BANGALORE WINTER MEETING 2007-2008 NINTH DAY, SATURDAY, 15TH DECEMBER, 2007 RACING INCIDENTS GOING : GOOD (Race No.63 to 69) PENETROMETER READING : 3.9 Cms. (False Rails: Width of 3.5 Metres from 1600 Metres to 1000 Metres and 7 Metres from 1000 Metres to the winning post.) 1st Race: 63.The Thirthahalli Plate - (About) 1400 Metres. 12 Runners Horses rated 00 to 30. FIREY BUSINESS (Vinod Shinde) was slow into stride and lost few lengths at the start. In view of its bahaviour Trainer Mr. Irfan Ghatala was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendiary Stewards in one jump out on a starting gate practice day. BANDANNA (S. Chandrashekar) was slow into stride and lost few lengths at the start. In view of its behaviour trainer Mr. S.K. Habib Khan was informed that he must not accept with it again until its behaviour improved to the satisfaction of the Stipendi- ary Stewards in one jump out on a starting gate practice day. Jockey K. Chethana, the rider of MISS MARVELOUS, reported that his mount collided with the false rails and the right stirrup broke approaching the 800 Metres and as such he could not offer sufficient aid to his mount thereafter. Routine Sample was taken for analysis from the winner b g PROUD AS A PEACOCK. 2nd Race: 64. The Shantineketan Trophy-(About) 1200 Metres 6 Runners Horses rated 80 and above. As Jockey B. Mahesh was certified medically unfit to ride, per- mission was granted to trainer Mr. S. Santosh Rao to substitute Jockey M.J. Gautam Raj Urs to ride COMPTON STAR in place of B. Mahesh, the declared rider. Permission was granted to trainer Mr. B. Puttanna to withdraw LAVA on veterinary grounds as it was lame on right fore due to sprained fetlock. He was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club's Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again. Jockey K.P.G. Appu, the rider of STYLISH BAY, was fined Rs.1,000/- for shifting `in' and causing interference to LAGUNA BLUE (Vivek) on his inside approaching the 250 Metres. Jockey S. John, the rider of HYACINTH, was fined Rs.1,000/- for coming `in' and causing interference to LAGUNA BLUE (Vivek) on his inside approaching the 150 Metres. 3rd Race: 65. The J.Tyrrell Memorial Plate - (About) 1400 9 Runners Metres. Horses rated 40 to 70, 4 and 5 years old. Trainer Mr. Sharat Kumar was fined Rs.2,000/- for declaring Jockey A.R. Mani to ride BILLY BLACKJACK when the rider was under suspension. Subsequently he was permitted to be declared Jockey Afsar Khan. Jockey Tauseef Ahmed, the rider of HIDDEN PLEASURE, was fined Rs.2,000/- for coming `in' and causing interference to DARK HORSE (V.R. Jagadeesh) on his inside which in turn passed it on to AMAZING FOREST (K.P.G. Appu) further on the inside soon after jumping out of the starting gates. Jockey K.P.G. Appu, the rider of AMAZING FOREST reported that he lost his whip approaching the 400 Metres. 4th Race: 66. The Premium Spirit Plate - (About) 1200 Metres. 11 Runners Horses rated 20 to 50, 4 & 5 years old. Mr. V. Lokanath, the trainer of DARKTAN, placed 2nd by the Judge lodged an objection against Jockey S. John, the rider of SHE'S BIG for coming `in' and causing interference to his charge DARK- TAN (Gaurav Sapra) in the last 30 Metres when the horse was full of running which cost a certain race. The Stewards held an en- quiry immediately after the race and interviewed trainer Mr. V. Lokanath, Jockeys S. John and Gaurav Sapra. After deliberations they decided to overrule the objection. Jockey Gaurav Sapra, the rider of DARKTAN, was severely repri- manded for his negligence in proceeding to the scales prior to lodging an objection and considering his limited experience cautioned him to be careful in future. Jockey S. John, the rider of SHE'S BIG, was fined Rs.3,000/- for not maintaining a straight course in the last 200 Metres. REGAL DREAM (S. Babu) could not get a clear run in the last 300 Metres due to a closely packed field. 5th Race: 67. The Topmost Cup - (About) 1200 Metres. Maiden 11 Runners Indian Horses 2 years old only (Foaled in 2005) (Terms). As Jockey J.H. Christoper was certified medically unfit to ride, permission was granted to trainer Mr. Amit Caddy to substitute Jockey S.A. De Sausa to ride ROYAL PLAYER in place of J.H. Chris- topher, the declared rider. Jockey S. Babu, the rider of STAR SCEPTRE, was reprimanded for not adequately persevering with his mount during the race. Routine Sample was taken for analysis from the winner b c MARK OF GIBRALTAR. 6th Race: 68. The Saddle Up Plate-(About) 1400 Metres. 12 Runners Horses rated 20 to 50. Jockey M.J. Gautam Raj Urs, the rider of SUNNY CONNEXION, report- ed that he could not get a clear run soon after jumping out of the starting gates due to the crowding of the field. Jockey Zia Akhtar, the rider of ACT SMART, reported that he could not get a clear run soon after jumping out of the starting gates due to the crowding of the field. CRACKERJACK (K.P.G. Appu) pulled up lame after the race on left hind. Trainer Mr. S.K. Habib Khan was informed that he must produce a Fitness Certificate from the Club's Veterinary Officer before accepting with it again. 7th Race: 69. The T. Dougall Memorial Plate-(About) 1200 11 Runners Metres. Horses rated 40 to 70. Trainer Mr. Neil Darashah was fined Rs.2,000/- for failing to use hanging bit on his charge LUSH FOLLAGE (S.A.De Sousa) for the use of which prior permission had been obtained and also for not pos- sessing a spare one to be used. Hence the horse was permitted to run without a hanging bit. Routine Sample was taken for analysis from the winner b f LUSH FOLLAGE. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Permission was granted to trainers M/s. B. Prithviraj and Faraz Arshad to deputise on behalf of trainers M/s. G. Nityanand and Sajid Qureshi who were unable to attend the races. ---------------------------------------------------------------- BREATHALYSER TEST No. of Riders tested : 5 Result : Negative ---------------------------------------------------------------- STARTING REMARKS : Issued by the Starters separately. ----------------------------------------------------------------- No. of Races : : 7 No. of Runners : : 72 Average Runners per Race : : 10.2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Sd/- T. RAMAN, Sd/- T.S. MAHENDHER, STIPENDIARY STEWARDS, 17-12-2007 PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE STEWARDS.