Bangalore Winter Meeting 2022-2023
													Ninth Day,Saturday, 7th January, 2023
															RACE CARD

1st Race	01:45 PM	(About) 1100 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 05.944 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45, 6 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth
Ow	Rs.1,89,745	Rs.94,875	Rs.56,925	Rs.22,010
Tr	Rs.23,000	Rs.11,500	Rs.6,900	Rs.2,670
Jk	Rs.17,250	Rs.8,625	Rs.5,175	Rs.2,000
1	TIGER RETURNS	60	Rayan Ahmed R. (7)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Havana Goodtime	(34)	Faraz Arshad
Stud:Kunigal  04/02/15	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Hidayat Khan's ch g 8
Dark green, white hoops and sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:19	First:2	Second:4	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:10
29/05/22	B17   	 00-25	1200	62.5     	Naz'l Alam	 10/1  	532	 6/12	  25-2	 1:14:80(3.4)	        AAAA
11/06/22	B37   	 00-25	1200	61.5     	AImranKhan	 19/10 	526	 4/12	  23-2	 1:15:32(3.6)	        AAAA
26/06/22	B74   	 20-45	1200	50.5/46.5	Tousif    	 20/1  	538	 5/10	  21-2	 1:14:11(3.8)	        AAAA
11/08/22	B165  	 00-25	1200	59.5     	Naz'l Alam	 11/4  	537	 1/12	 19+15	 1:16:04(4.8)	        AAAA
29/09/22	my67  	 20-45	1200	59       	Rayan Ahme	 13/2  	HNC	 6/14	   *-*	 1:12:79(3.0)	        AAAA
29/05/22 B17 interfd passing 350 M. 
11/06/22 B37 inconvd passing 1000 M.
Green Coast(IRE)-Magnomical	(34)	V. Lokanath
Stud:A.B.  11/01/16		<b>HAHAHAHA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda , Mr Sharath M. Narayana , Mr N. Prem KumarMr Shailendra Singh's b g 7
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, striped cap
Starts:18	First:2	Second:2	Third:3	Fourth:5	Unplaced:6
25/03/22	B220  	 20-45	1200	56.0     	Suraj Nare	  4/1  	421	 5/12	  32-0	 1:14:02(3.6)	    hAhAhAhA
28/05/22	B8    	 20-45	1200	56.0     	Darshan RN	 25/1  	423	 5/11	  32-0	 1:14:57(3.5)	    hAhAhAhA
26/06/22	B69   	 20-45	1100	56.0/54.0	Vivek.G   	 15/1  	422	 2/9 	  32+4	  1:7:44(3.8)	    hAhAhAhA
10/07/22	B101  	 20-45	1200	58.0/57.0	AbhaySingh	 15/1  	423	11/13	  36-0	 1:20:26(5.2)	    hAhAhAhA
09/12/22	B22   	 20-45	1400	58.0     	S. khan   	 20/1  	434	 4/9 	  36-2	 1:27:79(3.8)	    hAhAhAhA
28/05/22 B8 had to be steadied appr 700 M.
3	SMILE AROUND	59.5	Chandrashekar M-4 (5)
Ravel(USA)-Dallma(IRE)	(33)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Chhatari  24/04/16		<b>HAHAAA
Mr K. Mallikarjuna Rao's dk b g 7
Brown, white sash, arm band and cap
Starts:20	First:2	Second:1	Third:3	Fourth:4	Unplaced:10
30/09/22	my69  	 00-25	1200	57       	R. Vaibha 	  4/1  	428	 1/10	   *-*	 1:13:05(2.9)	      hAhAAA
13/10/22	my95  	 20-45	1400	53.5/52.5	S. Saqlain	 11/4  	420	 1/10	   *-*	 1:26:22(3.2)	      hAhAAA
30/10/22	my131 	 20-45	1400	60/56    	Sidduraju 	  8/1  	419	 4/15	   *-*	 1:25:29(3.1)	      hAhAAA
09/12/22	B21   	 20-45	1200	57.5/53.5	Sidduraju 	 15/1  	441	 3/10	  35-0	 1:14:47(3.8)	      hAhAAA
17/12/22	B30   	 20-45	1100	60.0     	Srinath   	  8/1  	432	 7/11	  35-2	  1:8:30(4.1)	      hAhAAA
4	AIR BLAST	58.5	A.Imran Khan (4)
Air Support(USA)-Sabre Dance	(31)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Kunigal  09/03/17	<b> (cnb) (scp) 	<b>RPAAAA
Mr K. Pradeep Annaiah & Mr B. Vijeth Bhandari's b g 6
Brown, white chevrons, brown sleeves and cap
Starts:9	First:1	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:4
30/12/21	B113  	 20-45	1400	56.0/52.0	S. Saqlain	  8/1  	436	 9/10	  32-0	 1:28:65(3.4)	        AAAA
28/05/22	B2    	 20-45	1200	58.0/56.0	Arul J.H  	  9/4  	448	 2/10	  32+1	 1:13:79(3.5)	        AAAA
03/07/22	B83   	 20-45	1200	58.5     	P.S.Ch'han	  7/10 	450	 6/10	  33-0	 1:15:49(3.6)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B23   	 20-45	1200	56.5     	Pradeep AR	 14/10 	444	 3/7 	  33-0	 1:14:83(4.6)	      rpAAAA
31/12/22	B56   	 20-45	1200	60.0     	AImranKhan	  6/1  	443	 5/9 	  33-2	 1:15:33(3.5)	      rpAAAA
30/12/21 B113 Joc suspd under BTC Rules.
03/07/22 B83 tightnd appr 700 M; blood vessels (Gr- III) & sustd superf inj on rht hind fetlock.
16/12/22 B23 Tr & Joc qustd reg running & riding- explan noted; sustd superf inj on rht hind fetlock. 
31/12/22 B56 jumped awkwardly outwards.
5	SILVER SWIFT	57.5	IndraJeet Singh (8)
Pinson(IRE)-Success Heiress	(29)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Nakul  06/04/16	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Srinivasa. M's gr m 7
Light green,yellow star,yellow sleeves,light greencap
Starts:16	First:1	Second:2	Third:2	Fourth:5	Unplaced:6
10/07/22	B101  	 20-45	1200	57.0/55.0	Kirtish   	  7/1  	426	 7/13	  34-2	 1:18:93(5.2)	        AAAA
24/07/22	B133  	 20-45	1400	56.0     	R.Ajinkya 	 60/1  	429	 8/11	  32-2	 1:29:70(3.6)	        AAAA
11/08/22	B171  	 20-45	1200	57.0/56.0	Vivek.G   	 20/1  	435	 3/12	  30+1	 1:17:28(4.8)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B190  	 20-45	1200	56.5/55.5	Vivek.G   	 20/1  	434	 5/8 	  31-0	 1:14:16(3.1)	        AAAA
23/12/22	B39   	 20-45	1400	58.0     	R.Ajinkya 	 25/1  	459	 4/9 	  31-2	 1:28:77(4.2)	        AAAA
6	GOLD GRAY	57	K. Sai Kiran (6)
Win Legend(JPN)-Annakita	(28)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Dashmesh  06/02/15	<b> (ts) (cnb) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr B. K. Muralidhar & Mr Dinesh Kumar K's gr g 8
Red, light green and white `V', light green sleeves, red cap
Starts:27	First:2	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:7	Unplaced:15
29/09/22	my67  	 20-45	1200	56.5/52.5	Sidduraju 	 10/1  	417	 5/14	   *-*	 1:12:49(3.0)	        AAAA
07/10/22	my92  	 20-45	1100	56.5     	R. Vaibha 	  8/1  	412	 3/11	   *-*	  1:5:25(2.9)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my116 	 20-45	1200	56.5     	KSKiran   	  6/1  	412	 6/15	   *-*	 1:13:26(3.0)	        AAAA
09/12/22	B17   	 20-45	1200	56.0/52.0	Sidduraju 	 15/1  	421	 4/10	  30-0	 1:14:59(3.8)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B29   	 20-45	1200	56.5     	KSKiran   	 10/1  	421	 6/8 	  30-2	 1:15:63(4.6)	        AAAA
09/12/22 B17 hanging 'in' straight.
7	ANNE BOLEYN	56	*Tousif Khan-4 (1)
Top Class(USA)-Aceempressjessie	(26)	S. Dominic
Stud:Mukteshwar  14/01/17	<b> (hood) (ts) (scp) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Aditya P. Thackersey & Mrs Prabha Dominic's dkb m 6
White, claret maltese cross, hooped sleeves and hooped cap
Starts:19	First:2	Second:1	Third:3	Fourth:4	Unplaced:9
12/08/22	B179  	 20-45	1200	57.0/55.0	Arul J.H  	 20/1  	461	 7/12	  34-2	 1:15:54(4.6)	        AAAA
29/09/22	my67  	 20-45	1200	58.5/56.5	Arul J.H  	 12/1  	438	 4/14	   *-*	 1:12:40(3.0)	        AAAA
07/10/22	my92  	 20-45	1100	58.5/57.5	Arul J.H  	  6/1  	434	10/11	   *-*	  1:6:55(2.9)	        AAAA
03/12/22	B9    	 20-45	1200	56.0/52.0	Tousif    	 15/1  	455	 4/11	  30-2	 1:14:64(3.8)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B29   	 20-45	1200	55.5     	P. Trevor 	 13/4  	458	 5/8 	  28-2	 1:15:16(4.6)	        AAAA
8	JERSEY LEGEND	56	L. Alex Rozario -3 (3)
Air Support(USA)-Jersey Girl	(26)	Mahmood Khan
Stud:Kunigal  31/03/16		<b>AAAA
Mr. Maria Prashanth's b g 7
Royal Blue,orange sash,orange sleeves,royal blue cap
Starts:27	First:2	Second:2	Third:2	Fourth:2	Unplaced:19
14/10/22	my106 	 00-25	1200	59.5     	R'deep Bal	  0/0  	446	 1/9 	   *-*	 1:15:66(3.5)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my116 	 20-45	1200	57.5     	S. khan   	 15/2  	447	 9/15	   *-*	 1:13:83(3.0)	        AAAA
02/12/22	B7    	 20-45	1200	56.0     	Rayan Ahme	 15/1  	456	 7/9 	  32-2	 1:14:89(4.1)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B23   	 20-45	1200	55.0     	Rayan Ahme	 25/1  	459	 5/7 	  30-2	 1:15:52(4.6)	        AAAA
31/12/22	B62   	 20-45	1200	54.0     	Rayan Ahme	 15/1  	457	 4/8 	  28-2	 1:14:93(3.5)	        AAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 3.0Kgs
Change of Equipment
TIGER RETURNS Suspensory Desmitis 18/03/21 , Suspensory Desmitis 15/04/21 , Suspensory Desmitis 12/05/21 , Injury 21/10/22 , Lameness from 21/10/22 to 24/10/22 , Oedema from 02/11/22 to 03/11/22 , Lameness from 08/11/22 to 10/11/22
ULTIMATE STRIKER Physiotherapy 27/10/22 , Injury 10/12/22 , Injury 12/12/22
GOLD GRAY Tieback / Hobdays from 23/02/18 to 28/02/18 , Gastric ulcers from 03/11/22 to 23/11/22
JERSEY LEGEND EIPH(Bleeder) from 12/02/22 to 16/02/22
2nd Race	02:15 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45(Whips not allowed)
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth
Ow	Rs.1,89,745	Rs.94,875	Rs.56,925	Rs.22,010	Rs.10,625
Tr	Rs.23,000	Rs.11,500	Rs.6,900	Rs.2,670	Rs.1,290
Jk	Rs.17,250	Rs.8,625	Rs.5,175	Rs.2,000	Rs.965
1	THE GOLDEN DREAM	60	Chandrashekar M-4 (4)
Gusto(GB)-Romany Spirit(IRE)	(34)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Bishan  18/02/18	<b> (cnb) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. C.V. Prasad Rao's b m 5
Black,yellow spots,white sleeves,yellow spots on black cap
Starts:7	First:1	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:2
28/05/22	B3    	 20-45	1600	57.0     	A.A. Asbar	 19/10 	399	 2/12	  34+4	 1:38:75(3.5)	        AAAA
17/07/22	B119  	 20-45	1600	59.0     	A.A. Asbar	 16/10 	423	 4/8 	  38-0	 1:43:86(4.9)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B190  	 20-45	1200	60.0     	Arvind Kum	 15/1  	410	 3/8 	  38-0	 1:14:07(3.1)	        AAAA
02/12/22	B7    	 20-45	1200	59.0     	KSKiran   	  8/1  	436	 5/9 	  38-2	 1:14:46(4.1)	        AAAA
23/12/22	B45   	 20-45	1400	58.0     	KSKiran   	 30/1  	425	 9/11	  36-2	 1:29:46(4.2)	        AAAA
28/05/22 B3 inconvd passing 1000 M. 
