Bangalore Winter Meeting 2018-2019, 14th Day, Saturday, 05 Jan 2019
1. The January Plate - Maiden Horses 3 years old only., Distance: 1200m, Time:01:45 PM
ALEXANDRE DUMASInfection (28/11/18)
ALEXANDRE DUMASInfection (30/11/18)
ALEXANDRE DUMASguttural pouch infection (11/12/18)
ALEXANDRE DUMASInfection (11/12/18)
ALEXANDRE DUMASguttural pouch infection (14/12/18)
CUBANLameness (24/11/18)
CUBANInjury (08/12/18 to 12/12/18)
JERSEY LEGENDInjury (30/10/18 to 03/11/18)
JERSEY LEGENDInjury (26/11/18 to 30/11/18)
JERSEY LEGENDInjury (04/12/18 to 04/12/18)
OZARKInfection (28/11/18)
OZARKInfection (30/11/18)
RENEGADEInfection (09/11/18)
RENEGADEInfection (10/11/18)
RENEGADEguttural pouch infection (10/11/18)
CONSTANZAVulvoplasty (15/10/18)
2. The Cordon Bleu Plate DIV II - Horses rated 15 to 35, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:02:15 PM
HABANEROLameness (04/11/18)
BOLD MOVELameness (21/12/18)
GIRL WITH PEARLIntra Articular Inj. (19/11/18)
GIRL WITH PEARLLameness (29/11/18)
GIRL WITH PEARLguttural pouch infection (18/12/18)
VARSHAInjury (15/11/18 to 21/11/18)
VARSHAcellulitis (25/12/18)
VARSHAcellulitis (25/12/18)
ODYSSEYAbscess (02/11/18)
BOLD RUNNERInjury (07/11/18 to 11/11/18)
BOLD RUNNERInjury (07/11/18 to 11/11/18)
LIMATOEIPH(Bleeder) (30/11/18)
3. The Murdeshwar Plate - Horses rated 00 to 20, Distance: 1100m, Time:02:45 PM
IRISH PRINCEIntra Articular Inj. (30/10/18)
INDIAN LEAGUE Sore Back (19/11/18)
INDIAN LEAGUEIntra Articular Inj. (19/11/18)
NAAYAABguttural pouch infection (22/10/18)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (06/03/17)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (24/07/17)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (28/03/18)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (21/07/18)
HIGH HAWKGastric ulcers (29/10/18)
ISLAND PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (13/03/18)
ISLAND PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (10/06/18)
ISLAND PEARLInfection (02/11/18)
ISLAND PEARLHaematoma (27/11/18)
GLORIOUS DAYSEIPH(Bleeder) (26/07/18)
COUNTRY'S PEARLEIPH(Bleeder) (27/05/18)
COUNTRY'S PEARLLameness (18/12/18)
COUNTRY'S PEARLIntra Articular Inj. (20/12/18)
PERFECT HORIZONArthrotomy (23/10/16)
SCORCHINGEIPH(Bleeder) (01/07/18)
ONE TO NOTEEIPH(Bleeder) (04/07/16)
ONE TO NOTELameness (20/11/18)
PREMIER PREMISESguttural pouch infection (22/10/18)
4. The Cordon Bleu Plate DIV I - Horses rated 15 to 35, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:15 PM
FANTASTIC APPInjury (17/11/18 to 21/11/18)
FANTASTIC APPInjury (01/12/18 to 03/12/18)
HAPPY DANCINGEIPH(Bleeder) (25/02/18)
STREAK AHEADInjury (15/10/18 to 17/10/18)
STREAK AHEADIntra Articular Inj. (30/10/18)
STREAK AHEADDermatitis (11/11/18)
BLARNEY STONEInjury (25/12/18 to 25/12/18)
BLARNEY STONEInjury (26/12/18 to 26/12/18)
HIGH ADMIRALEIPH(Bleeder) (17/05/17)
HIGH ADMIRALIntra Articular Inj. (28/10/18)
5. The Dr.K.T.B.Menon Memorial Trophy DIV I - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:45 PM
HAJIRAArthrotomy (06/03/17)
HAJIRAArthrotomy (06/03/17)
ULTIMATE MAGICDermatitis (09/10/18)
ROMANTIC HELENFracture (29/11/17)
ROMANTIC HELENLameness (05/11/18)
ROMANTIC HELEN Sore Back (11/11/18)
WILD WILD ANGELSIntra Articular Inj. (03/12/18)
WILD WILD ANGELSInjury (07/12/18 to 09/12/18)
EMIDIOInjury (03/11/18 to 09/11/18)
RECZAIIntra Articular Inj. (30/10/18)
RECZAILameness (01/12/18)
AINEInjury (04/10/18 to 08/10/18)
AINEInjury (04/10/18 to 06/10/18)
6. The Bangalore Oaks(Grade II) - 4-year-old Indian Fillies(Foaled in 2015), Distance: 2400m, Time:04:15 PM
BLUE MOONEIPH(Bleeder) (06/07/18)
BLUE MOONguttural pouch infection (04/12/18)
BLUE MOONInfection (04/12/18)
LIFEISAMIRACLELameness (29/11/18)
PLAY SAFEFracture (28/02/18)
SHESMYSCRIPTsplint (03/12/18)
SUPERB SUCCESSMyopathy (08/10/18)
7. The New Year Cup(Grade III) - 4 years old and over at the time of starting., Distance: 1400m, Time:04:45 PM
SERJEANT AT ARMSguttural pouch infection (22/10/18)
MAURITANIALameness (30/10/18)
IRISInfection (14/10/18)
SHAMANSuspensory Desmitis (26/06/17)
SHAMANsplint (08/12/18)
SMILE STONEIntra Articular Inj. (30/10/18)
SUBAH KA TARAInjury (07/11/18 to 11/11/18)
SUBAH KA TARAInjury (07/11/18 to 11/11/18)
8. The Dr.K.T.B.Menon Memorial Trophy DIV II - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:05:15 PM
MARIKOEIPH(Bleeder) (22/01/17)
MARIKOSesamoiditis (10/09/18)
MARIKOIntra Articular Inj. (08/12/18)
ROYAL REINEIPH(Bleeder) (06/12/16)
FLICKAEIPH(Bleeder) (12/08/17)
FLICKAInjury (18/10/18 to 20/10/18)
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (19/08/16)
GRECIAN LIGHTEIPH(Bleeder) (08/07/18)
SECRET DIMENSIONEIPH(Bleeder) (02/08/18)
A HEARTTOREMEMBERIntra Articular Inj. (05/12/18)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (15/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (16/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (19/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (24/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (08/12/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (12/12/17)
DON DELA VEGALameness (10/11/18)
DON DELA VEGAIntra Articular Inj. (10/11/18)
DON DELA VEGALameness (01/12/18)
DON DELA VEGAIntra Articular Inj. (10/12/18)