Bangalore Winter Meeting 2024-2025
							Twentyfirst Day,Saturday, 22nd February, 2025
									RACE CARD

1st Race	02:30 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.002 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45, 5 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth
Ow	Rs.2,10,370	Rs.97,375	Rs.58,800	Rs.22,010
Tr	Rs.35,375	Rs.13,000	Rs.8,025	Rs.2,670
Jk	Rs.25,500	Rs.9,625	Rs.5,925	Rs.2,000
1	ELVEDEN	60	*Aleemuddin-4 (2)
Win Legend(JPN)-Eastern Summit	(39)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Dashmesh  26/01/20	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAHAHA
Sarainaga Racing Pvt Ltd , Mr. Haider Soomar , Mr Gaurav Gopalkrishan SethiMr Abhimanyu J. Thackersey's b g 5
Gold,royal blue hoops, royal blue sleeves,gold cap
Starts:7	First:1	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
24/08/24	B84   	 20-45	1400	56.0     	Antony Raj	  0/0  	464	 3/7 	  25-0	1:27:478(3.6)	      AAhAhA
01/11/24	B3    	 20-45	1200	55.0     	S. Hussain	 12/1  	466	 6/8 	  25-0	 1:15:14(4.0)	      AAhAhA
13/12/24	B54   	 20-45	1100	57.5     	S. Hussain	 20/1  	470	11/11	  25-2	1:11:352(4.8)	      AAhAhA
04/01/25	B90   	 20-45	1100	51.5     	S. Hussain	 40/1  	472	 3/13	  23+1	 1:7:206(3.0)	      AAhAhA
26/01/25	B115  	 00-25	1200	62.0/58.0	Aleemuddin	  8/10 	469	 1/10	 24+15	1:14:165(3.4)	      AAhAhA
01/11/24 B3 Joc reprd for riding an indiff race. 
04/01/25 B90 Joc suspd under BTC Rules.
2	MEGA SUCCESS	59.5	V.R.Jagadeesh (1)
Knight's Tour(AUS)-Lady Duff	(38)	S. Inayathulla
Stud:Sans Craintes  17/02/18		<b>AAHAHA
Mr S. Inayathulla's b g 7
Dark blue, white cross sashes and arm band, hooped cap
Starts:45	First:4	Second:1	Third:10	Fourth:13	Unplaced:17
29/11/24	B38   	 20-45	1100	55.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 10/1  	433	 3/9 	  30-0	 1:7:197(3.3)	      AAhAhA
13/12/24	B53   	 20-45	1200	55.0     	V.R Jag'sh	  7/1  	439	 1/9 	  30+8	1:16:331(4.8)	      AAhAhA
28/12/24	B81   	 20-45	1400	59.0/56.0	Abhishek M	 15/1  	435	 7/11	  38-0	1:28:322(3.8)	      AAhAhA
18/01/25	B106  	 20-45	1200	59.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 10/1  	435	 4/11	  38-0	1:14:525(3.3)	      AAhAhA
07/02/25	B136  	 20-45	1400	59.0     	V.R Jag'sh	  9/2  	434	 4/9 	  38-0	1:27:493(3.5)	      AAhAhA
13/12/24 B53 Joc fined for hitting horse with the reins b/w 1100 M & 1000 M.
28/12/24 B81 inconvd at the start. 
07/02/25 B136 interfd at the start.
3	PERIDOT	59.5	*Pavan-4 (4)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Alexandrite	(38)	Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Kunigal  11/02/19	<b> (hood) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Fazal Ur Rahman ,  Mr. Naveen Preben Gowda & Ms Silva Storai's b m 6
Dark green, cerise belt and arm band, cerise cap
Starts:22	First:2	Second:1	Third:4	Fourth:3	Unplaced:12
30/08/24	B95   	 20-45	1400	54.0     	B R Kumar 	  0/0  	409	 1/9 	  28+9	1:28:202(4.6)	        AAAA
01/11/24	B8    	 20-45	1400	59.0/55.0	Pavan     	 12/1  	410	 5/9 	  37-0	1:27:824(4.0)	        AAAA
30/11/24	B40   	 20-45	1400	59.5     	A Rozario 	 20/1  	412	 3/9 	  37+1	1:26:252(3.2)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B81   	 20-45	1400	59.0     	A Rozario 	  6/1  	409	 5/11	  38-0	1:27:906(3.8)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B106  	 20-45	1200	59.0/55.0	Pavan     	  7/1  	409	 7/11	  38-0	1:15:294(3.3)	        AAAA
30/08/24 B95 Tr adv 1 G.P.
28/12/24 B81 Tr adv 1 G.P.
18/01/25 B106 Tr adv 1 Mock Race.
4	LADY INVICTUS	59	P. Trevor (5)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Nijinsky Bullet(USA)	(37)	M. Eshwer
Stud:Poona  14/02/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Syed Muheeb's b m 6
Dark green, yellow halves, arm band and cap
Starts:20	First:2	Second:0	Third:3	Fourth:1	Unplaced:14
30/08/24	B95   	 20-45	1400	52.5     	S.K.Paswan	  0/0  	485	 6/9 	  25-0	 1:29:12(4.6)	        AAXX
27/09/24	my48  	 20-45	1400	54       	S.K.Paswan	 20/1  	 483	 6/15	   *-*	 1:28:09(3.1)	        AAXX
01/11/24	B2    	 20-45	1400	51.5     	S.K.Paswan	 60/1  	492	 7/10	  23-0	1:28:242(4.0)	        AAXX
06/12/24	B47   	 00-25	1200	61.5     	Tousif    	  6/1  	480	 3/9 	  23-0	1:16:785(4.6)	        AAXX
18/01/25	B98   	 00-25	1400	61.5     	P. Trevor 	 11/10 	480	 1/8 	 23+14	1:26:892(3.3)	        AAXX
01/11/24 B2 Joc fined for not improving position from 1200 M till abt 700 M
5	ANCHORAGE	55	Shreyas Singh S (6)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Elouana(IRE)	(29)	Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Poonawalla Astonish  05/02/20	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. J.S.Lokesh's ch g 5
Green,white hoops,yellow sleeves and cap
Starts:5	First:0	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
01/11/24	B7    	 20-45	1200	56.0     	S. Hussain	 20/1  	502	 5/7 	  30-0	1:16:364(4.0)	        AAAA
23/11/24	B28   	 20-45	1400	56.0/54.0	Siddaraju 	 20/1  	503	 6/11	  30-2	1:27:857(3.3)	        AAAA
13/12/24	B54   	 20-45	1100	59.0/57.0	Siddaraju 	 20/1  	503	 5/11	  28-2	1:10:427(4.8)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B84   	 20-45	1400	53.0     	Shreyas S 	 15/1  	493	 3/13	  26+1	1:26:391(3.0)	        AAAA
25/01/25	B107  	 20-45	1200	57.5     	Srinath   	  4/1  	491	 2/9 	  27+2	1:14:184(3.6)	        AAAA
6	QUICK WITTED	53.5	Shrikant Kamble (7)
David Livingston(IRE)-Kimono	(26)	Neil B Devaney
Stud:Vikram Greenlands  04/03/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mrs. Deepa Devaney & Mr Sathish Kumar Joghee's b g 6
Red,dark blue checks,dark green sleeves,purple arm band,red & dark blue quartered cap
Starts:17	First:1	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:13
20/12/24	B71   	 00-25	1400	60.0     	Darshan RN	 15/1  	396	 1/9 	  20+9	1:27:786(3.4)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B84   	 20-45	1400	54.5     	Ar'd Alam 	 20/1  	399	10/13	  29-0	1:28:643(3.0)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B99   	 20-45	1600	54.5/55.0	Darshan RN	 20/1  	397	 5/8 	  29-1	1:39:377(3.3)	    rbArbAAA
31/01/25	B125  	 20-45	1600	54.0/54.5	Darshan RN	 12/1  	395	 6/11	  28-2	1:40:510(3.3)	    rbArbAAA
14/02/25	B142  	 20-45	1600	53.0     	Koshi Ku  	 12/1  	399	 7/8 	  26-0	1:40:512(3.1)	    rbArbAAA
14/02/25 B142 jumped awkwardly inwards.