23/12/22 B45 Joc reprd for travelling wide & for dropping hands.
2	SCARLET IBIS	58	*A.R.Pradeep (5)
Lord Admiral(USA)-Mariska	(30)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Sans Craintes  24/01/19		<b>AAAA
Mr S. T. Kalappa's b c 4
Red and white vertical halves, black sleeves, white arm band and cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
06/10/22	my78  	   3YO	1400	56       	Naz'l Alam	 10/1  	435	 8/9 	   *-*	 1:26:99(3.0)	        AAAA
02/12/22	B2    	   3YO	1200	57.0/57.5	Chetan K.S	 30/1  	440	10/10	  30-0	 1:17:97(4.1)	        AAAA
17/12/22	B32   	 20-45	1100	55.0     	Pradeep AR	 40/1  	435	12/12	  30-0	 1:10:61(4.1)	        AAAA
17/12/22 B32  running green throughout - NAD.
3	CAPRIATI	57	*Antony Raj S. (6)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Caprese	(28)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Kunigal  29/04/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
United Racing & Bloodstock Breeders Limited's b f 4
Royal blue, white checks,striped sleeves,royal blue cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:1
16/07/22	B105  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	P. Trevor 	  6/4  	450	 4/12	   *-*	 1:16:01(4.6)	        AAAA
02/12/22	B4    	   3YO	1600	55.5     	Suraj Nare	  5/1  	436	 7/10	  27-0	 1:39:46(4.1)	        AAAA
23/12/22	B38   	 20-45	1400	58.5     	Antony Raj	  2/1  	437	 2/11	  27+1	 1:28:64(4.2)	        AAAA
02/12/22 B4 Tr Adv 1 G.P.
4	BELDONA	56.5	*K. Sai Kiran (10)
Tenth Star(IRE)-Stellar Affair	(27)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Star Born  27/02/17	<b> (ts) (bb) 	<b>HAHAHAHA
Mr. Nanda Kumar N's b m 6
Red and blue stripes, blue sleeves, red and blue striped cap
Starts:6	First:2	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:2
25/02/22	B194  	 00-25	1200	58.0     	C.Umesh   	 75/100	444	 4/12	  16-0	 1:15:09(3.4)	    hAhAhAhA
02/07/22	B75   	 00-25	1200	58.0     	Arvind Kum	  1/1  	451	 1/9 	  16+1	 1:16:25(4.0)	    hAhAhAhA
24/07/22	B128  	 00-25	1400	58.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 11/10 	452	 1/12	 17+10	 1:27:35(3.6)	    hAhAhAhA
19/08/22	B194  	 20-45	1400	53.5     	Naz'l Alam	  6/1  	447	 7/11	  27-0	 1:26:55(3.1)	    hAhAhAhA
29/10/22	my123 	 20-45	1200	55       	KSKiran   	 19/4  	432	13/15	   *-*	 1:16:56(3.0)	    hAhAhAhA
25/02/22 B194 tightnd passing red marker post; Joc suspd under BTC Rules.
02/07/22 B75 Joc suspd under BTC Rules.
5	IMPIANA	56.5	*L. Alex Rozario-3 (9)
Win Legend(JPN)-Aralyn	(27)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Dashmesh  03/04/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Sarainaga Racing Pvt Ltd's ch f 4
Gold,royal blue hoops, royal blue sleeves,gold cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
02/07/22	B76   	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Vivek     	 20/1  	423	 9/12	   *-*	 1:17:75(4.0)	        AAAA
6	SOUTHERNARISTOCRAT	56	*IndraJeet Singh (1)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Venus Arising	(26)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Nanoli  30/03/17		<b>AAAA
Mr Srinivasa. M's ch g 6
Light green,yellow star,yellow sleeves,light greencap
Starts:10	First:1	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:5
28/05/22	B1    	 00-25	1600	58.5/54.5	A Rozario 	 40/1  	467	10/11	  17-0	 1:44:90(3.5)	        AAAA
03/07/22	B82   	 00-25	1400	58.5/56.5	Kirtish   	 25/1  	469	 2/9 	  17+1	 1:29:13(3.6)	        AAAA
18/08/22	B180  	 00-25	1400	59.0/57.0	Arul J.H  	  9/2  	470	 4/10	  18-0	 1:28:44(3.1)	        AAAA
07/10/22	my84  	 00-25	1600	59       	Antony Raj	  4/1  	463	 1/7 	   *-*	 1:40:37(2.9)	        AAAA
30/12/22	B48   	 00-25	1600	62.5     	A. Qureshi	  9/2  	472	 2/8 	  25+1	 1:41:80(4.0)	        AAAA
28/05/22 B1 Joc fined for dropping hands in the final 200 M.
30/12/22 B48 Joc fined for improper use of whip.
7	EMMA	55.5	*R. Vaibhav (3)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Lavender Brown	(25)	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  07/05/19	<b> (hood) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr S. Pathy's b f 4
Royal blue, white sleeves, quartered cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
16/07/22	B105  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Likith    	 25/1  	385	 6/12	   *-*	 1:16:46(4.6)	        AAAA
30/07/22	B137  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Likith    	 20/1  	382	 8/8 	   *-*	 1:30:02(4.6)	        AAAA
11/08/22	B166  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Likith    	 20/1  	382	 2/10	  *-27	 1:16:85(4.8)	        AAAA
02/12/22	B2    	   3YO	1200	55.5     	R. Vaibha 	 15/1  	380	 7/10	  27-0	 1:14:90(4.1)	        AAAA
17/12/22	B30   	 20-45	1100	56.0     	Antony Raj	 10/1  	377	 5/11	  27-2	  1:8:00(4.1)	        AAAA
8	FAIR COUNSEL	55.5	*Vivek.G (8)
Top Class(USA)-Calliope	(25)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Mukteshwar  09/04/19		<b>AAAA
Mrs Shruthiba L. Gowda's b f 4
Light blue, black stars, light blue sleeves, red cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
16/07/22	B105  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	V.R Jag'sh	 25/1  	421	 8/12	   *-*	 1:17:13(4.6)	        AAAA
11/08/22	B166  	   3YO	1200	54.5/56.0	Darshan RN	 30/1  	429	 5/10	   *-*	 1:19:26(4.8)	        AAAA
09/12/22	B21   	 20-45	1200	53.5     	Vin.Shinde	 60/1  	417	 7/10	  27-2	 1:16:27(3.8)	        AAAA
9	THE SOUND OF MUSIC	54.5	*Vivek (2)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Woman O War	(23)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Usha  30/03/19	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>HAAAA
Mr B. E. Vasanth Kumar's b f 4
White, orange triangular panel, arm band and cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:5
02/07/22	B76   	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Arvind Kum	 30/1  	404	12/12	   *-*	 1:18:91(4.0)	       hAAAA
18/08/22	B182  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Sidduraju 	 20/1  	411	 7/7 	   *-*	 1:29:81(3.1)	       hAAAA
02/12/22	B2    	   3YO	1200	55.5     	Sidduraju 	 60/1  	414	 9/10	  27-0	 1:16:42(4.1)	       hAAAA
17/12/22	B30   	 20-45	1100	56.0/52.5	Cha.Shekar	 40/1  	408	11/11	  27-2	 1:11:55(4.1)	       hAAAA
23/12/22	B46   	 00-25	1200	62.5/58.5	Sidduraju 	 25/1  	402	 6/11	  25-2	 1:16:80(4.2)	       hAAAA
02/07/22 B76 Adv 1 G.P.
02/12/22 B2 Joc fined for travelling wide.
10	BARONESS	54	*Kiran Rai P (7)
Air Support(USA)-Soviet Lake	(22)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Kunigal  02/05/17	<b> (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr S. N. Harish's b m 6
White; orange, royal blue and dark green belt and arm band, royal blue star  on white cap
Starts:9	First:1	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:8
20/02/21	B130  	 15-35	1200	56.5/52.5	Angad     	  0/0  	413	12/12	  18-0	 1:21:43(3.9)	        AAAA
25/11/21	B51   	 00-25	1200	59.0/55.0	Angad     	  7/1  	412	 0/11	  12-0	        (6.1)	        AAAA
04/06/22	B23   	 00-25	1100	56.0     	Raj.KumarM	 13/10 	403	 1/7 	 12+10	 1:10:32(4.8)	        AAAA
12/06/22	B38   	 20-45	1200	54.5     	Raj.KumarM	 12/1  	411	 8/10	  22-0	 1:17:69(3.4)	        AAAA
23/07/22	B120  	 00-25	1200	61.0/59.0	Angad     	  6/1  	410	 8/11	  22-0	 1:18:33(4.0)	        AAAA
20/02/21 B130 jumped awkwardly outwards..
25/11/21 B51 Joc lost rht stirrup & dislodged; sustd inj on Mandible. 
12/06/22 B38 Adv 1 Mock Race. 
23/07/22 B120 Adv two Mock Races.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 3.0Kgs
Change of Equipment
SCARLET IBIS Sesamoiditis from 23/08/21 to 20/09/21
BELDONA Suspensory Desmitis 06/08/21 , Gastric ulcers from 09/11/22 to 24/11/22
SOUTHERNARISTOCRAT Phlebitis from 01/06/19 to 03/06/19 , Phlebitis from 12/06/19 to 14/06/19 , Phlebitis 17/06/19 , Phlebitis from 21/06/19 to 22/06/19 , Phlebitis 02/07/19 , EIPH(Bleeder) 09/07/19
EMMA Suspensory Desmitis from 19/01/22 to 20/01/22 , Sesamoiditis from 01/03/22 to 21/03/22
THE SOUND OF MUSIC Sesamoiditis from 22/09/21 to 12/10/21 , Suspensory Desmitis 24/12/21 , Sesamoiditis 29/12/21 , Dermatitis from 15/10/22 to 17/10/22
First Treble Pool Leg 1
3rd Race	02:45 PM	(About) 1100 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 05.944 Sec.
Maiden Horses 3 years old only.
Weights: 	Colts & Geldings	 - 56	Kgs.
 	Fillies	 - 54.5	Kgs.

