Bangalore Winter Meeting 2018-2019, 25th Day, Friday, 15 Mar 2019
1. The Karwar Plate DIV II - Horses rated 00 to 20, Distance: 1100m, Time:01:45 PM
NAAYAABInjury (05/01/19 to 07/01/19)
NAAYAAB Sore Back (09/01/19)
NAAYAABInjury (10/02/19 to 12/02/19)
AQUA BLESSINGEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (18/03/16)
AQUA BLESSINGEIPH(Bleeder) (01/08/17)
AQUA BLESSINGIntra Articular Inj. (23/12/18)
DAUPHINELameness (23/01/19)
DAUPHINEIntra Articular Inj. (27/01/19)
DAUPHINELameness (27/01/19)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (06/03/17)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (24/07/17)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (28/03/18)
HIGH HAWKEIPH(Bleeder) (21/07/18)
KRUGER PARKInjury (28/01/19 to 03/02/19)
PERFECTASTHERLameness (01/01/19)
TORONTOIntra Articular Inj. (09/02/19)
TORONTOIntra Articular Inj. (20/02/19)
2. The Kudremukh Plate - Horses rated 15 to 35, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:02:15 PM
GANDHARVAESWT(Physiotherapy) (14/12/18)
GANDHARVADermatitis (16/12/18)
GANDHARVAESWT(Physiotherapy) (13/01/19)
AIR OF DISTINCTIONArytenoid chondropathy (13/03/18)
AIR OF DISTINCTIONEIPH(Bleeder) (17/11/18)
JAMES BONDArthrotomy (18/07/16)
ADMIRABLEInjury (27/01/19 to 31/01/19)
ADMIRABLEcellulitis (10/02/19)
LAND OF LIBERTYEIPH(Bleeder) (11/01/19)
LAND OF LIBERTYEIPH(Bleeder) (11/01/19)
LAND OF LIBERTYInfection (26/01/19)
LAND OF LIBERTYInfection (04/02/19)
LAND OF LIBERTYguttural pouch infection (19/02/19)
HIGH ADMIRALEIPH(Bleeder) (17/05/17)
HIGH ADMIRAL Sore Back (08/01/19)
HIGH ADMIRALEpiglottic Entrapment (02/02/19)
HIGH ADMIRALguttural pouch infection (04/03/19)
SKYBOUNDLameness (24/02/19)
3. The Karwar Plate DIV I - Horses rated 00 to 20, Distance: 1100m, Time:02:45 PM
CAPSTONEEIPH(Bleeder) (14/12/18)
CAPSTONEEIPH(Bleeder) (15/12/18)
NO OPINIONSinusitis (12/12/18)
NO OPINIONSinusitis (18/12/18)
NO OPINIONInfection (24/12/18)
DARAHASINI Sore Back (24/12/18)
DARAHASINIGastric ulcers (24/12/18)
HAVE A NICE DAYMyopathy (21/12/18)
HAVE A NICE DAYMyopathy (22/12/18)
HAVE A NICE DAYsplint (13/02/19)
AEROSPEEDPhlebitis (19/10/18)
AEROSPEEDPhlebitis (20/10/18)
AEROSPEEDPhlebitis (23/10/18)
AEROSPEEDLameness (02/03/19)
CASHMEREInjury (21/12/18 to 25/12/18)
CONSORT QUEENLameness (06/01/19)
INDIAN FURYEIPH(Bleeder) (28/11/16)
INDIAN FURYEIPH(Bleeder) (13/02/17)
4. The Prince Ardent Salver - Maiden Horses 3 years old only., Distance: 1400m, Time:03:15 PM
ALEXANDRE DUMASguttural pouch infection (14/12/18)
MUSTERIONInfection (02/01/19)
MUSTERIONguttural pouch infection (02/01/19)
MUSTERIONguttural pouch infection (04/01/19)
MUSTERIONguttural pouch infection (06/01/19)
MUSTERIONInfection (14/01/19)
STROKE OF GENIUSSesamoiditis (27/02/18)
CHANTELLEInfection (31/12/18)
CHANTELLEInfection (02/01/19)
CHANTELLESinusitis (29/01/19)
PORT OF BEAUTYguttural pouch infection (04/01/19)
SCHAFENBERGGastric ulcers (15/12/18)
5. The Becket Trophy DIV I - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:45 PM
EXPORT QUALITYMyopathy (15/12/18)
