Bangalore Winter Meeting 2022-2023, 21th Day, Saturday, 18 Mar 2023
1. The Dudhsagar Falls Plate DIV II - Horses rated 20 to 45. (Whips not allowed), Distance: 1200m, Time:02:30 PM
ARROWETTELameness (20/12/22)
ARROWETTELameness (24/12/22)
ARROWETTEAbscess (27/12/22)
ARROWETTELameness (27/12/22)
ARROWETTEInfection (21/02/23)
BELVEDEREFracture (19/08/22)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (17/12/22)
BELVEDEREIntra Articular Inj. (21/12/22)
BELVEDERELameness (21/12/22)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (24/12/22)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (07/01/23)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (28/01/23)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (04/02/23)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (11/02/23)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (18/02/23)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (25/02/23)
BELVEDEREESWT(Physiotherapy) (04/03/23)
ALDGATE Sore Back (25/12/22)
ALDGATE Sore Back (20/01/23)
ALDGATEguttural pouch infection (18/02/23)
ALDGATEInfection (19/02/23)
OPUS ONESesamoiditis (07/04/22)
OPUS ONESesamoiditis (23/04/22)
OPUS ONEInjury (23/12/22 to 23/12/22)
OPUS ONE Sore Back (29/12/22)
OPUS ONEIntra Articular Inj. (29/12/22)
OPUS ONEInfection (20/02/23)
OPUS ONEInjury (05/03/23 to 06/03/23)
SCARLET IBISSesamoiditis (23/08/21)
SCARLET IBISLameness (26/02/23)
GOLDEN STARLETInjury (24/12/22 to 28/12/22)
THE STRIKINGLYSesamoiditis (24/07/21)
THE STRIKINGLYguttural pouch infection (27/02/23)
2. The Chitrakote Falls Plate DIV II - Horses rated 20 to 45, 6 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:03:00 PM
ULTIMATE STRIKERguttural pouch infection (16/02/23)
ULTIMATE STRIKERInfection (16/02/23)
PASTICHEInjury (14/01/23 to 14/01/23)
BALTIMOREInjury (23/02/23 to 27/02/23)
BALTIMOREcellulitis (23/02/23)
DEBONAIRAbscess (03/01/23)
DEBONAIRInjury (04/01/23 to 04/01/23)
JERSEY LEGENDEIPH(Bleeder) (12/02/22)
JERSEY LEGENDInfection (03/03/23)
ALTAIRIntra Articular Inj. (20/02/23)
ANNE BOLEYNIntra Articular Inj. (24/02/23)
3. The Kadambi Falls Plate - Horses rated 40 to 65, 5 years old and over, Distance: 1600m, Time:03:30 PM
RULING GODDESSInjury (04/02/23 to 06/02/23)
RULING GODDESSInfection (22/02/23)
LYCURGUSIntra Articular Inj. (20/02/23)
PELUCHESuspensory Desmitis (10/08/19)
PELUCHESuspensory Desmitis (14/09/19)
SOUTHERN POWEROedema (31/12/22)
SOUTHERN POWER Sore Back (02/01/23)
SUCCESSFULSuspensory Desmitis (01/03/22)
SUCCESSFULInjury (05/03/23 to 05/03/23)
GOLDEN TIMEInjury (14/01/23 to 14/01/23)
GOLDEN TIMEInjury (04/02/23 to 04/02/23)
GOLDEN TIMEInfection (17/02/23)
SOUTHERN DYNASTYLameness (23/01/23)
4. The Sea Biscuit Salver - Maiden Horses 3 years old only., Distance: 1100m, Time:04:00 PM
DIVOSuspensory Desmitis (13/06/22)
DIVOSuspensory Desmitis (29/07/22)
DIVOInjury (23/01/23 to 27/01/23)
DIVOLameness (23/01/23)
DESERTDRAGONSuspensory Desmitis (05/06/22)
DESERTDRAGONFracture (13/06/22)
DESERTDRAGONLameness (10/01/23)
DIAMOND HOOVESSuspensory Desmitis (31/01/23)
DIAMOND HOOVESLameness (31/01/23)