7	SEA DIAMOND	53.5	C.Umesh (8)
Declaration of War(IRE)-Royal Princess	(26)	Umar Shariff. S
Stud:A.B.  20/03/20	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>HAAAA
Mr M. Sridhar &  M/S. Seabliss Racing LLP's b m 5
Light blue,dark green sleeves,light blue cap
Starts:21	First:2	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:18
27/10/24	my103 	 20-45	1600	53       	P.SaiKumar	 15/1  	416	 8/14	   *-*	 1:39:49(3.0)	       hAAAA
23/11/24	B26   	 20-45	1400	56.0     	Surya P.  	 30/1  	428	 0/12	  26-0	        (3.3)	       hAAAA
28/12/24	B81   	 20-45	1400	53.0     	Koshi Ku  	 30/1  	424	 6/11	  26-2	 1:28:75(3.8)	       hAAAA
10/01/25	B92   	 00-25	1600	62.0     	Adarsh G. 	 20/1  	417	 5/8 	  24-2	1:40:600(3.2)	       hAAAA
31/01/25	B123  	 00-25	1600	61.0     	Vivek     	 15/1  	416	 2/8 	  22+4	1:39:882(3.3)	       hAAAA
23/11/24 B26 Joc totally unbalanced & dislodged appr 900 M; blood vessels.
31/01/25 B123 Enq into running and riding.
8	ICE STORM	53	Rajesh Kumar M (3)
Sedgefield(USA)-Night Dancer(IRE)	(25)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Jai-Govind  28/01/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mr Babu Krishna Kishore's ch g 6
Yellow, brown panel, brown and white hooped sleeves, brown cap
Starts:29	First:1	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:27
13/12/24	B53   	 20-45	1200	52.5     	Raj.KumarM	 15/1  	421	 9/9 	  25-0	1:18:337(4.8)	      hAhAAA
28/12/24	B81   	 20-45	1400	52.5     	Angad     	 30/1  	415	11/11	  25-0	1:29:186(3.8)	      hAhAAA
10/01/25	B93   	 20-45	1200	55.5     	Raj.KumarM	 20/1  	406	 6/8 	  25-0	1:16:548(3.2)	      hAhAAA
26/01/25	B115  	 00-25	1200	62.5     	Darshan RN	 30/1  	415	 6/10	  25-0	1:15:504(3.4)	      hAhAAA
07/02/25	B130  	 20-45	1400	52.5     	Raj.KumarM	 20/1  	419	 8/8 	  25-0	1:30:698(3.5)	      hAhAAA
10/01/25 B93 interfd & took out b/w 1100 M & 1000 M.
07/02/25 B130 jumped awkwardly outwards.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 0.5Kg
Change of Shoe
ELVEDEN Arthrotomy (Chip Fracture Fetlock) 11/01/24
MEGA SUCCESS EIPH(Bleeder) from 29/09/23 to 03/10/23
PERIDOT Sesamoiditis from 18/09/21 to 08/10/21 , EIPH(Bleeder) 03/06/23 , EIPH(Bleeder) from 25/11/23 to 29/11/23 ,  Sore Back 20/01/25
LADY INVICTUS EIPH(Bleeder) from 11/06/23 to 15/06/23 , Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 17/08/23 , Infection 08/12/24 , Infection from 03/01/25 to 07/01/25
ANCHORAGE Sesamoiditis 24/12/22 , Tendon 04/08/23 , Tendon 16/08/23 , Tendon 15/11/23 , Suspensory Desmitis 15/02/24 , Suspensory Desmitis 04/03/24 , Tendon 30/04/24 , Tendon 09/07/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 14/12/24 , Injury from 20/12/24 to 22/12/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 26/01/25 , Lameness 26/01/25 , Injury 26/01/25 , Tendon 30/01/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 08/02/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 15/02/25
QUICK WITTED Sesamoiditis from 15/10/22 to 04/11/22 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 21/11/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 07/12/24 , Infection 08/01/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 06/02/25
SEA DIAMOND Suspensory Desmitis 31/01/23 ,  Sore Back 27/11/24 ,  Sore Back 01/02/25
ICE STORM EIPH(Bleeder) from 03/02/23 to 08/02/23
First Treble Pool Leg 1
2nd Race	03:00 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.002 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 40 to 65, 6 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth
Ow	Rs.2,59,875	Rs.122,125	Rs.73,650	Rs.27,755
Tr	Rs.41,375	Rs.16,000	Rs.9,825	Rs.3,365
Jk	Rs.30,000	Rs.11,875	Rs.7,275	Rs.2,525
1	KING OF WAR	62.5	Akshay Kumar (3)
Win Legend(JPN)-Missoni	(65)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Dr. Kehar Singh  30/01/19		<b>AAAA
Mrs Shruthiba L. Gowda's ch g 6
Light blue, black stars, light blue sleeves, red cap
Starts:20	First:5	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:3	Unplaced:11
14/08/24	B71   	 40-65	1600	60.0     	Vivek.G   	  0/0  	463	 6/8 	  59-2	1:39:172(3.7)	        AAAA
30/08/24	B104  	 40-65	1400	58.5     	Naveen M. 	  0/0  	467	 7/12	  57-2	1:27:560(4.6)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B62   	 40-65	1400	59.0     	Vivek.G   	  1/1  	468	 1/9 	  55+9	 1:26:31(4.2)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B78   	 40-65	1600	62.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  7/1  	469	 2/9 	  64+2	1:39:169(3.8)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B119  	 60-85	1400	54.5     	Koshi Ku  	 10/1  	472	 5/11	  66-1	1:25:385(3.4)	        AAAA
14/08/24 B71 did not like underfoot conditions of the track (hard ground). 
28/12/24 B78 jumped awkwardly inwards.
2	GOLDEN TIME	62	Koshi Kumar (4)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Goldilocks	(64)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  07/03/17	<b> (blk) (ts) (hood) 	<b>AAHAHA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's b g 8
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, striped cap
Starts:44	First:4	Second:7	Third:6	Fourth:9	Unplaced:18
30/11/24	B44   	 40-65	1200	60.0     	Antony Raj	 17/4  	486	 1/8 	  60+8	1:12:611(3.2)	      AAhAhA
14/12/24	B64   	 60-85	1800	54.5     	Antony Raj	 20/1  	483	 5/6 	  68-0	1:53:921(4.2)	      AAhAhA
04/01/25	B82   	 60-85	1200	57.5     	A Rozario 	 30/1  	489	 7/8 	  68-0	1:13:851(3.0)	      AAhAhA
25/01/25	B110  	 60-85	1200	54.0     	Koshi Ku  	 50/1  	484	 5/11	  68-2	1:12:589(3.6)	      AAhAhA
07/02/25	B135  	 60-85	1200	57.0     	Koshi Ku  	 17/4  	485	 4/5 	  66-2	1:13:751(3.5)	      AAhAhA
3	SEKHMET	61.5	Antony Raj S. (2)
Sedgefield(USA)-Spark of Silver	(63)	Kishan Thomas. K
Stud:Jai-Govind  10/04/18	<b> (ts) (blk) 	<b>AAHAHA
Mr Vasanth Kumar T. S's gr m 7
Yellow, dark blue triangular panel and arm band, dark blue cap
Starts:33	First:3	Second:6	Third:1	Fourth:5	Unplaced:18
30/11/24	B45   	 20-45	1400	62.0     	Vivek.G   	 12/1  	452	 6/9 	  44-2	1:26:817(3.2)	      AAhAhA
14/12/24	B62   	 40-65	1400	52.5/54.0	Antony Raj	  9/1  	449	 2/9 	  42+6	1:26:174(4.2)	      AAhAhA
28/12/24	B78   	 40-65	1600	54.0/55.0	Darshan RN	 10/1  	452	 4/9 	  48+2	1:39:545(3.8)	      AAhAhA
10/01/25	B96   	 40-65	1400	55.0     	Darshan RN	 10/1  	449	 2/8 	  50+1	1:25:555(3.2)	      AAhAhA
31/01/25	B128  	 40-65	1400	55.5     	Antony Raj	  5/2  	442	 1/9 	 51+12	1:25:217(3.3)	      AAhAhA
28/12/24 B78 inconvd at the start.
4	INDIAN BLUES	61	Kiran Rai P (6)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Ark Royal	(62)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Sans Craintes  27/02/19	<b> (ts) (hood) (cnb) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. B. Ganesh's ch m 6
Yellow,dark green star,white spots on dark green sleeves and cap
Starts:18	First:3	Second:3	Third:1	Fourth:4	Unplaced:7
13/09/24	my25  	 40-65	1200	61       	Kiran RaiP	 11/2  	423	 2/12	   *-*	 1:11:07(2.8)	        AAAA
03/10/24	my55  	 40-65	1100	62       	Kiran RaiP	  5/1  	413	 4/12	   *-*	  1:6:96(3.2)	        AAAA
09/11/24	B12   	 40-65	1200	62.0/58.0	Faiz      	 15/1  	428	 4/12	  64-0	1:13:267(3.6)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B105  	 40-65	1200	62.0     	Angad     	  6/1  	421	 5/8 	  64-2	1:14:176(3.3)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B128  	 40-65	1400	61.0     	Kiran RaiP	 20/1  	422	 9/9 	  62-0	1:28:503(3.3)	        AAAA
09/11/24 B12 interfd appr 1100 M; blood vessels. 