Winner	Second	Third	Fourth
Ow	Rs.4,53,750	Rs.226,875	Rs.136,125	Rs.52,635
Tr	Rs.55,000	Rs.27,500	Rs.16,500	Rs.6,380
Jk	Rs.41,250	Rs.20,625	Rs.12,375	Rs.4,785
1	INVINCIBLE	56	Suraj Narredu (7)
Win Legend(JPN)-Aerona	( - )	Darius R. Byramji
Stud:Dashmesh  22/02/20	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Darius R. Byramji , Mr Mukul A. Sonawala , Mrs B. S. Vishno Priya & Mr Kersi H. VachhaMr Manohar Duggal's ch g 3
2	STELLANTIS	56	P. Trevor (3)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Expect(GB)	( - )	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Kunigal  12/05/20		<b>AAAA
Mr Rama Seshu Eyunni , Mr Marthand Singh Mahindra & Mrs Rina Mahindra's b c 3
Purple, gold stars, gold stars on white sleeves,purple & black quartered cap
3	SUPERHERO	56	*Tousif Khan (1)
Tale of a Champion(USA)-Ice Stone	( - )	Mahmood Khan
Stud:Sarvang  12/05/20		<b>AAAA
Mr H. S. Chandre Gowda's dk b g 3
Grey,yellow sleeves, grey cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
09/12/22	B18   	   2YO	1100	56.0     	Naveen Kum	 60/1  	455	 8/8 	   *-*	  1:9:78(3.8)	        AAAA
4	THE GALLERY TIME	56	A.R.Pradeep (8)
Total Gallery(IRE)-Lady Causeway(USA)	( - )	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Badal  17/04/20		<b>AAAA
Mr R. M. Ramaswamy's dk b c 3
Orange, dark blue hoops, orange sleeves, dark blue cap
5	THE WELCOME	56	Vivek (4)
Shifting Power(GB)-Welcome Back	( - )	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Badal  30/01/20	<b> (blk) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mr Md. Minhaj Raza & Mr N. Mohan Reddy's ch c 3
Light green, cerise disc and sleeves, light green arm band, cerise cap
6	CROSSWATER	54.5	Antony Raj S. (6)
Dali(USA)-Spyglass Hill	( - )	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Mukteshwar  04/03/20	<b> (ts) (cnb) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Rajagiri Rubber & Produce Co. Ltd., rep. by Mr & Mrs  Dilip Thomas' b f 3
Red, gold cross sashes and cap
7	SEEKING THE STARS	54.5	S. Zervan (2)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Jazzy Jordan(USA)	( - )	S. Dominic
Stud:Manjri  23/02/20		<b>AAAA
M/s. Rapar's Galloping Stars LLP rep. by Mr Rajendran's b f 3
Red,Red and Blue striped sleeves,Blue stars on Red cap
8	THE BLISSFULELYSEE	54.5	K. Sai Kiran (5)
Shifting Power(GB)-Elysee	( - )	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Badal  21/03/20	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. C.V. Prasad Rao's b f 3
Black,yellow spots,white sleeves,yellow spots on black cap
INVINCIBLE Injury from 01/12/22 to 05/12/22 , Injury from 14/12/22 to 18/12/22
SEEKING THE STARS Lameness from 03/11/22 to 04/11/22 , Infection from 25/11/22 to 27/11/22
First Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 1
4th Race	03:15 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 40 to 65
A Trophy (Value Rs. 35,000) presented by Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
Winner - The Trophy &	Second	Third	Fourth
Ow	Rs.2,40,850	Rs.120,430	Rs.72,260	Rs.27,940
Tr	Rs.29,195	Rs.14,600	Rs.8,760	Rs.3,385
Jk	Rs.21,895	Rs.10,950	Rs.6,570	Rs.2,540
1	ARTEMIS IGNACIA	60	A. Sandesh (8)
Excellent Art(GB)-Windsor Manor	(60)	Neil Darashah
Stud:Poona  05/04/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Balasubramanya R &  Mr. Lohith Anand's b f 4
Royal Blue,red Sleeves with royal blue chevrons,red cap with royal blue stars
Starts:6	First:2	Second:2	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:0
02/07/22	B78   	   3YO	1200	54.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  9/2  	435	 2/6 	  40+5	 1:13:51(4.0)	        AAAA
07/08/22	H26   	   3YO	1400	54.5     	P.S.Ch'han	  9/2  	435	 1/6 	   *-*	 1:27:96(4.8)	        AAAA
29/08/22	H71   	   3YO	1600	56       	P.S.Ch'han	  9/2  	427	 2/10	   *-*	 1:39:71(5.09)	        AAAA
02/10/22	H119  	   3YO	2000	54.5     	P.S.Ch'han	  6/1  	423	 4/7 	   *-*	  2:5:89(4.7)	        AAAA
04/12/22	H30   	   3YO	1600	57       	P.S.Ch'han	  9/10 	426	 3/6 	   *-*	 1:38:97(3.6)	        AAAA
2	EXTRAORDINARY	58	K. Sai Kiran (5)
Total Gallery(IRE)-Tarkamara(IRE)	(56)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Badal  15/03/17	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAHAHA
Mr. C.V. Prasad Rao's dkb g 6
Black,yellow spots,white sleeves,yellow spots on black cap
Starts:17	First:4	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:9
29/09/22	my68  	 40-65	1200	57       	Srinath   	 11/4  	470	 2/14	   *-*	 1:10:70(3.0)	      AAhAhA
13/10/22	my98  	 40-65	1400	58.5     	KSKiran   	  7/2  	465	 1/9 	   *-*	 1:24:12(3.2)	      AAhAhA
30/10/22	my128 	 60-85	1400	54.5     	KSKiran   	  8/1  	458	 4/14	   *-*	 1:23:09(3.1)	      AAhAhA
09/12/22	B19   	 40-65	1200	60.0     	Naveen Kum	 20/1  	469	 7/10	  60-2	 1:14:46(3.8)	      AAhAhA
17/12/22	B35   	 40-65	1200	59.0     	KSKiran   	 10/1  	464	 8/10	  58-2	 1:13:68(4.1)	      AAhAhA
3	QUEEN SPIRIT	58	S. Zervan (3)
Fiero(JPN)-Windsor Forest	(56)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Manjri  24/03/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Manjri Horse Breed's Farm Pvt. Ltd & Mr D. R. Thacker's dk b f 4
Claret, gold epaulettes and claret cap
Starts:5	First:2	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
18/02/22	B177  	   3YO	1100	54.5     	P. Trevor 	  7/1  	406	 1/8 	   *-*	  1:9:30(3.6)	        AAAA
30/04/22	U30   	   3YO	1400	56       	C.Umesh   	  0/0  	HNC	 3/8 	   *-*	 1:31:83(4.2)	        AAAA
26/05/22	U77   	   3YO	1600	54.5     	S. Zervan 	  0/0  	HNC	 1/12	   *-*	 1:46:32(4.2)	        AAAA
19/06/22	B57   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	S. Zervan 	 15/1  	393	13/13	  58-0	 1:42:36(4.8)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B27   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	S. Zervan 	 25/1  	417	 7/8 	  58-2	 1:38:38(4.6)	        AAAA
19/06/22 B57 interfd appr 1200 M.
4	ANAKIN	56.5	S. Saqlain (1)
Varenar(FR)-Zariyba(IRE)	(53)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Equus  17/03/15	<b> (ts) (bb) 	<b>HAHAHAHA
Mr N. Prem Kumar , Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda , Mr. Rakesh KumarMr V. Lokanath's b g 8
White; peacock blue, orange and peacock blue belt,peacock blue sleeves and orange cap
Starts:27	First:3	Second:4	Third:2	Fourth:3	Unplaced:15
23/09/22	my51  	 20-45	1200	60/57    	S. Saqlain	  5/1  	420	 2/8 	   *-*	 1:11:81(3.1)	         3.1
29/09/22	my67  	 20-45	1200	62/60    	S. Saqlain	  5/1  	421	 2/14	   *-*	 1:12:06(3.0)	    hAhAhAhA
14/10/22	my103 	 40-65	1200	53       	V.R Jag'sh	  8/1  	425	 1/9 	   *-*	 1:13:73(3.5)	         3.5
09/12/22	B19   	 40-65	1200	57.5     	V.R Jag'sh	 20/1  	429	 9/10	  55-0	 1:15:16(3.8)	      hAhAAA
17/12/22	B35   	 40-65	1200	57.5     	V.R Jag'sh	 15/1  	422	 5/10	  55-2	 1:13:37(4.1)	    hAhAhAhA
5	SKYFIRE	56.5	*Tousif Khan-4 (6)
Green Coast(IRE)-Dama Grande	(53)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:A.B.  07/04/16	<b> (ts) 	<b>RPARPAAA
Mr. Harakchand C. Gandhi & Mr P. Jayakumar's b g 7
Yellow and white quarters,light blue sleeves,Yellow cap
Starts:23	First:3	Second:3	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:14
05/06/22	B24   	 00-25	1400	62.5     	Surya P.  	 10/1  	478	 5/12	  25-2	 1:31:42(4.5)	        AAAA
29/09/22	my67  	 20-45	1200	54.5/53.5	Vivek.G   	  7/4  	466	 1/14	   *-*	 1:11:30(3.0)	    rbArbAAA
30/10/22	my127 	 40-65	1200	52.5/50.5	Shreyas S 	  9/2  	463	 1/15	   *-*	 1:10:72(3.1)	      bAbAAA
09/12/22	B19   	 40-65	1200	55.5     	Shreyas S 	 12/1  	483	 4/10	  51-0	 1:13:38(3.8)	    rpArpAAA
17/12/22	B35   	 40-65	1200	55.5     	Srinath   	  6/1  	478	 2/10	  51+2	 1:12:87(4.1)	    rpArpAAA
6	STRIKING MEMORY	55.5	Vivek.G (2)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Final Refrain(USA)	(51)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Poonawalla Astonish  18/05/16		<b>AAAA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's ch g 7
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, striped cap
Starts:20	First:4	Second:1	Third:4	Fourth:1	Unplaced:10
24/07/22	B129  	 20-45	1400	60.0/56.0	S. Saqlain	  7/1  	477	 3/13	  33-0	 1:27:34(3.6)	        AAAA
12/08/22	B179  	 20-45	1200	56.5/55.5	Vivek.G   	  5/1  	473	 1/12	  33+8	 1:15:25(4.6)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B194  	 20-45	1400	60.5/56.5	S. Saqlain	 12/1  	470	 5/11	  41-0	 1:25:98(3.1)	        AAAA
29/09/22	my68  	 40-65	1200	51.5     	V.R Jag'sh	  7/1  	457	 4/14	   *-*	 1:11:78(3.0)	        AAAA
26/11/22	my13  	 40-65	1400	51       	V.R Jag'sh	  4/1  	462	 1/11	   *-*	 1:24:06(3.2)	        AAAA
12/08/22 B179 interfd appr 900 M ; tightnd passing 800 M. 
19/08/22 B194 interfd passing 200 M.
7	GENERAL PATTON	54	Khurshad Alam (9)
Eljohar(IRE)-Immortal Story	(48)	M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Mukteshwar  13/05/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr K. Kamesh &  Mr. B. G. Deepak's b g 6
Royal blue, peach maltese cross and striped sleeves, royal blue cap
Starts:22	First:2	Second:6	Third:1	Fourth:3	Unplaced:10
23/07/22	B125  	 40-65	1200	59.0     	S. John   	 15/1  	460	 7/12	  58-2	 1:14:52(4.0)	        AAAA
11/08/22	B170  	 40-65	1200	58.0     	P. Trevor 	  9/1  	461	 8/11	  56-2	 1:16:52(4.8)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B193  	 40-65	1200	57.0/54.0	HasibA    	 15/1  	457	 8/9 	  54-2	 1:13:27(3.1)	        AAAA
09/12/22	B19   	 40-65	1200	56.0     	Naz'l Alam	 20/1  	451	 8/10	  52-2	 1:14:70(3.8)	        AAAA
23/12/22	B43   	 40-65	1200	55.0     	Naz'l Alam	 40/1  	447	10/10	  50-2	 1:16:09(4.2)	        AAAA
23/07/22 B125 brushed left side of starting gates; had to be steadied passing 900 M.
23/12/22 B43 stumbled ; interfd & had to be checked appr 900 M.
8	OSIRIS	51	V.R.Jagadeesh (4)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Allied Cause(GB)	(42)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Manjri  12/02/16	<b> (ts) (cnb) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr M. Lakshminarayana , Mr M. Venkatarama & Mr R. N. Vijaya Kumar's b g 7
Red, light brown stripes, striped sleeves, striped cap
Starts:31	First:5	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:23
12/08/22	B177  	 20-45	1200	53.0     	Arvind Kum	  7/4  	464	 1/9 	  26+8	 1:15:06(4.6)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B189  	 20-45	1400	57.0     	Arvind Kum	  9/2  	460	 1/12	 34+10	 1:26:04(3.1)	        AAAA
02/12/22	B5    	 40-65	1400	54.0/50.0	Sidduraju 	 30/1  	476	 5/9 	  44-0	 1:26:55(4.1)	        AAAA
09/12/22	B21   	 20-45	1200	62.0     	KSKiran   	 10/1  	482	10/10	  44-0	 1:18:60(3.8)	        AAAA
23/12/22	B42   	 20-45	1400	62.0/58.0	Cha.Shekar	 15/1  	479	 6/9 	  44-2	 1:28:58(4.2)	        AAAA
12/08/22 B177 interfd at the start.
9	STAR ADMIRAL	51	Neeraj Rawal (7)
Lord Admiral(USA)-Empress of Rome	(42)	Aravind G.
Stud:Sans Craintes Agrl.  25/02/19	<b> (blk) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAHAHA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust's b g 4
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:11	First:1	Second:4	Third:1	Fourth:3	Unplaced:2
11/08/22	B168  	   3YO	1200	56.0     	Srinath   	 11/4  	428	 1/12	  35+7	 1:15:24(4.8)	      AAhAhA
26/08/22	my11  	   3YO	1400	52       	Darshan RN	 15/1  	HNC	 5/5 	   *-*	 1:27:42(4.1)	        AAAA
07/10/22	my91  	 20-45	1200	62.5     	S. John   	  7/2  	415	 2/12	   *-*	 1:11:34(2.69)	      AAhAhA
02/12/22	B7    	 20-45	1200	62.0     	Darshan RN	  5/1  	428	 4/9 	  44-0	 1:14:29(4.1)	      AAhAhA
17/12/22	B32   	 20-45	1100	62.0/59.0	A Rozario 	  5/1  	423	 4/12	  44-2	  1:8:00(4.1)	      AAhAhA
17/12/22 B32 inconvd at the start.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
ARTEMIS IGNACIA Infection from 21/11/22 to 25/11/22 ,  Sore Back 07/12/22
EXTRAORDINARY Gastric ulcers from 03/11/22 to 18/11/22
QUEEN SPIRIT Injury 09/10/22 , capped elbow from 12/10/22 to 18/10/22 , capped elbow from 21/10/22 to 25/10/22
SKYFIRE EIPH(Bleeder) from 30/06/22 to 04/07/22
STRIKING MEMORY Infection from 18/12/22 to 22/12/22
GENERAL PATTON Phlebitis 04/09/19 , Phlebitis from 28/01/20 to 30/01/20 , Suspensory Desmitis 18/05/21
OSIRIS capped elbow 23/11/22
STAR ADMIRAL Infection from 22/12/22 to 27/12/22
First Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 2
5th Race	03:45 PM	(About) 2000 Metres
Course Record: 2 Min. 02.32 Sec.
