1. (85) The Press Reporters Trophy - (About) 1200 metres.  Horses rated 00 to 25, 6 years old and over (12)
12:45 PM
SLING SHOT 62.5 ( 25) EMERALDO 59.5 ( 19) SACRED CREATOR 56 ( 12)
AKASI 61 ( 22) PETTES LOVE 58.5 ( 17) AMAZING LUCK 54.5 (  9)
MEGA SUCCESS 61 ( 22) CHIRAAG 58 ( 16) PERFECT HALO 51.5 (  3)
PHOENIX SURPRISE Phlebitis 28-01-20, Phlebitis 08-02-20 to 10-02-20
MEGA SUCCESS EIPH(Bleeder) 29-09-23 to 03-10-23
INFINITE SPIRIT Tendon 08-01-21
EMERALDO Sesamoiditis 25-03-23 to 14-04-23, Intra Articular Inj. 18-07-24
PETTES LOVE Arthritis 17-03-24, Oedema 15-06-24,  Sore Back 21-07-24, Intra Articular Inj. 09-08-24,  Sore Back 09-08-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 09-08-24
CHIRAAG EIPH(Bleeder) 18-06-22 to 23-06-22, EIPH(Bleeder) 23-07-22 to 27-07-22, EIPH(Bleeder) 10-06-23 to 14-06-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 02-12-23 to 06-12-23, Infection 04-08-24
AIR BLAST Injury 11-06-24 to 16-06-24, cellulitis 12-06-24 to 16-06-24
AMAZING LUCK EIPH(Bleeder) 03-07-22 to 07-07-22
2. (86) The Turf Authorities of India Trophy - (About) 1600 metres. Maiden Horses 3 years old only (Horses who have run at least thrice but not placed second, third or fourth even once ineligible) (Terms) (8)
01:15 PM
COUNT BASIE 56 ( - ) STRAORDINARIO 56 ( 33) BALMORAL 54.5 ( 31)
DR ASH 56 ( - ) THE LEADER 56 ( - ) DESERT GODDESS 54.5 ( - )
STAR HONOUR 56 ( - ) YANNICK 56 ( - )
COUNT BASIE Sinusitis 02-07-24 to 06-07-24, Injury 10-07-24, Sinusitis 12-07-24 to 13-07-24, Lameness 17-07-24 to 18-07-24, splint 18-07-24, Injury 10-08-24
DR ASH Injury 03-06-24 to 04-06-24, cellulitis 03-06-24 to 07-06-24, Injury 27-07-24, Injury 08-08-24
STAR HONOUR Laryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) 06-05-23, Lameness 27-05-24,  Sore Back 27-05-24,  Sore Back 15-06-24, Lameness 21-06-24, Intra Articular Inj. 21-06-24,  Sore Back 21-06-24, Oedema 28-07-24
STRAORDINARIO guttural pouch infection 18-07-24, Dermatitis 13-08-24
THE LEADER Oedema 28-07-24, Injury 12-08-24
YANNICK Sesamoiditis 06-07-23 to 26-07-23, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 29-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 06-07-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 13-07-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 20-07-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 27-07-24
BALMORAL Dermatitis 24-07-24, cellulitis 24-07-24 to 26-07-24
3. (87) The Indian Pattern Committee Trophy  - Div. II- (About) 1200 metres.  Horses rated 20 to 45 (12)
01:45 PM
IMMORTAL BEAUTY 60 ( 40) SELHURST PARK 55 ( 30) ICY WIND 53.5 ( 27)
REMBRANDT 58 ( 36) GLAZE 53.5 ( 27) DEBONAIR 52 ( 24)
MEHRA 55 ( 30) HAVASKA 53.5 ( 27) EMBOSOM 51 ( 22)
IMMORTAL BEAUTY Suspensory Desmitis 11-06-24, Lameness 11-06-24 to 12-06-24
PHOENOMENON Fracture 13-01-24, Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 20-01-24, Injury 28-07-24
REMBRANDT Sesamoid Fracture 11-01-23, Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Fetlock) 19-01-23
SELHURST PARK Suspensory Desmitis 23-08-23 to 24-08-23, Injury 03-08-24 to 07-08-24
