Bangalore Winter Meeting 2018-2019, 24th Day, Friday, 08 Mar 2019
1. The Honnavar Plate - Horses rated 00 to 20, Distance: 1200m, Time:01:45 PM
DARAHASINI Sore Back (24/12/18)
DARAHASINIGastric ulcers (24/12/18)
TIGER RETURNS Sore Back (28/01/19)
OWN SCRIPTEIPH(Bleeder) (20/09/17)
SAVISAEpiglottic Entrapment (08/12/18)
ZEDCLASSEIPH(Bleeder) (28/10/17)
PERFECT PRINCE Sore Back (01/01/19)
PERFECT PRINCE Sore Back (08/01/19)
2. The Zenyatta Stakes - Madien Horses 3 years old only., Distance: 1200m, Time:02:15 PM
MR HUMBLEIntra Articular Inj. (10/12/18)
3. The Icebreaker Plate - Horses rated 15 to 35, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1600m, Time:02:45 PM
NINONIntra Articular Inj. (01/01/19)
NINONInfection (05/02/19)
NINONInfection (19/02/19)
LIMATOEIPH(Bleeder) (30/11/18)
LOVE IS LIFELameness (12/01/19)
LOVE IS LIFEIntra Articular Inj. (12/02/19)
OCEAN PARKInjury (06/01/19 to 10/01/19)
ABOVE THE RESTInjury (24/01/19 to 30/01/19)
NOBLE SPLENDORsplint (19/12/18)
NOBLE SPLENDORIntra Articular Inj. (24/12/18)
NOBLE SPLENDORLameness (23/02/19)
4. The Nethravathi Trophy DIV II - Horses rated 15 to 35, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:15 PM
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYLaryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) (07/12/17)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYTieback / Hobdays (31/01/18)
TOUCH YOUR DESTINYInjury (16/02/19 to 20/02/19)
BELLA DESTINYMyopathy (12/12/18)
BELLA DESTINYIntra Articular Inj. (15/12/18)
GIRL WITH PEARLguttural pouch infection (18/12/18)
GIRL WITH PEARL Sore Back (08/01/19)
GIRL WITH PEARLIntra Articular Inj. (09/01/19)
HUNTERS MOONEIPH(Bleeder) (25/01/19)
HUNTERS MOONInjury (11/02/19 to 17/02/19)
SHE'S SUPERBInjury (23/12/18 to 27/12/18)
AISHAHInjury (10/01/19 to 16/01/19)
5. The Hassan Plate - Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1600m, Time:03:45 PM
MASADAInjury (02/02/19 to 06/02/19)
MASADAInjury (15/02/19 to 15/02/19)
CASEYPhlebitis (23/04/18)
CASEYPhlebitis (24/04/18)
CASEYPhlebitis (27/04/18)
REFERENCEInjury (29/12/18 to 31/12/18)
REFERENCE Sore Back (29/01/19)
REFERENCELameness (22/02/19)
WILD WILD ANGELSInjury (07/12/18 to 09/12/18)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (27/01/17)
BLUEJACKSuspensory Desmitis (08/01/18)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (11/12/18)
BLUEJACKLameness (27/01/19)
ROYAL REINEIPH(Bleeder) (06/12/16)
AMBER CROWNInfection (05/12/18)
AMBER CROWNIntra Articular Inj. (02/01/19)
SECRET DIMENSIONEIPH(Bleeder) (02/08/18)
6. The Madras Race Club Trophy - Horses rated 60 and above, Distance: 1200m, Time:04:15 PM
RUM RUNNERIntra Articular Inj. (21/12/18)
RUM RUNNERIntra Articular Inj. (23/01/19)
LIFE AWAITSEIPH(Bleeder) TRACK (29/07/15)
LIFE AWAITSEIPH(Bleeder) (27/05/18)
LIFE AWAITSInjury (02/02/19 to 04/02/19)
LOUISIANAInjury (16/12/18 to 17/12/18)
SUPER SUCCESSInjury (11/12/18 to 11/12/18)
7. The Nethravathi Trophy DIV I - Horses rated 15 to 35, Distance: 1200m, Time:04:45 PM
ARMINTieback / Hobdays (23/02/18)
ARMINTieback / Hobdays (24/02/18)
ARMINTieback / Hobdays (08/03/18)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (15/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (16/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (19/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (24/11/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (08/12/17)
DON DELA VEGAPhlebitis (12/12/17)
DON DELA VEGAIntra Articular Inj. (10/12/18)
ANOTHER RAINBOWLameness (12/01/19)
BLARNEY STONEInjury (25/12/18 to 25/12/18)
BLARNEY STONEInjury (26/12/18 to 26/12/18)
BLARNEY STONEsplint (29/01/19)
HAPPY DANCINGEIPH(Bleeder) (25/02/18)
HAPPY DANCINGEIPH(Bleeder) (06/01/19)
REGAL FORCESesamoiditis (29/08/18)
REGAL FORCESesamoiditis (22/09/18)
ULTIMATE CHARMLameness (20/02/19)
UNBROKENLameness (27/12/18)
UNBROKENMyopathy (02/01/19)
GREAT CELEBRATIONGastric ulcers (26/12/18)
GREAT CELEBRATIONAbscess (28/12/18)
8. The Bhagamandala Plate - Horses rated 45 to 65, Distance: 1600m, Time:05:15 PM
GOOD TIME INDEEDEIPH(Bleeder) (18/05/18)
GOOD TIME INDEEDLameness (08/12/18)
STANDOUTsplint (15/12/18)
BACK OF BEYONDsplint (05/12/18)
VELOCIDADInjury (27/01/19 to 27/01/19)
VELOCIDADInjury (29/01/19 to 30/01/19)
TOUCH OF CLASS Sore Back (30/12/18)
TOUCH OF CLASS Sore Back (15/02/19)
9. The Dashmesh Stud Plate - Horses rated 30 to 50, Distance: 1200m, Time:05:45 PM
FLAT OUTInfection (19/12/18)
FLAT OUTInjury (10/02/19 to 14/02/19)
BAYMAXIntra Articular Inj. (01/01/19)
BAYMAXIntra Articular Inj. (15/02/19)
BAYMAXcapped elbow (15/02/19)
SECRETSUPERSTARLameness (26/12/18)
SECRETSUPERSTARESWT(Physiotherapy) (26/12/18)
SECRETSUPERSTARESWT(Physiotherapy) (26/12/18)
SAHARAInjury (28/12/18 to 30/12/18)
PINK SMILEGastric ulcers (16/12/18)
SUN POWERIntra Articular Inj. (09/02/19)
SUN POWERLameness (09/02/19)