A Sweepstakes of Rs. 9,600 each with Rs. 8,00,000 added. Total Prize Money will thereafter be distributed in the following manner:-
Winner - The Trophy &	49.5%	6%	4.5%
Second	16.5%	2%	1.5%
Third	8.25%	1%	0.75%
Fourth	4.125%	0.5%	0.375%
Fifth	2.475%	0.3%	0.225%
Sixth	1.65%	0.2%	0.15%
4 years old and over at the time of starting.
Weights: 	5 years old and over	 - 55.5	Kgs.
@racehead = 	4 years old only	 - 51.5	Kgs.
Penalties : (i) Winner after 30th April, 2020 of a
(a) Grade III race to carry 1 kg. or either of two
or more such races to carry 2 kgs.
(b) Grade II race to carry 3 kgs. or either of two
or more such races to carry 4.5 kgs.
(c) Grade I race to carry 6 kgs. or either of two
or more such races to carry 7.5 kgs.
Winner after 30th April, 2022 of a race of the
value of Rs.6,00,000 or over to carry 1 kg. OR
either of two or more such races or a race of
the value of Rs. 10,00,000 or over to carry 1.5
kgs. OR either of two or more such races or a
race of the value of Rs.25,00,000 or over to
carry 2 kgs extra.
N.B.	 If the highest weight an acceptor has to carry is less than 60 Kgs it shalll be raised to 60 Kgs and the other weights shall be raised equally.
Entries	21	@ 7200	on	23/11/22
4	@ 2400	left in on	04/01/23
A Trophy (Value Rs. 50,000) presented by Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
Total Prize Money : Rs.9,60,800
Winner - The Trophy &	Second	Third	Fourth
Ow	Rs.5,00,626	Rs.1,66,876	Rs.83,438	Rs.41,719
Tr	Rs.60,682	Rs.20,227	Rs.10,114	Rs.5,057
Jk	Rs.45,512	Rs.15,171	Rs.7,585	Rs.3,793
           Twelve to enter in bona fide separate interests or the above race to be at the option of the Stewards.
1	AUTOMATIC	60	Y. S. Srinath (3)
Lord Admiral(USA)-Taxido	(92)	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Sans Craintes  25/01/14	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr D. Shailesh Shivaswamy , Mr P. Ashwin Pai , Mr K. RaviMr. Sudarshan M Raju's dk b g 9
Orange, royal blue cross sashes and sleeves, orange cap
Starts:49	First:6	Second:11	Third:10	Fourth:7	Unplaced:15
17/07/22	B112  	   80+	1200	57.0     	Srinath   	 15/1  	453	 2/5 	  94+2	 1:15:22(4.9)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B192  	   80+	1400	58.0     	T.S. Jodha	  6/1  	453	 5/7 	  96-0	 1:25:05(3.1)	        AAAA
24/09/22	my59  	  4+YO	1600	54       	R. Vaibha 	 12/1  	436	 8/8 	   *-*	 1:35:77(3.0)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my121 	  3+YO	1400	56       	S. Saqlain	 12/1  	442	 3/5 	   *-*	 1:22:69(3.0)	        AAAA
23/12/22	B44   	  3+YO	1800	56.0     	P. Trevor 	 11/2  	445	 3/5 	  96-4	 1:52:49(4.2)	        AAAA
2	KARANVEER	60	P. Trevor (4)
Excellent Art(GB)-Starry Eyes	(70)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  03/01/18	<b> (ts) (bl) 	<b>RPARPAAA
M/S. Kunal Gupta Stud Farm LLP's b g 5
Royal blue,white disc , white spots on royal blue sleeves and cap
Starts:8	First:1	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:3
12/02/22	K73   	   4YO	2400	57       	P. Trevor 	  4/1  	483	 7/9 	   *-*	 2:35:56(1.8)	        AAAA
25/06/22	B63   	 40-65	1600	60.0     	R.Ajinkya 	 15/1  	482	 7/8 	  60-0	 1:45:64(3.5)	        AAAA
17/07/22	B115  	 40-65	1800	60.0     	AImranKhan	 10/1  	488	 5/10	  60-2	 1:57:43(4.9)	        AAAA
27/08/22	P49   	 40-66	2400	58       	AImranKhan	  9/1  	HNC	 1/5 	   *-*	 2:30:40(4.4)	        AAAA
25/09/22	P92   	   4YO	2800	57       	AImranKhan	 10/1  	486	 3/5 	   *-*	 2:58:53(4.4)	        AAAA
3	SILVARIUS	60	Antony Raj S. (1)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Silverina	(65)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Usha  25/02/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Joydeep Datta Gupta ,  Mr. Sanjay Datta Gupta &  Mr. Shomenath Roy Chowdhury's dk b g 5
Dark green,white sash, sleeves and cap
Starts:13	First:0	Second:3	Third:3	Fourth:2	Unplaced:5
12/08/22	B162  	  4+YO	2400	57.5/58.5	S. John   	 15/1  	500	 5/5 	  60-0	 2:36:33(4.6)	        AAAA
16/09/22	my44  	 40-65	1600	61       	Antony Raj	 10/1  	485	 3/6 	   *-*	 1:35:84(2.9)	        AAAA
06/10/22	my82  	 60-85	2000	53.5     	Hindu S'gh	  7/1  	479	 2/6 	   *-*	  2:4:64(3.0)	        AAAA
24/10/22	H150  	  4+YO	2800	57       	Antony Raj	 20/1  	489	 2/3 	   *-*	  3:2:30(4.5)	        AAAA
17/12/22	B33   	 40-65	1600	62.5     	Antony Raj	 15/1  	492	 5/7 	  65-0	 1:38:42(4.1)	        AAAA
4	SPEEDSTER	59.5	Suraj Narredu (2)
Pinson(IRE)-Tinkerbell	(111)	Warren Singh
Stud:Nakul  27/03/16		<b>AAAA
Mr Warren Singh's gr m 7
Peacock blue; light green, red and light green belt, red sleeves, white cap
Starts:27	First:5	Second:4	Third:1	Fourth:6	Unplaced:11
29/05/22	B15   	  4+YO	1400	54.0     	Ak'y Kumar	 15/1  	435	 4/6 	 103-0	 1:25:28(3.4)	        AAAA
25/06/22	B64   	  4+YO	1800	51.5/52.0	Ak'y Kumar	 10/1  	436	 5/6 	 103-0	 1:55:24(3.5)	        AAAA
24/07/22	B132  	  4+YO	2800	57.0     	Suraj Nare	 12/1  	430	 4/4 	 103-3	  3:2:90(3.6)	        AAAA
14/10/22	my104 	  4+YO	2000	56.5     	Antony Raj	 11/2  	410	 1/3 	   *-*	  2:8:12(3.5)	        AAAA
21/12/22	my45  	  4+YO	2000	52.5     	Antony Raj	  0/0  	410	 3/5 	   *-*	  2:5:11(3.0)	        AAAA
Weights raised 4.5Kgs
Change of Shoe
AUTOMATIC Suspensory Desmitis 28/09/19
KARANVEER EIPH(Bleeder) from 30/11/21 to 04/12/21 , Sesamoiditis from 25/02/22 to 24/03/22 , Lameness from 20/10/22 to 22/10/22 , Suspensory Desmitis from 20/10/22 to 22/10/22 , Infection from 24/10/22 to 28/10/22 , guttural pouch infection from 24/10/22 to 28/10/22 , Lameness 27/10/22 , splint 27/10/22 , Lameness from 15/11/22 to 16/11/22 , Myopathy from 15/11/22 to 16/11/22
SPEEDSTER Injury from 19/11/22 to 23/11/22
Second Treble Pool Leg 1
Jackpot Pool Leg 3
6th Race	04:15 PM	(About) 2400 Metres
Course Record: 2 Min. 28.85 Sec.
A Sweepstakes of Rs. 15,000 each with  Rs.12,50,000/- contributed jointly by Wolf 777 & Bangalore Turf Club Ltd. 1% of the total prize money and a Trophy(value Rs.10,000) to the Breeder of the winner and the remaining prize money will be distributed in the following manner:-
Trophy(Value 	 Trophy(Value 	 Trophy(Value
Rs.50,000) 	 Rs.10,000) 	 Rs.10,000)
Winner -	&49.5%	&6%	&4.5%
Second	16.5%	2%	1.5%
Third	8.25%	1%	0.75%
Fourth	4.125%	0.5%	0.375%
Fifth	2.475%	0.3%	0.225%
Sixth	1.65%	0.2%	0.15%
4-year-old Indian Fillies (foaled in 2019)
Weights: 57	Kgs

Entries	42	@ 3750	on	28/02/22
40	@ 3750	left in on	11/08/22
35	@ 3750	left in on	03/11/22
8	@ 3750	left in on	04/01/23
Final Entry	1	@ 150000	on	03/01/23
Trophies (Value Rs. 80,000) presented jointly by Wolf 777 & Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
Total Prize Money : Rs.18,68,750
Winner - The Trophy &	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.9,15,781	Rs.3,05,260	Rs.1,52,630	Rs.76,315	Rs.45,789	Rs.30,526
Tr	Rs.1,11,004	Rs.37,001	Rs.18,501	Rs.9,250	Rs.5,550	Rs.3,700
Jk	Rs.83,253	Rs.27,751	Rs.13,875	Rs.6,938	Rs.4,163	Rs.2,775
Br	Rs.18,688
1	LA REINA	57	Neeraj Rawal (3)
Planetaire(GB)-Firemiss	(40)	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Sohna  26/04/19		<b>BABAAA
Queen's Gambit Racing Syndicate's ch f 4
Purple,gold cross sashes,gold stars on purple sleeves and cap
Starts:7	First:1	Second:3	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
04/06/22	B21   	   3YO	1100	54.5     	A.Sandesh 	  9/4  	414	 1/9 	  *-38	  1:8:35(4.8)	      bAbAAA
02/07/22	B80   	 20-45	1400	59.0     	A.Sandesh 	 10/1  	402	 2/8 	  38+2	 1:27:31(4.0)	      bAbAAA
18/08/22	B185  	 20-45	1600	60.0     	A.Sandesh 	  3/1  	406	 2/8 	  40+2	 1:38:84(3.1)	      bAbAAA
29/10/22	my119 	 40-65	1600	51       	Neeraj Raw	 23/4  	402	 6/14	   *-*	 1:36:95(3.0)	      bAbAAA
23/12/22	B45   	 20-45	1400	61.0     	Vin.Shinde	 12/1  	407	 5/11	  42-2	 1:27:20(4.2)	      bAbAAA
2	MIRRA	57	Antony Raj S. (6)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Myrtlewood	(54)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Usha  08/02/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Ms Ameeta Mehra's b f 4
Light blue, gold star, sleeves and cap
Starts:7	First:2	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:2
26/06/22	B70   	   3YO	1600	54.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  8/1  	450	 1/11	  *-39	 1:37:54(3.8)	        AAAA
11/08/22	B154  	   3YO	1600	52.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 18/10 	451	 1/8 	 39+11	 1:39:41(4.8)	        AAAA
16/09/22	my46  	   3YO	1600	56       	Ak'y Kumar	  9/10 	442	 4/7 	   *-*	 1:38:53(2.9)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my119 	 40-65	1600	55       	Antony Raj	  6/10 	447	 3/14	   *-*	 1:36:20(3.0)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B27   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	Antony Raj	  5/2  	453	 3/8 	  50+4	 1:37:68(4.6)	        AAAA
3	PHILOSOPHY	57	A. Sandesh (4)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Manifold	(60)	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Usha  10/03/19		<b>BABAAA
Mr P. J. Vazifdar , Mrs P. J. Vazifdar , Mr M. RishadMr Kersi H. Vachha's b f 4
Gold,royal blue sash,striped sleeves, gold cap
Starts:8	First:2	Second:3	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:1
29/05/22	B14   	   3YO	1400	51.0     	A.Sandesh 	 19/4  	436	 2/5 	  40+4	 1:23:63(3.4)	      bAbAAA
19/06/22	B57   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	A.Sandesh 	  9/2  	428	 1/13	 44+16	 1:39:80(4.8)	      bAbAAA
17/07/22	B117  	   3YO	2000	54.5     	A.Sandesh 	  9/2  	438	 6/12	  60-0	 2:11:23(4.9)	      bAbAAA
16/09/22	my46  	   3YO	1600	56       	A.Sandesh 	 11/4  	426	 3/7 	   *-*	 1:38:39(2.9)	      bAbAAA
16/12/22	B27   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	A.Sandesh 	  9/4  	425	 2/8 	  58+2	 1:37:67(4.6)	      bAbAAA
17/07/22 B117 sustd multiple superf injuries on left hock & over tendon.