SUPERCHARGE Haematoma 25-06-24 to 26-06-24
GLAZE Phlebitis 27-06-24 to 30-06-24
HAVASKA Fracture 15-02-24
ICY WIND Lameness 03-07-24 to 05-07-24, Injury 03-07-24 to 07-07-24
SCHAFENBERG cellulitis 22-07-24 to 26-07-24, Injury 22-07-24 to 26-07-24
DEBONAIR EIPH(Bleeder) 25-11-23 to 29-11-23
EMBOSOM Suspensory Desmitis 24-09-21, Suspensory Desmitis 01-10-21 to 02-10-21
4. (88) The Mumbai Cup - (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 40 to 65 (8)
02:20 PM
KING'S BATTALION 61 ( 62) BLUE GOD 55.5 ( 51) JOHN WICK 52.5 ( 45)
DISRUPTOR 59 ( 58) ANADALE 54.5 ( 49) KRYSTALLOS 51 ( 42)
BHARAT 55.5 ( 51) TESORINO 53 ( 46)
DISRUPTOR Tendon 10-11-21, Tendon 28-01-23, Tendon 29-03-23, Tendon 25-01-24 to 27-01-24, Injury 14-07-24, Lameness 14-07-24 to 15-07-24
BHARAT Injury 28-07-24
BLUE GOD Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 22-11-23, Injury 20-07-24
ANADALE Sesamoiditis 01-02-23 to 15-02-23
TESORINO ESWT(Physiotherapy) 04-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 10-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 15-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 24-06-24, Dermatitis 28-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 01-07-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 07-07-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 22-07-24
JOHN WICK Infection 05-07-24, cellulitis 10-07-24 to 14-07-24, guttural pouch infection 15-07-24 to 19-07-24, Infection 15-07-24 to 21-07-24
KRYSTALLOS Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 18-01-24, Infection 07-07-24 to 11-07-24
5. (89) The Hyderabad Salver - (About) 1800 metres.  Horses rated 40 to 65, 4 years old and over (11)
02:55 PM
STARKOVA 60 ( 58) CONSTABLE 55.5 ( 49) IRISH ROCKSTAR 52 ( 42)
MAGNUS 58.5 ( 55) AUGUST 55 ( 48) SUPER MARVELLA 51.5 ( 41)
SASSY 58.5 ( 55) LEX LUTHOR 54 ( 46) STRAVINSKY 51 ( 40)
TIGNANELLO 56.5 ( 51) STAR CONCEPT 54 ( 46)
Weights raised 1 Kg
MAGNUS Injury 06-06-24
SASSY Tendon 11-12-23
TIGNANELLO Phlebitis 29-06-21 to 03-07-21, Phlebitis 07-07-21, Suspensory Desmitis 11-06-23 to 13-06-23, Sesamoid Fracture 14-07-23, Dermatitis 21-06-24, Injury 13-07-24, Injury 26-07-24 to 27-07-24, Injury 02-08-24
CONSTABLE guttural pouch infection 15-06-24
AUGUST Myopathy 24-06-24
LEX LUTHOR Myopathy 28-06-24, Injury 15-07-24 to 19-07-24
STAR CONCEPT Phlebitis 17-05-22 to 19-05-22, Phlebitis 05-12-22 to 07-12-22, Phlebitis 13-01-23 to 15-01-23, Phlebitis 17-01-23, Dermatitis 13-06-24 to 17-06-24
IRISH ROCKSTAR Injury 31-07-24, Injury 15-08-24
SUPER MARVELLA Fracture 17-01-23, Fracture 30-06-23
STRAVINSKY Suspensory Desmitis 28-02-24, Suspensory Desmitis 12-06-24, Injury 21-06-24, Intra Articular Inj. 15-08-24
6. (90) The Coromandel Gromor B. T. C. Anniversary Cup - (About) 1400 metres. 4 years old and over. (Terms) (7)
03:30 PM
Total Prize Money : Rs. 10,96,000
                              Winner     Second      Third     Fourth      Fifth      Sixth
Owner - The Trophy &        5,42,520   1,80,840     90,420     45,210     27,126     18,084 
