Bangalore Summer Meeting 2023, 1st Day, Saturday, 20 May 2023
1. The May Day Plate - Horses rated 20 to 45, Distance: 1400m, Time:02:30 PM
LEX LUTHORguttural pouch infection (21/02/23)
LEX LUTHORInfection (21/02/23)
TRUE FAITHguttural pouch infection (08/03/23)
TRUE FAITHInfection (08/03/23)
TRUE FAITHSesamoiditis (17/03/23)
TRUE FAITHLameness (17/03/23)
AUGUSTInfection (24/02/23)
AUGUSTguttural pouch infection (24/02/23)
AUGUSTcellulitis (01/03/23)
AUGUSTInjury (01/03/23 to 03/03/23)
AUGUSTguttural pouch infection (19/04/23)
ROMAN SPIRITguttural pouch infection (21/02/23)
ROMAN SPIRITInfection (21/02/23)
CAT WHISKERSguttural pouch infection (20/02/23)
CAT WHISKERSInjury (27/02/23 to 05/03/23)
THE GOLDEN DREAMGastric ulcers (03/04/23)
OZARKInfection (18/02/23)
OZARKInjury (10/03/23 to 14/03/23)
OZARKEIPH(Bleeder) (10/03/23)
OZARKOedema (15/03/23)
DIVINE MASCULINELameness (05/04/23)
DIVINE MASCULINEIntra Articular Inj. (27/04/23)
DIVINE MASCULINELameness (27/04/23)
SLING SHOTInfection (20/02/23)
SLING SHOTguttural pouch infection (20/02/23)
2. The Quasar Plate - Horses rated 20 to 45, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:03:00 PM
SOUTHERN FORCEguttural pouch infection (18/02/23)
AHERNESuspensory Desmitis (04/02/23)
AHERNEInfection (01/03/23)
AHERNEInjury (06/03/23 to 06/03/23)
SEA BLUSHSuspensory Desmitis (06/03/22)
ECO FRIENDLYPhlebitis (29/06/19)
ECO FRIENDLYPhlebitis (27/11/19)
MY VISIONPhlebitis (14/07/20)
RHAPSODY IN GREENMyopathy (12/04/23)
MEMORABLE TIMEInfection (20/02/23)
MEMORABLE TIMEguttural pouch infection (20/02/23)
MEMORABLE TIMEInjury (28/02/23 to 04/03/23)
MEMORABLE TIMELameness (25/04/23)
MIGHTY ZOSuspensory Desmitis (19/03/22)
MIGHTY ZOLaryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) (29/01/23)
MIGHTY ZOTieback / Hobdays (04/02/23)
MIGHTY ZOSinusitis (21/02/23)
MIGHTY ZOFever (26/03/23)
MIGHTY ZOInfection (09/04/23)
ANTILOPEInfection (25/02/23)
SUNWAY LAGOON Sore Back (29/04/23)
VENUSLameness (22/03/23)
VENUSLameness (30/03/23)
VENUSArthritis (31/03/23)
3. The Akhal-Teke Plate - Horses rated 40 to 65, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:30 PM
MICHIGAN MELODYLameness (25/02/23)
MICHIGAN MELODYInjury (25/02/23 to 01/03/23)
SIEGE COURAGEOUSLameness (22/02/23)
SIEGE COURAGEOUSInjury (22/02/23 to 26/02/23)
SIEGE COURAGEOUSguttural pouch infection (09/04/23)
SIEGE COURAGEOUSInjury (04/05/23 to 04/05/23)
MYSTIC EYEEIPH(Bleeder) (01/12/22)
MYSTIC EYEInjury (23/02/23 to 27/02/23)
MYSTIC EYEOedema (28/04/23)
SKYFIREEIPH(Bleeder) (30/06/22)
SKYFIREInfection (20/02/23)
SKYFIREEIPH(Bleeder) (20/03/23)
SKYFIREInfection (24/04/23)
EXTRAORDINARYGastric ulcers (07/04/23)
MONTELENASesamoiditis (03/11/21)
MONTELENAguttural pouch infection (20/02/23)
MONTELENAInfection (20/02/23)
MONTELENA Sore Back (08/04/23)
CASH OUTPhlebitis (22/05/22)
CASH OUTPhlebitis (19/08/22)
CASH OUTInfection (26/02/23)
TOUGH COOKIEInfection (22/02/23)
FIGHTONInfection (28/04/23)
5. The Racing Patrons Trophy - Horses rated 70 and above, Distance: 1200m, Time:04:30 PM
SEA LIONESWT(Physiotherapy) (01/04/23)
SEA LIONESWT(Physiotherapy) (08/04/23)
SEA LIONESWT(Physiotherapy) (15/04/23)
SEA LION Sore Back (20/03/23)
SEA LIONESWT(Physiotherapy) (26/03/23)
SEA LIONOedema (29/03/23)
MOON'S BLESSINGInfection (21/02/23)
MOON'S BLESSINGInjury (06/03/23 to 06/03/23)
MOON'S BLESSINGLameness (31/03/23)
MOON'S BLESSINGMyopathy (14/04/23)
MOON'S BLESSINGInfection (20/04/23)
QUEENSTOWNSesamoiditis (22/11/21)
7. The Kunigal Stud Plate - Horses rated 40 to 65, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:05:30 PM
SERDARLaryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) (06/12/21)
SERDARInfection (18/02/23)
SHABELLEInjury (05/03/23 to 05/03/23)
SHABELLEDermatitis (10/04/23)
SHABELLEInfection (20/04/23)
ENGLISH BAYInfection (25/04/23)
ENGLISH BAYguttural pouch infection (25/04/23)
PELUCHESuspensory Desmitis (10/08/19)
PELUCHESuspensory Desmitis (14/09/19)
PELUCHEFever (01/04/23)
GOLDEN TIMEInfection (17/02/23)
GOLDEN TIMEguttural pouch infection (03/05/23)
THE REPUBLIC POWERPhlebitis (12/02/22)
THE REPUBLIC POWERPhlebitis (21/02/22)
THE REPUBLIC POWERInjury (19/03/23 to 19/03/23)
ALWAYS HAPPYFever (26/03/23)
ALWAYS HAPPYLameness (20/04/23)
4. The Welcome Trophy DIV I - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible), Distance: 1200m, Time:04:00 PM
TREASURE CHESTInfection (25/02/23)
TREASURE CHESTInfection (25/04/23)
TREASURE CHEST Sore Back (29/04/23)
WALVIS BAYPhlebitis (09/08/22)
WALVIS BAYguttural pouch infection (20/02/23)
EXETERFever (14/04/23)
STRIKING EYESLameness (20/02/23)
TEHANIguttural pouch infection (18/02/23)
TEHANIInfection (21/02/23)
TEHANIguttural pouch infection (21/02/23)
TEHANIFever (16/04/23)
TEHANIguttural pouch infection (06/05/23)
TEHANIMyopathy (06/05/23)
6. The Welcome Trophy DIV II - Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible), Distance: 1200m, Time:05:00 PM
CLIFFORDInjury (17/02/23 to 19/02/23)
CLIFFORDInjury (23/02/23 to 27/02/23)
VIVALDOLameness (04/03/23)
DESERTDRAGONSuspensory Desmitis (05/06/22)
DESERTDRAGONFracture (13/06/22)
DESERTDRAGONVulvoplasty (20/03/23)
GOOD TIPInjury (11/03/23 to 11/03/23)
GREENWICHguttural pouch infection (19/04/23)