26th Day  Friday, 22nd March, 2019
GOING : Good Going. Penetrometer Reading : 3.2 cms
Railing fixed at average width of 2 Meters from 1600 Meters to winning post from its original position.
(about) 1200 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,49,995)
 Horses rated 15 to 35, 5 years old and over, 
Weight raised 4.5 Kg
180c    YELLOWZONE               22+12          430     (20/1)  58              (11)    Kiran Rai P             1       1:13.798
16      STARI GRAD               25+1           500     (6/1)   59.5            (1)     Prashant P.Dhebe        2       1:14.402
161b    ISLAND PEARL             24-0           414     (8/1)   59      Cr55    (6)     Raghu K                 3       1:14.425
148c    INCITATUS                26-1           432     (7/2)   60      Cr56    (4)     Md.Akram                4       1:14.490
173c    HUNTERS MOON             22-2           414     (6/1)   58      Cr56    (8)     Naveen M.               5       1:14.702
112     FREESTYLE                22-0           386     (20/1)  58              (5)     Irvan Singh             6       1:14.783
181b    CASHMERE                 19-2           378     (10/1)  56.5            (2)     Darshan R.N             7       1:15.064
142     SMILE OF PEACE           25-1           392     (8/1)   59.5            (7)     P. S. Chouhan           8       1:15.107
148d    ALL BY MYSELF            23-2           463     (8/1)   58.5    Cr57.5  (3)     Antony Raj S.           9       1:15.112
146b    GOOD WORD                19-2           440     (7/1)   56.5    Cr53.5  (9)     Manish R                10      1:15.326
161e    TEA WID ME               22-0           386     (15/1)  58              (10)    T. S. Jodha             11      1:15.843
107     SEABORN                  22-4           448     (20/1)  58              (12)    Rayan Ahmed R.          12      1:16.420
D-3 3/4, Hd, Lnk, 1 1/4, 1/2, 1 3/4, Nk, Ns, 1 1/4, 3 1/4, 3 1/2
Tote- W 258 P 66,18,36 SHP 54 THP 72 Q 1845 F 9442 T 46858,0 EXP 48394,20740
Or- Mr B. Yathiraj Shetty's
Tr- Kishan Thomas
 An enquiry was held on 23rd March, 2019 by the Stipendiary Stewards in the above race into the use of whip by Jockey Kiran Rai P on his mount YELLOWZONE in that he whipped the horse 17 times much in excess of the “prescribed norms” and thereby contravening Calendar Notification under the heading “USE OF WHIP” (Improper riding for whipping the horse in excess of 15 times). A). Should he apply for an “A” Jockeys Licence under BTC Rules of Racing, the same shall remain suspended with effect from 15th June, 2019 to 22nd June, 2019 (both days inclusive) and fined him a sum of Rs. 5,000/- for contravening Calendar Notification under the heading “USE OF WHIP” (Improper riding for whipping the horse in excess of 15 times) on his mount YELLOWZONE (he is permitted to ride work). 
 Jockey  Prashant P.Dhebe (STARI GRAD) placed 2nd  by the judge objected against Jockey Kiran Rai P(YELLOWZONE) placed 1st for "In the last 100 Metres the winner crossed me and clipped my horse whereby i got unbalanced which cost me a certain race". The Stewards held an enquiry immediately after the race and interviewed the Jockeys concerned. After deliberations, they decided to overrule the objection. 
 Jockey Naveen M (HUNTERS MOON) was fined Rs.1,000/- for shifting 'in' and causing interference to ISLAND PEARL on his inside soon after the start. 
 FREESTYLE (Irvan Singh) pulled up lame on right fore. Trainer was informed to produce  a Fitness Certificate.
 TEA WID ME (T. S. Jodha) pulled up lame on right fore. Trainer was informed to produce  a Fitness Certificate.
Routine Sample - winner b m YELLOWZONE.
