1. (144) The Dandeli Plate  - Div. III- (About) 1100 metres.  Horses rated 20 to 45 (9)
02:30 PM
NAPOLEAN 60 ( 31) *TRIPPLE V 59.5 ( 30) LORVEN'S GLORY 58 ( 27)
GROUSE MOUNTAIN 59.5 ( 30) BALTIMORE 58.5 ( 28) DAIKI 57.5 ( 26)
SPIRIT DANCER 59.5 ( 30) N R I JETPOWER 58.5 ( 28) GISMO 57 ( 25)
Weights raised 4.5 Kgs
NAPOLEAN Sesamoiditis 22-09-23 to 13-10-23, Sesamoiditis 13-01-24, Sesamoiditis 19-01-24 to 08-02-24, Sesamoid Fracture 09-03-24, Sesamoiditis 08-04-24 to 07-05-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 22-11-24, Lameness 22-11-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 29-11-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 06-12-24, Lameness 14-12-24, Suspensory Desmitis 18-12-24 to 22-12-24, Lameness 30-12-24, Intra Articular Inj. 30-12-24, splint 30-12-24, Lameness 10-01-25, Intra Articular Inj. 10-01-25
GROUSE MOUNTAIN Tendon 16-09-23 to 18-09-23, Tendon 23-09-23, Tendon 05-10-23, Tendon 20-01-24, Tendon 21-02-24, Tendon 10-03-24, Tendon 28-08-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 05-12-24, Infection 05-02-25
SPIRIT DANCER Intra Articular Inj. 27-11-24, Injury 15-12-24 to 20-12-24
TRIPPLE V Injury 12-11-24, Injury 24-12-24
BALTIMORE Arthritis 28-06-23, Sesamoiditis 28-06-23, Arthritis 01-08-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 30-08-24 to 04-09-24, Injury 26-01-25 to 30-01-25, cellulitis 26-01-25 to 28-01-25
N R I JETPOWER Dermatitis 19-11-24 to 23-11-24,  Sore Back 23-12-24 to 24-12-24, Dermatitis 27-12-24 to 31-12-24, Injury 27-01-25 to 28-01-25,  Sore Back 27-01-25
LORVEN'S GLORY Injury 25-11-24 to 02-12-24, Injury 09-12-24, Injury 24-12-24
DAIKI Suspensory Desmitis 10-09-23, Suspensory Desmitis 28-10-23, Dermatitis 20-11-24 to 24-11-24, cellulitis 20-11-24 to 24-11-24
2. (145) The Dandeli Plate  - Div. II- (About) 1100 metres.  Horses rated 20 to 45 (9)
03:00 PM
HASTING SUNRISE 60 ( 40) DOMINA 56 ( 32) ADELANTO 54 ( 28)
DIVO 57.5 ( 35) MEHRA 56 ( 32) N R I GOLD 54 ( 28)
ROYAL DECCAN 56.5 ( 33) FELISA 55.5 ( 31) MULTIQUEEN 53.5 ( 27)
HASTING SUNRISE EIPH(Bleeder) 04-07-22 to 08-07-22
DIVO Suspensory Desmitis 13-06-22 to 15-06-22, Suspensory Desmitis 29-07-22, Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 03-02-24, Injury 13-01-25 to 17-01-25
ROYAL DECCAN Tendon 29-11-23, Tendon 23-04-24, Suspensory Desmitis 23-04-24, Arytenoid chondropathy 20-05-24, Arytenoid chondropathy 13-06-24, Fever 19-11-24, Oedema 11-12-24
DOMINA Phlebitis 02-12-21 to 04-12-21, Phlebitis 13-12-21 to 14-12-21, Phlebitis 22-12-21, Injury 19-01-25, Sinusitis 23-01-25 to 27-01-25
MEHRA Oedema 02-12-24, Lameness 07-12-24
FELISA Suspensory Desmitis 12-12-23, Suspensory Desmitis 11-06-24 to 12-06-24, Lameness 24-11-24,  Sore Back 21-12-24, Lameness 21-12-24, Intra Articular Inj. 21-12-24
ADELANTO Tendon 09-08-23 to 11-08-23, Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 21-07-24, Injury 06-12-24 to 10-12-24, Dermatitis 09-12-24, Abscess 04-02-25
N R I GOLD  Sore Back 24-12-24
MULTIQUEEN Injury 27-01-25
3. (146) The Topmost Plate - (About) 1600 metres. Maiden Horses 3 years old only. (Terms) (8)
03:30 PM
ALAMGIR 56 ( - ) REFRESHMENT 56 ( - ) KISS OF GREY 54.5 ( - )
EINAUDI 56 ( - ) RESPLENDENCE 56 ( - ) SASSY SARAH 54.5 ( - )
GLORIOUS STRIDES 56 ( - ) AGAPE 54.5 ( - )
ALAMGIR Dermatitis 17-12-24, Injury 10-01-25, Lameness 26-01-25 to 28-01-25
EINAUDI guttural pouch infection 25-11-24, Myopathy 29-11-24, Myopathy 01-12-24, Injury 13-01-25
REFRESHMENT Injury 12-11-24 to 13-11-24
RESPLENDENCE Myopathy 01-01-25
AGAPE Vulvoplasty 12-01-25
KISS OF GREY Lameness 28-12-24 to 30-12-24
4. (147) The H.B.Gundappa Gowda Memorial Trophy - (About) 1200 metres.  Horses rated 40 to 65 (8)
04:00 PM
N R I ACE 60 ( 58) CONNECTING DOTS 53.5 ( 45) BASILICA 51 ( 40)
IL VOLO 59 ( 56) TESORINO 52.5 ( 43) XAILY 51 ( 40)
PHOENOMENON 58 ( 54) ADAMAS 52 ( 42)
Weights raised 1 Kg
