhAAA
25/12/21	B111  	 20-45	1600	57.0     	Darshan RN	 12/1  	452	 8/13	  34-0	 1:41:02(3.9)	      hAhAAA
18/01/22	B136  	 20-45	1600	57.5/53.5	Rozario   	 20/1  	453	 9/11	  34-0	 1:41:16(3.5)	      hAhAAA
25/02/22	B188  	 20-45	1200	56.0/52.5	Rozario   	 20/1  	455	 9/10	  32-2	 1:15:40(3.4)	      hAhAAA
18/03/22	B207  	 20-45	1400	55.0     	P. Trevor 	 12/1  	448	 7/11	  30-2	 1:27:73(3.8)	      hAhAAA
04/12/21 B75 Enq into running & riding - Tr & Joc fined.
10	OZARK	53.5	Kiran Rai P (9)
Whatsthescript(IRE)-Jack In The Cat(USA)	(27)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Manju Meadows  04/04/16	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Syed Muheeb's b g 6
Dark green, yellow halves, arm band and cap
Starts:24	First:1	Second:3	Third:2	Fourth:3	Unplaced:15
18/12/21	B96   	 00-25	1400	58.0     	D'u S Deor	 17/4  	483	 2/11	  13+4	 1:28:64(3.4)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B119  	 00-25	1200	58.5/54.5	Rozario   	  6/1  	483	 1/12	 17+12	 1:14:75(3.4)	        AAAA
03/02/22	B162  	 20-45	1400	57.5     	D'u S Deor	 20/1  	475	 6/12	  29-0	 1:30:38(4.0)	        AAAA
19/02/22	B180  	 20-45	1400	54.5     	Arvind Kum	 20/1  	482	10/12	  29-0	 1:30:02(3.3)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B228  	 20-45	1400	54.5     	C.Umesh   	 15/1  	477	 4/11	  29-2	 1:26:58(3.5)	        AAAA
03/02/22 B162 interfd appr 1000 M. 
19/02/22 B180 forced to travel wide.
11	EXTRAORDINARY	52.5	Arvind Kumar. N (12)
Total Gallery(IRE)-Tarkamara(IRE)	(25)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Badal  15/03/17	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAHAHA
Mr. C.V. Prasad Rao's dkb g 5
Black,yellow spots,white sleeves,yellow spots on black cap
Starts:5	First:1	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
28/11/20	B34   	   3YO	1400	57.0     	A.A. Asbar	  0/0  	464	10/11	  *-25	 1:31:82(5.0)	      AAhAhA
07/08/21	B2    	 15-35	1200	56.5     	Arvind Kum	  0/0  	489	 9/12	  25-1	 1:15:28(4.2)	      AAhAhA
04/12/21	B80   	 00-25	1400	59.0     	P.SaiKumar	  3/1  	482	 1/10	  18+9	 1:28:87(3.4)	      AAhAhA
03/02/22	B166  	 20-45	1400	53.5     	KSKiran   	 20/1  	465	11/12	  27-0	 1:31:03(4.0)	      AAhAhA
18/02/22	B175  	 20-45	1200	59.0     	Ajeet Kum 	 60/1  	480	 8/12	  27-0	 1:18:14(3.6)	      AAhAhA
28/11/20 B34 jumped awkwardly outwards.
07/08/21 B2 Joc reprd for riding indiff race. 
03/02/22 B166 inclined to run out; Joc reprd for travelling wide.
18/02/22 B175 Joc fined for repeatedly checking mount
12	JERSEY LEGEND	50.5	Afroz Khan  (1)
Air Support(USA)-Jersey Girl	(21)	Mahmood Khan
Stud:Kunigal  31/03/16	<b> (cnb) (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Mahmood Khan's b g 6
Dark blue,gold belt,light green sleeves with gold arm band,light green cap
Starts:17	First:1	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:13
20/02/21	B136  	 15-35	1200	59.0/55.0	Md Aliyar 	  0/0  	445	 7/12	  33-2	 1:19:69(3.9)	       AhAAA
20/03/21	B171  	 15-35	1200	58.5/54.5	Md Aliyar 	  0/0  	447	12/12	  31-2	 1:18:30(3.6)	       AhAAA
07/08/21	B8    	 15-35	1200	57.0     	Rayan Ahme	  0/0  	460	 7/12	  29-2	 1:15:80(4.2)	        AAAA
25/11/21	B58   	 00-25	1200	60.5/56.5	S. Hussain	 25/1  	453	10/11	  21-0	 1:24:82(6.1)	        AAAA
12/01/22	B128  	 20-45	1200	53.0/51.0	Rozario   	 60/1  	450	 8/9 	  21-0	 1:16:69(3.5)	        AAAA
12/01/22 B128 jumped awkwardly outwards.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
THREE ACES EIPH(Bleeder) from 26/01/22 to 30/01/22
QUEEN REGNANT Myopathy 04/04/22 , Infection from 07/04/22 to 11/04/22
HOPE ISLAND Myopathy 16/05/22
SEE MY HEELS Lameness from 28/04/22 to 30/04/22
BROOKLYN SUPREME Injury from 12/03/22 to 16/03/22 , Lameness from 12/03/22 to 13/03/22
SOUTHERN POWER Myopathy 09/05/22
IMPECCABLE Intra Articular Inj. 11/04/22
MARCO POLO Physiotherapy from 17/05/22 to 18/05/22
JERSEY LEGEND EIPH(Bleeder) from 12/02/22 to 16/02/22
Second Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 1
5th Race	03:30 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible) (Outstation horses eligible).
Weights: 	Colts & Geldings	 - 56	Kgs.
 	Fillies	 - 54.5	Kgs.

Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth
Ow	Rs.2,88,750	Rs.144,375	Rs.86,625	Rs.33,495	Rs.16,170
Tr	Rs.35,000	Rs.17,500	Rs.10,500	Rs.4,060	Rs.1,960
Jk	Rs.26,250	Rs.13,125	Rs.7,875	Rs.3,045	Rs.1,470
1	DISRUPTOR	56	Akshay Kumar (10)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Waveband(GB)	( - )	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Kunigal  27/03/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Hyperion Bloodstock Pvt. Ltd. rep. by Mr & Mrs Farouq K. Rattonsey, Mr.Sameer F. Rattonsey and Mr.Zaheer F. Rattonsey , Mr P. Prabhakar Reddy & Mr Rama Seshu Eyunni's ch g 3
Yellow, green epaulettes, striped cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
25/01/22	B146  	   3YO	1200	57.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  3/1  	506	 2/6 	   *-*	 1:13:84(3.8)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B191  	   3YO	1400	55.0     	C.Umesh   	  5/1  	501	 5/6 	   *-*	 1:26:65(3.4)	        AAAA
2	PINNACLE POINT	56	A. Sandesh (5)
Win Legend(JPN)-Abs Fabs	( - )	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Dashmesh  02/03/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Rajagiri Rubber & Produce Co. Ltd., & Vinayaka Breeders Pvt Ltd.'s ch c 3
Red, gold cross sashes and cap
3	SALENTO	56	Gaurav Singh (11)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Peninsula	( - )	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Usha  14/05/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAXX
M/s.Arun Alagappan Racing LLP , M/s. Rapar's Galloping Stars LLP , Mr Joydeep Datta GuptaMr Rajan Aggarwal's b c 3
Royal Blue
4	TRUE MARSHAL	56	P. S. Chouhan (8)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Lombardia	( - )	M Srinivas Reddy
Stud:Poona  05/10/19	<b> (ts) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd & Mr Chaduranga Kanthraj Urs' b c 3
Red, white maltese cross with white seam on the sleeves and red cap
5	ARROWETTE	54.5	P. Trevor (2)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Amazing Grace	( - )	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Kunigal  03/03/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
United Racing & Bloodstock Breeders Limited's b f 3
Royal blue, white checks,striped sleeves,royal blue cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
26/01/22	B154  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 13/4  	463	 2/7 	   *-*	 1:26:56(3.5)	        AAAA
6	GEOGRAPHIQUE	54.5	S. Zervan (4)
Golden Horn-Island Dreams(USA)	( - )	Altamash Ahmed
Stud:Equus  04/09/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>BABAAA
Equus Racing's b f 3
Dark blue
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
10/04/22	M158  	   3YO	1200	52.5     	Neeraj Raw	  0/0  	HNC	 5/6 	   *-*	 1:13:04(3.7)	        AAAA
7	NIKOLINA	54.5	Suraj Narredu (3)
Top Class(USA)-Jersey Beauty	( - )	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Mukteshwar  27/01/19	<b> (bb) 	<b>BABAAA
Mr Ronak J Kimmane , Mr N. C. Arun ,  Mr. M.P.Vikram Mr. Rohan Vijayendra's b f 3
Yellow,brown "V",yellow arm bands on brown sleeves,quartered cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:0
19/03/22	B214  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 12/1  	421	 4/10	   *-*	 1:13:99(3.7)	      bAbAAA
8	SPEAKING OF LOVE	54.5	N. S. Parmar (7)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Artesia	(34)	L. D'Silva
Stud:Usha  24/03/19		<b>AAAA
Ms Ameeta Mehra's b f 3
Light blue, gold star, sleeves and cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
14/02/22	H150  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Muk. Kumar	 12/1  	HNC	 2/14	   *-*	 1:27:03(3.6)	        AAAA
28/02/22	H183  	   3YO	1400	52       	C.Umesh   	  7/1  	HNC	 3/5 	   *-*	 1:26:17(3.4)	        AAAA
14/03/22	H195  	   3YO	1600	54.5     	Gaurav S  	  2/1  	HNC	 3/10	   *-*	 1:40:71(3.6)	        AAAA
9	STELLAR GOLD	54.5	Bhawani Singh (6)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Appeasing	( - )	S. Ganapathy
Stud:Usha  04/06/19		<b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust's b f 3
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:0
26/01/22	B154  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	C.S.Jodha 	 10/1  	425	 4/7 	   *-*	 1:27:37(3.5)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B219  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Darshan RN	  9/1  	411	 4/8 	   *-*	 1:27:18(3.6)	        AAAA
26/01/22 B154 lost left rein passing 150 M & regained; lost whip passing 75 M. 
25/03/22 B219 intefd appr 350 M.
10	TRIPLE WISH	54.5	Arul J.H (9)
Planetaire(GB)-Fourpenny Lane(GB)	( - )	Neil B Devaney
Stud:Sohna  15/02/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>RBARBAAA
Dr Suresh Chintamaneni's b f 3
White,Gold Swastika,Gold Sleeves and White cap
11	VICTORIA PUNCH	54.5	Anjar Alam (1)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Strictly(USA)	( - )	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Kunigal  22/03/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Ananda.C's dk b f 3
White,Maroon sash, white and maroon half sleeves,quartered cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
19/03/22	B214  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	C.Umesh   	  4/1  	421	 5/10	   *-*	 1:14:07(3.7)	        AAAA
19/03/22 B214 inconvd passing 900 M
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
DISRUPTOR first run after gelding  on 09/03/22
DISRUPTOR Injury 26/02/22
PINNACLE POINT ESWT(Physiotherapy) 02/03/22 , Infection from 15/04/22 to 19/04/22 , Injury from 09/05/22 to 10/05/22
SALENTO Fever from 08/03/22 to 09/03/22
TRUE MARSHAL Dermatitis 07/05/22
ARROWETTE guttural pouch infection from 09/03/22 to 10/03/22 , Infection from 09/03/22 to 13/03/22
STELLAR GOLD Myopathy 19/04/22
TRIPLE WISH Phlebitis from 02/07/21 to 03/07/21 , Infection 15/05/22
VICTORIA PUNCH Intra Articular Inj. 28/04/22 , Lameness 28/04/22 , Injury 17/05/22
Second Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 2
6th Race	04:00 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
A Sweepstakes of Rs. 12,000 each with Rs. 10,00,000 added. Total Prize Money will thereafter be distributed in the following manner:-
Winner - The Trophy &	49.5%	6%	4.5%
Second	16.5%	2%	1.5%
Third	8.25%	1%	0.75%
Fourth	4.125%	0.5%	0.375%
Fifth	2.475%	0.3%	0.225%
Sixth	1.65%	0.2%	0.15%
3-year-old horses(foaled in 2019).