31/01/25 B128 Joc fined for dropping hands.
5	SOUTHERN FORCE	60.5	P. Sai Kumar (5)
Roderic O'Connor(IRE)-Meohmy(GB)	(61)	Faraz Arshad
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  05/01/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Faraz Arshad ,  Mr. Anjan Kumar Rangaraj &  Mr. Pavan Rangaraj's b g 6
Dark green, brown sash and cap
Starts:29	First:5	Second:1	Third:6	Fourth:7	Unplaced:10
23/11/24	B31   	 60-85	1200	53.5     	MukeshKum 	 20/1  	432	 5/7 	  67-0	1:13:162(3.3)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B82   	 60-85	1200	57.0     	Rayan Ahme	 30/1  	432	 8/8 	  67-2	1:13:988(3.0)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B105  	 40-65	1200	62.5     	Srinath   	  6/1  	428	 3/8 	  65-0	1:13:757(3.3)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B128  	 40-65	1400	62.5     	Srinath   	 12/1  	436	 6/9 	  65-2	1:26:820(3.3)	        AAAA
14/02/25	B143  	 40-65	1200	61.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 12/1  	433	 5/9 	  63-2	1:14:537(3.1)	        AAAA
18/01/25 B105 interfd passing 1000 M. 
14/02/25 B143 had to be checked appr 800 M.
6	ARMORY	57.5	Rajesh Kumar M (1)
One Lucky Dane(USA)-Mustarde(IRE)	(55)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Pratap Racecitement  09/03/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Reethan B K 's b m 7
Pink,Sky blue sleeves,red cap
Starts:31	First:4	Second:1	Third:5	Fourth:5	Unplaced:16
23/11/24	B29   	 40-65	1600	59.5     	Angad     	 20/1  	414	11/12	  59-2	1:40:467(3.3)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B62   	 40-65	1400	60.0     	Raj.KumarM	 20/1  	417	 8/9 	  57-0	1:29:648(4.2)	        AAAA
10/01/25	B96   	 40-65	1400	58.5     	Raj.KumarM	 50/1  	419	 6/8 	  57-0	1:27:581(3.2)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B117  	 40-65	1600	58.5     	Raj.KumarM	 20/1  	417	 7/9 	  57-2	1:38:874(3.4)	        AAAA
07/02/25	B133  	 40-65	1400	57.5     	Raj.KumarM	 20/1  	421	 6/8 	  55-0	1:27:122(3.5)	        AAAA
23/11/24 B29 bumped appr 1400 M.
10/01/25 B96 Tr adv 1 G.P.
07/02/25 B133 Joc reptd that he had to ride in check b/w 850 M to 800 M.
7	DISRUPTOR	55	L. Alex Rozario (7)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Waveband(GB)	(50)	Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Kunigal  27/03/19	<b> (ts) (hood) 	<b>AAAHA
Mr. Nandish R's ch g 6
Red,gold sleeves,red cap
Starts:17	First:2	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:12
08/08/24	B60   	 40-65	1400	59.5     	Darshan RN	  0/0  	484	 8/12	  58-0	1:28:411(4.3)	        AAAA
25/08/24	B88   	 40-65	1400	59.0     	Darshan RN	  0/0  	502	 6/8 	  58-2	1:25:519(3.0)	        AAAA
30/08/24	B104  	 40-65	1400	58.0     	Darshan RN	  0/0  	502	10/12	  56-2	1:28:275(4.6)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B62   	 40-65	1400	58.5     	A.Ramu    	 20/1  	HNC	 5/9 	  54-2	1:28:241(4.2)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B128  	 40-65	1400	56.0     	A.Ramu    	 15/1  	490	 8/9 	  52-2	1:27:907(3.3)	        AAAA
08/08/24 B60 susd inj on rht fore pastern.
8	MEMORABLE TIME	50.5	K.G. Likith Appu (8)
Pinson(IRE)-Timeless Memories	(41)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Nakul  19/02/18		<b>AAAA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda & Mr Sharath M. Narayana's b m 7
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, red cap
Starts:25	First:3	Second:2	Third:3	Fourth:1	Unplaced:16
16/03/24	B164  	 40-65	1400	53.0     	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	403	 9/10	  46-0	1:26:677(2.9)	        AAAA
13/07/24	B5    	 40-65	1400	51.5     	Vivek.G   	  0/0  	400	 8/8 	  43-0	1:29:860(4.6)	        AAAA
27/07/24	B44   	 20-45	1200	61.5/59.5	Koshi Ku  	  0/0  	402	 7/8 	  43-2	1:16:229(3.6)	        AAAA
30/08/24	B95   	 20-45	1400	60.5/59.5	Koshi Ku  	  0/0  	405	 9/9 	  41-0	1:31:421(4.6)	        AAAA
06/12/24	B50   	 20-45	1600	60.5     	Vivek.G   	 15/1  	401	 8/8 	  41-0	 1:46:56(4.6)	        AAAA
16/03/24 B164 serous discharge from left nostril - NAD.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Shoe
KING OF WAR Suspensory Desmitis 13/10/23
GOLDEN TIME Injury 26/01/25
SEKHMET Sesamoiditis from 17/12/21 to 14/01/22
INDIAN BLUES EIPH(Bleeder) from 26/01/24 to 30/01/24 , EIPH(Bleeder) from 09/11/24 to 13/11/24
ARMORY Suspensory Desmitis from 18/10/21 to 22/10/21 , Intra Articular Inj. 25/11/24
DISRUPTOR Tendon 10/11/21 , Tendon 28/01/23 , Tendon 29/03/23 , Tendon from 25/01/24 to 27/01/24 , Injury from 15/12/24 to 16/12/24 , Tendon 27/12/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 27/12/24 , Tendon 03/01/25 , Tendon 13/01/25
MEMORABLE TIME Sinusitis from 08/12/24 to 12/12/24 , Oedema 15/12/24 ,  Sore Back 16/12/24 ,  Sore Back 26/12/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 03/01/25 , Myopathy 07/01/25 , Myopathy from 16/01/25 to 18/01/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 06/02/25
First Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 1
3rd Race	03:30 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.2,10,370	Rs.97,375	Rs.58,800	Rs.22,010	Rs.10,625	Rs.5,315
Tr	Rs.35,375	Rs.13,000	Rs.8,025	Rs.2,670	Rs.1,290	Rs.645
Jk	Rs.25,500	Rs.9,625	Rs.5,925	Rs.2,000	Rs.965	Rs.485
1	PROPHECY	60	K.G. Likith Appu (3)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Klipspringer	(40)	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  30/03/20	<b> (bb) 	<b>BABAAA
Mr P. J. Vazifdar , Mr M. Rishad , Mr Kersi H. Vachha & Mr Mukul A. Sonawala &  M/s. DT Racing & Breeding LLPMr. Nariman Dickey Chothia's b m 5
Gold,royal blue sash,striped sleeves, gold cap
Starts:12	First:1	Second:3	Third:3	Fourth:2	Unplaced:3
25/12/23	C111  	   3YO	1600	57       	Neeraj Raw	 12/1  	HNC	 4/11	   *-*	 1:38:82(3.6)	      bAbAAA
10/02/24	B125  	 40-65	1200	53.5     	A Rozario 	  9/4  	485	 4/12	  45-2	 1:13:06(3.0)	      bAbAAA
09/11/24	B12   	 40-65	1200	50.0/51.5	S. Saqlain	  9/2  	508	 5/12	  40-2	1:13:568(3.6)	      bAbAAA
30/11/24	B40   	 20-45	1400	60.0     	A.Sandesh 	  6/4  	501	 5/9 	  38-0	1:26:380(3.2)	      bAbAAA
20/12/24	B72   	 20-45	1200	59.0     	A.Sandesh 	  9/10 	495	 2/10	  38+2	1:14:380(3.4)	      bAbAAA
10/02/24 B125 interfd in the final 150 M.
09/11/24 B12 jumped awkwardly; interfd appr 1100 M.
30/11/24 B40 interfd 550 M & 450 M;  lame on left hind & sustd clip inj on left hind cannon.
20/12/24 B72 inconvd in the final 100 M.
2	LORVEN LUV	55	Koshi Kumar (4)
Fiero(JPN)-Love of Dubai(USA)	(30)	G. Y. Rajesh Babu
Stud:Manjri  22/03/21	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mrs. Rohini Thuppal's dk b g 4
Royal Blue,Orange swastika,Orange arm band,Orange Cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
16/09/24	H105  	   3YO	1200	56       	Surya Pra 	 20/1  	405	 8/9 	   *-*	 1:16:97(5.44)	    rpArpAAA
31/01/25	B124  	 20-45	1200	58.0/54.0	Anish H   	 25/1  	405	 9/9 	  30-0	1:16:900(3.3)	        AAAA
31/01/25 B124 squeezed & lost right stirrup at the start - regained at 700 M; interfd passing 1000 M.