N R I ACE Infection 19-11-24 to 23-11-24, Injury 21-12-24 to 25-12-24
IL VOLO Injury 11-01-25
PHOENOMENON Fracture 13-01-24, Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 20-01-24, Chip Fracture 13-10-24, Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 20-10-24, Intra Articular Inj. 11-12-24, Intra Articular Inj. 08-01-25, Intra Articular Inj. 19-01-25
CONNECTING DOTS Lameness 28-11-24 to 29-11-24, Intra Articular Inj. 02-12-24, Lameness 02-12-24, Dermatitis 18-12-24 to 22-12-24, Lameness 18-12-24 to 22-12-24, Lameness 16-01-25, Abscess 20-01-25 to 24-01-25
XAILY Tendon 27-09-23 to 29-09-23, Suspensory Desmitis 18-10-23, Injury 26-11-24 to 28-11-24, Infection 15-12-24 to 19-12-24
5. (148) The Garden City Trophy - (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 60 to 85 (5)
04:30 PM
AUSPICIOUS QUEEN 60 ( 68) AQUAMATIC 58.5 ( 65) ELPENOR 57 ( 62)
BHARAT 59.5 ( 67) MAYNE MAGIC 57.5 ( 63)
Weights raised 6 Kgs
BHARAT Injury 23-11-24 to 24-11-24, Injury 05-01-25
AQUAMATIC splint 16-11-24, ESWT(Physiotherapy) 27-01-25
MAYNE MAGIC Sesamoiditis 21-07-23 to 19-08-23, Suspensory Desmitis 08-12-23 to 09-12-23, Suspensory Desmitis 13-12-23, Infection 28-11-24 to 02-12-24, guttural pouch infection 28-11-24, Infection 01-01-25 to 05-01-25
ELPENOR Tendon 26-03-22, Tendon 07-04-22, Tendon 15-10-22, Sesamoiditis 20-04-23
6. (149) The Dandeli Plate  - Div. I- (About) 1100 metres.  Horses rated 20 to 45 (8)
05:00 PM
INVINCIBLE 62 ( 44) FAST RESPONSE 60 ( 40) LG'S STAR 58.5 ( 37)
VAYU 61 ( 42) MONTERIO 60 ( 40) DAYS DATE 57.5 ( 35)
EBOTSE 60.5 ( 41) *ECLIPSE PULSE 59 ( 38)
INVINCIBLE EIPH(Bleeder) 03-02-23 to 07-02-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 11-06-23 to 15-06-23, Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 23-06-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 01-12-23 to 03-12-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 14-12-24 to 18-12-24, Injury 19-01-25
VAYU Interspinous Ligament Desmotomy 02-08-23, Tendon 13-02-24 to 17-02-24, Infection 05-02-25, Arytenoid chondropathy 05-02-25
EBOTSE Tendon 13-12-23, Tendon 23-12-23 to 25-12-23
FAST RESPONSE Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 14-03-23, Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Knee) 17-02-24, Arthritis 25-11-24, Lameness 25-11-24 to 27-11-24, Intra Articular Inj. 11-12-24, Intra Articular Inj. 20-12-24, Intra Articular Inj. 06-01-25, Lameness 06-01-25 to 08-01-25
MONTERIO Sesamoiditis 01-06-23 to 10-06-23, Suspensory Desmitis 11-10-23, Injury 14-11-24, Injury 28-11-24, EIPH(Bleeder) 06-12-24,  Sore Back 08-12-24, cellulitis 01-01-25 to 05-01-25, Injury 15-01-25
LG'S STAR Injury 21-12-24 to 25-12-24, Myopathy 29-12-24
7. (150) The Bidar Plate - (About) 1400 metres.  Horses rated 40 to 65, 5 years old and over (8)
05:30 PM
BLUE GOD 61 ( 62) METZINGER 59 ( 58) OWN LEGACY 50.5 ( 41)
AHERNE 60 ( 60) FORTUNATUS 54 ( 48) MY VISION 50 ( 40)
PHARAZON 60 ( 60) KNOTTY PATTON 53 ( 46)
BLUE GOD Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 22-11-23
AHERNE Suspensory Desmitis 04-02-23 to 05-02-23, Lameness 06-01-25 to 07-01-25, Lameness 13-01-25, Intra Articular Inj. 13-01-25
PHARAZON Intra Articular Inj. 13-11-24, Injury 28-12-24, Injury 25-01-25
METZINGER Injury 19-01-25, Injury 27-01-25
KNOTTY PATTON Phlebitis 04-09-19, Phlebitis 28-01-20 to 30-01-20, Suspensory Desmitis 18-05-21, Sesamoiditis 24-11-23
MY VISION Tendon 19-03-18 to 23-03-18, Phlebitis 14-07-20, Sesamoiditis 27-06-23 to 17-07-23, EIPH(Bleeder) 10-11-24 to 12-11-24
Races Selected for:
Jackpot : 3,4,5,6,7
1st Treble : 2,3,4
2nd Treble : 5,6,7
The Bhadra Plate & The Vani Vilasa Sagara Plate have been advanced to Friday, 14th February, 2025.
Starting declarations at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 12th February, 2025
Number of Acceptors = 55
11th February, 2025 BANGALORE TURF CLUB LTD.