Weights: 	Colts & Geldings	 - 52	Kgs.
@racehead = 	Fillies	 - 50.5	Kgs.
Penalties : (i) Winner of two races to carry 3 kgs. extra; winner
of three races to carry 5 kgs. extra;
winner of four or more races to carry 6 kgs. extra.
(ii) Winner of a race of the value of Rs.10,00,000 or
over to carry 1 kg OR either of two or more such races.
or a race of value of Rs 1500000 or over : 1.5 Kgs OR
either of two or more such races.
or a race of value of Rs 3000000 or over : 2 Kgs extra.
N.B.	 If the highest weight an acceptor has to carry is less than 57 Kgs it shalll be raised to 57 Kgs and the other weights shall be raised equally.
Entries	17	@ 9000	on	07/05/22
5	@ 3000	left in on	25/05/22
A Trophy (Value Rs. 50,000) presented by Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
@rheadstakes =Total Prize Money : Rs.12,00,000
Winner - The Trophy &	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth
Ow	Rs.6,06,122	Rs.2,02,041	Rs.1,01,020	Rs.50,510	Rs.30,306
Tr	Rs.73,469	Rs.24,490	Rs.12,245	Rs.6,122	Rs.3,673
Jk	Rs.55,102	Rs.18,367	Rs.9,184	Rs.4,592	Rs.2,755
         Twelve to enter in bona fide separate interests or the above race to be at the option of the Stewards.
1	IMPERIAL POWER	57	Suraj Narredu (2)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Majestic Opinion	(47)	S. Narredu
Stud:Usha  29/01/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
M/S. Kunal Gupta Stud Farm LLP's b c 3
Royal blue,white disc , white spots on royal blue sleeves and cap
Starts:3	First:2	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
25/01/22	B146  	   3YO	1200	57.0     	Suraj Nare	  5/4  	496	 1/6 	   *-*	 1:12:80(3.8)	        AAAA
27/02/22	M109  	   3YO	1400	56       	Suraj Nare	 38/10 	498	 2/8 	   *-*	 1:23:18(3.9)	        AAAA
20/03/22	M132  	   3YO	1600	57       	Suraj Nare	  0/0  	HNC	 1/5 	   *-*	 1:38:27(4.0)	        AAAA
2	ONCE YOU GO BLACK	56.5	P. Trevor (4)
Win Legend(JPN)-Aksinya	(51)	James Mckeown
Stud:Dashmesh  27/03/19	<b> (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Diamond Band Rac. Syn. Pvt Ltd , Mr Kersi H. Vachha & Sarainaga Racing Pvt Ltd's dk b c 3
Yellow, grey diamond belt, grey sleeves with yellow seam, grey cap with yellow diamond
Starts:2	First:2	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
06/01/22	C48   	   3YO	1100	56       	S.A. Gray 	  0/0  	HNC	 1/7 	   *-*	  1:6:73(3.5)	        AAAA
17/02/22	C137  	   3YO	1400	56       	S.A. Gray 	  0/0  	HNC	 1/8 	   *-*	 1:25:11(3.0)	        AAAA
3	BANKSY	52.5	Vinod Shinde (1)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Amazing Ray	( - )	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Poonawalla Mystical  02/10/19	<b> (cnb) (bb) 	<b>BABAAA
Mr P. J. Vazifdar , Mr M. Rishad , Mr Kersi H. Vachha & Mr Mukul A. Sonawala M/S. DT Racing & Breeding LLP's ch c 3
Gold,royal blue sash,striped sleeves, gold cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
12/01/22	B131  	   3YO	1100	56.0     	S.A. Gray 	  8/1  	483	 6/8 	   *-*	  1:9:10(3.5)	      bAbAAA
18/02/22	B177  	   3YO	1100	56.0     	Ran. Singh	 30/1  	478	 5/8 	   *-*	 1:10:40(3.6)	      bAbAAA
12/01/22 B131  jumped awkwardly; running green throughout. 
18/02/22 B177 hanging ''in'' straight.
4	YUKAN	52.5	Akshay Kumar (5)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Expect(GB)	(41)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Kunigal  15/04/19		<b>AAAA
Mr Marthand Singh Mahindra , Mrs Rina Mahindra , Mr P. Prabhakar ReddyMr Rama Seshu Eyunni's b g 3
Peacock blue, gold sleeves, peacock blue cap
Starts:2	First:1	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
03/02/22	B160  	   3YO	1100	56.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  9/1  	486	 3/7 	   *-*	  1:9:33(4.0)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B199  	   3YO	1200	57.0     	Ak'y Kumar	 10/1  	487	 1/8 	   *-*	 1:12:84(3.4)	        AAAA
5	PHILOSOPHY	51	A. Sandesh (3)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Manifold	(40)	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Usha  03/10/19		<b>BABAAA
Mr P. J. Vazifdar , Mrs P. J. Vazifdar , Mr M. RishadMr Kersi H. Vachha's b f 3
Gold,royal blue sash,striped sleeves,white cap
Starts:3	First:1	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:0
03/02/22	B160  	   3YO	1100	54.5     	S.A. Gray 	  7/1  	432	 2/7 	   *-*	  1:8:50(4.0)	      bAbAAA
18/02/22	B177  	   3YO	1100	54.5     	S.A. Gray 	 75/100	423	 4/8 	   *-*	  1:9:78(3.6)	      bAbAAA
25/03/22	B219  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Neeraj Raw	 15/4  	420	 1/8 	   *-*	 1:25:72(3.6)	      bAbAAA
18/02/22 B177 interfd passing 950 M; Enq into running & riding Tr explan noted & Joc fined.
25/03/22 B219 Joc was severely reprd for suddenly changing course.
Weights raised 0.5Kg
Change of Equipment
IMPERIAL POWER guttural pouch infection 13/04/22
BANKSY guttural pouch infection 11/04/22
YUKAN guttural pouch infection 10/04/22 , Sinusitis from 14/04/22 to 18/04/22 , guttural pouch infection 18/04/22 , Sinusitis 21/04/22
Third Treble Pool Leg 1
Jackpot Pool Leg 3
7th Race	04:30 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
Winner - The Trophy &	Second	Third
Ow	Rs.5,94,000	Rs.198,000	Rs.99,000
Tr	Rs.72,000	Rs.24,000	Rs.12,000
Jk	Rs.54,000	Rs.18,000	Rs.9,000
        Twelve to enter in bona fide separate interests or the above race to be at the option of the Stewards.
1	ASHWA BRAVO	60	P. S. Chouhan (6)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Shadow Roll(IRE)	(110)	M Srinivas Reddy
Stud:Poona  17/05/17	<b> (ts) (ebb) 	<b>AAAA
Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr Zavaray S. Poonawalla, Mrs Behroze Z. Poonawalla, Mr Yohan Z. Poonawalla, Ms Delna Z. Poonawalla and Mrs Simone Z. Poonawalla  & Mr Ravinder Pal Singh Chauhan's ch c 5
Red, white maltese cross with white seam on the sleeves and red cap
Starts:16	First:9	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:3
14/11/21	H13   	   60+	1200	52.5     	A.A. Asbar	  7/4  	HNC	 1/8 	   *-*	 1:11:38(3.9)	        AAAA
19/12/21	M11   	  4+YO	1400	59       	Suraj Nare	 14/10 	HNC	 1/6 	   *-*	 1:23:60(3.8)	        AAAA
17/01/22	H113  	  4+YO	1200	56       	P.S.Ch'han	  0/0  	HNC	 2/3 	   *-*	 1:13:15(3.9)	        AAAA
05/03/22	C159  	  4+YO	1200	59       	Suraj Nare	  0/0  	HNC	 3/9 	   *-*	 1:11:22(3.4)	        AAAA
06/03/22	C166  	  4+YO	1400	59       	David Egan	  0/0  	HNC	 5/9 	   *-*	 1:25:18(3.0)	        AAAA
2	FOREST FLAME	60	P. Trevor (5)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Memory Bay	(112)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  27/03/17	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd rep. by Mrs. Behroze Z Poonawalla, Mrs. Simone Poonawalla Pandole & Mrs Deina Z Poonawalla , Mr Mukul A. Sonawala ,  M/S. DT Racing & Breeding LLP rep. by Mr D. R. ThackerMr Chaduranga Kanthraj Urs' b m 5
Red, white maltese cross with white seam on the sleeves and light blue cap
Starts:11	First:6	Second:4	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
07/03/21	M153  	   4YO	2400	57       	P. Trevor 	  0/0  	HNC	 2/13	   *-*	 2:31:03(4.0)	        AAAA
28/03/21	M195  	   4YO	2400	55.5     	P. Trevor 	  0/0  	HNC	 2/12	   *-*	 2:28:91(3.6)	        AAAA
07/01/22	M41   	 4+ YO	1800	59       	A.Sandesh 	  0/0  	476	 1/4 	   *-*	 1:50:74(4.0)	        AAAA
06/02/22	M84   	 4+ YO	2000	57       	Suraj Nare	 23/10 	472	 2/6 	   *-*	  2:1:54(3.9)	        AAAA
06/03/22	C167  	 4+ YO	1600	57.5     	David Egan	  0/0  	HNC	 2/5 	   *-*	 1:37:51(3.0)	        AAAA
3	TAIMUR	58.5	Vishal N Bunde (3)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Tammy O	(95)	Karthik Ganapathy
Stud:Usha  05/03/17	<b> (ts) (wtp) 	<b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust's b g 5
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:14	First:1	Second:4	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:7
01/11/21	B14   	  3+YO	1400	60.0     	C.S.Jodha 	 15/1  	447	 5/6 	  81-2	 1:25:89(4.2)	        AAAA
19/12/21	M10   	  4+YO	1600	57       	C.S.Jodha 	 15/1  	HNC	 2/8 	   *-*	 1:37:01(3.8)	        AAAA
07/01/22	M41   	  4+YO	1800	55.5     	Bhaw'Singh	  0/0  	HNC	 2/4 	   *-*	 1:51:21(4.0)	        AAAA
06/02/22	M83   	  4+YO	1600	55.5     	C.S.Jodha 	  7/1  	HNC	 5/8 	   *-*	 1:36:38(3.9)	        AAAA
06/03/22	C166  	  4+YO	1400	56       	C.S.Jodha 	  0/0  	HNC	 7/9 	   *-*	 1:25:90(3.0)	        AAAA
4	ETERNAL BLAZE	55.5	Bhawani Singh (1)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Majestic Opinion	(85)	S. Ganapathy
Stud:Usha  24/01/18	<b> (ts) (rb) 	<b>HAAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust's b f 4
Gold,brown belt and white cap
Starts:7	First:2	Second:0	Third:3	Fourth:1	Unplaced:1
25/11/21	B52   	   3YO	1600	55.5     	C.S.Jodha 	 10/1  	432	 1/9 	 22+18	 1:44:62(6.1)	       hAAAA
10/12/21	B86   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	C.S.Jodha 	  4/1  	433	 1/10	 40+14	 1:39:21(4.6)	       hAAAA
11/01/22	B124  	   4YO	2400	57.0     	C.S.Jodha 	  7/2  	426	 3/9 	  54-0	 2:35:99(3.6)	       hAAAA
26/01/22	B156  	   4YO	2400	55.5     	C.S.Jodha 	 12/1  	414	 4/7 	  54-0	 2:34:11(3.5)	       hAAAA
06/03/22	C167  	 4+ YO	1600	56       	C.S.Jodha 	  0/0  	HNC	 3/5 	   *-*	 1:39:21(3.0)	        AAAA