(about) 1600 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,05,000)
 Horses rated 00 to 20, 
Weight raised 0.5 Kg
160c    TRACK STRIKER            6+9            424     (7/1)   53.5            (6)     Kiran Rai P             1       1:39.629
159     LE MARC                  19+4           380     (7/2)   60      Cr56    (9)     Shamaz Shareef          2       1:39.683
170e    WINX                     5+1            455     (8/1)   53              (1)     T. S. Jodha             3       1:40.119
160     EL MATADOR               18-0           433     (40/1)  59.5    Cr57.5  (5)     Mohd Asif Khan          4       1:40.314
162e    KINGS KID                14-2           426     (11/2)  57.5            (2)     A.Ramu                  5       1:40.594
146d    ROMANTIC HAVEN           11-2           361     (12/1)  56      Cr55    (4)     K. Nazil                6       1:40.601
161     GALINO                   17-2           417     (20/1)  59      Cr56    (11)    Manish R                7       1:41.175
160e    AMAZING ANGEL            14-2           417     (9/1)   57.5            (8)     Darshan R.N             8       1:41.620
172c    NOBLE SPLENDOR           19-0           413     (15/4)  60              (10)    P. Trevor               9       1:41.834
170     ZEDCLASS                 11-0           421     (15/1)  56              (12)    Irvan Singh             10      
147     VASUKI                   12-4           472     (60/1)  56.5            (3)     P. Mani                 11      
160d    SECURING SMILES          11-*           WDR     (0/0)   56              (7)     Arshad Alam             wdr     
D-Lnk, 2 3/4, 1 1/4, 1 3/4, Ns, 3 1/2, 2 3/4, 1 1/4, 20 1/4, 7
Tote- W 59 P 17,18,23 SHP 47 THP 48 Q 270 F 711 T 3636,2805 EXP c/o68178
Or-  Mr. Hisqueel Taher's
Tr- M. Rajendra Singh
Jockey Kiran Rai P (TRACK STRIKER) was fined Rs.5,000/- for the excessive use of the whip on his mount during the race ( 2nd infringement). 
 Jockey T. S. Jodha (WINX) reported that his mount was trying to run out in the final stages of the race despite his best efforts and the horse was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. Trainer was informed to take appropriate corrective measures. 
 As Jockey A.R. Pradeep could not fulfill his riding engagement due to personal reasons. Permission was granted to trainer Mr. Azhar Ali to declare Jockey A.Ramu to ride KINGS KID in place of the declared rider. 
 NOBLE SPLENDOR (P. Trevor) was slowly away and lost few lengths. In view of its repeated behaviour, Trainer was informed for two Mock Races and also it was found to have pulled up lame on left fore. Trainer was informed to produce  a Fitness Certificate.
 ZEDCLASS (Irvan Singh) burst its blood vessels.Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate. 
 SECURING SMILES (Arshad Alam) was withdrawn on veterinary grounds as it flipped over, fell in the stable and was found to be dead. 
Routine Sample - winner b g TRACK STRIKER. 
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,49,995)
 Horses rated 15 to 35, 
180     SUMMER DAWN              33+1           456     (15/1)  59              (9)     A.Ramu                  1       1:26.135
131d    KIMERA                   31-0           473     (65/100)        58              (10)    P. S. Chouhan           2       1:26.271
159     LOVELY SIERRA            28-2           416     (30/1)  56.5    Cr53    (8)     Md.Akram                3       1:26.470
(146)   IDO WHAT I DO            28-0           404     (19/4)  56.5    Cr55.5  (11)    Antony Raj S.           4       1:26.732
156     SINGHSAAB                23-0           449     (30/1)  54              (3)     B. Nayak                5       1:27.389
168     ZALA PRINCESS            27-2           409     (20/1)  56              (5)     Rayan Ahmed R.          6       1:27.594
148     INDIAN BRAHMOS           28-2           499     (25/1)  56.5            (2)     T. S. Jodha             7       1:28.056
143     TURF JAGUAR              35-0           459     (50/1)  60      Cr59    (6)     K. Nazil                8       1:28.799
176     BAZINGA                  25-0           512     (12/1)  55              (4)     Rajesh Kumar M          9       1:28.823
125     GAME OF THRONES          25-0           440     (60/1)  55              (1)     Vinod Shinde            10      1:30.429
        FIRESTONE                25-0           481     (25/1)  55              (12)    Prashant P.Dhebe        11      1:32.624
176c    ANOTHER RAINBOW          29+8           405     (8/1)   57      Cr54    (7)     Manish R                dq      1:25.845
D-3/4, 1 1/4, 1 1/2, 4, 1 1/4, 2 3/4, 4 1/2, Hd, 9 3/4, 13 1/2
Tote- W 71 P 17,23,12 SHP 66 THP 94 Q 905 F 812 T 2061,534 EXP 40505,28932
Or- Mr R. D. Singh's
Tr- Sharat Kumar
Jockey P. S. Chouhan (KIMERA) reported that his mount coughed after the race and the horse was impounded for veterinary examination. On examination, it was found to have burst its blood vessels ( Endoscopy Grade - IV). Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.  