3	MARTHA	55	Kiran Rai P (6)
Gusto(GB)-Carma	(30)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Bishan  20/03/21	<b> (hood) (ts) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr S. N. Harish's b f 4
White; orange, royal blue and dark green belt and arm band, royal blue star  on white cap
Starts:6	First:0	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:3	Unplaced:1
30/08/24	B97   	   3YO	1400	54.5     	Vivek.G   	  0/0  	395	 2/9 	   *-*	1:27:929(4.6)	        AAAA
01/11/24	B1    	   3YO	1200	55.5     	Shamaz    	  7/1  	397	 4/11	  28-0	1:14:575(4.0)	        AAAA
23/11/24	B26   	 20-45	1400	57.0     	Shamaz    	 10/1  	395	 2/12	  28+2	1:27:411(3.3)	        AAAA
13/12/24	B54   	 20-45	1100	60.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  1/1  	387	 4/11	  30-0	 1:9:853(4.8)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B89   	 20-45	1100	56.0/52.0	Robert    	  9/2  	394	 4/12	  30-0	 1:8:518(3.0)	        AAAA
13/12/24 B54 stopped galloping in the final 100 M - NAD.
4	MISTER BROWN	55	Tousif Khan (1)
Saamidd(GB)-Tourmalet(GB)	(30)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Hazara  06/03/21	<b> (hood) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Santhosh G's b g 4
Dark blue,gold belt,dark blue sleeves with gold arm band,dark blue cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:1
19/07/24	B21   	   3YO	1200	56.0     	A Rozario 	  0/0  	421	 4/8 	   *-*	1:16:566(4.8)	      wpAAAA
24/08/24	B80   	   3YO	1400	56.0     	A Rozario 	  0/0  	425	 6/8 	   *-*	1:26:254(3.6)	       hAAAA
30/08/24	B97   	   3YO	1400	56.0     	B R Kumar 	  0/0  	420	 4/9 	  *-30	1:28:170(4.6)	       hAAAA
24/08/24 B80 Tr adv 1 G.P.
5	NOBLE CAUSE	55	L. Alex Rozario (5)
Chinese Whisper(IRE)-Zacara	(30)	S. Dominic
Stud:Tohana  01/04/21	<b> (ts) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr M. Venkatesh's b g 4
Yellow; cerise and royal blue belt, royal blue sleeves and cap
Starts:7	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:7
30/08/24	B97   	   3YO	1400	56.0     	D. Patel  	  0/0  	477	 9/9 	  *-30	1:31:904(4.6)	        AAAA
01/11/24	B1    	   3YO	1200	57.0     	Tousif    	 60/1  	464	11/11	  30-0	1:17:249(4.0)	        AAAA
06/12/24	B48   	   3YO	1400	57.0     	B. Nayak  	 40/1  	466	 8/8 	  30-0	1:31:793(4.6)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B80   	 20-45	1200	55.0     	Tousif    	 60/1  	468	 9/10	  30-0	1:16:323(3.8)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B122  	 20-45	1200	59.0     	Koshi Ku  	 20/1  	462	 8/11	  30-0	1:15:340(3.4)	        AAAA
30/08/24 B97 hanging out in the final 200 M- NAD.
06/12/24 B48 inconvd at the start; inclined to run out b/w 700 M till abt 500 M.
28/12/24 B80 blood vessels . 
26/01/25 B122 hanging ‘in’ straight – sharp Molars & Tr fined for negligence.
6	STAR SYMPHONY	53.5	*Anish Anamo Hangal-4 (8)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Star Appearance	(27)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Manjri  16/01/21	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr K. Pradeep Annaiah's b f 4
Brown, white chevrons, brown sleeves and cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
23/11/24	B26   	 20-45	1400	56.5     	M.Pr'karan	 40/1  	422	11/12	  27-0	1:32:309(3.3)	      AAhAhA
23/11/24 B26 Tr adv 1 Mock Race.
7	WAKIZASHI	53.5	*Vishwa. V-4 (9)
Multitude-Annie's Song	(27)	Vishesh M.P.
Stud:Usha  24/03/21	<b> (ts) (pb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Vikram Sreeram , Dr T. S. Ravindra &  Mrs. Sabita Walia's b f 4
Silver grey, royal blue "V",royal blue diamond on silver grey cap
Starts:6	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:5
01/09/24	C2    	 20-45	1200	56.5     	C.Umesh   	 15/1  	HNC	 9/12	   *-*	 1:18:11(3.75)	        AAAA
28/09/24	C32   	 20-45	1400	53       	C.Umesh   	 10/1  	414	 7/11	   *-*	 1:31:41(3.50)	        AAAA
26/10/24	C56   	 20-45	1200	52       	P.Vikram  	 20/1  	407	 4/11	   *-*	 1:14:12(3.0)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B77   	 20-45	1200	56.0/52.0	G. Praveen	 20/1  	395	 7/10	  27-0	1:16:763(3.8)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B124  	 20-45	1200	56.5/52.5	G. Praveen	 25/1  	388	 8/9 	  27-0	1:16:464(3.3)	        AAAA
31/01/25 B124 Tr adv 1 G.P: Joc fined for not improving position from 1100 M till abt 500 M.
8	WINFIELD	53.5	Antony Raj S. (10)
Dreamfield(GB)-Lady of Fame	(27)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Dashmesh  03/06/21	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
M/s.Arun Alagappan Racing LLP , Mr Chandrakanth Kankaria & Mr. Haider Soomar's gr f 4
Royal Blue
9	BLUE SAINT	53	Salman Khan (11)
Whatsthescript(IRE)-Strictly(USA)	(26)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Kunigal  20/03/21	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Aziz A. Jaffer ,  Mr. Rohit Raman & Mr S. M. Choudury's b g 4
White, pink disc, pink and light blue hooped sleeves, white cap
Starts:3	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
06/12/24	B46   	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Ar'd Alam 	 30/1  	449	 8/8 	  30-0	1:31:649(4.6)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B74   	   3YO	1400	57.0     	Rayan Ahme	 30/1  	443	11/12	  30-2	1:31:607(3.8)	        AAAA
25/01/25	B108  	 20-45	1400	54.0     	Likith    	 60/1  	440	10/12	  28-2	1:29:179(3.6)	        AAAA
06/12/24 B46 Tr adv 1 G.P.
25/01/25 B108 interfd at the start.
10	CARTER	53	R. Vaibhav (2)
Multitude-Usha	(26)	Md Sajid Qu'shi
Stud:Usha  05/04/21	<b> (ts) (hood) (visor) 	<b>HAHAHAHA
Mr. Ravinder Reddy Male's b g 4
Red,silver grey swastika,red cap
Starts:8	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:6
09/11/24	B11   	 20-45	1400	57.0     	A Rozario 	 15/1  	433	 7/9 	  32-0	1:28:229(3.6)	    hAhAhAhA
29/11/24	B34   	   3YO	1200	57.0     	A Rozario 	 20/1  	438	 7/8 	  32-0	1:14:473(3.3)	    hAhAhAhA
28/12/24	B74   	   3YO	1400	57.0     	Shariq M  	 30/1  	440	10/12	  32-2	1:30:202(3.8)	    hAhAhAhA
26/01/25	B121  	 20-45	1200	55.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 25/1  	432	 7/11	  30-2	1:14:425(3.4)	    hAhAhAhA
31/01/25	B124  	 20-45	1200	57.0     	S. khan   	 20/1  	434	 4/9 	  28-2	1:14:932(3.3)	    hAhAhAhA
29/11/24 B34 bumped at the start; Joc fined for not making sufficient effort.
11	LEGENDARY IMPACT	52.5	Akshay Kumar (7)
Declaration of War(IRE)-Ultimate Legend	(25)	V. Lokanath
Stud:A.B.  27/01/21	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Sharath M. Narayana & Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda's b f 4
Grey, claret horse shoe and sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
09/11/24	B9    	   3YO	1400	55.5     	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	434	11/12	  27-0	1:29:173(3.6)	        AAAA
06/12/24	B46   	 20-45	1400	54.0     	Shreyas S 	 30/1  	432	 5/8 	  27-2	1:29:327(4.6)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B77   	 20-45	1200	55.0     	Shreyas S 	  8/1  	433	 5/10	  25-2	1:16:194(3.8)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B115  	 00-25	1200	61.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  6/1  	436	 2/10	  23+2	1:14:953(3.4)	        AAAA
09/11/24 B9 not galloping fluently & ran detached - NAD.
06/12/24 B46 Jumped awkwardly outwards.