5	VICTORY PARADE	55.5	Dashrat Singh (2)
Top Class(USA)-Harmonica	(115)	Neil Darashah
Stud:Mukteshwar  07/03/16	<b> (blk) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Divya Chawcharia &  Mr. Pankaj Chhawcharia's b c 6
Yellow,light blue sash,light blue arm bands on yellow sleeves,light blue cap
Starts:25	First:7	Second:6	Third:5	Fourth:2	Unplaced:5
14/11/21	H13   	   80+	1200	59.5     	A. Vikrant	  0/0  	HNC	 6/8 	   *-*	 1:12:50(3.9)	        AAAA
28/01/22	C100  	  4+YO	1400	58       	Ak'y Kumar	  0/0  	HNC	 2/5 	   *-*	 1:26:14(3.5)	        AAAA
05/03/22	C158  	   80+	1400	60       	Ak'y Kumar	  0/0  	HNC	 1/12	   *-*	 1:25:31(3.4)	        AAAA
30/03/22	K129  	   81+	1400	60.5     	Dash'Singh	  0/0  	HNC	 1/12	   *-*	 1:24:70(1.6)	        AAAA
26/04/22	D178  	  4+YO	1200	57       	AKhan     	  0/0  	HNC	 2/10	   *-*	 1:10:63(1.6)	        AAAA
6	SPEEDSTER	54	Akshay Kumar (4)
Pinson(IRE)-Tinkerbell	(103)	Warren Singh
Stud:Nakul  27/03/16		<b>AAAA
Mr Warren Singh's gr m 6
Peacock blue; light green, red and light green belt, red sleeves, white cap
Starts:22	First:4	Second:4	Third:0	Fourth:4	Unplaced:10
25/11/21	B55   	 40-65	1600	56.0     	Shamaz    	 10/1  	430	 5/9 	  52-2	 1:48:06(6.1)	        AAAA
10/12/21	B85   	  3+YO	2000	57.5     	Yash N'rdu	 12/1  	424	 4/5 	  50-4	  2:7:95(4.6)	        AAAA
18/12/21	B100  	 40-65	2000	53.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  6/1  	423	 1/4 	  46+9	  2:7:10(3.4)	        AAAA
03/02/22	B164  	  4+YO	2400	57.5     	Suraj Nare	  8/1  	420	 1/5 	 55+48	 2:35:73(4.0)	        AAAA
05/03/22	C160  	 4+ YO	3000	57.5     	Suraj Nare	  0/0  	HNC	 2/12	   *-*	 3:10:99(3.4)	        AAAA
03/02/22 B164 interfd appr 600 M & passing 500M.
Weights raised 2.5Kgs
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
FOREST FLAME Injury 07/03/22 , Infection 23/03/22
TAIMUR Myopathy 08/03/22
ETERNAL BLAZE guttural pouch infection 21/03/22 , guttural pouch infection from 04/04/22 to 05/04/22
Third Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 4
8th Race	05:00 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45, 4 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.1,65,000	Rs.82,500	Rs.49,500	Rs.19,140	Rs.9,240	Rs.4,620
Tr	Rs.20,000	Rs.10,000	Rs.6,000	Rs.2,320	Rs.1,120	Rs.560
Jk	Rs.15,000	Rs.7,500	Rs.4,500	Rs.1,740	Rs.840	Rs.420
1	ALMANACH	62.5	*Salman Khan-4 (9)
Planetaire(GB)-Shanley(UAE)	(45)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Sohna  24/04/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>RPARPAAA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal , Mr Gautam Aggarwal & Sohna Stud Farm Pvt Ltd's b g 5
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, light green cap
Starts:8	First:2	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
02/11/21	B4    	 20-45	1400	54.0/51.0	Arul J.H  	 12/1  	418	 1/11	  20+8	 1:27:06(3.8)	    rpArpAAA
25/11/21	B57   	 20-45	1600	54.0/51.0	Arul J.H  	 13/4  	423	 1/9 	 28+14	 1:44:87(6.1)	    rpArpAAA
18/12/21	B100  	 40-65	2000	51.0/49.5	Arul J.H  	  2/1  	421	 3/4 	  42-0	  2:8:16(3.4)	    rpArpAAA
18/02/22	B176  	 20-45	1600	61.0     	P. Trevor 	  6/4  	419	 2/8 	  42+3	 1:41:57(3.6)	    rpArpAAA
18/03/22	B208  	 40-65	1600	52.5/53.5	P. Trevor 	  7/1  	414	 7/8 	  45-0	 1:40:30(3.8)	    rpArpAAA
02/11/21 B4 Joc fined for not maintaining a straight course.
18/12/21 B100 drifted out passing 300 M.
2	BALTIMORE	61	S. John (7)
Air Support(USA)-Chase the Sun	(42)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Poonawalla Estates  03/05/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Vivek N. Rao , Mr Vittal Belandor & Mr Kodandaram Ramaiah.M's b m 5
White, claret `V', striped sleeves, white cap
Starts:10	First:2	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:4
11/12/21	B92   	 20-45	1200	60.0     	S. John   	 12/1  	458	 2/8 	  38+2	 1:14:38(4.2)	        AAAA
25/12/21	B110  	 20-45	1200	60.0     	S. John   	  5/1  	452	 4/12	  40-0	 1:14:39(3.9)	        AAAA
12/01/22	B133  	 20-45	1200	60.0     	S. John   	  7/2  	446	 2/10	  40+4	 1:13:99(3.5)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B171  	 40-65	1200	52.0/48.5	S. Saqlain	  6/1  	446	 6/8 	  44-0	 1:15:40(3.5)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B223  	 20-45	1200	62.0     	S. John   	 12/1  	455	10/11	  44-2	 1:15:67(3.6)	        AAAA
3	IMPERIAL BLUE	61	Akshay Kumar (12)
Be Safe-Youre so Beautiful	(42)	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Sans Craintes  01/03/18	<b> (cnb) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
M/s.Arun Alagappan Racing LLP's b g 4
Royal Blue
Starts:5	First:1	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:2
20/03/21	B164  	   3YO	1200	56.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  0/0  	430	 1/11	   *-*	 1:13:84(3.6)	        AAAA
03/09/21	U82   	   3YO	1400	56       	Ak'y Kumar	  0/0  	HNC	 4/10	   *-*	 1:26:20(3.0)	    rpArpAAA
19/09/21	U112  	   3YO	1600	56       	Ak'y Kumar	  0/0  	HNC	 7/8 	   *-*	 1:39:45(3.0)	        AAAA
25/12/21	B109  	   3YO	1600	57.0     	C.Umesh   	 12/1  	435	 4/8 	  42-0	 1:38:53(3.9)	        AAAA
28/01/22	C101  	   4YO	2400	57       	C.Umesh   	  0/0  	HNC	 6/8 	   *-*	 2:34:93(3.5)	        AAAA
25/12/21 B109 Adv 1 G.P.
4	REMONTOIR	57	*Shreyas Singh S-4 (5)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Sentimental	(34)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Nanoli  05/02/18	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Vispi R. Patel , Five Stars Shipping Co Pvt Ltd , Mr P. Prabhakar Reddy & Mr Rama Seshu Eyunni Mr. Eruch Adi Mody's b g 4
Black,White cross sashes,Black sleeves,Red cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
18/01/22	B141  	 20-45	1400	55.0     	P. Trevor 	  8/1  	465	 6/12	  25-0	 1:28:05(3.5)	    rbArbAAA
18/03/22	B209  	 20-45	1400	52.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  9/10 	452	 2/6 	  25+6	 1:26:68(3.8)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B225  	 20-45	1400	60.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  5/2  	448	 2/11	  31+3	 1:26:35(3.5)	        AAAA
5	THE STRENGTH	56.5	*Siddaraju.P-4 (2)
Corporate Jungle(USA)-Fiery Pegasus(USA)	(33)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Hazara  03/03/16	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Dinesh Kumar K's dk b g 6
Dark blue; light green, white and light green `V', white sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:24	First:2	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:3	Unplaced:16
18/01/22	B140  	 40-65	1200	50.5     	Ajeet Kum 	 40/1  	460	 7/8 	  41-0	 1:14:60(3.5)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B172  	 20-45	1400	60.5     	Darshan RN	  8/1  	451	 5/10	  41-2	 1:28:08(3.5)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B193  	 20-45	1200	59.5     	P.SaiKumar	 11/4  	447	 4/11	  39-2	 1:14:49(3.4)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B202  	 20-45	1200	58.5     	KSKiran   	 15/1  	443	 5/12	  37-2	 1:13:78(3.4)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B223  	 20-45	1200	57.5     	Darshan RN	 12/1  	440	 6/11	  35-2	 1:14:23(3.6)	        AAAA
6	PRINCESS JASMINE	55.5	*S. Saqlain-4 (6)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Time's Mistress(USA)	(31)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Manjri  03/03/17	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Rakesh Kumar , Mr Sharath M. Narayana & Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's b m 5
Gold ,Claret Chevrons,sleeves,Claret cap
Starts:8	First:2	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:6
01/11/21	B16   	 00-25	1600	57.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 20/1  	423	 5/9 	  14-2	 1:42:79(4.2)	        AAAA
26/11/21	B59   	 00-25	1400	58.0/54.0	S. Saqlain	  7/1  	437	 1/10	 12+12	 1:32:31(5.6)	        AAAA
18/01/22	B142  	 00-25	1400	62.0/58.0	S. Saqlain	  8/1  	439	 9/12	  24-0	 1:30:19(3.5)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B172  	 20-45	1400	52.0     	Md. Habeeb	 20/1  	424	 7/10	  24-2	 1:28:30(3.5)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B217  	 00-25	1200	61.0     	Darshan RN	  7/2  	417	 1/12	  22+9	 1:14:25(3.6)	        AAAA
7	SPECTACULAR	55	A. Sandesh (11)
Excellent Art(GB)-Placervilles Glory	(30)	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  28/02/18	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>BABAAA
Mr M. Rishad , Mr P. J. Vazifdar & Mrs P. J. Vazifdar's ch f 4
Dark blue,light blue sleeves,quartered cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:1
25/01/21	B101  	   3YO	1200	53.0     	Neeraj Raw	  0/0  	476	 2/7 	   *-*	 1:14:39(3.4)	      bAbAAA
25/02/21	C149  	   3YO	1600	50       	Dash'Singh	  0/0  	HNC	 2/11	   *-*	 1:37:69(3.2)	      bAbAAA
25/11/21	B52   	   3YO	1600	55.5     	A.Sandesh 	  7/10 	476	 4/9 	  30-0	 1:46:87(6.1)	      bAbAAA
25/12/21	B107  	   3YO	1400	55.5     	S.A. Gray 	 17/10 	467	 4/11	  30-0	 1:27:39(3.9)	      bAbAAA
25/01/22	B145  	 20-45	1600	55.0     	P. Trevor 	  8/1  	450	 7/9 	  30-0	 1:40:24(3.8)	      bAbAAA
25/01/22 B145 stopped galloping frm 250 M - Explan noted.