Trainer                       65,760     21,920     10,960      5,480      3,288      2,192 
Jockey                        49,320     16,440      8,220      4,110      2,466      1,644 
ONCE YOU GO BLACK 60 (116) YUKAN 55 ( 99) SHUBANKAR 54 ( 84)
SHAMROCK 58 (112) IRON CLAD 54 ( - )
Weights raised 2 Kgs
SHAMROCK Fracture 11-06-23,  Sore Back 01-06-24, Lameness 16-06-24,  Sore Back 16-06-24
ALL ATTRACTIVE Sesamoiditis 25-03-21 to 14-04-21, Injury 30-05-24,  Sore Back 18-06-24, Injury 22-06-24, Injury 19-07-24 to 21-07-24, Lameness 25-07-24,  Sore Back 25-07-24
YUKAN guttural pouch infection 01-06-24, guttural pouch infection 06-06-24 to 08-06-24, guttural pouch infection 10-06-24 to 15-06-24, Infection 13-06-24 to 15-06-24, Injury 09-08-24
SANTORINO Arthritis 04-08-23, Suspensory Desmitis 23-11-23, Suspensory Desmitis 09-05-24, Injury 01-06-24, Lameness 06-06-24 to 08-06-24, Injury 24-07-24, Injury 14-08-24
7. (91) The HPSL Bangalore Summer Derby (Grade I)- (About) 2000 metres. 3-year-old Indian Horses (foaled in 2021) (Terms) (12)
04:05 PM
Total Prize Money : Rs. 2,00,00,000
                              Winner     Second      Third     Fourth      Fifth      Sixth
Owner - The Trophy &       98,01,000  32,67,000  16,33,500   8,16,750   4,90,050   3,26,700 
Trainer - The Trophy &     11,88,000   3,96,000   1,98,000     99,000     59,400     39,600 
Jockey - The Trophy &       8,91,000   2,97,000   1,48,500     74,250     44,550     29,700 
Breeder - The Trophy &      2,00,000     
CASTEEL 56 ( 39) PERSIAN ROCK 56 ( 50) VICTOR HUGO 56 ( - )
DUKE OF TUSCANY 56 ( - ) POSITANO 56 ( 41) EXCELLENT LASS 54.5 ( 51)
ELFIN KNIGHT 56 ( 55) SANTISSIMO 56 ( 73) NYX 54.5 ( 27)
# Final Entry
AMAZING RULER Infection 24-05-24, Myopathy 26-05-24 to 27-05-24, Injury 03-06-24 to 07-06-24, capped elbow 05-07-24 to 09-07-24, Lameness 04-08-24 to 05-08-24, Myopathy 05-08-24 to 07-08-24
CASTEEL Injury 26-06-24 to 28-06-24
DUKE OF TUSCANY Lameness 26-05-24 to 28-05-24, Injury 26-05-24 to 30-05-24
ELFIN KNIGHT Infection 15-06-24 to 19-06-24, Infection 12-08-24 to 16-08-24
GOLDEN THUNDER Injury 05-08-24 to 09-08-24, cellulitis 05-08-24 to 09-08-24
POSITANO guttural pouch infection 27-05-24, guttural pouch infection 04-07-24, guttural pouch infection 22-07-24 to 23-07-24, Injury 10-08-24, guttural pouch infection 13-08-24
SANTISSIMO Infection 10-08-24 to 15-08-24
VICTOR HUGO Suspensory Desmitis 11-10-23
EXCELLENT LASS  Sore Back 07-08-24, Intra Articular Inj. 07-08-24
8. (92) The Indian Pattern Committee Trophy  - Div. I- (About) 1200 metres.  Horses rated 20 to 45 (11)
04:50 PM
*KNOTTY PATTON 62 ( 44) EBOTSE 59 ( 38) THE GALLERY TIME 58 ( 36)
SUPER RUFFIAN 61.5 ( 43) CHISOX 58.5 ( 37) GISMO 55 ( 30)
BOLD ACT 61 ( 42) LA MCQUEEN 58 ( 36) INVINCIBLE 54 ( 28)
FAST RESPONSE 59.5 ( 39) MAGICAL BAY 58 ( 36)
KNOTTY PATTON Phlebitis 04-09-19, Phlebitis 28-01-20 to 30-01-20, Suspensory Desmitis 18-05-21, Sesamoiditis 24-11-23, Lameness 05-06-24