Surprise sample - dk b g KIMERA. 
 IDO WHAT I DO (Antony Raj S.) jumped awkwardly outwards and inconvenienced FIRESTONE on its outside soon after the start. 
 Jockey B. Nayak (SINGHSAAB) was questioned regarding his riding especially between the 800 Metres and 600 Metres. The Jockey stated that he was tired thereby he lost balance. He was severely reprimanded for incompetent riding. Trainer Mr. Praveen Jesu was severely cautioned for his negligence in declaring a Jockey who was unfit to ride in the races. 
 TURF JAGUAR (K. Nazil) planted and lost many lengths at the start.Trainer was informed one Mock Race. 
 FIRESTONE (Prashant P.Dhebe) drifted out badly passing the 850 Metres and thereby ran detached and the horse was impounded for veterinary examination. On examination it was found to have lost its right fore shoe during the race and also found to have pulled lame on left fore. Trainer  was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
Routine Sample - winner b r ANOTHER RAINBOW. 
(about) 1200 Metres     (Net Rs. 3,85,000)
 Horses rated 60 and above, 
Weight raised 0.5 Kg
(167)   BLUE BLAZER              73+8           451     (11/2)  57              (8)     Darshan R.N             1       1:12.500
175     SUPER SUCCESS            64+1           454     (12/1)  52.5            (7)     T. S. Jodha             2       1:12.730
165     RAFA                     79-0           454     (20/1)  60      Cr57    (6)     Manish R                3       1:12.823
175e    SIYOUNI                  61-1           416     (8/1)   51              (2)     Prashant P.Dhebe        4       1:12.871
175b    NOAHS ARK                72-1           428     (12/10) 56.5            (5)     P. Trevor               5       1:12.916
158c    SUPER SMART              62-0           414     (12/1)  51.5            (4)     Arshad Alam             6       1:12.950
175d    LIFE AWAITS              73-2           440     (15/1)  57              (3)     Rayan Ahmed R.          7       1:13.018
158d    ALLSETTOGO               65-2           433     (11/2)  53              (9)     P. S. Chouhan           8       1:13.100
175     SIDE WINDER              69-0           454     (20/1)  55      Cr51    (1)     Shamaz Shareef          9       1:13.665
D-1 1/2, 1/2, Nk, Nk, Snk, Lnk, 1/2, 3 1/2
Tote- W 58 P 18,26,40 SHP 81 THP 88 Q 685 F 1322 T 12442,10665 EXP 29796,9577
Or- Mr. Gautam Makhija's
Tr- Kishan Thomas
 Jockey P. Trevor (NOAHS ARK) was reprimanded for shifting 'in' and inconveniencing SIYOUNI on his inside along the rails approaching 1100 Metres. 
 Jockey Arshad Alam (SUPER SMART) was fined Rs.5,000/- for the excessive use of whip on his mount during the race (2nd infringement). 
 SIDE WINDER (Shamaz Shareef) was observed to have packed up during the final stages of the race and the horse was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. 
Routine Sample - winner b h BLUE BLAZER. 