8	CLASSIC CHARM	54.5	Kiran Rai P (4)
Saamidd(GB)-Treimhse Tirim(USA)	(29)	S. Ganapathy
Stud:Hazara  28/04/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) (rhbb) 	<b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Dr.A C Muthiah's ch m 5
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:15	First:1	Second:2	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:9
03/12/21	B73   	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Kiran RaiP	 12/1  	463	 3/9 	  30-0	 1:27:55(3.6)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B115  	 20-45	1400	55.0     	Kiran RaiP	  8/1  	460	 8/12	  30-0	 1:27:77(3.4)	        AAAA
26/01/22	B153  	 20-45	1200	55.0     	C.S.Jodha 	 15/1  	452	 3/10	  30+1	 1:13:16(3.5)	        AAAA
05/03/22	C154  	 20-45	1200	57.5     	C.S.Jodha 	  0/0  	HNC	 5/17	   *-*	 1:13:20(3.4)	        AAAA
18/03/22	B207  	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Kiran RaiP	  8/1  	448	 6/11	  31-2	 1:27:63(3.8)	        AAAA
26/01/22 B153 Adv 1 G.P; hanging 'in' straight - NAD.
18/03/22 B207 jumped awkwardly; loss of whip passing 150 M.
9	DEBONAIR	54.5	Nazerul Alam (10)
Corporate Jungle(USA)-Repique	(29)	Faraz Arshad
Stud:Vikram Greenlands  17/04/16		<b>HAHAAA
Mr Dayanand Kachuwah's ch g 6
Cerise with Black Star,White sleeves,Black cap
Starts:20	First:2	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:3	Unplaced:12
18/12/21	B99   	 20-45	1100	60.0     	Naz'l Alam	  8/1  	481	 4/10	  37-2	  1:9:33(3.4)	      hAhAAA
12/01/22	B133  	 20-45	1200	57.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  7/1  	493	 5/10	  35-2	 1:14:44(3.5)	      hAhAAA
26/01/22	B153  	 20-45	1200	56.5     	Neeraj Raw	 20/1  	492	10/10	  33-2	 1:15:30(3.5)	      hAhAAA
18/03/22	B206  	 20-45	1200	55.5/56.0	GSaiVamshi	 20/1  	487	11/12	  31-0	 1:15:64(3.8)	      hAhAAA
25/03/22	B220  	 20-45	1200	55.5     	Naz'l Alam	 40/1  	484	 9/12	  31-2	 1:14:52(3.6)	      hAhAAA
10	AMAZONITE	54	Arvind Kumar. N (3)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Baffling(GB)	(28)	Dheeraj.V
Stud:Kunigal  23/01/14	<b> (blk) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Ravi.P.S.Raju's b m 8
Pink,white maple leaf,white sleeves and cap
Starts:38	First:2	Second:6	Third:7	Fourth:1	Unplaced:22
11/12/21	B95   	 20-45	1400	53.0/49.5	S. khan   	 40/1  	441	 7/12	  26-2	 1:29:29(4.2)	       AhAAA
18/12/21	B99   	 20-45	1100	53.5     	T.S. Jodha	 10/1  	443	 3/10	  24+1	  1:9:00(3.4)	       AhAAA
25/02/22	B188  	 20-45	1200	52.5     	KSKiran   	 20/1  	452	 4/10	  25-0	 1:14:49(3.4)	       AhAAA
19/03/22	B216  	 00-25	1100	62.5/58.5	Shreyas S 	  3/1  	443	 2/11	  25+3	  1:8:18(3.7)	       AhAAA
25/03/22	B220  	 20-45	1200	54.0     	KSKiran   	 12/1  	445	 7/12	  28-0	 1:14:21(3.6)	       AhAAA
25/03/22 B220 stumbled appr 900 M.
11	DALLAS DRIFTER	53.5	Khurshad Alam (1)
Gusto(GB)-Desert Sunrise	(27)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Bishan  15/03/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Satish G Kundapur's b m 5
White,green belt,red sleeves,red and green hooped cap
Starts:7	First:0	Second:2	Third:3	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
11/12/21	B90   	 20-45	1200	53.5     	P.SaiKumar	  7/1  	424	 3/9 	  22+2	 1:15:53(4.2)	        AAAA
11/01/22	B120  	 20-45	1100	55.0     	V.R Jag'sh	  6/1  	420	 3/10	  24-0	  1:8:09(3.6)	        AAAA
25/01/22	B144  	 20-45	1200	53.5     	V.R Jag'sh	  9/2  	426	 2/7 	  24+2	 1:14:32(3.8)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B188  	 20-45	1200	53.0     	A.A. Asbar	 10/1  	418	 3/10	  26+1	 1:14:44(3.4)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B220  	 20-45	1200	53.5     	C.Umesh   	 10/1  	422	11/12	  27-0	 1:15:68(3.6)	        AAAA
25/02/22 B188 stumbled at the start.
25/03/22 B220 lame on left fore & Tr fined sharp molars.
12	PORT OF BEAUTY	53	Gaurav Singh (8)
Gusto(GB)-Motocross(IRE)	(26)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Bishan  02/04/16	<b> (bb) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Pradeep Singh's b m 6
White, dark green, light green and dark green belt and arm band, white cap
Starts:11	First:1	Second:1	Third:4	Fourth:0	Unplaced:5
19/12/20	B61   	 30-50	1200	59.0     	P. Trevor 	  0/0  	408	 3/13	  38-0	 1:13:79(3.4)	        AAAA
20/02/21	B131  	 30-50	1200	54.0     	Antony Raj	  0/0  	403	 5/12	  38-2	 1:16:63(3.9)	      bAbAAA
06/03/21	B151  	 30-50	1200	55.5     	R Marshall	  0/0  	396	 8/12	  36-2	 1:14:94(3.6)	      bAbAAA
01/11/21	B10   	 20-45	1200	60.0     	Pradeep AR	 25/1  	396	10/12	  28-0	 1:18:12(4.2)	        AAAA
12/01/22	B128  	 20-45	1200	56.5/57.0	Md Akram  	 50/1  	420	 7/9 	  28-0	 1:16:23(3.5)	    hAhAhAhA
01/11/21 B10 slowly away & lost few lengths, Adv 1 G.P.
12/01/22 B128 inconvd at the start.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
ALMANACH Sesamoiditis from 10/02/20 to 01/03/20 , Laser Therapy from 27/02/22 to 28/02/22
BALTIMORE Oedema 16/04/22
IMPERIAL BLUE Phlebitis 22/07/21 , Infection from 12/04/22 to 16/04/22 , Injury 13/05/22
REMONTOIR guttural pouch infection from 01/04/22 to 02/04/22 , Intra Articular Inj. 01/04/22
THE STRENGTH Phlebitis 20/01/19 , Infection 26/03/22 , Injury from 24/04/22 to 25/04/22
CLASSIC CHARM Infection from 21/03/22 to 25/03/22
DEBONAIR Fever 02/03/22
AMAZONITE EIPH(Bleeder) from 01/11/21 to 07/11/21
DALLAS DRIFTER  Sore Back 31/03/22
PORT OF BEAUTY EIPH(Bleeder) from 22/11/19 to 26/11/19 , Infection from 31/03/22 to 04/04/22 , Infection from 15/04/22 to 19/04/22
Third Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 5
9th Race	05:30 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 00 to 25
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.1,31,585	Rs.65,795	Rs.39,475	Rs.15,265	Rs.7,370	Rs.3,685
Tr	Rs.15,950	Rs.7,975	Rs.4,785	Rs.1,850	Rs.895	Rs.445
Jk	Rs.11,960	Rs.5,980	Rs.3,590	Rs.1,390	Rs.670	Rs.335
1	ABLE ONE	62.5	P. S. Chouhan (11)
Green Coast(IRE)-Pensacola	(25)	Azhar Ali
Stud:A.B.  22/04/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Savi K. Jain's b g 4
Peacock blue, yellow and brown belt, arm band, yellow cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
25/03/22	B224  	 00-25	1200	62.5     	Chethan   	 25/1  	412	10/12	  25-0	 1:16:73(3.6)	        AAAA
2	ALEXIS ZORBA	62.5	*K.G. Likith Appu-4 (9)
Strong Suit(USA)-Royal Highness	(25)	Neil Darashah
Stud:Manjri  23/03/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Hemant Dharnidharka & Manjri Horse Breed's Farm Pvt. Ltd's b g 4
Light green,black cross sashes, black stripe on light green cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
11/12/21	B91   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	Ar'd Alam 	  7/4  	494	 8/8 	  25-0	 1:43:21(4.2)	        AAAA
26/01/22	B153  	 20-45	1200	52.5     	Ar'd Alam 	  7/1  	497	 8/10	  25-0	 1:14:58(3.5)	        AAAA
11/12/21 B91 running green & blood vessels. 
26/01/22 B153 jumped awkwardly inwards.
3	EMERALDO	62.5	Abhay Singh -1 (8)
Green Coast(IRE)-Reflections	(25)	V. Lokanath
Stud:A.B.  19/01/18		<b>AAAA
Mr Sharath M. Narayana & Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's b g 4
Grey, claret horse shoe and sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
11/12/21	B92   	 20-45	1200	53.5     	Md. Habeeb	 50/1  	418	 8/8 	  25-0	 1:18:71(4.2)	        AAXX
11/12/21 B92 ran detached - NAD.
4	KNOTTY WOODS	62.5	Shamaz Shareef (4)
Gusto(GB)-Burgundy Rose	(25)	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Bishan  12/03/18		<b>AAAA
Mr K. Kamesh &  Mr. Srikanth Badruka's b r 4
Royal blue, peach maltese cross and striped sleeves, royal blue cap
5	TIGER RETURNS	62.5	Nazerul Alam (3)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Havana Goodtime	(25)	Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Kunigal  04/02/15	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Roopesh S's ch g 7
Purple,white hoops,grey sleeves and cap
Starts:14	First:1	Second:4	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:7
02/08/19	B166  	 15-35	1200	53.0/51.0	Manish R  	  2/1  	516	 2/12	  21+1	 1:14:06(3.0)	        AAAA
29/11/19	B25   	 15-35	1600	53.5     	Manish R  	 20/1  	533	 5/12	  22-2	 1:38:99(3.4)	        AAAA
26/01/21	B105  	 00-20	1200	58.5     	Rayan Ahme	  0/0  	552	 1/14	 17+13	 1:13:45(3.2)	        AAAA
06/03/21	B154  	 15-35	1200	58.0     	Srinath   	  0/0  	551	 2/12	  30+1	 1:14:28(3.6)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B224  	 00-25	1200	62.5     	GSaiVamshi	 20/1  	524	 3/12	  25-0	 1:15:54(3.6)	        AAAA
02/08/19 B166 Enq into running, riding & tr explan noted, joc fined.