4	SILVER CANYON	57	P. Trevor (5)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Pure Allure	(41)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Poona  29/03/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr Zavaray S. Poonawalla, Mrs Behroze Z. Poonawalla, Mr Yohan Z. Poonawalla, Mrs Michelle Y. Poonawalla, Ms Delna Z. Poonawalla, Mrs Simone Poonawalla Pandole and Mr Rishad N. Pandole & Mr Chaduranga Kanthraj Urs' b (mtg) f 4
Red, white maltese cross with white seam on the sleeves and red cap
Starts:2	First:1	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
02/07/22	B76   	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 10/1  	448	10/12	   *-*	 1:18:37(4.0)	        AAAA
03/12/22	B11   	 20-45	1400	54.5     	P. Trevor 	 11/2  	443	 1/11	 27+14	 1:24:72(3.8)	        AAAA
02/07/22 B76 walked out of the gates, Adv 1 G.P.
5	STAR COMET	57	C. S. Jodha (8)
Saamidd(GB)-Indispensable	(40)	S. Ganapathy
Stud:Vikram Greenlands  24/03/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust's b f 4
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:11	First:1	Second:1	Third:3	Fourth:1	Unplaced:5
16/07/22	B104  	 20-45	1800	59.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  7/2  	409	 3/8 	  39-0	 1:55:30(4.6)	        AAAA
18/08/22	B185  	 20-45	1600	59.5     	P. Trevor 	  9/2  	401	 4/8 	  39-0	 1:38:99(3.1)	        AAAA
29/08/22	H71   	   3YO	1600	56       	N.S.Parmar	 20/1  	413	 9/10	   *-*	 1:42:43(5.09)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my118 	 20-45	1600	59.5     	Darshan RN	  7/2  	406	 2/9 	   *-*	 1:37:94(3.0)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B27   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	Neeraj Raw	 40/1  	411	 8/8 	  41-1	 1:39:28(4.6)	        AAAA
6	STELLAR GOLD	57	Imran Chisty (1)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Appeasing	(23)	S. Ganapathy
Stud:Usha  06/04/19	<b> (hbb) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust's b f 4
Gold,brown belt and white cap
Starts:9	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:3	Unplaced:6
17/07/22	B119  	 20-45	1600	52.5     	C.S.Jodha 	 10/1  	403	 6/8 	  25-2	 1:44:54(4.9)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B191  	   3YO	1600	54.5/55.0	Darshan RN	 25/1  	398	 8/12	  23-0	 1:39:69(3.1)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my120 	   3YO	1200	54.5     	S. Saqlain	  7/1  	388	 6/13	   *-*	 1:12:81(3.0)	        AAAA
02/12/22	B4    	   3YO	1600	55.5     	Darshan RN	 25/1  	396	 6/10	  23-0	 1:38:93(4.1)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B24   	 20-45	1800	51.5     	Neeraj Raw	  5/1  	392	 4/8 	  23-0	 1:53:69(4.6)	        AAAA
02/12/22 B4 inconvd passing 900 M. 
16/12/22 B24 lugging 'in' under pressure in the final 200 M.
7	TOUGH COOKIE	57	P. S. Chouhan (7)
Cougar Mountain(IRE)-Edith Piaf	(50)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Equus  16/02/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Girish S.'s b f 4
Red,black diamond,red and white striped sleeves,hooped cap
Starts:5	First:1	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:2
28/05/22	B4    	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Anjar Alam	 15/1  	463	 1/8 	  *-38	 1:25:36(3.5)	      bAbAAA
19/06/22	B57   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	Anjar Alam	 15/1  	471	 9/13	  38-0	 1:41:76(4.8)	    bAbAhAhA
16/07/22	B108  	   3YO	1400	54.0     	P. Trevor 	 15/1  	461	 5/6 	  38-0	 1:28:23(4.6)	    bAbAbAbA
30/10/22	my126 	 20-45	1400	61       	KSKiran   	 13/10 	456	 2/15	   *-*	 1:24:67(3.1)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B27   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	P.S.Ch'han	 25/1  	452	 4/8 	 40+10	 1:37:76(4.6)	        AAAA
8	TRIPLE WISH	57	Y. S. Srinath (9)
Planetaire(GB)-Fourpenny Lane(GB)	(47)	Neil B Devaney
Stud:Sohna  15/02/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>RBARBAAA
Dr Suresh Chintamaneni's b f 4
White,Gold Swastika,Gold Sleeves and White cap
Starts:6	First:1	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:3
19/06/22	B57   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	N.S.Parmar	 20/1  	470	11/13	   *-*	 1:42:01(4.8)	    rbArbAAA
17/07/22	B114  	   3YO	1600	54.5     	T.S. Jodha	  9/1  	463	 4/11	  *-29	 1:43:18(4.9)	    rbArbAAA
11/08/22	B154  	   3YO	1600	52.5     	Hindu S'gh	 40/1  	463	 5/8 	  29-0	 1:41:55(4.8)	    rbArbAAA
02/12/22	B4    	   3YO	1600	55.5     	Shamaz    	  7/1  	461	 1/10	 29+18	 1:36:94(4.1)	    rbArbAAA
16/12/22	B27   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	Suraj Nare	  5/1  	464	 5/8 	  47-0	 1:37:89(4.6)	    rbArbAAA
11/08/22 B154 sustd superf inj on rht hind pastern. 
16/12/22 B27 hanging 'in' straight from 300 M - NAD.
9	#VICTORIA PUNCH	57	Suraj Narredu (2)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Strictly(USA)	(65)	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Kunigal  22/03/19	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Ananda.C's dk b f 4
White,Maroon sash, white and maroon half sleeves,quartered cap
Starts:6	First:2	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
29/05/22	B13   	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Anjar Alam	  8/1  	429	 3/9 	   *-*	 1:25:88(3.4)	        AAAA
10/07/22	B100  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	P.S.Ch'han	 13/10 	432	 2/8 	  *-32	 1:29:11(5.2)	        AAAA
11/08/22	B154  	   3YO	1600	52.5     	T.S. Jodha	 20/1  	422	 3/8 	  32-0	 1:40:40(4.8)	        AAAA
16/09/22	my46  	   3YO	1600	56       	Antony Raj	 20/1  	414	 1/7 	   *-*	 1:38:08(2.9)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B27   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	P. Trevor 	  5/1  	417	 1/8 	  63+2	 1:37:62(4.6)	        AAAA
# Final Entry
Change of Equipment
Members ofQueen's Gambit Racing Syndicate
Mr. Ashok N. Sharma  Miss. Shabari Karumbaya
Mr. Medappa.P.Belliappa  Mrs. Shruti Pravin Lunkad
Dr Vijay Simha Doreswamy  Mr. Chandan C. Hiremath
Mr. N. Nitin Chengappa  Mrs. Shweta Goud Hiremath
Dr. R. Jagdeep
MIRRA Injury from 28/11/22 to 03/12/22
PHILOSOPHY Abscess 28/10/22 , Myopathy from 04/12/22 to 05/12/22
SILVER CANYON Suspensory Desmitis 09/01/22 ,  Sore Back 04/12/22 , Injury 22/12/22
STELLAR GOLD Infection from 22/12/22 to 27/12/22
TOUGH COOKIE Injury from 03/12/22 to 07/12/22
TRIPLE WISH Phlebitis from 02/07/21 to 03/07/21 , Phlebitis 28/08/22 , Phlebitis from 11/09/22 to 13/09/22 , Phlebitis from 03/10/22 to 07/10/22 , Intra Articular Inj. 04/11/22 , Intra Articular Inj. 21/11/22 , Intra Articular Inj. 07/12/22 , Intra Articular Inj. 26/12/22
VICTORIA PUNCH Injury from 29/10/22 to 30/10/22 , Injury 23/11/22 , Injury 17/12/22 ,  Sore Back 19/12/22
Second Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 4
7th Race	04:45 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45(Whips not allowed)
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth
Ow	Rs.1,89,745	Rs.94,875	Rs.56,925	Rs.22,010	Rs.10,625
Tr	Rs.23,000	Rs.11,500	Rs.6,900	Rs.2,670	Rs.1,290
Jk	Rs.17,250	Rs.8,625	Rs.5,175	Rs.2,000	Rs.965
1	UNIQUE STYLE	60.5	*Salman Khan (9)
Green Coast(IRE)-Passion inthe Park	(41)	V. Lokanath
Stud:R F Equine  08/03/18		<b>AAAA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's b g 5
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, striped cap
Starts:13	First:1	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:10
26/06/22	B74   	 20-45	1200	56.0     	Vishal Bun	 40/1  	434	 9/10	  32-0	 1:15:69(3.8)	        AAAA
24/07/22	B134  	 20-45	1200	56.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 30/1  	438	 9/10	  32-0	 1:16:96(3.6)	        AAAA
24/09/22	my57  	 20-45	1400	57       	V.R Jag'sh	 57/57 	419	 6/9 	   *-*	 1:26:00(3.0)	        AAAA
07/10/22	my87  	 20-45	1200	60/58    	S. Saqlain	 11/4  	421	 1/11	   *-*	 1:12:54(2.9)	        AAAA
30/10/22	my126 	 20-45	1400	60.5     	S. Saqlain	 10/1  	423	12/15	   *-*	 1:27:02(3.1)	        AAAA
26/06/22 B74 hanging out in straight. 
24/07/22 B134 blood vessels.
2	AHERNE	58.5	*Darshan R.N (7)
Top Class(USA)-Riverdown Empress(IRE)	(37)	Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Mukteshwar  22/03/18	<b> (hb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Saurabh Jetli &  Mr. Vasanth Kumar R's b g 5
Gold, claret star, gold stars on claret sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:11	First:1	Second:0	Third:3	Fourth:2	Unplaced:5
11/03/22	B202  	 20-45	1200	59.0/55.0	A Rozario 	  8/1  	432	 4/12	  38-0	 1:13:72(3.4)	        AAAA
05/06/22	B30   	 20-45	1400	59.0     	Shamaz    	 15/1  	444	 4/10	  38-0	 1:30:12(4.5)	        AAAA
03/07/22	B88   	 20-45	1200	59.0     	T.S. Jodha	 18/10 	438	 3/8 	  38-0	 1:14:67(3.6)	        AAAA
17/07/22	B119  	 20-45	1600	59.0     	T.S. Jodha	 15/1  	431	 5/8 	  38-2	 1:43:91(4.9)	        AAAA
19/08/22	B194  	 20-45	1400	58.0/56.0	Arul J.H  	  6/1  	432	 3/11	  36+1	 1:25:73(3.1)	        AAAA
05/06/22 B30 hanging out in straight - NAD.
19/08/22 B194 Joc  fined for not exercising sufficient control.
3	STEP TO DESTINY	57	*Y. S. Srinath (2)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Ageless	(34)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Manjri  13/01/19	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. C.V. Prasad Rao & Manjri Horse Breed's Farm Pvt. Ltd's b g 4
Black,yellow spots,white sleeves,yellow spots on black cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
23/07/22	B122  	   3YO	1200	56.0     	Chetan K.S	 30/1  	424	 5/10	   *-*	 1:15:87(4.0)	        AAAA
09/12/22	B17   	 20-45	1200	56.0/52.0	Likith    	 11/2  	417	 2/10	  30+4	 1:13:72(3.8)	        AAAA
4	ROMAN POWER	55	*Antony Raj S. (8)
Shifting Power(GB)-Romany Spirit(IRE)	(30)	Kishan Thomas
Stud:Bishan  10/03/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Dean Stephens & Mr Nitin Kumar Adiga's b r 4
Light blue,dark blue & orange belt,arm band,quartered cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:0	Third:3	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
25/01/22	B147  	   3YO	1200	56.0     	Shamaz    	 20/1  	435	 8/9 	   *-*	 1:16:22(3.8)	        AAAA
04/06/22	B19   	   3YO	1100	56.0     	P. Trevor 	 12/1  	436	 3/9 	   *-*	  1:8:82(4.8)	        AAAA
25/06/22	B65   	   3YO	1400	56.0     	P. Trevor 	 10/1  	435	 3/9 	  *-30	 1:28:32(3.5)	        AAAA
17/07/22	B119  	 20-45	1600	55.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  5/1  	428	 3/8 	  30-0	 1:43:38(4.9)	        AAAA
09/12/22	B22   	 20-45	1400	55.0     	Srinath   	 13/4  	436	 7/9 	  30-0	 1:28:63(3.8)	        AAAA
25/01/22 B147 swerved towards left, Adv 1 G.P.