SUPER RUFFIAN Phlebitis 13-04-21, Sesamoiditis 21-06-21 to 04-07-21, Fracture 23-08-22, Fracture 28-11-23, Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 04-01-24, Lameness 30-05-24, Intra Articular Inj. 30-05-24, Intra Articular Inj. 07-07-24, Intra Articular Inj. 21-07-24, Lameness 21-07-24, Intra Articular Inj. 31-07-24, Intra Articular Inj. 07-08-24
BOLD ACT Oedema 15-06-24
FAST RESPONSE Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 14-03-23, Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 17-02-24, Oedema 14-06-24, Intra Articular Inj. 14-07-24, Intra Articular Inj. 29-07-24, Lameness 11-08-24, Intra Articular Inj. 13-08-24
EBOTSE Tendon 13-12-23, Tendon 23-12-23 to 25-12-23, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 01-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 08-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 15-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 29-06-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 06-07-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 20-07-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 27-07-24
CHISOX Dermatitis 14-06-24 to 18-06-24, Oedema 14-06-24 to 15-06-24, EIPH(Bleeder) 15-07-24 to 19-07-24
LA MCQUEEN Injury 29-07-24 to 02-08-24, cellulitis 29-07-24 to 02-08-24
INVINCIBLE EIPH(Bleeder) 03-02-23 to 07-02-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 11-06-23 to 15-06-23, Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 23-06-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 01-12-23 to 03-12-23, Oedema 02-08-24
9. (93)  The Kolkata Cup - (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 40 to 65, 5 years old and over (12)
05:30 PM
AHERNE 61.5 ( 63) KLIMT 55.5 ( 51) CLASSIC CHARM 52.5 ( 45)
KALLU SAKKARE 61.5 ( 63) BRUCE ALMIGHTY 55 ( 50) SEKHMET 52 ( 44)
AQUAMATIC 61 ( 62) ALL ATTRACTION 53.5 ( 47) OWN LEGACY 51.5 ( 43)
GOLDEN TIME 55.5 ( 51) AUGUSTO 52.5 ( 45) ARDAKAN 50.5 ( 41)
AHERNE Suspensory Desmitis 04-02-23 to 05-02-23
KALLU SAKKARE Injury 23-05-24 to 25-05-24, capped elbow 28-05-24 to 01-06-24
ALL ATTRACTION Suspensory Desmitis 01-10-23
AUGUSTO Sesamoiditis 22-03-22 to 11-04-22, Sesamoid Fracture 23-03-23, Injury 18-06-24, capped elbow 20-06-24 to 21-06-24
SEKHMET Sesamoiditis 17-12-21 to 14-01-22
OWN LEGACY capped elbow 01-07-24 to 03-07-24, Injury 27-07-24 to 31-07-24
ARDAKAN Interspinous Ligament Desmotomy 12-04-23, Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 06-09-23,  Sore Back 17-06-24, Injury 07-07-24
Races Selected for:
Jackpot : 5,6,7,8,9
1st Treble : 1,2,3
2nd Treble : 4,5,6
3rd Treble : 7,8,9
 The Kolkata Cup has been postponed from Saturday, 24th August, 2024.
Brought forward amount of Jackpot Pool Rs 2,05,722/- (Two Lakhs Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Two Rupees)
The Amazing Grace Plate has been renamed as The Press Reporters Trophy the winner of the race will now receive a trophy (value Rs.35,000/-) along with the prize money already advertised.
Starting declarations at 10:00 AM on Thursday, 22nd August, 2024
Number of Acceptors = 93
21st August, 2024 BANGALORE TURF CLUB LTD.