Bangalore Winter Meeting 2019-2020, 7th Day, Saturday, 14 Dec 2019
1. The Gulbarga Plate - Horses rated 00 to 20, Distance: 1100m, Time:02:15 PM
LOVE MUSICInjury (23/09/19 to 29/09/19)
AIR FORCE ONEIntra Articular Inj. (02/10/19)
SEABORNEIPH(Bleeder) (02/12/18)
SEABORNEIPH(Bleeder) (11/01/19)
SEABORNEIPH(Bleeder) (02/08/19)
SEABORNInjury (29/10/19 to 02/11/19)
KANTHAKALameness (21/10/19)
2. The Mekedatu Plate - Horses rated 60 and above, Distance: 2000m, Time:02:45 PM
INDIAN PHARAOHSesamoiditis (17/08/19)
COSMOSguttural pouch infection (26/10/19)
CORYBANTICSuspensory Desmitis (13/04/17)
CORYBANTICPhlebitis (30/10/18)
CORYBANTICInjury (28/09/19 to 02/10/19)
CORYBANTICMyopathy (21/10/19)
BROTHERS IN ARMSPhlebitis (20/01/19)
3. The S.V.Subramaniam Memorial Trophy - Horses rated 45 to 65, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:15 PM
MINIVER ROSEInfection (23/10/19)
MINIVER ROSEInfection (23/10/19)
MINIVER ROSEInjury (13/11/19 to 17/11/19)
DEPTH CHARGEInfection (01/10/19)
DEPTH CHARGEIntra Articular Inj. (04/11/19)
DEPTH CHARGEcellulitis (06/11/19)
DEPTH CHARGEInfection (09/11/19)
AKITA PROMyopathy (05/10/19)
AKITA PRO Sore Back (07/10/19)
AKITA PROInfection (22/10/19)
AKITA PROFever (22/10/19)
AKITA PROFever (05/11/19)
AKITA PROLameness (20/11/19)
AKITA PROLameness (20/11/19)
AKITA PROLameness (20/11/19)
ROMA VICTOR Sore Back (01/10/19)
ANIMAL QUEENPhlebitis (04/09/18)
GYPSY Sore Back (16/10/19)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (27/01/17)
BLUEJACKSuspensory Desmitis (08/01/18)
BLUEJACKEIPH(Bleeder) (11/12/18)
SUPERB SUCCESSESWT(Physiotherapy) (20/09/19)
4. The Air Force Cup - Horses rated 30 to 50, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1600m, Time:03:45 PM
SPIRIT BRUCELameness (28/10/19)
MEMORITERInfection (21/10/19)
DUXTONLameness (23/10/19)
DUXTONIntra Articular Inj. (23/10/19)
LAWRENCE OF ARABIAEIPH(Bleeder) (10/02/18)
ARMENIAInfection (13/10/19)
CASEYPhlebitis (23/04/18)
CASEYPhlebitis (24/04/18)
CASEYPhlebitis (27/04/18)
CASEYguttural pouch infection (25/10/19)
5. The Bangalore 2000 Guineas(Grade II) - 3-year-old Indian Horses (Foaled in 2016), Distance: 1600m, Time:04:15 PM
NORTHERN ALLIANCEPhlebitis (13/07/19)
NORTHERN ALLIANCE Sore Back (30/09/19)
NORTHERN ALLIANCEguttural pouch infection (09/11/19)
NORTHERN ALLIANCEInfection (09/11/19)
WAR HAMMERInjury (12/09/19 to 13/09/19)
WAR HAMMERArytenoid chondropathy (27/11/19)
6. The Kentucky Stakes - Maiden Horses 3 years old only., Distance: 1200m, Time:04:45 PM
AACHENSuspensory Desmitis (22/08/19)
AACHENLameness (15/10/19)
AACHENguttural pouch infection (29/10/19)
AACHENLameness (06/11/19)
ASGARDIA Sore Back (27/11/19)
BOMBIXESWT(Physiotherapy) (12/10/19)
BOMBIXESWT(Physiotherapy) (19/10/19)
CAESARS PALACE Sore Back (16/10/19)
CAVALIERELameness (16/09/19)
CAVALIEREguttural pouch infection (25/10/19)
MUSTERIONguttural pouch infection (02/10/19)
HARBOUR SUNRISESesamoiditis (22/07/18)
HARBOUR SUNRISESesamoiditis (28/07/18)
HARBOUR SUNRISEInjury (27/10/19 to 28/10/19)
HARBOUR SUNRISEInjury (01/12/19 to 07/12/19)
7. The Krishna Raja Sagara Plate - Horses rated 15 to 35, 4 years old and over, Distance: 1400m, Time:05:15 PM
SMILE OF JOYMyopathy (13/10/19)
KING OF SHADOWSEIPH(Bleeder) (07/11/17)
KING OF SHADOWSPhlebitis (18/11/17)
KING OF SHADOWSPhlebitis (20/11/17)
KING OF SHADOWSTieback / Hobdays (08/03/18)
KING OF SHADOWSEIPH(Bleeder) (22/03/19)
KING OF SHADOWSEIPH(Bleeder) (21/07/19)
SADAQATSesamoiditis (11/12/17)
SADAQATInfection (06/11/19)
SADAQATguttural pouch infection (19/11/19)
ADIOSSesamoiditis (30/03/18)
ADIOSESWT(Physiotherapy) (15/09/19)
ADIOSESWT(Physiotherapy) (02/10/19)
ADIOScellulitis (10/10/19)
ADIOSESWT(Physiotherapy) (19/10/19)
NOSTRADAMUS Sore Back (02/11/19)
AIR OF DISTINCTIONArytenoid chondropathy (13/03/18)
AIR OF DISTINCTIONEIPH(Bleeder) (17/11/18)