12	AMUSING	51	Vinod Shinde (12)
Air Support(USA)-Stromboli	(22)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Kunigal  10/01/21	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Aziz A. Jaffer & Mr V. Khanna's dk b g 4
White, pink disc, pink and light blue hooped sleeves, red cap
Starts:11	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:11
06/12/24	B48   	   3YO	1400	57.0     	B.L.Paswan	 25/1  	474	 6/8 	  26-0	1:30:646(4.6)	        AAAA
20/12/24	B67   	   3YO	1200	57.0     	Ar'd Alam 	 25/1  	475	 9/12	  26-0	1:16:449(3.4)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B89   	 20-45	1100	54.0     	S. khan   	 25/1  	477	10/12	  26-2	 1:9:498(3.0)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B99   	 20-45	1600	52.0     	Vin.Shinde	 20/1  	479	 8/8 	  24-0	1:41:733(3.3)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B122  	 20-45	1200	56.0     	Likith    	 30/1  	476	10/11	  24-2	 1:16:78(3.4)	        AAAA
20/12/24 B67 interfd passing 1100 M.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
PROPHECY Tendon from 04/07/24 to 08/07/24 , Lameness from 30/11/24 to 01/12/24 , Injury from 30/11/24 to 04/12/24 , Suspensory Desmitis from 12/01/25 to 13/01/25 , cellulitis from 25/01/25 to 03/02/25
LORVEN LUV capped elbow 24/12/24 , Dermatitis from 07/01/25 to 11/01/25 , capped elbow from 01/02/25 to 03/02/25
MARTHA Dermatitis from 19/01/25 to 23/01/25
MISTER BROWN Lameness 26/12/24 , Injury from 26/12/24 to 30/12/24
STAR SYMPHONY ESWT(Physiotherapy) 16/12/24 , Dermatitis 16/12/24 , guttural pouch infection 16/12/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 25/12/24 , Sinusitis from 29/12/24 to 02/01/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 07/01/25 , Injury 23/01/25
WINFIELD Sesamoiditis from 08/08/23 to 06/09/23 , Sesamoiditis from 07/10/23 to 06/11/23 , Suspensory Desmitis 02/02/24 , Sesamoiditis 24/04/24 , Suspensory Desmitis 14/08/24 , Suspensory Desmitis 26/08/24 , Sesamoiditis 24/11/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 24/11/24 , Sesamoiditis from 25/11/24 to 24/12/24 , Intra Articular Inj. 25/11/24 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 01/01/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 15/01/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 19/01/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 01/02/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 08/02/25
BLUE SAINT Sesamoiditis from 19/12/23 to 08/01/24 ,  Sore Back 07/12/24 , Lameness 17/12/24 , Intra Articular Inj. 29/12/24 , Arthritis from 29/12/24 to 31/12/24 , Infection from 02/01/25 to 06/01/25 , guttural pouch infection from 02/01/25 to 06/01/25 , guttural pouch infection from 02/02/25 to 06/02/25
CARTER  Sore Back 30/11/24
AMUSING Laryngeal Abnormality(Roarer) 22/02/23 , Arytenoid chondropathy 18/10/23 , Tieback / Hobdays 27/10/23
First Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 2
4th Race	04:00 PM	(About) 1600 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 34.9 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 80 and above, (60-85 eligible)
A Trophy (Value Rs. 60,000) presented by Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
Winner - The Trophy &	Second	Third
Ow	Rs.3,71,250	Rs.185,625	Rs.111,375
Tr	Rs.45,000	Rs.22,500	Rs.13,500
Jk	Rs.33,750	Rs.16,875	Rs.10,125
1	PRICELESS GOLD	62.5	Vinod Shinde (5)
Excellent Art(GB)-Priceless Glory	(105)	Rajesh Narredu
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  19/05/17		<b>AAAA
Mr Rajesh Narredu's b g 8
Dark blue, gold star, gold and dark blue halved sleeves, gold star on dark blue cap
Starts:33	First:10	Second:4	Third:2	Fourth:6	Unplaced:11
18/10/24	my86  	  4+YO	2000	54       	Siddaraju 	 10/1  	469	 4/5 	   *-*	 2:10:21(3.2)	        AAAA
29/11/24	B35   	   80+	1600	62.0/58.0	Hemant Cha	 20/1  	474	 5/5 	 111-0	1:38:640(3.3)	        AAAA
20/12/24	B70   	   80+	1200	62.0     	Vin.Shinde	 30/1  	465	 6/6 	 111-2	1:13:342(3.4)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B104  	   80+	1400	61.5     	M.Pr'karan	 30/1  	460	 6/6 	 109-4	1:26:215(3.3)	        AAAA
27/01/25	H135  	  4YO+	1600	58       	A. Vikrant	 20/1  	460	 7/7 	   *-*	 1:37:77(3.44)	        AAAA
2	DE VILLIERS	58	Akshay Kumar (2)
Sepoy-Expect(GB)	(96)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Manju Meadows  15/04/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Marthand Singh Mahindra , Mrs Rina Mahindra , Mr Rama Seshu EyunniMr P. Prabhakar Reddy's b g 7
Peacock blue, gold sleeves, peacock blue cap
Starts:24	First:7	Second:2	Third:6	Fourth:4	Unplaced:5
07/04/24	M182  	  4+YO	1600	51       	Ak'y Kumar	 10/1  	465	 5/10	   *-*	 1:34:60(3.6)	        AAAA
20/07/24	B29   	  4+YO	1400	53.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  0/0  	474	 7/7 	  92-0	1:26:972(4.4)	        AAAA
15/11/24	B22   	   80+	1400	56.0     	Shreyas S 	 30/1  	465	 3/5 	  92-2	1:26:692(4.0)	        AAAA
29/11/24	B35   	   80+	1600	55.0     	P. Trevor 	  8/1  	467	 1/5 	  90+6	1:35:315(3.3)	        AAAA
25/01/25	B112  	  4+YO	1600	55.0     	P. Trevor 	  7/2  	466	 3/6 	  96-0	1:35:676(3.6)	        AAAA
3	VIVALDO	57.5	P. Trevor (4)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Kismat	(95)	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Manjri  29/04/20	<b> (cnb) (bb) (ts) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mrs. Gaja Manoj & Mr K. Manoj Kumar's b g 5
Red,Green maple leaf, Red and Green stripped sleeves,hooped cap
Starts:16	First:6	Second:3	Third:4	Fourth:2	Unplaced:1
01/11/24	B4    	 60-85	1200	57.0     	P. Trevor 	 17/10 	427	 2/6 	  71+1	1:13:452(4.0)	      bAbAAA
23/11/24	B31   	 60-85	1200	56.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  9/4  	421	 2/7 	  72+1	 1:12:90(3.3)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B76   	 60-85	1400	59.5     	Ak'y Kumar	 12/10 	422	 2/7 	  73+2	1:26:516(3.8)	      hAhAAA
26/01/25	B119  	 60-85	1400	59.0     	P. Trevor 	  7/1  	426	 1/11	 75+10	1:24:282(3.4)	      hAhAAA
14/02/25	B140  	   80+	1400	52.5/53.5	P. Trevor 	  5/4  	422	 1/5 	 85+10	1:24:495(3.1)	      hAhAAA
4	DUN IT AGAIN	54	Koshi Kumar (3)
West Virginia(USA)-Saddlers Star	(88)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Nakul  29/03/18	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr V. Lokanath's b g 7
Light blue, black stars, light blue sleeves, hooped cap
Starts:20	First:4	Second:2	Third:0	Fourth:3	Unplaced:11
13/07/24	B6    	   80+	1200	57.0     	D'u S Deor	  0/0  	399	 8/8 	  94-0	1:15:219(4.6)	        AAAA
08/08/24	B59   	   80+	1400	57.5/55.5	Faizan Kh 	  0/0  	386	 6/6 	  94-0	1:29:510(4.3)	        AAAA
05/09/24	my4   	   80+	1200	57/53    	Faiz      	 15/1  	 372	 7/7 	   *-*	 1:13:71(3.0)	        AAAA
27/10/24	my100 	   80+	1200	57/55    	Siddaraju 	 20/1  	370	 6/7 	   *-*	 1:11:54(3.0)	        AAAA
15/11/24	B22   	   80+	1400	55.0     	Koshi Ku  	 60/1  	375	 5/5 	  90-2	1:28:463(4.0)	        AAAA
13/07/24 B6 ran detached from field - NAD.