09/12/22 B22 interfd passing 1100 M.
5	SANTORINO	55	*L. Alex Rozario-3 (3)
Saamidd(GB)-Spiritual Star	(30)	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Hazara  31/01/19	<b> (blk) 	<b>BABABABA
Mr. Santhosh G ,  Mr. Francis Arun Kumar , Mr Nirmal SinghMr Mohd. Javeed Ghatala's ch g 4
Dark blue,gold belt,dark blue sleeves with gold arm band,dark blue cap
6	THE ATHABASCA	55	*Vivek (10)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Athabasca Star	(30)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Kunigal  16/04/19	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mrs Esha N. Hariraj's b g 4
yellow,green diablo,white sleeves,green cap
7	MOVING AHEAD	54.5	*A.R.Pradeep (4)
Arazan(IRE)-Aviette	(29)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  14/02/17	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Nanda Kumar N's b g 6
Red and blue stripes, blue sleeves, red and blue striped cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:2
26/11/21	B63   	 20-45	1400	54.5     	S.K.Paswan	 60/1  	458	 2/10	  25+4	 1:33:21(5.6)	        AAAA
16/07/22	B103  	 20-45	1400	54.5     	A.A. Asbar	 15/1  	447	 4/12	  29-0	 1:30:00(4.6)	        AAAA
18/08/22	B185  	 20-45	1600	54.5     	Naz'l Alam	  8/1  	444	 8/8 	  29-0	 1:41:85(3.1)	        AAAA
06/10/22	my76  	 20-45	1400	57       	Naz'l Alam	  7/1  	446	 9/10	   *-*	 1:28:28(3.0)	        AAAA
26/11/21 B63 Qustd reg running & riding - gave benefit of doubt.
16/07/22 B103 Enq into running & riding - explan noted.
18/08/22 B185 not galloping fluently throughout race - NAD.
8	MR HUMBLE	54.5	*Tousif Khan-4 (5)
Green Coast(IRE)-Aunt Dottie(GB)	(29)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:A.B.  13/05/16	<b> (ts) (cnb) (visor) 	<b>AAAA
Mr N. Krishnamurthy &  Mrs. Shruthi KrishnaMurthy's dk b g 7
Dark green, orange "V", orange sleeves and cap
Starts:17	First:1	Second:1	Third:3	Fourth:3	Unplaced:9
26/06/22	B69   	 20-45	1100	53.0     	Surya P.  	 40/1  	451	 6/9 	  26-0	  1:8:07(3.8)	        AAAA
12/08/22	B179  	 20-45	1200	53.0     	Surya P.  	 20/1  	458	 3/12	  26+1	 1:15:38(4.6)	        AAAA
29/09/22	my67  	 20-45	1200	55.5     	V.R Jag'sh	  8/1  	457	10/14	   *-*	 1:13:45(3.0)	        AAAA
30/10/22	my131 	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Pradeep AR	 20/1  	447	 3/15	   *-*	 1:24:49(3.1)	        AAAA
03/12/22	B9    	 20-45	1200	55.5     	V.R Jag'sh	  7/2  	453	10/11	  29-0	 1:16:16(3.8)	        AAAA
12/08/22 B179 interfd at the start. 
03/12/22 B9 Tr & Joc qustd reg running & riding - explan noted; sustd superf inj on rht hock.
9	STUNNING BEAUTY	54.5	*K. Sai Kiran (6)
Abbeyside(GB)-Iverness	(29)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Akal Sahai  30/01/17	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mr Dinesh Kumar K's ch m 6
Dark blue; light green, white and light green `V', white sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:17	First:1	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:4	Unplaced:10
16/07/22	B109  	 20-45	1200	53.5     	Arvind Kum	  4/1  	479	 2/11	  27+4	 1:19:79(4.6)	      hAhAAA
24/07/22	B133  	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Arvind Kum	 20/1  	476	 4/11	  31-0	 1:28:27(3.6)	      hAhAAA
12/08/22	B179  	 20-45	1200	55.5     	P.SaiKumar	  7/2  	479	 4/12	  31-0	 1:15:44(4.6)	      hAhAAA
03/12/22	B15   	 20-45	1200	55.5     	Naveen Kum	 15/1  	472	 8/11	  31-0	 1:14:88(3.8)	      hAhAAA
23/12/22	B39   	 20-45	1400	58.0     	KSKiran   	 10/1  	479	 8/9 	  31-2	 1:30:14(4.2)	      hAhAAA
12/08/22 B179 interfd appr 900 M. 
03/12/22 B15 Tr adv 1 G.P.
10	MYSTICAL MERKABAH	52	*Kiran Rai P (1)
Air Support(USA)-Six Sigma	(24)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Kunigal  19/03/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr S. N. Harish's b m 5
White; orange, royal blue and dark green belt and arm band, royal blue star  on white cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
27/02/21	B139  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	KSKiran   	  0/0  	447	 6/12	   *-*	 1:14:77(3.1)	        AAAA
26/01/22	B151  	 20-45	1200	58.5     	Raj.KumarM	  8/10 	426	 2/10	  22+2	 1:13:60(3.5)	        AAAA
11/03/22	B202  	 20-45	1200	52.0     	Raj.KumarM	  5/2  	438	 7/12	  24-0	 1:14:51(3.4)	        AAAA
26/03/22	B232  	 00-25	1400	62.0     	KSKiran   	  5/1  	441	 7/9 	  24-0	 1:29:21(3.5)	        AAAA
27/02/21 B139 bit sore on right buccal mucosa. 
26/01/22 B151 blood vessels (Gr - III); Enq into running & riding - explan noted
11/03/22 B202 hanging out frm 800 M till abt 500 M - NAD.
26/03/22 B232 hanging out in straight - NAD.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Equipment
UNIQUE STYLE EIPH(Bleeder) from 24/07/22 to 29/07/22
STEP TO DESTINY Suspensory Desmitis 06/11/21
SANTORINO Injury 29/10/22 , Lameness from 12/11/22 to 13/11/22 , Lameness 17/11/22 , Intra Articular Inj. 17/11/22 , Injury 20/12/22
THE ATHABASCA capped elbow from 24/10/22 to 26/10/22
MOVING AHEAD Sesamoiditis from 22/11/19 to 25/11/19 , Sesamoiditis from 27/11/19 to 13/12/19 , Sesamoiditis from 20/07/20 to 09/08/20
MR HUMBLE Suspensory Desmitis from 07/06/22 to 08/06/22 , Lameness from 31/10/22 to 01/11/22
Second Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 5
8th Race	05:15 PM	(About) 1100 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 05.944 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45, 6 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth
Ow	Rs.1,89,745	Rs.94,875	Rs.56,925	Rs.22,010
Tr	Rs.23,000	Rs.11,500	Rs.6,900	Rs.2,670
Jk	Rs.17,250	Rs.8,625	Rs.5,175	Rs.2,000
1	STARRY WIND	62	Md.Akram (4)
Ravel(USA)-Symbol of Speed	(44)	Mahmood Khan
Stud:Chhatari  28/03/14	<b> (ts) (hbb) 	<b>AAHAA
Mr A. Wajid's dk b g 9
Light green, black diamond, yellow and black striped sleeves and yellow cap
Starts:41	First:3	Second:6	Third:3	Fourth:6	Unplaced:23
02/07/22	B79   	 40-65	2000	55.5/51.5	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	432	 6/8 	  51-2	  2:8:63(4.0)	       AAhAA
24/07/22	B130  	 40-65	1600	54.5/50.5	Shreyas S 	 15/1  	432	 7/7 	  49-2	 1:39:41(3.6)	       AAhAA
11/08/22	B167  	 40-65	1600	53.5/49.5	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	436	 5/8 	  47-2	 1:42:55(4.8)	       AAhAA
18/08/22	B185  	 20-45	1600	62.5     	Md Akram  	 20/1  	430	 5/8 	  45-2	 1:39:25(3.1)	       AAhAA
03/12/22	B15   	 20-45	1200	61.5     	Md Akram  	 10/1  	430	 2/11	  43+1	 1:13:07(3.8)	       AAhAA
02/07/22 B79 sustd abrasion on left hind cannon.  
18/08/22 B185 lost whip passing 100 M.
2	PANAMA	60.5	Dharshan Antony.B -3 (1)
Abbeyside(GB)-Practicallyperfect	(41)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Dashmesh  08/01/14	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Kaushik Ghosh's b m 9
DarkGreen with Orange Epaulettes,Orange sleeves,DarkGreen cap with Orange Quartered
Starts:26	First:3	Second:2	Third:5	Fourth:1	Unplaced:15
20/12/19	B69   	 30-50	1200	56.0     	I.Chisty  	  0/0  	440	 1/12	 40+12	 1:13:39(3.0)	        AAAA
11/01/20	B100  	 45-65	1200	56.0/52.0	Shreyas S 	 25/1  	440	12/12	  52-0	 1:15:48(3.1)	        AAAA
30/01/20	B136  	 45-65	1200	56.5     	Darshan RN	 15/1  	434	10/10	  52-0	 1:14:74(3.2)	        AAAA
27/02/20	B172  	 45-65	1200	53.5     	Ar'd Alam 	  0/0  	440	 8/11	  52-2	 1:13:72(2.9)	        AAAA
27/02/21	B142  	 30-50	1200	58.5     	Vin.Shinde	  0/0  	431	11/12	  47-0	 1:15:33(3.1)	        AAAA
11/01/20 B100 jumped awkwardly inwards
3	ACEROS	60	Salman Khan (3)
Varenar(FR)-Bespoke	(40)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Equus  28/01/15	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr N. Prem Kumar , Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda , Mr. Rakesh KumarMr V. Lokanath's ch g 8
White; peacock blue, orange and peacock blue belt,peacock blue sleeves and orange cap
Starts:22	First:2	Second:3	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:15
17/07/22	B113  	 40-65	1200	51.5/50.5	AbhaySingh	 20/1  	474	14/14	  43-0	 1:21:55(4.9)	        AAAA
23/09/22	my53  	 40-65	1400	52.5     	V.R Jag'sh	 10/1  	457	10/10	   *-*	 1:29:05(3.1)	        AAAA
07/10/22	my92  	 20-45	1100	62.5/59.5	Shreyas S 	 13/2  	446	 6/11	   *-*	  1:5:84(2.9)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my123 	 20-45	1200	61.5     	V.R Jag'sh	  8/1  	446	14/15	   *-*	 1:17:46(3.0)	        AAAA
03/12/22	B15   	 20-45	1200	60.0     	Adarsh G. 	 30/1  	451	10/11	  40-0	 1:17:55(3.8)	        AAAA
17/07/22 B113 inconvd appr 200 M; stopped galloping in straight - NAD.
03/12/22 B15 ran detached in final 150 M - NAD.
4	THE STRENGTH	59.5	K. Sai Kiran (7)
Corporate Jungle(USA)-Fiery Pegasus(USA)	(39)	Sharat Kumar
Stud:Hazara  03/03/16	<b> (ts) 	<b>HAHAHAHA
Mr Dinesh Kumar K's dk b g 7
Dark blue; light green, white and light green `V', white sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:35	First:3	Second:2	Third:4	Fourth:5	Unplaced:21
16/09/22	my45  	 40-65	1400	52.5     	Arvind Kum	  8/1  	443	 8/10	   *-*	 1:25:52(2.9)	    hAhAhAhA
06/10/22	my77  	 40-65	1200	51.5     	KSKiran   	  7/1  	446	 3/13	   *-*	 1:12:32(3.0)	    hAhAhAhA
30/10/22	my127 	 40-65	1200	51.5/49.5	Cha.Shekar	 20/1  	443	10/15	   *-*	 1:12:25(3.1)	    hAhAhAhA
16/12/22	B23   	 20-45	1200	60.5     	KSKiran   	 12/1  	456	 4/7 	  41-2	 1:15:32(4.6)	    hAhAhAhA
23/12/22	B42   	 20-45	1400	59.5     	KSKiran   	  8/1  	453	 4/9 	  39-0	 1:27:54(4.2)	    hAhAhAhA
5	BALTIMORE	59	K.G. Likith Appu -3 (9)
Air Support(USA)-Chase the Sun	(38)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Poonawalla Estates  03/05/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Vivek N. Rao , Mr Vittal Belandor & Mr Kodandaram Ramaiah.M's b m 6
White, claret `V', striped sleeves, white cap
Starts:16	First:2	Second:3	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:8
18/06/22	B52   	 20-45	1200	60.0     	S. John   	  7/1  	463	 9/9 	  40-0	 1:20:78(5.5)	        AAAA
30/07/22	B141  	 20-45	1200	60.0     	S. John   	 20/1  	461	 3/8 	  40-0	 1:14:21(4.6)	        AAAA
12/08/22	B179  	 20-45	1200	60.0     	S. John   	  3/1  	464	 9/12	  40-2	 1:15:81(4.6)	        AAAA
03/12/22	B15   	 20-45	1200	59.0     	Vin.Shinde	 12/1  	440	 9/11	  38-2	 1:15:00(3.8)	        AAAA
16/12/22	B23   	 20-45	1200	58.0     	Antony Raj	  8/1  	449	 2/7 	  36+2	 1:14:59(4.6)	        AAAA
30/07/22 B141 Tr & Joc qustd reg relative poor perf - Explan noted.