6	AIR DISPLAY	62	*Salman Khan-4 (6)
Air Support(USA)-Sans Peur	(24)	S. Inayathulla
Stud:Kunigal  16/02/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr S. Inayathulla's b f 4
Dark blue, white cross sashes and arm band, hooped cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
18/01/22	B142  	 00-25	1400	61.0     	Vivek     	 30/1  	461	 5/12	  22-0	 1:29:58(3.5)	        AAAA
25/02/22	B186  	 00-25	1200	61.0/57.0	S. khan   	 15/1  	461	 3/11	  22-0	 1:15:08(3.4)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B195  	 00-25	1400	61.0/57.0	S. khan   	  4/1  	461	 2/10	  22+2	 1:29:02(3.4)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B224  	 00-25	1200	62.0     	Vivek     	 12/1  	454	 5/12	  24-0	 1:15:80(3.6)	        AAAA
11/03/22 B195 jumped awkwardly outwards.
7	CHIRAAG	61.5	B. Nayak (2)
Be Safe-Songlark	(23)	Dheeraj.V
Stud:Kunigal  29/01/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr H. S. Chandre Gowda's dk b g 4
Cerise; pink and royal blue checked halves, cerise sleeves, pink cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:2
07/08/21	B5    	   3YO	1200	56.0     	S. Mubarak	  0/0  	435	10/12	   *-*	 1:15:54(4.2)	        AAAA
04/12/21	B77   	   3YO	1100	57.0     	P. Mani   	 25/1  	450	 3/9 	  25-0	  1:9:53(3.4)	        AAAA
18/01/22	B142  	 00-25	1400	62.5/58.5	Sidduraju 	 15/1  	444	 4/12	  25-0	 1:28:84(3.5)	        AAAA
18/02/22	B175  	 20-45	1200	58.0/54.0	Sidduraju 	  8/1  	440	 3/12	  25-0	 1:17:12(3.6)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B232  	 00-25	1400	62.5     	B. Nayak  	  6/1  	431	 8/9 	  25-2	 1:29:39(3.5)	        AAAA
04/12/21 B77 Joc reprd for riding indiff race.
8	THE INTRUDER	61.5	Khurshad Alam (5)
Perfect Stride(GB)-Amorina	(23)	Warren Singh
Stud:Yeravada  24/04/18		<b>AAAA
Mr Dinesh Kumar K's b r 4
Dark blue; light green, white and light green `V', white sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
26/11/21	B64   	   3YO	1200	57.0     	M. Mark   	 60/1  	449	12/12	  25-0	 1:27:33(5.6)	        AAAA
18/12/21	B99   	 20-45	1100	54.0/51.0	Vishal Bun	 40/1  	439	 9/10	  25-0	 1:11:93(3.4)	        AAAA
19/03/22	B211  	 00-25	1100	62.5     	Chethan   	 60/1  	452	11/12	  25-2	 1:10:84(3.7)	        AAAA
26/11/21 B64 ran detached from the field.
9	MARK ONE	61	R.Ajinkya (7)
Perfect Stride(GB)-Albeed(GB)	(22)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Nanoli  03/04/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Nitin Himmatmal Jain &  Mr. Jatin Laxmikant Trivedi's b f 4
Yellow,Red stripes,Brown Sleeves,Brown cap with yellow spots
Starts:6	First:0	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:2
11/12/21	B91   	   3YO	1600	55.5     	PrashantPD	  7/1  	455	 4/8 	  22-0	 1:40:73(4.2)	        AAAA
30/12/21	B114  	 20-45	1200	53.5     	PrashantPD	 14/10 	452	 5/11	  22-0	 1:14:77(3.4)	        AAAA
19/02/22	B184  	 20-45	1400	51.0     	Vin.Shinde	 15/1  	456	 7/8 	  22-2	 1:29:15(3.3)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B198  	 20-45	1200	53.5/52.0	Rozario   	 30/1  	462	 2/12	  20+2	 1:14:10(3.4)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B225  	 20-45	1400	55.5     	C.Umesh   	 12/1  	457	 3/11	  22-0	 1:26:79(3.5)	        AAAA
30/12/21 B114 interfd passing 900 M. 
26/03/22 B225 had to ride in check b/w 800 M to 600 M.
10	KNOTTY PRINCESS	60	Vishal N Bunde (12)
Tenth Star(IRE)-Arabian Silk(IRE)	(20)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Badal  09/04/18	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Rakesh Kumar's b f 4
Gold ,Claret Chevrons,sleeves,Claret cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:5
02/11/21	B2    	   3YO	1100	55.5     	Arul J.H  	 40/1  	446	11/12	  22-0	 1:11:06(3.8)	        AAAA
26/11/21	B64   	   3YO	1200	55.5     	Md. Habeeb	 60/1  	450	 8/12	  22-0	 1:21:43(5.6)	        AAAA
18/12/21	B97   	   3YO	1100	55.5     	Surya P.  	 60/1  	447	 7/8 	  22-0	 1:10:93(3.4)	        AAAA
10/02/22	B170  	 20-45	1400	58.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 25/1  	449	 9/9 	  22-2	 1:30:42(3.5)	        AAAA
18/03/22	B209  	 20-45	1400	50.0     	Vin.Shinde	 30/1  	432	 6/6 	  20-0	 1:31:26(3.8)	        AAAA
10/02/22 B170 had to be steadied appr 1200 M.
11	HABANERO	59.5	*Tousif Khan-4 (1)
Chevalier(IRE)-Highly Fashionable	(19)	S. Dominic
Stud:Ruia  12/03/14	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mrs Prabha Dominic's b g 8
Grey,red maltese cross, brown sleeves, grey Cap
Starts:39	First:2	Second:3	Third:8	Fourth:2	Unplaced:24
30/12/21	B119  	 00-25	1200	59.5/55.5	Tousif    	 15/1  	443	10/12	  19-0	 1:16:67(3.4)	      hAhAAA
12/01/22	B134  	 00-25	1200	59.5/55.5	Shreyas S 	 25/1  	444	 4/12	  19-0	 1:15:06(3.5)	      hAhAAA
03/02/22	B161  	 00-25	1400	59.5/55.5	Tousif    	 20/1  	447	 8/11	  19-1	 1:32:15(4.0)	      hAhAAA
11/03/22	B204  	 00-25	1200	59.0     	Antony Raj	  8/1  	441	 7/10	  18-0	 1:15:95(3.4)	      hAhAAA
19/03/22	B216  	 00-25	1100	59.0     	M. Mark   	 20/1  	439	 3/11	  18+1	  1:8:34(3.7)	      hAhAAA
11/03/22 B204 interfd in the final 75 M.
12	HANDSOME ROCKY	58	Rajesh Kumar M (10)
Air Support(USA)-Chilli Girl	(16)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Kunigal  25/03/17		<b>AAAA
Mr S. N. Harish's dk b g 5
White; orange, royal blue and dark green belt and arm band, royal blue star  on white cap
Starts:11	First:0	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:9
01/11/21	B9    	 00-25	1600	58.5     	Raj.KumarM	  6/4  	462	 2/11	  16+2	 1:41:30(4.2)	        AAAA
26/01/22	B152  	 00-25	1200	59.0     	Raj.KumarM	 12/1  	475	11/14	  18-0	 1:16:22(3.5)	        AAAA
19/02/22	B185  	 00-25	1200	59.0     	Raj.KumarM	 25/1  	473	 8/11	  18-2	 1:18:67(3.3)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B203  	 00-25	1600	58.0     	Raj.KumarM	 10/1  	464	 8/12	  16-0	 1:42:15(3.4)	        AAAA
25/03/22	B217  	 00-25	1200	58.0     	Raj.KumarM	 20/1  	469	11/12	  16-0	 1:18:28(3.6)	        AAAA
11/03/22 B203 Adv 1 G.P.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
ABLE ONE Suspensory Desmitis 11/01/21 , Suspensory Desmitis from 12/02/21 to 16/02/21 , Phlebitis 20/08/21 ,  Sore Back 01/04/22
ALEXIS ZORBA EIPH(Bleeder) 11/12/21 , Oedema 24/04/22 , Myopathy 06/05/22
KNOTTY WOODS Sesamoiditis from 26/09/20 to 16/10/20 , Sesamoiditis 10/02/21 , Arytenoid chondropathy from 03/10/21 to 04/10/21 , Arytenoid chondropathy from 13/10/21 to 15/10/21 , Arytenoid chondropathy from 21/10/21 to 25/10/21 , Laryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) 24/12/21 , Laryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) 19/01/22 , Arytenoid chondropathy 19/01/22 , Laryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) from 06/02/22 to 07/02/22 , guttural pouch infection 04/05/22 , Dermatitis from 05/05/22 to 09/05/22 , Dermatitis 13/05/22
TIGER RETURNS Suspensory Desmitis 18/03/21 , Suspensory Desmitis 15/04/21 , Suspensory Desmitis 12/05/21 , Injury from 27/03/22 to 31/03/22 , cellulitis from 27/03/22 to 31/03/22 , Lameness from 27/03/22 to 28/03/22 , Injury from 12/04/22 to 14/04/22
AIR DISPLAY Fracture 27/01/21 , Injury from 30/03/22 to 03/04/22 , cellulitis from 30/03/22 to 03/04/22
MARK ONE Suspensory Desmitis 27/11/21
KNOTTY PRINCESS Infection from 22/04/22 to 26/04/22
HABANERO Laryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) 05/02/22 , guttural pouch infection from 05/05/22 to 09/05/22 , Infection from 05/05/22 to 09/05/22 , Fever 06/05/22
HANDSOME ROCKY Lameness from 30/03/22 to 01/04/22 , Injury 30/03/22 , Infection from 04/04/22 to 08/04/22 , Injury from 04/04/22 to 08/04/22
1st RACE
1200 Metres
01:30 PM
7	DON'S DEN	59.0
2nd RACE
1200 Metres
02:00 PM
6	EMBOSOM	58.5
8	RULE OF LAW	58.0
12	SLING SHOT	56.5
3rd RACE
1200 Metres
02:30 PM
3	FORSETI	56.0
5	PRINCE O' WAR	56.0
7	BESUGE	54.5
8	BLUE DEW	54.5
10	MEGHANN	54.5
11	PERIDOT	54.5
12	SWIFT	54.5
4th RACE
1400 Metres
03:00 PM
7	TIFANNY	55.5
10	OZARK	53.5
5th RACE
1400 Metres
03:30 PM
3	SALENTO	56.0
6th RACE
1400 Metres
04:00 PM
3	BANKSY	52.5
4	YUKAN	52.5
7th RACE
1400 Metres
04:30 PM
3	TAIMUR	58.5
8th RACE
1200 Metres
05:00 PM
9th RACE
1200 Metres
05:30 PM
1	ABLE ONE	62.5
7	CHIRAAG	61.5
9	MARK ONE	61.0
11	HABANERO	59.5
5th RACE
1400 Metres
03:30 PM
3	SALENTO	56.0
6th RACE
1400 Metres
04:00 PM
3	BANKSY	52.5