5	FORSETI	52.5	Salman Khan (1)
Top Class(USA)-Wilderness	(85)	Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Mukteshwar  05/04/19	<b> (cnb) (ts) 	<b>AADCADCA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal's b h 6
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, light green cap
Starts:17	First:5	Second:2	Third:4	Fourth:3	Unplaced:3
07/09/23	my13  	  4+YO	1400	56       	Hindu S'gh	 12/1  	445	 9/10	   *-*	 1:25:62(3.1)	        AAAA
05/10/23	my62  	   80+	1600	55.5     	Antony Raj	 17/2  	441	 2/9 	   *-*	 1:33:64(2.9)	        AAAA
03/11/23	B7    	  3+YO	1400	60.0     	P. Trevor 	  7/2  	437	 3/7 	  89-0	 1:24:40(4.1)	      bAbAAA
18/01/25	B104  	   80+	1400	50.0/50.5	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	472	 4/6 	  86+1	1:25:371(3.3)	    AAdcAdcA
14/02/25	B140  	   80+	1400	53.5     	Vivek.G   	 10/1  	466	 4/5 	  87-2	1:25:444(3.1)	    AAdcAdcA
03/11/23 B7 sharp molars - Tr for his negligence.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
PRICELESS GOLD Sesamoiditis 28/01/21
DE VILLIERS Intra Articular Inj. 30/11/24 , Intra Articular Inj. 02/01/25 , Injury 26/01/25 , Intra Articular Inj. 29/01/25
VIVALDO Sinusitis from 29/12/24 to 30/12/24 , Sinusitis from 05/01/25 to 09/01/25 , Sinusitis from 29/01/25 to 31/01/25
FORSETI Phlebitis 05/01/23 , Tendon from 04/06/23 to 05/06/23 , Tendon 01/01/24 , Tendon 05/01/24 , Tendon 03/02/24 , Tendon 24/02/24 , Tendon 20/05/24 , Tendon 14/09/24 , Infection from 24/11/24 to 28/11/24 ,  Sore Back 19/01/25 , Dermatitis from 30/01/25 to 03/02/25
Second Treble Pool Leg 1
Jackpot Pool Leg 3
5th Race	04:30 PM	(About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.002 Sec.
A Sweepstakes of Rs. 12,000 each with Rs. 10,00,000 added. Total Prize Money will thereafter be distributed in the following manner:-
Winner - The Trophy &	49.5%	6%	4.5%
Second	16.5%	2%	1.5%
Third	8.25%	1%	0.75%
Fourth	4.125%	0.5%	0.375%
Fifth	2.475%	0.3%	0.225%
Sixth	1.65%	0.2%	0.15%
3 years old only (foaled in 2022).
Weights: 	Colts & Geldings	 - 55	Kgs.
@racehead = 	Fillies	 - 53.5	Kgs.

Entries	28	@ 9000	on	17/01/25
6	@ 3000	left in on	19/02/25
A Trophy (Value Rs. 60,000) presented by Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
Total Prize Money : Rs.12,70,000
Winner - The Trophy &	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.6,28,648	Rs.2,09,550	Rs.1,04,775	Rs.52,388	Rs.31,433	Rs.20,955
Tr	Rs.76,200	Rs.25,400	Rs.12,700	Rs.6,350	Rs.3,810	Rs.2,540
Jk	Rs.57,150	Rs.19,050	Rs.9,525	Rs.4,763	Rs.2,858	Rs.1,905
1	EL REY	55	David Allan (6)
Win Legend(JPN)-Chapmans Peak	( - )	S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Dashmesh  02/04/22		<b>BABAAA
Queen's Gambit Racing Syndicate's b c 3
Purple,gold cross sashes,gold stars on purple sleeves and cap
Starts:2	First:1	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
10/01/25	B94   	   3YO	1100	56.0     	Vin.Shinde	 20/1  	437	 3/9 	   *-*	 1:6:950(3.2)	      bAbAAA
31/01/25	B127  	   3YO	1100	56.0     	DavidAllan	 55/100	430	 1/10	   *-*	 1:6:428(3.3)	      bAbAAA
31/01/25 B127 interfd appr 600 M.
2	QUEBEC	55	P. Trevor (3)
Win Legend(JPN)-Flying Show	( - )	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Dashmesh  12/03/22	<b> (bb) (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
M/s. Blazing Saddles(PF)'s dk b g 3
White, blue braces,white sleeves, quartered Cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:1
26/01/25	B116  	   3YO	1400	56.0     	Shamaz    	 15/1  	HNC	 5/10	   *-*	 1:27:16(3.4)	        AAXX
26/01/25 B116 shied outwards passing 1100 M.
3	GLORIOUSNESS	53.5	Suraj Narredu (5)
Sanus Per Aquam(IRE)-Treasure Quest	( - )	S. Narredu
Stud:Kunigal  04/01/22	<b> (cnb) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Raghu S , Mr S. Narredu , Mr Balam MohlaMr Anil Saraf's b f 3
Yellow,orange "V",orange sleeves and cap
Starts:2	First:1	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:0
23/11/24	B25   	   2YO	1100	54.5     	Suraj Nare	  2/1  	463	 2/6 	   *-*	 1:6:588(3.3)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B73   	   2YO	1200	54.5     	Suraj Nare	  1/1  	449	 1/10	   *-*	1:13:900(3.8)	        AAAA
4	ICE OF FIRE	53.5	A. Sandesh (1)
Gusto(GB)-Ainra	( - )	Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Bishan  11/03/22	<b> (cnb) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr P. Arun Kumar's b f 3
Claret, white diamonds, striped sleeves and claret cap
Starts:2	First:1	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:0
14/12/24	B59   	   2YO	1200	54.5     	A.Sandesh 	  7/4  	443	 1/7 	   *-*	1:13:940(4.2)	        AAAA
02/02/25	M97   	   3YO	1400	55.5     	A.Sandesh 	 10/1  	435	 4/11	   *-*	 1:22:53(3.9)	        AAAA
5	MOON STAR	53.5	Vivek.G (4)
Leitir Mor(IRE)-Stravella(IRE)	( - )	S. Ganapathy
Stud:Poonawalla Astonish  25/04/22	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Dr. A.C. Muthiah's b f 3
Lilac,crimson sash,lilac sleeves and cap
Starts:1	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:0
31/01/25	B127  	   3YO	1100	54.5     	Rayan Ahme	 25/1  	445	 4/10	   *-*	 1:7:374(3.3)	        AAAA
31/01/25 B127 inconvd passing 200 M.
6	PERFECT ATTITUDE	53.5	Antony Raj S. (2)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Great Attitude	( - )	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Usha  28/01/22	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Ms Ameeta Mehra , So Blest Trading Co. Pvt Ltd & Mr Rajan Aggarwal's dk b f 3
Light blue, gold star, sleeves and cap
Starts:2	First:1	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:0
04/01/25	B83   	   3YO	1400	55.5     	A.Sandesh 	 12/1  	463	 1/6 	   *-*	1:24:547(3.0)	        AAAA
03/02/25	C172  	   3YO	1400	56       	Antony Raj	  4/10 	463	 4/6 	   *-*	 1:26:18(3.0)	        AAAA
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
Members ofQueen's Gambit Racing Syndicate
Mr. Ashok N. Sharma  Mrs. Shruti Pravin Lunkad
Mr. Medappa.P.Belliappa  Mrs. Shruti Pravin Lunkad
Dr Vijay Simha Doreswamy  Mr. Chandan C. Hiremath
Mr. N. Nitin Chengappa  Mrs. Shweta Goud Hiremath
Dr. R. Jagdeep
EL REY Dermatitis from 16/12/24 to 22/12/24
QUEBEC Sesamoiditis from 01/07/24 to 03/07/24 , cellulitis from 02/02/25 to 06/02/25
GLORIOUSNESS Dermatitis from 21/01/25 to 25/01/25
ICE OF FIRE Injury 30/11/24 , Infection 13/01/25
MOON STAR Injury 12/01/25
PERFECT ATTITUDE Infection 08/01/25 , Infection from 10/01/25 to 14/01/25 , Infection 19/01/25 , Infection from 07/02/25 to 13/02/25 , ESWT(Physiotherapy) 12/02/25 ,  Sore Back 12/02/25
Second Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 4
6th Race	05:00 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 00 to 25, 6 years old and over
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.1,85,625	Rs.85,000	Rs.51,375	Rs.19,140	Rs.9,240	Rs.4,620
Tr	Rs.32,375	Rs.11,500	Rs.7,125	Rs.2,320	Rs.1,120	Rs.560
Jk	Rs.23,250	Rs.8,500	Rs.5,250	Rs.1,740	Rs.840	Rs.420
1	N R I MILLENNIUM	62	*S.Hinayathulla-4 (4)
Green Coast(IRE)-Exclusive Wiley	(24)	Md Sajid Qu'shi
Stud:A.B.  03/05/18	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>HAAAA
Mr N. Krishnamurthy's b g 7
Dark green, orange "V", orange sleeves and cap
Starts:34	First:2	Second:3	Third:2	Fourth:4	Unplaced:23
21/08/24	my47  	 20-45	1100	55.5/51.5	K. Rajesh 	 10/1  	500	11/12	   *-*	  1:9:61(3.0)	        AAAA
05/09/24	my2   	 20-45	1100	54.5     	Darshan RN	  8/1  	495	 6/12	   *-*	  1:8:74(3.0)	        AAAA
26/10/24	my96  	 00-25	1200	62/58    	K. Rajesh 	 12/1  	498	 6/12	   *-*	 1:14:40(3.1)	        AAAA
20/12/24	B68   	 20-45	1200	53.0     	Ar'd Alam 	 30/1  	486	 8/8 	  26-2	1:16:656(3.4)	        AAAA
07/02/25	B130  	 20-45	1400	52.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 20/1  	484	 6/8 	  24-0	1:28:703(3.5)	       hAAAA
2	DAWN RISING	61.5	Afsar (9)
Smuggler's Cove(IRE)-Starry Moment	(23)	Faraz Arshad
Stud:Track Supreme  19/01/18	<b> (ts) (scp) 	<b>AAHAHA
Mrs. Kokila.E's b m 7
Light green,yellow V,light green sleeves with yellow chevrons, light green cap
Starts:32	First:2	Second:1	Third:3	Fourth:0	Unplaced:26
30/08/24	B99   	 20-45	1400	53.5     	S. khan   	  0/0  	416	 8/9 	  27-0	1:31:190(4.6)	      AAhAhA
27/09/24	my45  	 20-45	1400	53.5     	Vin.Shinde	 20/1  	400	12/15	   *-*	 1:29:55(3.1)	      AAhAhA
06/12/24	B47   	 00-25	1200	62.5     	Ar'd Alam 	 10/1  	418	 9/9 	  25-2	1:18:609(4.6)	      AAhAhA
28/12/24	B75   	 00-25	1200	61.5     	S. khan   	 20/1  	415	11/11	  23-0	1:18:972(3.8)	      AAhAhA
26/01/25	B115  	 00-25	1200	61.5     	Vin.Shinde	 20/1  	414	10/10	  23-0	1:17:273(3.4)	      AAhAhA
3	BENZEMA	61	P. Sai Kumar (8)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Shes Heavy Lifting(USA)	(22)	Faraz Arshad
Stud:Manjri  28/02/19	<b> (ts) (cnb) (	rbb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. John Faruki's dk b g 6
White,black star,green sleeves with black stars,white cap with green stars.
