Bangalore Winter Meeting 2017-2018, 10th Day, Friday, 16 Feb 2018
1. The Man'O'War Plate - Maiden Horses 3 years old only, Distance: 1100m, Time:02:15 PM
DECISIVEInjury (28/11/17 to 02/12/17)
DECISIVEIntra Articular Inj. (07/01/18)
HAVE A NICE DAYInfection (30/11/17)
STUNNING GREYInjury (27/11/17 to 29/11/17)
STUNNING GREYInjury (13/12/17 to 13/12/17)
STUNNING GREYInjury (15/12/17 to 19/12/17)
STUNNING GREYInjury (21/12/17 to 23/12/17)
STUNNING GREYLameness (06/02/18)
ANNALEASEInfection (18/11/17)
ANNALEASESinusitis (18/11/17)
ANNALEASEInfection (09/01/18)
CAMILALameness (28/12/17)
2. The Manipal Plate DIV II - Horses rated 15 to 35, Distance: 1200m, Time:02:45 PM
HALFSIESIntra Articular Inj. (20/12/17)
STRIKING GREYArytenoidetomy (06/10/16)
STRIKING GREYIntra Articular Inj. (06/12/17)
STRIKING GREYLameness (06/12/17)
PERFECTGOLDENERAArthrotomy (22/07/16)
CAPSTONEIntra Articular Inj. (25/11/17)
CAPSTONEIntra Articular Inj. (16/12/17)
CAPSTONEcellulitis (19/12/17)
CAPSTONEcapped elbow (22/01/18)
DAUPHINELameness (24/11/17)
IRISLameness (25/01/18)
MUSIC DIVINEIntra Articular Inj. (06/12/17)
MUSIC DIVINEInfection (08/01/18)
3. The Mandya Plate - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1800m, Time:03:15 PM
SAPTAJITInjury (07/12/17 to 09/12/17)
FRENEMEEEIPH(Bleeder) (12/03/13)
DEL PORTOEIPH(Bleeder) TRACK (15/11/14)
DEL PORTOEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (30/11/15)
FRESH STARTEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (20/01/15)
FRESH STARTEIPH(Bleeder) TRACK (01/10/15)
FRESH STARTEIPH(Bleeder) TRACK (07/12/15)
FRESH STARTcellulitis (22/11/17)
FRESH STARTIntra Articular Inj. (22/01/18)
FRESH START Sore Back (22/01/18)
INDIAN FURYEIPH(Bleeder) (28/11/16)
INDIAN FURYEIPH(Bleeder) (13/02/17)
INDIAN FURYInfection (30/11/17)
INDIAN FURY Sore Back (02/12/17)
INDIAN FURYIntra Articular Inj. (24/12/17)
4. The Pratap Stud Plate - Horses rated 45 to 65, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:45 PM
CHINA ONEguttural pouch infection (13/01/18)
DREAM STARFracture (12/06/16)
DREAM STARInjury (28/01/18 to 28/01/18)
BLACK LIGHTNINGArthrotomy (31/08/15)
MAJESTIC STYLE Sore Back (24/12/17)
INTERESTINGIntra Articular Inj. (18/11/17)
INTERESTINGMyopathy (07/12/17)
INTERESTING Sore Back (08/12/17)
INTERESTINGIntra Articular Inj. (27/01/18)
INTERESTING Sore Back (27/01/18)
KVASIRInfection (12/12/17)
KVASIRguttural pouch infection (22/12/17)
KVASIR Sore Back (22/12/17)
5. The Dr C Vittal Memorial Trophy - Horses rated 30 to 50. (Whips not allowed), Distance: 1400m, Time:04:15 PM
ALVAREZArthrotomy (20/07/16)
CANTABRIAInfection (13/01/18)
CANTABRIAguttural pouch infection (13/01/18)
DONNA ROSSAInjury (21/11/17 to 21/11/17)
DONNA ROSSAguttural pouch infection (19/01/18)
AS TIME GOES BYIntra Articular Inj. (09/12/17)
AS TIME GOES BY Sore Back (09/12/17)
AS TIME GOES BY Sore Back (15/01/18)
AS TIME GOES BYInfection (16/01/18)
PAPADOKIAIntra Articular Inj. (05/12/17)
STELLAR AMBITIONTieback / Hobdays (16/10/12)
STELLAR AMBITIONEIPH(Bleeder) (10/01/13)
SECRET PURSUITEIPH(Bleeder) (10/12/16)
SECRET PURSUITInjury (01/02/18 to 05/02/18)
6. The Manipal Plate DIV I - Horses rated 15 to 35, Distance: 1200m, Time:04:45 PM
ALBERETTAcellulitis (23/11/17)
ALBERETTA Sore Back (31/01/18)
ALLSETTOGOcellulitis (20/11/17)
ARTORIUSEIPH(Bleeder) (24/01/17)
ARTORIUSEIPH(Bleeder) (10/07/17)
ARTORIUSIntra Articular Inj. (26/11/17)
LIMATOInfection (18/01/18)
7. The Balmuri Falls Plate - Horses rated 00 to 20, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:05:15 PM
ANEMOSLameness (22/11/17)
NOTOSEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (21/06/15)
EARLY BIRDInjury (13/12/17 to 17/12/17)
TIC TAC TOETieback / Hobdays (27/09/13)
PERFECT PRINCEInjury (03/02/18 to 05/02/18)