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,95,000)
 Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over, 
Weight raised 1.0 Kg
169b    BROOKLYN SUPREME         43+12          HNC     (17/4)  57.5    Cr56.5  (5)     Antony Raj S.           1       1:25.275
174c    IDEALIST                 48+5           426     (3/1)   60              (10)    P. S. Chouhan           2       1:25.432
(152)   AMAZING SKILL            47-0           468     (12/1)  59.5            (7)     Yash Narredu            3       1:25.900
186b    PERFECTGOLDENERA         34-1           448     (10/1)  53              (1)     Arshad Alam             4       1:26.011
163e    DAGOBERT                 39-2           443     (13/4)  55.5            (4)     Kiran Rai P             5       1:26.034
163c    ULTIMATE POWER           36-2           421     (10/1)  54              (6)     Darshan R.N             6       1:26.403
113e    FRESH START              46-2           HNC     (10/1)  59              (12)    Irvan Singh             7       1:26.652
163     ADMIRAL ONE              35-0           422     (20/1)  53.5            (3)     Prashant P.Dhebe        8       1:27.920
163b    AMAZONITE                45-0           413     (12/1)  58.5    Cr54.5  (8)     Shamaz Shareef          9       1:29.403
185     REFERENCE                40-0           442     (25/1)  56      Cr58    (2)     Anjar Alam              10      1:29.418
163wdr  EMIDIO                   39-0           475     (20/1)  55.5            (11)    Surya P.                11      1:29.998
(180)   LAND OF LIBERTY          44-*           WDR     (0/0)   58              (9)     Rajesh Kumar M          wdr     
D-1, 2 3/4, 3/4, Hd, 2 1/4, 1 1/2, 7 3/4, 9, Shd, 3 1/2
Tote- W 36 P 14,17,30 SHP 43 THP 69 Q 60 F 116 T 406,201 EXP 3480,1950
Or- Mr S. T. Kalappa's
Tr- Azhar Ali
 Jockey Arshad Alam (PERFECTGOLDENERA) was fined Rs.2,000/- for for shifting out and causing interference to ADMIRAL ONE on his outside which in turn passed it onto DAGOBERT passing the 450 Metres and also the horse was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. 
 Jockey Kiran Rai P (DAGOBERT) was reprimanded for shifting 'in' and inconveniencing ULTIMATE POWER on his inside in the final 50 Metres of the race and also the horse was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported.
 Jockey Irvan Singh (FRESH START) was fined Rs. 2,000/- for shifting out and causing interference to PERFECTGOLDENERA on his outside passing the 350 Metres. 
 LAND OF LIBERTY (Rajesh Kumar M) was withdrawn on veterinary grounds as it was found to be suffering from fever (104.6F). Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
Routine Sample - winner b g BROOKLYN SUPREME. 
(about) 1600 Metres     (Net Rs. 7,36,400)
3-year-old horses (foaled in 2016).
Weight raised 5.0 Kg
(164)   IMPAVID                                 478     (82/100)        57              (4)     A. Sandesh              1       1:37.431
135b    SIR SUPREMO                             510     (15/4)  57              (5)     Suraj Narredu           2       1:37.559
(141)   ROMA VICTOR                             452     (8/1)   57              (3)     Prashant P.Dhebe        3       1:38.434
95d     CUBAN                                   HNC     (12/1)  57              (1)     P. Trevor               4       1:38.869
154e    ANIMAL QUEEN                            HNC     (15/1)  55.5            (2)     Yash Narredu            5       1:39.103
122     SIR PIGGOT                              446     (60/1)  57              (6)     Rayan Ahmed R.          6       1:41.179
D-3/4, 5 1/4, 2 3/4, 1 1/2, 12 3/4
Tote- W 15 P 12,15 SHP 23 THP 24 Q 21 F 28 T 40,27 EXP 59,27
Or- Dr Nevill R. Devlaliwalla's
Tr- Arjun Mangalorkar
Routine Sample - winner dk b c IMPAVID. 
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 3,40,000)
 Horses rated 45 to 65, 
Weight raised 1.5 Kg
106e    STRIKING GREY            56+8           453     (7/2)   57              (2)     Darshan R.N             1       1:25.522
177     STARRY WIND              54+3           HNC     (15/1)  56              (11)    Irvan Singh             2       1:25.560
177     STANDOUT                 51-0           417     (10/1)  54.5    Cr53.5  (1)     Antony Raj S.           3       1:25.866
177     GOOD TIME INDEED         59-2           458     (30/1)  58.5            (7)     Prashant P.Dhebe        4       1:25.985
167     CHARMED LIFE             45-0           454     (10/1)  51.5    Cr53    (4)     P. Trevor               5       1:26.123
143     DECISIVE                 50-2           430     (40/1)  54              (10)    Arshad Alam             6       1:26.189
(172)   NINON                    51-0           431     (20/1)  54.5            (12)    T. S. Jodha             7       1:26.202
177     QUICK ACTION             51-2           445     (40/1)  54.5            (9)     Vivek                   8       1:26.414
59      SHADES OF DESIRE         49-2           423     (40/1)  53.5    Cr50.5  (3)     Manish R                9       1:26.453
167     VENUS BAY                57-2           HNC     (9/1)   57.5    Cr56.5  (8)     K. Nazil                10      1:26.670
(102)   ROSEBROOK                58-0           385     (30/1)  58      Cr56    (5)     Mohd Asif Khan          11      1:27.024
19b     TEODORO                  62-0           409     (13/10) 60              (6)     Suraj Narredu           12      1:27.323
D-Nk, 1 3/4, 3/4, 3/4, Lnk, Shd, 1 1/4, Nk, 1 1/4, 2 1/4, 1 3/4
Tote- W 40 P 15,35,24 SHP 81 THP 52 Q 382 F 938 T 3705,1376 EXP 79398,34028
Or- Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's
Tr- V. Lokanath
 STARRY WIND (Irvan Singh) took a fly jump.