4	YUKAN	52.5
7th RACE
1400 Metres
04:30 PM
3	TAIMUR	58.5
8th RACE
1200 Metres
05:00 PM
9th RACE
1200 Metres
05:30 PM
1	ABLE ONE	62.5
7	CHIRAAG	61.5
9	MARK ONE	61.0
11	HABANERO	59.5
Horse	R.No.	C.No.	Rating	Weight	Race Catg	Eqpt
ABLE ONE	9	1	25	62.5	00-25	(ts) (cnb)
AIR DISPLAY	9	6	24	62.0	00-25	(ts)
ALEXIS ZORBA	9	2	25	62.5	00-25	(ts)
ALMANACH	8	1	45	62.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
ALPHA DOMINO	3	1	-	56.0	3YO	(ts)
AMAZONITE	8	10	28	54.0	20-45	(blk) (ts) (cnb)
ANNE BOLEYN	2	10	24	57.5	20-45	(hood) (ts) (scp)
ANOTHER RAINBOW	2	11	22	56.5	20-45	(blk) (ts)
ARROWETTE	5	5	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
ASHWA BRAVO	7	1	110	60.0	4+YO	(ts) (ebb)
BALTIMORE	8	2	42	61.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
BANKSY	6	3	-	52.5	3YO	(cnb) (bb)
BESUGE	3	7	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
BLUE DEW	3	8	-	54.5	3YO
BROOKLYN SUPREME	4	5	33	56.5	20-45	(blk) (ts)
CAPITAL GAIN	1	9	13	56.5	00-25	(ts)
CAPRI GIRL	2	5	26	58.5	20-45	(ts)
CHANDRA KANTA	1	5	20	60.0	00-25
CHIRAAG	9	7	23	61.5	00-25	(ts) (cnb)
CHUL BUL RANI	2	2	27	59.0	20-45
CLASSIC CHARM	8	8	29	54.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb) (rhbb)
CROWN CONSORT	3	9	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
DALLAS DRIFTER	8	11	27	53.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
DEBONAIR	8	9	29	54.5	20-45
DISRUPTOR	5	1	-	56.0	3YO	(ts)
DIVINE BLESSINGS	2	1	29	60.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
DON'S DEN	1	7	18	59.0	00-25
EMBOSOM	2	6	26	58.5	20-45	(cnb)
EMERALDO	9	3	25	62.5	00-25
ETERNAL BLAZE	7	4	85	55.5	4+YO	(ts) (rb)
EXTRAORDINARY	4	11	25	52.5	20-45	(blk) (ts)
FOREST FLAME	7	2	112	60.0	4+YO	(ts)
FORSETI	3	3	-	56.0	3YO	(cnb) (bb)
FORTUNATE SON	3	4	36	56.0	3YO	(blk)
FOVEAL VISION	1	3	23	61.5	00-25	(ts)
GEOGRAPHIQUE	5	6	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
HABANERO	9	11	19	59.5	00-25	(ts) (blk)
HANDSOME ROCKY	9	12	16	58.0	00-25
HOPE ISLAND	4	3	38	59.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
IMPECCABLE	4	8	28	54.0	20-45	(ts)
IMPERIAL BLUE	8	3	42	61.0	20-45	(cnb) (ts)
IMPERIAL POWER	6	1	47	57.0	3YO	(ts)
JERSEY LEGEND	4	12	21	50.5	20-45	(cnb) (blk) (ts)
KNOTTY IN BLUE	1	4	23	61.5	00-25	(ts) (blk)
KNOTTY PRINCESS	9	10	20	60.0	00-25	(ts) (blk)
KNOTTY WOODS	9	4	25	62.5	00-25
LIGHT OF LOVE	1	6	19	59.5	00-25	(ts)
LIGHTNING CHARLIE	1	8	17	58.5	00-25	(scp) (ts)
MARCO POLO	4	9	28	54.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
MARK ONE	9	9	22	61.0	00-25	(ts)
MEGA SUCCESS	1	2	24	62.0	00-25
MEGHANN	3	10	-	54.5	3YO
MOUNT VIEW	2	7	25	58.0	20-45	(ts)
MOUNT VIEW	1	1	25	62.5	00-25	(ts)
NIKOLINA	5	7	-	54.5	3YO	(bb)
ONCE YOU GO BLACK	6	2	51	56.5	3YO	(cnb)
OZARK	4	10	27	53.5	20-45	(ts) (blk)
PERFECT HALO	1	10	13	56.5	00-25	(ts)
PERIDOT	3	11	-	54.5	3YO
PHILOSOPHY	6	5	40	51.0	3YO
PINNACLE POINT	5	2	-	56.0	3YO	(ts) (cnb)
PORT OF BEAUTY	8	12	26	53.0	20-45	(bb) (ts) (cnb)
PRINCE O' WAR	3	5	-	56.0	3YO	(ts) (cnb)
PRINCESS JASMINE	8	6	31	55.5	20-45	(ts)
QUEEN REGNANT	4	2	39	59.5	20-45
REGAL FORCE	1	12	7	53.5	00-25	(blk) (ts)
REMONTOIR	8	4	34	57.0	20-45	(blk) (ts)
RIGHTLY NOBLE	2	3	27	59.0	20-45
RULE OF LAW	2	8	25	58.0	20-45	(blk)
SALENTO	5	3	-	56.0	3YO	(ts) (cnb)
SEE MY HEELS	4	4	38	59.0	20-45	(blk)
SHE'S ALL CLASS	2	9	25	58.0	20-45	(ts)
SHUBANKAR	2	4	27	59.0	20-45
SILENT TRIGGAR	1	11	12	56.0	00-25	(cnb) (ts)
SLING SHOT	2	12	22	56.5	20-45
SOUTHERN POWER	4	6	33	56.5	20-45
SPEAKING OF LOVE	5	8	34	54.5	3YO
SPECTACULAR	8	7	30	55.0	20-45	(ts) (blk)
SPEEDSTER	7	6	103	54.0	4+YO
STELLAR GOLD	5	9	-	54.5	3YO
SUNWAY LAGOON	3	6	-	56.0	3YO	(bb) (ts)
SWIFT	3	12	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
TAIMUR	7	3	95	58.5	4+YO	(ts) (wtp)
THE INTRUDER	9	8	23	61.5	00-25
THE STRENGTH	8	5	33	56.5	20-45	(ts)
THREE ACES	4	1	41	60.5	20-45	(ts)
TIFANNY	4	7	31	55.5	20-45
TIGER RETURNS	9	5	25	62.5	00-25	(ts) (cnb)
TRIPLE WISH	5	10	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
TRUE MARSHAL	5	4	-	56.0	3YO	(ts) (bb)
VICTORIA PUNCH	5	11	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
VICTORY PARADE	7	5	115	55.5	4+YO	(blk) (bb)
YUKAN	6	4	41	52.5	3YO
Horse	Racedate	R.No	Trainer
AIR BLAST	21/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
AIR BLAST	21/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
AIR DISPLAY	21/05/2022		S. Inayathulla
ALTAIR	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
ALTAMONTE	21/05/2022		S. Inayathulla
AMAZING LUCK	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
AMAZONITE	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
ANAKIN	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
ANNE BOLEYN	21/05/2022		S. Dominic
ANOTHER RAINBOW	21/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
ARTIANA	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
BALTIMORE	21/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
BANGOR ON DEE	21/05/2022		L. D'Silva
BELVEDERE	21/05/2022		Faraz Arshad
CAMELEONS IMAGE	21/05/2022		Neil Darashah
CAPABLE	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
CASEY	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
CHANDRA KANTA	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
CHIRAAG	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
CHISOX	21/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
CHISOX	21/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
CHUL BUL RANI	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
COUNTRY'S JEWEL	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
CROWN CONSORT	21/05/2022		S. Narredu
DEBONAIR	21/05/2022		Faraz Arshad
DR LOGAN	21/05/2022		Irfan Ghatala
DRUMS OF WAR	21/05/2022		S. Padmanabhan
EMERALDO	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
EMERALDO	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
EXALTED DREAM	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
EXTRAORDINARY	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
FIERCE FIGHTER	21/05/2022		Faraz Arshad
FOREVER TOGETHER	21/05/2022		Rajesh Narredu
GOLDEN TIME	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
HABANERO	21/05/2022		S. Dominic
HANDSOME MOVER	21/05/2022		Azhar Ali
ICELANDIC	21/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
IMPECCABLE	21/05/2022		Rajesh Narredu
IMPERIAL BLUE	21/05/2022		Irfan Ghatala
JOHNNIE BLACK	21/05/2022		Mahmood Khan
KEYSTONE	21/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
KNOTTY IN BLUE	21/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
LA REINA	21/05/2022		S. Padmanabhan
LOVE	21/05/2022		Rajesh Narredu
LUCKY CHANCE	21/05/2022		S. Dominic
MEMORABLE TIME	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
MILLBROOK	21/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
MINIVER ROSE	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
MITSURO	21/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
OCEAN DUNES	21/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
OOH LA LA	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
OSIRIS	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
PHOENIX SURPRISE	21/05/2022		Neil Darashah
PLACE VENDOME	21/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
PLEROMA	21/05/2022		R.H.Sequeira
PRINCESS JASMINE	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
REGAL FORCE	21/05/2022		Imtiaz Khan
REGAL MELODY	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
REMONTOIR	21/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
RHAPSODY IN GREEN	21/05/2022		Neil Darashah
RORITO	21/05/2022		S. Dominic
ROUDY	21/05/2022		Neil Darashah
RUSSIAN ROMANCE	21/05/2022		Mahmood Khan
SALENTO	21/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
SCRIBBLING HOPPER	21/05/2022		Prasanna Kumar
SCRUPLES	21/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SHABELLE	21/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SHE'S ALL CLASS	21/05/2022		Imtiaz Khan
SHEER BLISS	21/05/2022		S. Narredu
SILENT TRIGGAR	21/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
SILVER SWIFT	21/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
SKYFIRE	21/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
SMILE AROUND	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
SOFIYA	21/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SPEAKING OF LOVE	21/05/2022		L. D'Silva
STAR ADMIRAL	21/05/2022		Aravind G.