12/08/22 B179 interfd at the start; sustd bleeding cut inj on left gaskin.
6	CHISOX	59	L. Alex Rozario -3 (8)
Tenth Star(IRE)-Arabian Silk(IRE)	(38)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Badal  27/04/17	<b> (blk) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr K. Pradeep Annaiah ,  Dr. C N Devayya ,  Mr. Abhishek NagarajMr M. Sudheer Reddy's ch r 6
Brown, white chevrons, brown sleeves and cap
Starts:17	First:1	Second:4	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:9
10/07/22	B97   	 20-45	1200	57.5/53.5	A Rozario 	 12/1  	462	 2/9 	  35+2	 1:18:30(5.2)	        AAAA
12/08/22	B179  	 20-45	1200	58.5/54.5	A Rozario 	 12/1  	462	12/12	  37-0	 1:16:78(4.6)	        AAAA
07/10/22	my92  	 20-45	1100	60.5/56.5	A Rozario 	 13/2  	446	 5/11	   *-*	  1:5:64(2.9)	        AAAA
29/10/22	my116 	 20-45	1200	60       	S. Saqlain	  7/1  	448	 2/15	   *-*	 1:12:30(3.0)	        AAAA
17/12/22	B32   	 20-45	1100	60.0     	Shreyas S 	 12/1  	459	 8/12	  40-2	  1:8:48(4.1)	        AAAA
7	MUSTERION	59	A.Imran Khan (5)
Dean's Kitten(USA)-Golda Seek(USA)	(38)	Aravind G.
Stud:Sohna  11/01/16	<b> (cnb) (ts) (wtp) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. N. Swaroop Kumar , Mr Sultan Singh ,  Mr. Manjunath Urs M CMr. Aravind Ganapathy's b g 7
White,royal blue diamonds,white sleeves,royal blue cap
Starts:26	First:1	Second:6	Third:4	Fourth:1	Unplaced:14
19/02/22	B183  	 40-65	1400	52.5/51.0	Vishal Bun	 12/1  	433	 3/9 	  45+1	 1:27:85(3.3)	        AAAA
04/06/22	B20   	 40-65	1400	53.5     	Dash'Singh	 15/1  	426	 9/9 	  46-0	 1:29:89(4.8)	        AAAA
26/06/22	B72   	 40-65	1200	53.0     	Vishal Bun	 25/1  	420	 7/9 	  46-2	 1:14:47(3.8)	        AAAA
21/08/22	P41   	 40-66	1400	54.5     	Vishal Bun	 20/1  	HNC	 6/7 	   *-*	 1:27:45(4.4)	        AAAA
22/10/22	P119  	 40-66	1600	52       	Dash'Singh	 10/1  	HNC	 6/7 	   *-*	 1:39:48(4.4)	        AAAA
8	CHAIN OF THOUGHTS	58.5	Darshan R.N (6)
Green Coast(IRE)-Angeling	(37)	Neil B Devaney
Stud:Mukteshwar  20/03/17	<b> (cnb) (ts) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mr. Santhosh G &  Mr. Francis Arun Kumar's b g 6
Dark blue,gold belt,dark blue sleeves with gold arm band,dark blue cap
Starts:12	First:2	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:7
26/03/22	B231  	 00-25	1400	59.0     	M. Mark   	 40/1  	440	 7/10	  18-2	 1:29:58(3.5)	    hAhAhAhA
05/06/22	B24   	 00-25	1400	58.0     	M. Mark   	 40/1  	433	 6/12	  16-2	 1:31:76(4.5)	    hAhAhAhA
23/07/22	B120  	 00-25	1200	57.0/53.0	Shreyas S 	  7/2  	460	 2/11	  14+1	 1:16:55(4.0)	    hAhAhAhA
30/10/22	my124 	 00-25	1200	59       	Shamaz    	 11/4  	448	 1/15	   *-*	 1:12:49(3.1)	      hAhAAA
16/12/22	B29   	 20-45	1200	54.0     	Shreyas S 	  6/1  	452	 1/8 	 25+12	 1:14:01(4.6)	      hAhAAA
9	HABANERO	55	D. Patel (2)
Chevalier(IRE)-Highly Fashionable	(30)	S. Dominic
Stud:Ruia  12/03/14	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mrs Prabha Dominic's b g 9
Grey,red maltese cross, brown sleeves, grey Cap
Starts:49	First:3	Second:5	Third:8	Fourth:2	Unplaced:31
12/08/22	B177  	 20-45	1200	57.0     	M. Mark   	 20/1  	456	 9/9 	  34-0	 1:17:07(4.6)	      hAhAAA
29/09/22	my67  	 20-45	1200	58/54    	Tousif    	 15/1  	439	 8/14	   *-*	 1:13:39(3.0)	      hAhAAA
29/10/22	my116 	 20-45	1200	57/53    	Tousif    	 10/1  	444	10/15	   *-*	 1:13:91(3.0)	      hAhAAA
02/12/22	B7    	 20-45	1200	56.0/52.0	Tousif    	 25/1  	455	 9/9 	  32-0	 1:16:31(4.1)	      hAhAAA
16/12/22	B23   	 20-45	1200	56.0     	Darshan RN	 25/1  	455	 6/7 	  32-2	 1:15:63(4.6)	      hAhAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
STARRY WIND cellulitis from 15/12/22 to 19/12/22
ACEROS Injury from 05/12/22 to 09/12/22 , cellulitis from 05/12/22 to 09/12/22
THE STRENGTH Phlebitis 20/01/19 , Injury from 31/10/22 to 04/11/22 , Lameness from 31/10/22 to 04/11/22 , Gastric ulcers from 04/11/22 to 18/11/22 , Injury 09/11/22 , Injury from 25/11/22 to 27/11/22
HABANERO Laryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) 05/02/22
3rd RACE
1100 Metres
02:45 PM
4th RACE
1200 Metres
03:15 PM
4	ANAKIN	56.5
5	SKYFIRE	56.5
8	OSIRIS	51.0
5th RACE
2000 Metres
03:45 PM
6th RACE
2400 Metres
04:15 PM
1	LA REINA	57.0
2	MIRRA	57.0
7th RACE
1400 Metres
04:45 PM
2	AHERNE	58.5
8	MR HUMBLE	54.5
8th RACE
1100 Metres
05:15 PM
2	PANAMA	60.5
3	ACEROS	60.0
6	CHISOX	59.0
4th RACE
1200 Metres
03:15 PM
4	ANAKIN	56.5
5	SKYFIRE	56.5
8	OSIRIS	51.0
5th RACE
2000 Metres
03:45 PM
6th RACE
2400 Metres
04:15 PM
1	LA REINA	57.0
2	MIRRA	57.0
7th RACE
1400 Metres
04:45 PM
2	AHERNE	58.5
8	MR HUMBLE	54.5
8th RACE
1100 Metres
05:15 PM
2	PANAMA	60.5
3	ACEROS	60.0
6	CHISOX	59.0
Horse	R.No.	C.No.	Rating	Weight	Race Catg	Eqpt
ACEROS	8	3	40	60.0	20-45	(ts)
AHERNE	7	2	37	58.5	20-45	(hb)
AIR BLAST	1	4	31	58.5	20-45	(cnb) (scp)
ANAKIN	4	4	53	56.5	40-65	(ts) (bb)
ANNE BOLEYN	1	7	26	56.0	20-45	(hood) (ts) (scp)
ARTEMIS IGNACIA	4	1	60	60.0	40-65	(ts)
AUTOMATIC	5	1	92	60.0	4+YO	(ts) (cnb)
BALTIMORE	8	5	38	59.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
BARONESS	2	10	22	54.0	20-45	(cnb)
BELDONA	2	4	27	56.5	20-45	(ts) (bb)
CAPRIATI	2	3	28	57.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
CHAIN OF THOUGHTS	8	8	37	58.5	20-45	(cnb) (ts)
CHISOX	8	6	38	59.0	20-45	(blk) (ts) (cnb)
CROSSWATER	3	6	-	54.5	3YO	(ts) (cnb) (bb)
EMMA	2	7	25	55.5	20-45	(hood) (ts) (cnb)
EXTRAORDINARY	4	2	56	58.0	40-65	(blk) (ts)
FAIR COUNSEL	2	8	25	55.5	20-45
GENERAL PATTON	4	7	48	54.0	40-65	(ts) (cnb)
GOLD GRAY	1	6	28	57.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb) (bb)
HABANERO	8	9	30	55.0	20-45	(ts) (blk)
IMPIANA	2	5	27	56.5	20-45	(ts)
INVINCIBLE	3	1	-	56.0	3YO	(ts)
JERSEY LEGEND	1	8	26	56.0	20-45
KARANVEER	5	2	70	60.0	4+YO	(ts) (bl)
LA REINA	6	1	40	57.0	4YO
MIRRA	6	2	54	57.0	4YO	(ts) (cnb)
MOVING AHEAD	7	7	29	54.5	20-45	(ts) (blk)
MR HUMBLE	7	8	29	54.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb) (visor)
MUSTERION	8	7	38	59.0	20-45	(cnb) (ts) (wtp)
MYSTICAL MERKABAH	7	10	24	52.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
OSIRIS	4	8	42	51.0	40-65	(ts) (cnb) (blk)
PANAMA	8	2	41	60.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
PHILOSOPHY	6	3	60	57.0	4YO
QUEEN SPIRIT	4	3	56	58.0	40-65	(ts)
ROMAN POWER	7	4	30	55.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
SANTORINO	7	5	30	55.0	20-45	(blk)
SCARLET IBIS	2	2	30	58.0	20-45
SILVARIUS	5	3	65	60.0	4+YO	(ts) (cnb)
SILVER CANYON	6	4	41	57.0	4YO	(ts)
SILVER SWIFT	1	5	29	57.5	20-45	(ts) (blk)
SKYFIRE	4	5	53	56.5	40-65	(ts)
SMILE AROUND	1	3	33	59.5	20-45
SOUTHERNARISTOCRAT	2	6	26	56.0	20-45
SPEEDSTER	5	4	111	59.5	4+YO
STAR ADMIRAL	4	9	42	51.0	40-65	(blk) (ts) (cnb)
STAR COMET	6	5	40	57.0	4YO	(ts) (cnb)
STARRY WIND	8	1	44	62.0	20-45	(ts) (hbb)
STELLANTIS	3	2	-	56.0	3YO
STELLAR GOLD	6	6	23	57.0	4YO	(hbb) (ts)
STEP TO DESTINY	7	3	34	57.0	20-45	(blk)
STRIKING MEMORY	4	6	51	55.5	40-65
STUNNING BEAUTY	7	9	29	54.5	20-45	(blk) (ts)
SUPERHERO	3	3	-	56.0	3YO
THE ATHABASCA	7	6	30	55.0	20-45	(blk) (ts)
THE BLISSFULELYSEE	3	8	-	54.5	3YO	(ts)
THE GOLDEN DREAM	2	1	34	60.0	20-45	(cnb) (blk)
THE SOUND OF MUSIC	2	9	23	54.5	20-45	(blk) (ts)
THE STRENGTH	8	4	39	59.5	20-45	(ts)
THE WELCOME	3	5	-	56.0	3YO	(blk)
TIGER RETURNS	1	1	34	60.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
TOUGH COOKIE	6	7	50	57.0	4YO	(ts) (cnb)
TRIPLE WISH	6	8	47	57.0	4YO	(ts)
ULTIMATE STRIKER	1	2	34	60.0	20-45
UNIQUE STYLE	7	1	41	60.5	20-45
VICTORIA PUNCH	6	9	65	57.0	4YO	(ts) (blk)
Horse	Racedate	R.No	Trainer
AFERPI	02/12/2022		Narayana Gowda V.