EXPORT QUALITYIntra Articular Inj. (25/12/18)
EXPORT QUALITYIntra Articular Inj. (28/01/19)
EXPORT QUALITYIntra Articular Inj. (12/02/19)
KVASIRESWT(Physiotherapy) (16/12/18)
KVASIRESWT(Physiotherapy) (26/12/18)
KVASIRESWT(Physiotherapy) (05/01/19)
KVASIRMyopathy (29/01/19)
KVASIRInjury (01/02/19 to 01/02/19)
KVASIRInfection (18/02/19)
BEOND REACHLameness (23/01/19)
BEOND REACHIntra Articular Inj. (23/01/19)
BEOND REACHLameness (15/02/19)
BEOND REACHLameness (06/03/19)
RECZAIInjury (22/02/19 to 26/02/19)
TAQDEER KA BADSHAHArthrotomy (19/07/18)
TAQDEER KA BADSHAHIntra Articular Inj. (19/02/19)
MADAME SULTANAsplint (25/02/19)
ALBERETTAInjury (17/01/19 to 17/01/19)
ALBERETTAInjury (31/01/19 to 01/02/19)
ROMANTIC HELENFracture (29/11/17)
NAGARJUNAEIPH(Bleeder) (22/05/16)
NAGARJUNAEIPH(Bleeder) RACE (23/05/16)
NAGARJUNAEIPH(Bleeder) (23/05/16)
NAGARJUNAEIPH(Bleeder) (21/07/18)
6. The Kanteerva Cup - Horses rated 60 and above, Distance: 1400m, Time:04:15 PM
FIRE GLOWSinusitis (12/01/19)
THE LIEUTENANTLameness (22/12/18)
THE LIEUTENANTLameness (22/01/19)
PINYADAEIPH(Bleeder) (03/02/18)
SURF ROMANCEMyopathy (12/01/19)
SURF ROMANCEIntra Articular Inj. (13/01/19)
SURF ROMANCE Sore Back (13/01/19)
SURF ROMANCELameness (16/01/19)
PUNJABI GIRLFever (30/12/18)
PUNJABI GIRLInfection (07/01/19)
PUNJABI GIRLInfection (07/01/19)
LOFTY THOUGHTSArthrotomy (23/06/18)
LOFTY THOUGHTSInjury (29/12/18 to 30/12/18)
LOFTY THOUGHTSIntra Articular Inj. (09/01/19)
LOFTY THOUGHTSInjury (14/01/19 to 14/01/19)
LOFTY THOUGHTSIntra Articular Inj. (23/02/19)
7. The Hemavati Salver - Horses rated 30 to 50, Distance: 1400m, Time:04:45 PM
BLUE MOONEIPH(Bleeder) (06/07/18)
BLUE MOONguttural pouch infection (06/01/19)
SPIRITOUSMyopathy (27/02/19)
ORENDAInjury (11/01/19 to 17/01/19)
ORENDA Sore Back (30/01/19)
ORENDAGastric ulcers (30/01/19)
REFERENCEInjury (29/12/18 to 31/12/18)
REFERENCE Sore Back (29/01/19)
REFERENCELameness (22/02/19)
REVAN STARInjury (16/12/18 to 25/12/18)
ARECA ANGELEIPH(Bleeder) (09/08/18)
ARECA ANGELEIPH(Bleeder) (10/08/18)
ARECA ANGELInjury (15/02/19 to 15/02/19)
STAR MANInfection (20/12/18)
STAR MANEIPH(Bleeder) (11/01/19)
8. The Brahmaputra Plate - Horses rated 15 to 35, 6 years old and over, Distance: 1100m, Time:05:15 PM
MISCHIEF FLYER Sore Back (09/01/19)
MISCHIEF FLYERIntra Articular Inj. (02/02/19)
PERFECTGOLDENERAArthrotomy (22/07/16)
PERFECTGOLDENERAIntra Articular Inj. (19/12/18)
PERFECTGOLDENERAIntra Articular Inj. (09/02/19)
PROPINETieback / Hobdays (31/08/17)
PROPINETieback / Hobdays (14/09/17)
PROPINEEIPH(Bleeder) (10/11/17)
PROPINEEIPH(Bleeder) (21/09/18)
INDUSTRIALISTcellulitis (17/12/18)
INDUSTRIALISTTendon (23/01/19)
INDUSTRIALISTESWT(Physiotherapy) (29/01/19)
DESERT GOLDEIPH(Bleeder) (29/06/16)
DUTY CALLSinusitis (17/12/18)
9. The Becket Trophy DIV II - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:05:45 PM
BOLD MOVELameness (21/12/18)
BOLD MOVEcapped elbow (08/02/19)
AINEFever (28/02/19)
FLICKAEIPH(Bleeder) (12/08/17)
MIDNIGHT SKYLameness (24/12/18)
MIDNIGHT SKYLameness (21/01/19)