Starts:9	First:0	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:6
03/08/24	B46   	 00-25	1100	61.5/59.5	Koshi Ku  	  0/0  	367	 5/7 	  23-2	 1:9:718(4.6)	        AAAA
09/08/24	B62   	 00-25	1200	60.5     	Ar'd Alam 	  0/0  	364	 8/10	  21-0	 1:16:00(3.9)	        AAAA
30/08/24	B95   	 20-45	1400	50.5     	Vin.Shinde	  0/0  	362	 2/9 	  21+2	1:28:287(4.6)	        AAAA
12/09/24	my17  	 00-25	1100	61.5     	Rayan Ahme	 11/4  	354	 3/12	   *-*	  1:6:73(2.8)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B98   	 00-25	1400	62.0     	Rayan Ahme	  8/1  	358	 4/8 	  24-2	1:28:182(3.3)	        AAAA
03/08/24 B46 inconvd b/w 900 M to 800 M.
09/08/24 B62 Joc fined for not sufficiently persevering.
30/08/24 B95 hanging out in straight - bit sore on both oral commissure.
4	MEGHANN	61	*Laxman Singh-4 (11)
Perfect Stride(GB)-Game Dancer	(22)	Warren Singh
Stud:Yeravada  17/01/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Warren Singh's b m 6
Peacock blue; light green, red and light green belt, red sleeves, white cap
Starts:26	First:2	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:21
27/10/24	my97  	 20-45	1100	54/50    	Abhishek M	 10/1  	389	 6/11	   *-*	  1:6:12(3.0)	        AAAA
29/11/24	B38   	 20-45	1100	54.0/50.0	Laxman Sin	 12/1  	391	 8/9 	  28-0	 1:9:535(3.3)	        AAAA
13/12/24	B57   	 20-45	1100	54.0/50.5	Laxman Sin	 40/1  	390	 8/14	  28-2	1:11:361(4.8)	        AAAA
20/12/24	B68   	 20-45	1200	53.0/49.5	Laxman Sin	 30/1  	386	 4/8 	  26-2	1:14:880(3.4)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B89   	 20-45	1100	53.0     	V.R Jag'sh	 15/1  	388	11/12	  24-2	 1:9:747(3.0)	        AAAA
5	RAFFLES	61	P. Trevor (2)
Fiero(JPN)-Sunderland Echo(IRE)	(22)	S. Dominic
Stud:Manjri  25/03/19	<b> (ts) (hood) (bb) 	<b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust & Manjri Horse Breed's Farm Pvt. Ltd's b g 6
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:23	First:1	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:0	Unplaced:19
03/10/24	my56  	 20-45	1400	55       	Koshi Ku  	 10/1  	435	 8/15	   *-*	 1:28:14(3.2)	        AAAA
23/11/24	B26   	 20-45	1400	57.0     	Tousif    	 30/1  	441	10/12	  28-2	1:29:457(3.3)	        AAAA
06/12/24	B50   	 20-45	1600	53.0     	S.K.Paswan	 20/1  	447	 7/8 	  26-2	1:42:699(4.6)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B84   	 20-45	1400	52.0     	Koshi Ku  	 30/1  	443	 6/13	  24-2	1:27:177(3.0)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B101  	 20-45	1200	53.0     	Koshi Ku  	 20/1  	448	 7/10	  22-0	1:15:439(3.3)	        AAAA
6	CHINKY PINKY	59.5	*Aleemuddin-4 (12)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Adara	(19)	Umar Shariff. S
Stud:Usha  20/01/19	<b> (scp) 	<b>AAHAHA
Mr Mahmood Khan &  Mr. Nandish R's b m 6
Dark blue,gold belt,light green sleeves with gold arm band,light green cap
Starts:17	First:1	Second:0	Third:3	Fourth:2	Unplaced:11
01/12/23	B36   	 20-45	1600	54.0     	Pradeep AR	 30/1  	421	 8/9 	  28-2	1:41:937(3.6)	        AAAA
16/12/23	B54   	 20-45	1400	53.0     	Pradeep AR	 20/1  	426	 7/8 	  26-0	1:30:502(3.8)	        AAAA
19/01/24	B92   	 20-45	1600	53.0     	Pradeep AR	 20/1  	434	 8/8 	  26-0	1:45:483(3.6)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B89   	 20-45	1100	52.5/50.5	Aleemuddin	 40/1  	425	 7/12	  23-2	 1:9:130(3.0)	      AAhAhA
25/01/25	B107  	 20-45	1200	54.5     	I.Chisty  	 10/1  	427	 9/9 	  21-2	1:15:436(3.6)	      AAhAhA
19/01/24 B92 ran detached from the field; Joc reptd that track was shifty & kick back was appalling.
7	PHOENIX SURPRISE	59.5	Arvind Kumar. N (1)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Foxy Mane	(19)	K. Purshotham
Stud:Manjri  12/01/17	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>BABAAA
Mr. Santhosh G's b g 8
Dark blue,gold belt,dark blue sleeves with gold arm band,dark blue cap
Starts:32	First:1	Second:5	Third:3	Fourth:2	Unplaced:21
03/08/24	B45   	 00-25	1200	62.5/60.5	Faizan Kh 	  0/0  	418	 3/8 	  25-0	1:15:451(4.6)	      AAhAhA
25/08/24	B85   	 00-25	1200	62.5     	P.SaiKumar	  0/0  	416	 9/12	  25-2	1:15:730(3.0)	      AAhAhA
06/09/24	my9   	 20-45	1400	55       	P.SaiKumar	  4/1  	405	 9/13	   *-*	 1:28:32(2.8)	      AAhAhA
04/10/24	my58  	 00-25	1200	60.5     	I. Ahmed  	 31/4  	407	 8/10	   *-*	 1:15:84(3.2)	      AAhAhA
27/10/24	my97  	 20-45	1100	51       	P.SaiKumar	 12/1  	412	 9/11	   *-*	  1:7:66(3.0)	      AAhAhA
8	BURNING ARROW	58.5	Kiran Rai P (6)
Ivory Touch(USA)-Cozumel(USA)	(17)	Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Jai-Govind  07/03/19	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Babu Krishna Kishore's ch g 6
Yellow, brown panel, brown and white hooped sleeves, brown cap
Starts:25	First:1	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:2	Unplaced:21
06/12/24	B47   	 00-25	1200	52.5     	Angad     	  8/1  	437	 5/9 	   5-0	1:17:163(4.6)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B75   	 00-25	1200	52.5     	Raj.KumarM	 12/1  	434	 6/11	   5-0	1:16:383(3.8)	        AAAA
10/01/25	B92   	 00-25	1600	52.5     	Angad     	 10/1  	432	 1/8 	  5+12	1:39:536(3.2)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B123  	 00-25	1600	58.5     	Kiran RaiP	  9/1  	429	 4/8 	  17-0	1:40:830(3.3)	        AAAA
14/02/25	B137  	 00-25	1400	58.5     	Kiran RaiP	 17/4  	434	 4/8 	  17-0	1:28:260(3.1)	        AAAA
06/12/24 B47 Joc fined for riding in an injudicious manner.
