Bangalore Winter Meeting 2015-16, 24th Day, Saturday, 27 Feb 2016
1. The Mudabidri Plate - Horses rated 00 to 25, Distance: 1100m, Time:2.15p.m.
MR BIG SHOTCastration (31/12/14)
SPLENDID BRAVEArthrotomy (06/08/14)
SPLENDID BRAVECastration (25/06/14)
NEW MALLETIntra Articular Inj. (19/01/16)
NEW MALLETCastration (06/03/15)
NEW MALLETLameness (15/01/16)
SIXTH SENSECastration (11/03/15)
SIXTH SENSEInfection (22/12/15)
VITOCastration (07/04/14)
MISS CEYLONInjury (12/12/15 to 16/12/15)
BROADWAY RANGERCastration (08/08/13)
2. The Tumkur Plate DIV II - Horses rated 40 to 65, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:2.45p.m.
SUPER STRONGCastration (08/10/14)
CHARMING GREYCastration (13/08/13)
ARTORIUSCastration (28/10/12)
MANTA RAYCastration (12/05/14)
ANDROSTOSCastration (21/02/15)
ANDROSTOSLameness (28/12/15)
CLICKLameness (19/12/15)
AS GOOD AS IT GETSCastration (10/04/13)
FOREST QUEENEIPH(Bleeder) (15/02/15)
RAKSHITHAInjury (01/01/16 to 03/01/16)
3. The Alchemy Plate DIV II - Horses rated 20 to 45, 6 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:3.15p.m.
MAGNETIZELameness (16/01/16)
THEJAGUAREIPH(Bleeder) (10/10/12)
THEJAGUAREIPH(Bleeder) (20/12/12)
THEJAGUAREIPH(Bleeder) (15/02/14)
THEJAGUARFever (05/01/16)
THEJAGUARCastration (18/08/11)
ROCK N ROLLAColic (21/12/15)
ROCK N ROLLACastration (27/06/13)
ROCK N ROLLAInjury (29/11/15 to 03/12/15)
ANMOL HIRAIntra Articular Inj. (10/12/15)
ANMOL HIRAIntra Articular Inj. (17/02/16)
ANMOL HIRACastration (16/12/13)
ANMOL HIRALameness (05/12/15)
I'LL HAVE ONE MOREArthrotomy (13/12/13)
I'LL HAVE ONE MOREArthrotomy (03/07/14)
I'LL HAVE ONE MOREIntra Articular Inj. (16/02/16)
I'LL HAVE ONE MORELameness (04/01/16)
ICEPICK WILLIEEIPH(Bleeder) (05/07/14)
ICEPICK WILLIEEIPH(Bleeder) (12/07/14)
ICEPICK WILLIECastration (31/03/12)
ACTIVE GREYEIPH(Bleeder) (28/03/14)
GREAT SECRETCastration (18/11/13)
4. The Saptharishi Cup - Horses rated 60 and above, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:3.45p.m.
UNGOOGLEABLECastration (28/11/13)
UNGOOGLEABLELameness (21/01/16)
CASTLE STUARTCastration (16/08/13)
CASTLE STUARTInjury (23/12/15 to 27/12/15)
CASTLE STUARTInjury (05/02/16 to 09/02/16)
KINGSTON TOWNCastration (11/04/13)
INQUISITIONCastration (09/03/11)
GERMAN GUIDECastration (07/09/15)
GERMAN GUIDEInjury (26/12/15 to 28/12/15)
ROYAL REINCastration (28/11/12)
BE INSPIREDArthrotomy (07/08/15)
BE INSPIREDLameness (28/12/15)
SEVEN OF HEARTSEIPH(Bleeder) (07/12/14)
SEVEN OF HEARTSEIPH(Bleeder) (24/03/15)
SEVEN OF HEARTSCastration (05/09/12)
SEVEN OF HEARTSInfection (08/01/16)
SEVEN OF HEARTSLameness (03/01/16)
SEVEN OF HEARTSLameness (04/01/16)
SEVEN OF HEARTSLameness (24/01/16)
SEVEN OF HEARTSLameness (14/02/16)
SUPREME DOMINATORCastration (05/10/14)
CAPITALIZECastration (12/08/13)
5. The Governor's Trophy - 3-year-old horses(Foaled in 2013), Distance: 1600m, Time:4.15p.m.
THOMAS MORECastration (10/07/15)
6. The Tumkur Plate DIV I - Horses rated 40 to 65, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:4.45p.m.
ABSOLUTE REDCastration (18/05/12)
MYSTIC MUSICInjury (19/12/15 to 23/12/15)
MYSTIC MUSICLameness (05/02/16)
AMAZING REDDCastration (30/05/12)
ARTIC ATTRACTIONLameness (20/01/16)
JAMES BONDCastration (02/04/14)
HELIOSCastration (14/01/15)
SOVIET UNIONCastration (18/10/13)
7. The Alchemy Plate DIV I - Horses rated 20 to 45, 6 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:5.15p.m.
LITTLE LOVEEIPH(Bleeder) (28/12/14)
LITTLE LOVEInfection (27/01/16)
BELLA PINKYEIPH(Bleeder) (15/06/15)
BETTER THAN EVERCastration (29/03/12)
RUMOUR HAS ITInjury (29/11/15 to 03/12/15)
ANFIELDEIPH(Bleeder) (16/03/15)
ANFIELDCastration (29/10/11)
CONQUISTADORArthrotomy (12/03/15)
CONQUISTADORCastration (20/03/14)
GO GREENEIPH(Bleeder) (08/02/15)
GO GREENEIPH(Bleeder) (05/12/15)
CARDUCCIColic (03/02/16)
CARDUCCICastration (23/03/12)
8. The Star of Windsor Plate - Horses rated 20 to 45, Distance: 1400m, Time:5.45p.m.
ONLY PRINCESSIntra Articular Inj. (03/01/16)
ONLY PRINCESSColic (01/02/16)
ONLY PRINCESSInfection (16/01/16)
ONLY PRINCESSLameness (14/02/16)
ONLY PRINCESSLameness (15/02/16)
ONLY PRINCESSTieback / Hobdays (15/03/15)
GOLDEN NIMBUSInfection (12/01/16)
GOLDEN NIMBUSInfection (15/01/16)
RARE AND FAMOUSCastration (20/04/15)
LITTLE MANArthrotomy (13/03/15)
LITTLE MANCastration (01/04/15)
RE LIVELameness (15/02/16)