STAR COMET	21/05/2022		S. Ganapathy
STELLAR GOLD	21/05/2022		S. Ganapathy
STUNNING BEAUTY	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
STUNNING BEAUTY	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
SUNWAY LAGOON	21/05/2022		S. Dominic
TACTICAL COMMAND	21/05/2022		Prasanna Kumar
THE ADVISER	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
THE SENSATION	21/05/2022		M Srinivas Reddy
THE STRENGTH	21/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
THREE ACES	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
TOUGH COOKIE	21/05/2022		Irfan Ghatala
TRUE MARSHAL	21/05/2022		M Srinivas Reddy
ULTIMATE SPEED	21/05/2022		V. Lokanath
WAR TRAIL	21/05/2022		Azhar Ali
WINDSTORM	21/05/2022		S. Narredu
YUKAN	21/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
ZEHNASEEB	21/05/2022		Imtiaz Khan
ABLE ONE	22/05/2022		Azhar Ali
ALEXIS ZORBA	22/05/2022		Neil Darashah
ALMANACH	22/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
AMAZING LUCK	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
ANAKIN	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
ANOTHER RAINBOW	22/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
AUTOMATIC	22/05/2022		Irfan Ghatala
BANKSY	22/05/2022		S. Padmanabhan
BELLATOR	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
BENEDICTION	22/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
BESUGE	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
BLACK WHIZZ	22/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
BREEZE BLUSTER	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
CAESARS PALACE	22/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
CAPITAL GAIN	22/05/2022		S. Dominic
CHANDRA KANTA	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
CHIRAAG	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
CHUL BUL RANI	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
CLEVER HANS	22/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
COUNTRY'S JEWEL	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
CROWN CONSORT	22/05/2022		S. Narredu
DEVILS MAGIC	22/05/2022		Neil B Devaney
DON'S DEN	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
ECO FRIENDLY	22/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
ETERNAL BLAZE	22/05/2022		S. Ganapathy
EXALTED DREAM	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
FOREVER TOGETHER	22/05/2022		Rajesh Narredu
FORTY NINER	22/05/2022		S. Dominic
GARAMOND	22/05/2022		Irfan Ghatala
GENERAL PATTON	22/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
GOLDEN TIME	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
ICELANDIC	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
IMPECCABLE	22/05/2022		Rajesh Narredu
IMPERIAL BLUE	22/05/2022		Irfan Ghatala
JE NE SAIS QUOI	22/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
KNOTTY IN BLUE	22/05/2022		M. Rajendra Singh
LADY SUPREMOS	22/05/2022		S. Narredu
LIGHT OF LOVE	22/05/2022		Mahmood Khan
LIGHTNING CHARLIE	22/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
MEGA SUCCESS	22/05/2022		S. Inayathulla
MEMORABLE TIME	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
MICHIGAN MELODY	22/05/2022		Azhar Ali
MIGHTY SWALLOW	22/05/2022		S. Padmanabhan
MITSURO	22/05/2022		Pradeep Annaiah
MOUNT VIEW	22/05/2022		Neil Darashah
OMBUDSMAN	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
OOH LA LA	22/05/2022		Dheeraj.V
PELUCHE	22/05/2022		Imtiaz Khan
PLACE VENDOME	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
POWERFUL LADY	22/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
REMONTOIR	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SACRAMENT	22/05/2022		S. Padmanabhan
SCHAFENBERG	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SCHAFENBERG	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SCRUPLES	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SHABELLE	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SHEER BLISS	22/05/2022		S. Narredu
SMASHING BLUE	22/05/2022		R.H.Sequeira
SO YOU'RE HERE	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
SOFIYA	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
SOUTHERN DYNASTY	22/05/2022		S. Ganapathy
STAR COMET	22/05/2022		S. Ganapathy
STARRY WIND	22/05/2022		Mahmood Khan
STRIKING MELODY	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
STRIKING MEMORY	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
TACTICAL COMMAND	22/05/2022		Prasanna Kumar
THE ADVISER	22/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
THE INHERITOR	22/05/2022		Sharat Kumar
THE SOVEREIGN ORB	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
THREE ACES	22/05/2022		V. Lokanath
TIGER RETURNS	22/05/2022		Imtiaz Khan
WINMYLOVE	22/05/2022		Arjun Mangalorkar
YUKAN	22/05/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
HE'S THE ONE	28/05/2022	1	V. Lokanath
LUMINARY STAR	28/05/2022	1	S. Ganapathy
ULTIMATE POWER	28/05/2022	1	V. Lokanath
MUIRFIELD	28/05/2022	3	Arjun Mangalorkar
SMITHSONIAN	28/05/2022	3	Aravind G.
TWILIGHT FAME	28/05/2022	3	Narayana Gowda V.
ALMANACH	28/05/2022	5	Pradeep Annaiah
DEL MAR	28/05/2022	5	Pradeep Annaiah
FOUR WHEEL DRIVE	28/05/2022	5	S. Dominic
PELUCHE	28/05/2022	5	Imtiaz Khan
STARRY WIND	28/05/2022	5	Mahmood Khan
GIMME	29/05/2022	3	M. K. Jadhav
INEXHAUSTIBLE	29/05/2022	3	Prasanna Kumar
KODAVA STREAK	29/05/2022	3	Arjun Mangalorkar
MAGNANIMOUS	29/05/2022	3	Karthik Ganapathy
MY SOLITAIRE	29/05/2022	3	Prasanna Kumar
QUEEN ENVIED	29/05/2022	3	Irfan Ghatala
SHEER BLISS	29/05/2022	3	S. Narredu
SOFIYA	29/05/2022	3	S.S. Attaollahi
SWEET TALK	29/05/2022	3	Arjun Mangalorkar
ANAKIN	29/05/2022	4	V. Lokanath
CASEY	29/05/2022	4	V. Lokanath
CHRISTOPHER WREN	29/05/2022	4	V. Lokanath
DR LOGAN	29/05/2022	4	Irfan Ghatala
ECO FRIENDLY	29/05/2022	4	Sharat Kumar
ELITE AGENT	29/05/2022	4	Narayana Gowda V.
MEMORITER	29/05/2022	4	Azhar Ali
MR HUMBLE	29/05/2022	4	Pradeep Annaiah
OSIRIS	29/05/2022	4	Sharat Kumar
SENSATIONAL GREY	29/05/2022	4	V. Lokanath
SINGHSAAB	29/05/2022	4	M. Rajendra Singh
CHISOX	29/05/2022	8	Pradeep Annaiah
DOMINA	29/05/2022	8	Arjun Mangalorkar
MINIVER ROSE	29/05/2022	8	V. Lokanath
FAVORITO	29/05/2022	9	Imtiaz Khan
JAI VIKRAM	29/05/2022	9	Dheeraj.V
SLING SHOT	29/05/2022	9	V. Lokanath
SO YOU'RE HERE	29/05/2022	9	V. Lokanath
ULTIMATE CHOICE	29/05/2022	9	V. Lokanath
ULTIMATE SPEED	29/05/2022	9	V. Lokanath
MULTISTARRER	29/05/2022		Imtiaz Sait
SUPERNATURAL	29/05/2022		P. Shroff
Race date : 29/05/22
Index to Jockeys Engagements with total mount, race number,	 Horse number, weight alloted, allowance draw number & Trainer.
1	A. Sandesh(5)
3	5	PRINCE O' WAR	56.0		6	M. K. Jadhav
4	7	TIFANNY	55.5		3	S. Padmanabhan
5	2	PINNACLE POINT	56.0		5	Arjun Mangalorkar
6	5	PHILOSOPHY	51.0		3	S. Padmanabhan
8	7	SPECTACULAR	55.0		11	S. Padmanabhan
2	A.Ashhad Asbar(2)
1	12	REGAL FORCE	53.5		12	Imtiaz Khan
2	9	SHE'S ALL CLASS	58.0		5	Imtiaz Khan
3	Abhay Singh(1)
9	3	EMERALDO	62.5	-1	8	V. Lokanath
4	Afroz Khan (1)
4	12	JERSEY LEGEND	50.5		1	Mahmood Khan
5	Akshay Kumar(7)
2	5	CAPRI GIRL	58.5		4	Prasanna Kumar
3	3	FORSETI	56.0		1	Prasanna Kumar
4	6	SOUTHERN POWER	56.5		11	Faraz Arshad
5	1	DISRUPTOR	56.0		10	S.S. Attaollahi
6	4	YUKAN	52.5		5	S.S. Attaollahi
7	6	SPEEDSTER	54.0		4	Warren Singh
8	3	IMPERIAL BLUE	61.0		12	Irfan Ghatala
6	Anjar Alam(2)
3	10	MEGHANN	54.5		11	Warren Singh
5	11	VICTORIA PUNCH	54.5		1	Irfan Ghatala
7	Arul J.H(2)
2	6	EMBOSOM	58.5	-2	6	Pradeep Annaiah
5	10	TRIPLE WISH	54.5	-2	9	Neil B Devaney
8	Arvind Kumar. N(3)
3	7	BESUGE	54.5		4	Dheeraj.V
4	11	EXTRAORDINARY	52.5		12	Sharat Kumar
8	10	AMAZONITE	54.0		3	Dheeraj.V
9	B. Nayak(2)
1	6	LIGHT OF LOVE	59.5		4	Mahmood Khan
9	7	CHIRAAG	61.5		2	Dheeraj.V
10	Bhawani Singh(3)
4	2	QUEEN REGNANT	59.5		7	Aravind G.
5	9	STELLAR GOLD	54.5		6	S. Ganapathy
7	4	ETERNAL BLAZE	55.5		1	S. Ganapathy
11	Darshan R.N(2)
1	7	DON'S DEN	59.0		7	V. Lokanath
3	2	BREEZE BLUSTER	56.0		7	V. Lokanath
12	Dashrat Singh(1)
7	5	VICTORY PARADE	55.5		2	Neil Darashah
13	Gaurav Singh(3)
1	4	KNOTTY IN BLUE	61.5		5	M. Rajendra Singh
5	3	SALENTO	56.0		11	Arjun Mangalorkar
8	12	PORT OF BEAUTY	53.0		8	M. Rajendra Singh
14	K.G. Likith Appu(2)
3	11	PERIDOT	54.5	-4	5	Irfan Ghatala
9	2	ALEXIS ZORBA	62.5	-4	9	Neil Darashah
15	Khurshad Alam(2)
8	11	DALLAS DRIFTER	53.5		1	Azhar Ali
9	8	THE INTRUDER	61.5		5	Warren Singh
16	Kiran Rai P(3)
2	8	RULE OF LAW	58.0		10	S. Ganapathy
4	10	OZARK	53.5		9	M. Rajendra Singh
8	8	CLASSIC CHARM	54.5		4	S. Ganapathy
17	M. Mark(2)
1	9	CAPITAL GAIN	56.5		10	S. Dominic
3	6	SUNWAY LAGOON	56.0		3	S. Dominic
18	M. Prabhakaran(1)
1	11	SILENT TRIGGAR	56.0		3	Dheeraj.V
19	N. S. Parmar(2)
3	4	FORTUNATE SON	56.0		2	M. K. Jadhav
5	8	SPEAKING OF LOVE	54.5		7	L. D'Silva
20	N.R.Santosh Raj(1)
1	3	FOVEAL VISION	61.5	-2	1	Prasanna Kumar
21	Nazerul Alam(3)
4	5	BROOKLYN SUPREME	56.5		2	Kishan Thomas
8	9	DEBONAIR	54.5		10	Faraz Arshad
9	5	TIGER RETURNS	62.5		3	Imtiaz Khan
22	P. S. Chouhan(5)
3	1	ALPHA DOMINO	56.0		8	Altamash Ahmed
4	9	MARCO POLO	54.0		5	Pradeep Annaiah
5	4	TRUE MARSHAL	56.0		8	M Srinivas Reddy
7	1	ASHWA BRAVO	60.0		6	M Srinivas Reddy
9	1	ABLE ONE	62.5		11	Azhar Ali
23	P. Trevor(4)
3	12	SWIFT	54.5		10	P. Shroff
5	5	ARROWETTE	54.5		2	S.S. Attaollahi
6	2	ONCE YOU GO BLACK	56.5		4	James Mckeown
7	2	FOREST FLAME	60.0		5	S.S. Attaollahi
24	R.Ajinkya(1)
9	9	MARK ONE	61.0		7	M. Rajendra Singh
25	Raghuveer Singh(1)
2	11	ANOTHER RAINBOW	56.5		1	M. Rajendra Singh
26	Rajesh Kumar M(2)
1	10	PERFECT HALO	56.5		11	Narayana Gowda V.