FIFTH ELEMENTMyopathy (17/01/23)
FIFTH ELEMENTInjury (06/03/23 to 06/03/23)
ROCHELLEInfection (14/12/22)
ROCHELLEguttural pouch infection (14/12/22)
ROCHELLELameness (03/01/23)
ROCHELLEInfection (16/02/23)
ROCHELLESinusitis (25/02/23)
ROCHELLEInfection (06/03/23)
SEEKING THE STARSGastric ulcers (12/02/23)
5. The P.V.Shetty Memorial Trophy - Horses rated 40 to 65, Distance: 1400m, Time:04:30 PM
MEMORITERPhlebitis (02/10/22)
MEMORITEROedema (02/01/23)
MEMORITERDermatitis (22/01/23)
MEMORITERguttural pouch infection (25/02/23)
DISRUPTORInjury (27/01/23 to 27/01/23)
DISRUPTORTendon (28/01/23)
DISRUPTORESWT(Physiotherapy) (28/01/23)
DISRUPTORESWT(Physiotherapy) (04/02/23)
DISRUPTORESWT(Physiotherapy) (18/02/23)
BELDONASuspensory Desmitis (06/08/21)
BELDONAIntra Articular Inj. (23/02/23)
NIKOLINAInjury (15/02/23 to 15/02/23)
NIKOLINAInfection (21/02/23)
NIKOLINASinusitis (21/02/23)
WILD EMPEROREIPH(Bleeder) (05/06/22)
WILD EMPERORcellulitis (19/12/22)
WILD EMPERORcellulitis (26/12/22)
WILD EMPEROREIPH(Bleeder) (22/01/23)
WILD EMPERORESWT(Physiotherapy) (17/02/23)
KULSUMInjury (02/01/23 to 02/01/23)
KULSUMFever (14/01/23)
KULSUMInfection (15/01/23)
KULSUMInfection (24/01/23)
KULSUMInfection (18/02/23)
KULSUMFever (18/02/23)
THE REPUBLIC POWERPhlebitis (12/02/22)
THE REPUBLIC POWERPhlebitis (21/02/22)
6. The Dudhsagar Falls Plate DIV I - Horses rated 20 to 45. (Whips not allowed), Distance: 1200m, Time:05:00 PM
GOOD TIME INDEEDEIPH(Bleeder) (18/05/18)
GOOD TIME INDEEDEIPH(Bleeder) (30/11/19)
SOCIABLEPhlebitis (04/04/22)
SOCIABLEInjury (10/02/23 to 11/02/23)
SLICE OF HEAVENInfection (18/12/22)
SLICE OF HEAVENLameness (12/01/23)
SLICE OF HEAVENLameness (10/02/23)
SOUTHERN FORCEguttural pouch infection (26/12/22)
SOUTHERN FORCESinusitis (26/12/22)
SOUTHERN FORCEIntra Articular Inj. (21/01/23)
SOUTHERN FORCELameness (21/01/23)
SOUTHERN FORCELameness (13/02/23)
SOUTHERN FORCEcapped elbow (13/02/23)
SOUTHERN FORCEguttural pouch infection (18/02/23)
REMONTOIREIPH(Bleeder) (03/12/22)
REMONTOIRInjury (08/01/23 to 09/01/23)
REMONTOIRInfection (23/01/23)
REMONTOIRguttural pouch infection (01/03/23)
REMONTOIRSinusitis (01/03/23)
REMONTOIRInjury (06/03/23 to 06/03/23)
ICE STORMEIPH(Bleeder) (03/02/23)
CONTADORLameness (28/01/23)
CONTADOR Sore Back (28/01/23)
7. The Chitrakote Falls Plate DIV I - Horses rated 20 to 45, 6 years old and over, Distance: 1200m, Time:05:30 PM
SUPER GLADIATOREIPH(Bleeder) (03/11/21)
SUPER GLADIATORLameness (28/12/22)
SUPER GLADIATORInjury (28/12/22 to 29/12/22)
SUPER GLADIATORInjury (01/01/23 to 05/01/23)
SUPER GLADIATORcellulitis (01/01/23)
SUPER GLADIATORInjury (06/02/23 to 10/02/23)
SUPER GLADIATORInfection (25/02/23)
LAGOPUSFracture (31/12/21)
LAGOPUSSuspensory Desmitis (26/08/22)
LAGOPUSEIPH(Bleeder) (09/12/22)
LAGOPUSInfection (22/02/23)
RIGHTLY NOBLESuspensory Desmitis (31/01/21)
RIGHTLY NOBLELameness (28/12/22)
RIGHTLY NOBLELameness (02/01/23)
RIGHTLY NOBLEMyopathy (17/01/23)
BARONESSSinusitis (18/02/23)
MUSTERIONInfection (18/02/23)
MUSTERIONguttural pouch infection (18/02/23)
CHAIN OF THOUGHTS Sore Back (27/01/23)