AUGUSTO	02/12/2022		Kishan Thomas
LYCURGUS	02/12/2022		Sharat Kumar
THE INTRUDER	02/12/2022		Warren Singh
CHARMAINE	03/12/2022	1	V. Lokanath
AUTOMATIC	03/12/2022		Irfan Ghatala
KNOTTY DANCER	03/12/2022		Prasanna Kumar
LAST WISH	03/12/2022		Neil B Devaney
FEARLESS JOEY	17/12/2022		S. Narredu
IMPERIAL BLUE	30/12/2022		Irfan Ghatala
MOON'S BLESSING	30/12/2022		S.S. Attaollahi
PEYO	30/12/2022		S. Narredu
RULING GODDESS	07/01/2023		S.S. Attaollahi
Race date : 07/01/23
Index to Jockeys Engagements with total mount, race number,	 Horse number, weight alloted, allowance draw number & Trainer.
1	A. Sandesh(2)
4	1	ARTEMIS IGNACIA	60.0		8	Neil Darashah
6	3	PHILOSOPHY	57.0		4	S. Padmanabhan
2	A.Imran Khan(2)
1	4	AIR BLAST	58.5		4	Pradeep Annaiah
8	7	MUSTERION	59.0		5	Aravind G.
3	A.R.Pradeep(3)
2	2	SCARLET IBIS	58.0		5	Azhar Ali
3	4	THE GALLERY TIME	56.0		8	Sharat Kumar
7	7	MOVING AHEAD	54.5		4	Azhar Ali
4	Antony Raj S.(5)
2	3	CAPRIATI	57.0		6	Arjun Mangalorkar
3	6	CROSSWATER	54.5		6	Arjun Mangalorkar
5	3	SILVARIUS	60.0		1	Arjun Mangalorkar
6	2	MIRRA	57.0		6	Arjun Mangalorkar
7	4	ROMAN POWER	55.0		8	Kishan Thomas
5	C. S. Jodha(1)
6	5	STAR COMET	57.0		8	S. Ganapathy
6	Chandrashekar M(2)
1	3	SMILE AROUND	59.5	-4	5	Sharat Kumar
2	1	THE GOLDEN DREAM	60.0	-4	4	Sharat Kumar
7	D. Patel(1)
8	9	HABANERO	55.0		2	S. Dominic
8	Darshan R.N(2)
7	2	AHERNE	58.5		7	Imtiaz Khan
8	8	CHAIN OF THOUGHTS	58.5		6	Neil B Devaney
9	Dharshan Antony.B(1)
8	2	PANAMA	60.5	-3	1	Azhar Ali
10	Imran Chisty(1)
6	6	STELLAR GOLD	57.0		1	S. Ganapathy
11	IndraJeet Singh(2)
1	5	SILVER SWIFT	57.5		8	M. Rajendra Singh
2	6	SOUTHERNARISTOCRAT	56.0		1	M. Rajendra Singh
12	K. Sai Kiran(6)
1	6	GOLD GRAY	57.0		6	Sharat Kumar
2	4	BELDONA	56.5		10	Sharat Kumar
3	8	THE BLISSFULELYSEE	54.5		5	Sharat Kumar
4	2	EXTRAORDINARY	58.0		5	Sharat Kumar
7	9	STUNNING BEAUTY	54.5		6	Sharat Kumar
8	4	THE STRENGTH	59.5		7	Sharat Kumar
13	K.G. Likith Appu(1)
8	5	BALTIMORE	59.0	-3	9	Arjun Mangalorkar
14	Khurshad Alam(1)
4	7	GENERAL PATTON	54.0		9	M. Rajendra Singh
15	Kiran Rai P(2)
2	10	BARONESS	54.0		7	Narayana Gowda V.
7	10	MYSTICAL MERKABAH	52.0		1	Narayana Gowda V.
16	L. Alex Rozario(4)
1	8	JERSEY LEGEND	56.0	-3	3	Mahmood Khan
2	5	IMPIANA	56.5	-3	9	S.S. Attaollahi
7	5	SANTORINO	55.0	-3	3	Irfan Ghatala
8	6	CHISOX	59.0	-3	8	Pradeep Annaiah
17	Md.Akram(1)
8	1	STARRY WIND	62.0		4	Mahmood Khan
18	Neeraj Rawal(2)
4	9	STAR ADMIRAL	51.0		7	Aravind G.
6	1	LA REINA	57.0		3	S. Padmanabhan
19	P. S. Chouhan(1)
6	7	TOUGH COOKIE	57.0		7	Pradeep Annaiah
20	P. Trevor(3)
3	2	STELLANTIS	56.0		3	S.S. Attaollahi
5	2	KARANVEER	60.0		4	Pradeep Annaiah
6	4	SILVER CANYON	57.0		5	S.S. Attaollahi
21	R. Vaibhav(1)
2	7	EMMA	55.5		3	Irfan Ghatala
22	Rayan Ahmed R.(1)
1	1	TIGER RETURNS	60.0		7	Faraz Arshad
23	S. Saqlain(1)
4	4	ANAKIN	56.5		1	V. Lokanath
24	S. Zervan(2)
3	7	SEEKING THE STARS	54.5		2	S. Dominic
4	3	QUEEN SPIRIT	58.0		3	S.S. Attaollahi
25	Salman Khan(2)
7	1	UNIQUE STYLE	60.5		9	V. Lokanath
8	3	ACEROS	60.0		3	V. Lokanath
26	Suraj Narredu(3)
3	1	INVINCIBLE	56.0		7	Darius R. Byramji
5	4	SPEEDSTER	59.5		2	Warren Singh
6	9	VICTORIA PUNCH	57.0		2	Irfan Ghatala
27	Tousif Khan(4)
1	7	ANNE BOLEYN	56.0	-4	1	S. Dominic
3	3	SUPERHERO	56.0	-4	1	Mahmood Khan
4	5	SKYFIRE	56.5	-4	6	Pradeep Annaiah
7	8	MR HUMBLE	54.5	-4	5	Pradeep Annaiah
28	V.R.Jagadeesh(1)
4	8	OSIRIS	51.0		4	Sharat Kumar
29	Vivek(3)
2	9	THE SOUND OF MUSIC	54.5		2	Sharat Kumar
3	5	THE WELCOME	56.0		4	Sharat Kumar
7	6	THE ATHABASCA	55.0		10	Sharat Kumar
30	Vivek.G(3)
1	2	ULTIMATE STRIKER	60.0		2	V. Lokanath
2	8	FAIR COUNSEL	55.5		8	V. Lokanath
4	6	STRIKING MEMORY	55.5		2	V. Lokanath
31	Y. S. Srinath(3)
5	1	AUTOMATIC	60.0		3	Irfan Ghatala
6	8	TRIPLE WISH	57.0		9	Neil B Devaney
7	3	STEP TO DESTINY	57.0		2	Azhar Ali
#= Final Entry / Declared to start 67 Race date : 07/01/23
Index to Trainers'wards with total wards, race number,	 Horse number alloted weight, allowance,draw number & Jockey.
1			Aravind G.(2)
4	9	STAR ADMIRAL	51.0		7	Neeraj Rawal
8	7	MUSTERION	59.0		5	A.Imran Khan
2			Arjun Mangalorkar(5)
2	3	CAPRIATI	57.0		6	Antony Raj S.
3	6	CROSSWATER	54.5		6	Antony Raj S.
5	3	SILVARIUS	60.0		1	Antony Raj S.
6	2	MIRRA	57.0		6	Antony Raj S.
8	5	BALTIMORE	59.0	-3	9	K.G. Likith Appu
3			Azhar Ali(4)
2	2	SCARLET IBIS	58.0		5	A.R.Pradeep
7	7	MOVING AHEAD	54.5		4	A.R.Pradeep
7	3	STEP TO DESTINY	57.0		2	Y. S. Srinath
8	2	PANAMA	60.5	-3	1	Dharshan Antony.B
4			Darius R. Byramji(1)
3	1	INVINCIBLE	56.0		7	Suraj Narredu
5			Faraz Arshad(1)
1	1	TIGER RETURNS	60.0		7	Rayan Ahmed R.
6			Imtiaz Khan(1)
7	2	AHERNE	58.5		7	Darshan R.N
7			Irfan Ghatala(4)
2	7	EMMA	55.5		3	R. Vaibhav
5	1	AUTOMATIC	60.0		3	Y. S. Srinath
6	9	VICTORIA PUNCH	57.0		2	Suraj Narredu
7	5	SANTORINO	55.0	-3	3	L. Alex Rozario
8			Kishan Thomas(1)
7	4	ROMAN POWER	55.0		8	Antony Raj S.
9			M. Rajendra Singh(3)
1	5	SILVER SWIFT	57.5		8	IndraJeet Singh
2	6	SOUTHERNARISTOCRAT	56.0		1	IndraJeet Singh
4	7	GENERAL PATTON	54.0		9	Khurshad Alam
10			Mahmood Khan(3)
1	8	JERSEY LEGEND	56.0	-3	3	L. Alex Rozario
3	3	SUPERHERO	56.0	-4	1	Tousif Khan
8	1	STARRY WIND	62.0		4	Md.Akram
11			Narayana Gowda V.(2)
2	10	BARONESS	54.0		7	Kiran Rai P
7	10	MYSTICAL MERKABAH	52.0		1	Kiran Rai P
12			Neil B Devaney(2)
6	8	TRIPLE WISH	57.0		9	Y. S. Srinath
8	8	CHAIN OF THOUGHTS	58.5		6	Darshan R.N
13			Neil Darashah(1)
4	1	ARTEMIS IGNACIA	60.0		8	A. Sandesh
14			Pradeep Annaiah(6)
1	4	AIR BLAST	58.5		4	A.Imran Khan
4	5	SKYFIRE	56.5	-4	6	Tousif Khan
5	2	KARANVEER	60.0		4	P. Trevor
6	7	TOUGH COOKIE	57.0		7	P. S. Chouhan
7	8	MR HUMBLE	54.5	-4	5	Tousif Khan
8	6	CHISOX	59.0	-3	8	L. Alex Rozario
15			S. Dominic(3)
1	7	ANNE BOLEYN	56.0	-4	1	Tousif Khan
3	7	SEEKING THE STARS	54.5		2	S. Zervan
8	9	HABANERO	55.0		2	D. Patel
16			S. Ganapathy(2)
6	6	STELLAR GOLD	57.0		1	Imran Chisty
6	5	STAR COMET	57.0		8	C. S. Jodha
17			S. Padmanabhan(2)
6	1	LA REINA	57.0		3	Neeraj Rawal
6	3	PHILOSOPHY	57.0		4	A. Sandesh
18			S.S. Attaollahi(4)
2	5	IMPIANA	56.5	-3	9	L. Alex Rozario
3	2	STELLANTIS	56.0		3	P. Trevor
4	3	QUEEN SPIRIT	58.0		3	S. Zervan
6	4	SILVER CANYON	57.0		5	P. Trevor
19			Sharat Kumar(13)
1	3	SMILE AROUND	59.5	-4	5	Chandrashekar M
1	6	GOLD GRAY	57.0		6	K. Sai Kiran
2	9	THE SOUND OF MUSIC	54.5		2	Vivek
2	4	BELDONA	56.5		10	K. Sai Kiran
2	1	THE GOLDEN DREAM	60.0	-4	4	Chandrashekar M
3	8	THE BLISSFULELYSEE	54.5		5	K. Sai Kiran
3	5	THE WELCOME	56.0		4	Vivek
3	4	THE GALLERY TIME	56.0		8	A.R.Pradeep
4	2	EXTRAORDINARY	58.0		5	K. Sai Kiran
4	8	OSIRIS	51.0		4	V.R.Jagadeesh
7	6	THE ATHABASCA	55.0		10	Vivek
7	9	STUNNING BEAUTY	54.5		6	K. Sai Kiran
8	4	THE STRENGTH	59.5		7	K. Sai Kiran
20			V. Lokanath(6)
1	2	ULTIMATE STRIKER	60.0		2	Vivek.G
2	8	FAIR COUNSEL	55.5		8	Vivek.G
4	6	STRIKING MEMORY	55.5		2	Vivek.G
4	4	ANAKIN	56.5		1	S. Saqlain
7	1	UNIQUE STYLE	60.5		9	Salman Khan
8	3	ACEROS	60.0		3	Salman Khan
21			Warren Singh(1)
5	4	SPEEDSTER	59.5		2	Suraj Narredu
#= Final Entry / Total Acceptors 67
Race date : 07/01/23