9	12	HANDSOME ROCKY	58.0		10	Narayana Gowda V.
27	Ranjeet Singh(1)
2	2	CHUL BUL RANI	59.0		11	Dheeraj.V
28	Rayan Ahmed R.(2)
2	10	ANNE BOLEYN	57.5		2	S. Dominic
4	4	SEE MY HEELS	59.0		6	S. Narredu
29	S. John(4)
1	1	MOUNT VIEW	62.5		8	Neil Darashah
2	1	DIVINE BLESSINGS	60.0		7	Arjun Mangalorkar
4	3	HOPE ISLAND	59.0		4	Arjun Mangalorkar
8	2	BALTIMORE	61.0		7	Arjun Mangalorkar
30	S. Saqlain(1)
8	6	PRINCESS JASMINE	55.5	-4	6	V. Lokanath
31	S. Zervan(1)
5	6	GEOGRAPHIQUE	54.5		4	Altamash Ahmed
32	S.Mubarak(1)
1	5	CHANDRA KANTA	60.0		9	Dheeraj.V
33	Salman Khan(2)
8	1	ALMANACH	62.5	-4	9	Pradeep Annaiah
9	6	AIR DISPLAY	62.0	-4	6	S. Inayathulla
34	Shamaz Shareef(1)
9	4	KNOTTY WOODS	62.5		4	Prasanna Kumar
35	Shreyas Singh S(1)
8	4	REMONTOIR	57.0	-4	5	S.S. Attaollahi
36	Siddaraju.P(1)
8	5	THE STRENGTH	56.5	-4	2	Sharat Kumar
37	Suraj Narredu(3)
3	9	CROWN CONSORT	54.5		12	S. Narredu
5	7	NIKOLINA	54.5		3	Prasanna Kumar
6	1	IMPERIAL POWER	57.0		2	S. Narredu
38	Surya P.(2)
1	8	LIGHTNING CHARLIE	58.5		2	Pradeep Annaiah
2	3	RIGHTLY NOBLE	59.0		8	Pradeep Annaiah
39	Tousif Khan(1)
9	11	HABANERO	59.5	-4	1	S. Dominic
40	V.R.Jagadeesh(1)
2	12	SLING SHOT	56.5		9	V. Lokanath
41	Vinod Shinde(2)
4	8	IMPECCABLE	54.0		8	Rajesh Narredu
6	3	BANKSY	52.5		1	S. Padmanabhan
42	Vishal N Bunde(5)
2	4	SHUBANKAR	59.0		3	Warren Singh
3	8	BLUE DEW	54.5		9	Aravind G.
4	1	THREE ACES	60.5		10	V. Lokanath
7	3	TAIMUR	58.5		3	Karthik Ganapathy
9	10	KNOTTY PRINCESS	60.0		12	V. Lokanath
43	Vivek(1)
1	2	MEGA SUCCESS	62.0		6	S. Inayathulla
44	NDS()
2	7	MOUNT VIEW	58.0			Neil Darashah
#= Final Entry / Declared to start 94 Race date : 29/05/22
Index to Trainers'wards with total wards, race number,	 Horse number alloted weight, allowance,draw number & Jockey.
1			Altamash Ahmed(2)
3	1	ALPHA DOMINO	56.0		8	P. S. Chouhan
5	6	GEOGRAPHIQUE	54.5		4	S. Zervan
2			Aravind G.(2)
3	8	BLUE DEW	54.5		9	Vishal N Bunde
4	2	QUEEN REGNANT	59.5		7	Bhawani Singh
3			Arjun Mangalorkar(5)
2	1	DIVINE BLESSINGS	60.0		7	S. John
4	3	HOPE ISLAND	59.0		4	S. John
5	2	PINNACLE POINT	56.0		5	A. Sandesh
5	3	SALENTO	56.0		11	Gaurav Singh
8	2	BALTIMORE	61.0		7	S. John
4			Azhar Ali(2)
8	11	DALLAS DRIFTER	53.5		1	Khurshad Alam
9	1	ABLE ONE	62.5		11	P. S. Chouhan
5			Dheeraj.V(6)
1	5	CHANDRA KANTA	60.0		9	S.Mubarak
1	11	SILENT TRIGGAR	56.0		3	M. Prabhakaran
2	2	CHUL BUL RANI	59.0		11	Ranjeet Singh
3	7	BESUGE	54.5		4	Arvind Kumar. N
8	10	AMAZONITE	54.0		3	Arvind Kumar. N
9	7	CHIRAAG	61.5		2	B. Nayak
6			Faraz Arshad(2)
4	6	SOUTHERN POWER	56.5		11	Akshay Kumar
8	9	DEBONAIR	54.5		10	Nazerul Alam
7			Imtiaz Khan(3)
1	12	REGAL FORCE	53.5		12	A.Ashhad Asbar
2	9	SHE'S ALL CLASS	58.0		5	A.Ashhad Asbar
9	5	TIGER RETURNS	62.5		3	Nazerul Alam
8			Irfan Ghatala(3)
3	11	PERIDOT	54.5	-4	5	K.G. Likith Appu
5	11	VICTORIA PUNCH	54.5		1	Anjar Alam
8	3	IMPERIAL BLUE	61.0		12	Akshay Kumar
9			James Mckeown(1)
6	2	ONCE YOU GO BLACK	56.5		4	P. Trevor
10			Karthik Ganapathy(1)
7	3	TAIMUR	58.5		3	Vishal N Bunde
11			Kishan Thomas(1)
4	5	BROOKLYN SUPREME	56.5		2	Nazerul Alam
12			L. D'Silva(1)
5	8	SPEAKING OF LOVE	54.5		7	N. S. Parmar
13			M Srinivas Reddy(2)
5	4	TRUE MARSHAL	56.0		8	P. S. Chouhan
7	1	ASHWA BRAVO	60.0		6	P. S. Chouhan
14			M. K. Jadhav(2)
3	5	PRINCE O' WAR	56.0		6	A. Sandesh
3	4	FORTUNATE SON	56.0		2	N. S. Parmar
15			M. Rajendra Singh(5)
1	4	KNOTTY IN BLUE	61.5		5	Gaurav Singh
2	11	ANOTHER RAINBOW	56.5		1	Raghuveer Singh
4	10	OZARK	53.5		9	Kiran Rai P
8	12	PORT OF BEAUTY	53.0		8	Gaurav Singh
9	9	MARK ONE	61.0		7	R.Ajinkya
16			Mahmood Khan(2)
1	6	LIGHT OF LOVE	59.5		4	B. Nayak
4	12	JERSEY LEGEND	50.5		1	Afroz Khan
17			Narayana Gowda V.(2)
1	10	PERFECT HALO	56.5		11	Rajesh Kumar M
9	12	HANDSOME ROCKY	58.0		10	Rajesh Kumar M
18			Neil B Devaney(1)
5	10	TRIPLE WISH	54.5	-2	9	Arul J.H
19			Neil Darashah(4)
1	1	MOUNT VIEW	62.5		8	S. John
20			NDS(4)
2	7	MOUNT VIEW	58.0
21			Neil Darashah(4)
7	5	VICTORY PARADE	55.5		2	Dashrat Singh
9	2	ALEXIS ZORBA	62.5	-4	9	K.G. Likith Appu
22			P. Shroff(1)
3	12	SWIFT	54.5		10	P. Trevor
23			Pradeep Annaiah(5)
1	8	LIGHTNING CHARLIE	58.5		2	Surya P.
2	3	RIGHTLY NOBLE	59.0		8	Surya P.
2	6	EMBOSOM	58.5	-2	6	Arul J.H
4	9	MARCO POLO	54.0		5	P. S. Chouhan
8	1	ALMANACH	62.5	-4	9	Salman Khan
24			Prasanna Kumar(5)
1	3	FOVEAL VISION	61.5	-2	1	N.R.Santosh Raj
2	5	CAPRI GIRL	58.5		4	Akshay Kumar
3	3	FORSETI	56.0		1	Akshay Kumar
5	7	NIKOLINA	54.5		3	Suraj Narredu
9	4	KNOTTY WOODS	62.5		4	Shamaz Shareef
25			Rajesh Narredu(1)
4	8	IMPECCABLE	54.0		8	Vinod Shinde
26			S. Dominic(4)
1	9	CAPITAL GAIN	56.5		10	M. Mark
2	10	ANNE BOLEYN	57.5		2	Rayan Ahmed R.
3	6	SUNWAY LAGOON	56.0		3	M. Mark
9	11	HABANERO	59.5	-4	1	Tousif Khan
27			S. Ganapathy(4)
2	8	RULE OF LAW	58.0		10	Kiran Rai P
5	9	STELLAR GOLD	54.5		6	Bhawani Singh
7	4	ETERNAL BLAZE	55.5		1	Bhawani Singh
8	8	CLASSIC CHARM	54.5		4	Kiran Rai P
28			S. Inayathulla(2)
1	2	MEGA SUCCESS	62.0		6	Vivek
9	6	AIR DISPLAY	62.0	-4	6	Salman Khan
29			S. Narredu(3)
3	9	CROWN CONSORT	54.5		12	Suraj Narredu
4	4	SEE MY HEELS	59.0		6	Rayan Ahmed R.
6	1	IMPERIAL POWER	57.0		2	Suraj Narredu
30			S. Padmanabhan(4)
4	7	TIFANNY	55.5		3	A. Sandesh
6	5	PHILOSOPHY	51.0		3	A. Sandesh
6	3	BANKSY	52.5		1	Vinod Shinde
8	7	SPECTACULAR	55.0		11	A. Sandesh
31			S.S. Attaollahi(5)
5	1	DISRUPTOR	56.0		10	Akshay Kumar
5	5	ARROWETTE	54.5		2	P. Trevor
6	4	YUKAN	52.5		5	Akshay Kumar
7	2	FOREST FLAME	60.0		5	P. Trevor
8	4	REMONTOIR	57.0	-4	5	Shreyas Singh S
32			Sharat Kumar(2)
4	11	EXTRAORDINARY	52.5		12	Arvind Kumar. N
8	5	THE STRENGTH	56.5	-4	2	Siddaraju.P
33			V. Lokanath(7)
1	7	DON'S DEN	59.0		7	Darshan R.N
2	12	SLING SHOT	56.5		9	V.R.Jagadeesh
3	2	BREEZE BLUSTER	56.0		7	Darshan R.N
4	1	THREE ACES	60.5		10	Vishal N Bunde
8	6	PRINCESS JASMINE	55.5	-4	6	S. Saqlain
9	10	KNOTTY PRINCESS	60.0		12	Vishal N Bunde
9	3	EMERALDO	62.5	-1	8	Abhay Singh
34			Warren Singh(4)
2	4	SHUBANKAR	59.0		3	Vishal N Bunde
3	10	MEGHANN	54.5		11	Anjar Alam
7	6	SPEEDSTER	54.0		4	Akshay Kumar
9	8	THE INTRUDER	61.5		5	Khurshad Alam
#= Final Entry / Total Acceptors 94
Race date : 29/05/22..