 Jockey Vivek (QUICK ACTION) reported that he was inconvenienced by Jockey Prashant P.Dhebe, the rider of GOOD TIME INDEED between the 1000 Metres and 800 Metres as the latter was running erratic. 
 Trainer Mr. Irfan Ghatala and Jockey Suraj Narredu were questioned the running and riding of TEODORO. Jockey stated that the horse was not the same as when he rode it during the previous summer meeting when it won. He also stated that he was not happy with the Mock Race given and in the race in question the horse stopped in the final furlong and had nothing left in it. The Trainer stated that it came from a setback after being castrated it had infection in testicles, purged during treatment, had stifle and back problem. The horse was impounded for veterinary examination. On examination, it was found to have burst its blood vessels (Endoscopy - Grade - III). Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
Routine Sample - winner gr g STRIKING GREY. 
(about) 1200 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,49,995)
 Horses rated 15 to 35, 5 years old and over, 
Weight raised 1.0 Kg
112     BIRCHWOOD                33+10          454     (6/1)   60      Cr57    (6)     Manish R                1       1:13.504
176b    PRINCEAZEEM              30+5           471     (5/1)   58.5            (11)    M. Prabhakaran          2       1:13.638
186d    INDUSTRIALIST            27-0           426     (12/1)  57      Cr55.5  (9)     Naveen M.               3       1:14.233
68      MAJESTIC HEROINE         25-1           445     (20/1)  56      Cr54    (4)     Mohd Asif Khan          4       1:14.644
168     GRECIAN LIGHT            33-2           457     (10/1)  60              (2)     Anjar Alam              5       1:14.849
        GOODWILL WARRIOR         27-0           454     (20/1)  57              (3)     Vijay Kumar             6       1:15.140
159d    PRINCESS PRIDE           27-1           433     (12/1)  57              (1)     Darshan R.N             7       1:15.636
142b    FANTASTIC APP            32-1           433     (7/1)   59.5    Cr58.5  (12)    K. Nazil                8       1:15.973
168     KASAULI                  30-0           441     (20/1)  58.5            (5)     Arshad Alam             9       1:16.004
124e    AGNAR                    28-0           446     (13/4)  57.5            (8)     P. S. Chouhan           10      1:16.016
176     BLARNEY STONE            28-*           WDR     (0/0)   57.5            (7)     T. S. Jodha             wdr     
152     PARADISO                 28-0           428     (9/2)   57.5            (10)    Suraj Narredu           dnc     
D-3/4, 3 3/4, 2 1/2, 1 1/4, 1 3/4, 3, 2, Snk, Shd
Tote- W 57 P 20,16,29 SHP 52 THP 64 Q 266 F 286 T 5626,2411 EXP c/o100709
Or- Mr Tatineni Prasad Rao's
Tr- Prithviraj B.
 An enquiry was held on 23rd March, 2019 by the Stipendiary Stewards in the above race into the interference caused by Jockey M. Prabhakaran on his mount PRINCEAZEEM in that “he shifted ‘in' sharply at about 900 Metres with the use of whip and despite him being aware of riders on his inside, he shifted ‘in' and caused severe interference to the horses on his inside viz; AGNAR (P. S. Chouhan) and FANTASTIC APP (K. Nazil) who had to check their mounts and fall back”. Jockey M. Prabhakaran was interviewed by the Stipendiary Stewards. The Stipendiary Stewards after considering the submissions made by Jockey M. Prabhakaran and after viewing the CCTV replay of the race decided to charge Jockey M. Prabhakaran for careless riding, Rule No. 161 (i) of the BTC Rules of Racing and decided as follows:
(a) Should he apply for an “A” Jockeys Licence under BTC Rules of Racing, the same shall remain suspended with effect from 10th May, 2019 to 19th May, 2019 (both days inclusive) and he was fined  a sum of Rs.5,000/- as he had pleaded guilty of the charge under Rule No. 161 (i) of the BTC Rules of Racing for Careless Riding on his mount PRINCEAZEEM (he is permitted to ride work). 
(b) He was informed of his right to appeal.
 MAJESTIC HEROINE (Mohd Asif Khan) sustained clipped injuries on right hind of bulb heel. 
 BLARNEY STONE (T. S. Jodha) was withdrawn on veterinary grounds as it was found to be lame on right fore. Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
 PARADISO (Suraj Narredu) planted and did not take any practical part in the race.Trainer was informed a one Mock Race. 
Routine Sample - winner b g BIRCHWOOD. 
(about) 1400 Metres     (Net Rs. 2,49,995)
 Horses rated 15 to 35, 
Weight raised 4.0 Kg
111     KING OF SHADOWS          25+10          464     (8/1)   59              (5)     Darshan R.N             1       1:26.509
173     COLONEL HARTY            25+3           HNC     (14/10) 59              (7)     Rajesh Kumar M          2       1:26.626
145c    HONEY TRAP               24-0           420     (3/1)   58.5            (2)     P. S. Chouhan           3       1:26.908
173e    SHE'S SUPERB             21-2           415     (15/1)  57              (8)     P. Mani                 4       1:28.082
148e    FIND                     21-2           434     (10/1)  57              (12)    Rayan Ahmed R.          5       1:28.088
79d     APOLLO BAY               24-0           451     (5/1)   58.5            (9)     Ryan Marshall           6       1:28.236
        PERFECT KING             27-0           435     (20/1)  60              (1)     M. Mark                 7       1:29.026
162     SMILE OF JOY             21-0           444     (10/1)  57              (10)    T. S. Jodha             8       1:29.487
145     COOL SPRINGS             22-0           390     (40/1)  57.5            (11)    Vijay Kumar             9       1:29.891
        SULTANA                  22-0           400     (25/1)  57.5    Cr53.5  (4)     Shamaz Shareef          10      1:31.351
        ULTIMATE LEGEND          21-0           511     (50/1)  57              (6)     Adarsh G.               11      1:35.735
        RANCHO                   22-0           439     (40/1)  57.5    Cr53.5  (3)     Md.Akram                12      1:39.903
D-3/4, 1 3/4, 7 1/4, Ns, 1, 4 3/4, 2 3/4, 2 1/2, 9, 26 3/4, 25 1/2
Tote- W 108 P 25,15,14 SHP 49 THP 45 Q 280 F 424 T 1886,566 EXP 34641,22269
Or- Mr T. C. V. Ramani's
Tr- Nityanand G.
Jockey Darshan R.N (KING OF SHADOWS) was fined Rs.5,000/- for the excessive and extravagant use of whip on his mount during the race (1st infringement) and also it was found to have burst its blood vessels ( Endoscopy - Grade IV ). Trainer was informed to produce a Fitness Certificate.
 APOLLO BAY (Ryan Marshall) was slowly away and lost many lengths. Advised to give adequate gate practice.
 ULTIMATE LEGEND (Adarsh G.) was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. 
 RANCHO (Md.Akram) ran detached after passing the 1100 Metres and the horse was impounded for veterinary examination but no abnormality was reported. Trainer Mr. Praveen Jesu was informed to ensure better performance of his charge in future. 
Routine Sample - winner b c KING OF SHADOWS. 
Jackpot Consolation-paid Rs.817(Winning Tickets268)
Treble II-paid Rs.382 on BLUE BLAZER,BROOKLYN SUPREME,IMPAVID(Winning Tickets39)
Treble III-paid Rs.8019 on STRIKING GREY,BIRCHWOOD,KING OF SHADOWS(Winning Tickets3)