9	RECREATOR	58	*Pavan-4 (5)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Sudestada(GB)	(16)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Manju Meadows  02/03/18	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda , Mr. Rakesh Kumar & Mr V. Lokanath's dk b g 7
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, striped cap
Starts:34	First:1	Second:5	Third:3	Fourth:2	Unplaced:23
24/08/24	B76   	 00-25	1400	58.0/57.0	Faizan Kh 	  0/0  	447	 2/9 	  16+1	1:27:886(3.6)	        AAAA
30/08/24	B96   	 00-25	1200	58.5     	Girish R. 	  0/0  	450	 8/14	  17-2	1:15:905(4.6)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B75   	 00-25	1200	57.5/53.5	Anish H   	 20/1  	443	 3/11	  15+1	 1:16:82(3.8)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B98   	 00-25	1400	58.0/54.0	Suhas. K  	 10/1  	439	 7/8 	  16-0	1:30:969(3.3)	        AAAA
14/02/25	B137  	 00-25	1400	58.0     	Likith    	 12/1  	441	 3/8 	  16-0	1:28:233(3.1)	        AAAA
10	PRINCESS JASMINE	57	*Suhas. K-4 (7)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Time's Mistress(USA)	(14)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Manjri  03/03/17	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Rakesh Kumar , Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda & Mrs Champa Sharath's b m 8
Turquoise green,purple stars,striped sleeves,purple cap
Starts:32	First:2	Second:4	Third:2	Fourth:7	Unplaced:17
30/08/24	B96   	 00-25	1200	61.0/60.0	Faizan Kh 	  0/0  	443	11/14	  22-2	1:16:355(4.6)	        AAAA
09/11/24	B15   	 20-45	1200	50.0/50.5	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	445	 7/11	  20-2	1:14:632(3.6)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B61   	 00-25	1200	59.0/55.0	Suhas. K  	  9/1  	437	 3/8 	  18-0	1:16:306(4.2)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B75   	 00-25	1200	59.0/55.0	Suhas. K  	 17/4  	440	10/11	  18-2	1:17:131(3.8)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B98   	 00-25	1400	58.0     	Koshi Ku  	 12/1  	439	 6/8 	  16-2	1:28:468(3.3)	        AAAA
30/08/24 B96 jumped awkwardly outwards; interfd passing 900 M; inconvd in the final 200 M.
11	MY VISIONARY	55.5	V.R.Jagadeesh (10)
Ampere(FR)-The Way to Ride(FR)	(11)	S. Inayathulla
Stud:Equus  17/01/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>HAHAAA
Mr. Ramesh R's b g 6
Yellow, blue 'V's,halved sleeves ,blue cap
Starts:16	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:16
02/02/24	B114  	 00-25	1400	60.0     	Chetan K.S	 20/1  	421	10/12	  20-0	1:28:663(3.4)	        AAAA
24/02/24	B136  	 00-25	1600	60.0     	Arvind Kum	 25/1  	417	 8/9 	  20-2	1:42:464(3.2)	        AAAA
13/07/24	B2    	 00-25	1400	57.5     	Arvind Kum	  0/0  	430	 7/9 	  15-2	1:29:709(4.6)	      hAhAAA
14/08/24	B74   	 00-25	1600	56.5     	V.R Jag'sh	  0/0  	422	 8/9 	  13-2	 1:42:53(3.7)	      hAhAAA
05/09/24	my1   	 00-25	1400	55.5     	PrashantPD	 10/1  	  420	13/15	   *-*	 1:29:15(3.0)	      hAhAAA
02/02/24 B114 Joc fined for not making sufficient effort.
14/08/24 B74 inconvd appr 900 M.
12	MASTER VICTORY	52	S. Hussain (3)
Air Support(USA)-Sabre Dance	(4)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Kunigal  09/03/17	<b> (ts) (hood) (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Mohammad Abdul Raheem & Mr K. Pradeep Annaiah's b g 8
Gold,black belt,striped sleeves and cap
Starts:31	First:1	Second:2	Third:3	Fourth:4	Unplaced:21
26/10/24	my89  	 00-25	1200	54       	A Rozario 	  8/1  	433	 4/12	   *-*	 1:13:14(3.1)	        AAAA
09/11/24	B10   	 00-25	1200	53.0     	A Rozario 	  9/1  	438	 5/8 	   6-0	1:16:478(3.6)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B61   	 00-25	1200	53.0/53.5	Arvind Kum	 10/1  	433	 6/8 	   6-2	1:17:431(4.2)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B75   	 00-25	1200	52.0     	S. Hussain	 30/1  	435	 5/11	   4-0	1:16:164(3.8)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B115  	 00-25	1200	52.0     	A Prakash 	  7/1  	435	 3/10	   4-0	1:15:191(3.4)	        AAAA
09/11/24 B10 Joc fined for not making sufficient effort.
28/12/24 B75 Enq into the running & riding - explan noted.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
N R I MILLENNIUM Lameness from 11/01/25 to 12/01/25 , Lameness from 17/01/25 to 19/01/25
DAWN RISING Intra Articular Inj. 30/12/24
BENZEMA Phlebitis 16/05/21
MEGHANN EIPH(Bleeder) 13/01/23
RAFFLES  Sore Back 08/12/24 , Intra Articular Inj. 08/12/24 ,  Sore Back 25/01/25
CHINKY PINKY Tie Forward/Laryngeal Advancement Surgery 05/08/22
PHOENIX SURPRISE Phlebitis 28/01/20 , Phlebitis from 08/02/20 to 10/02/20
RECREATOR cellulitis from 28/11/24 to 02/12/24 , Lameness from 28/11/24 to 30/11/24 , cellulitis from 04/12/24 to 08/12/24
PRINCESS JASMINE Tendon 17/07/23 , Tendon 10/02/24 , Tendon 21/03/24 , capped elbow from 24/11/24 to 26/11/24 , Injury 15/12/24
Second Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 5
7th Race	05:30 PM	(About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 09.943 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 20 to 45
Winner	Second	Third	Fourth	Fifth	Sixth
Ow	Rs.2,10,370	Rs.97,375	Rs.58,800	Rs.22,010	Rs.10,625	Rs.5,315
Tr	Rs.35,375	Rs.13,000	Rs.8,025	Rs.2,670	Rs.1,290	Rs.645
Jk	Rs.25,500	Rs.9,625	Rs.5,925	Rs.2,000	Rs.965	Rs.485
1	ALL ATTRACTION	62.5	*Anish Anamo Hangal-4 (3)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Satellite	(45)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Kunigal  06/03/19	<b> (ts) 	<b>RPARPAAA
M/S. Kunal Gupta Stud Farm LLP's b g 6
Royal blue,white disc , white spots on royal blue sleeves and cap
Starts:14	First:2	Second:1	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:8
25/11/23	B27   	 40-65	1600	57.0     	Vivek.G   	  7/1  	465	 5/8 	  54-2	1:39:999(3.5)	    rbArbAAA
22/12/23	B65   	 40-65	2000	57.0     	Vivek.G   	 11/2  	464	 5/6 	  52-2	 2:8:414(3.6)	    rbArbAAA
23/11/24	B29   	 40-65	1600	53.5/51.5	Siddaraju 	 15/1  	455	 5/12	  47-0	1:38:564(3.3)	    rpArpAAA
20/12/24	B69   	 40-65	1400	53.5/50.0	Anish H   	 20/1  	450	 7/12	  47-2	1:26:845(3.4)	    rpArpAAA
31/01/25	B125  	 20-45	1600	62.5     	I.Chisty  	  5/2  	451	 4/11	  45-0	1:39:562(3.3)	    rpArpAAA
2	ECLIPSE PULSE	60.5	P. Trevor (4)
Win Legend(JPN)-Georgina(GB)	(41)	Azhar Ali
Stud:Dashmesh  30/03/21	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Aziz A. Jaffer &  Mr. Roopesh S's b g 4
White, pink disc, pink and light blue hooped sleeves, white cap
Starts:7	First:0	Second:3	Third:1	Fourth:0	Unplaced:3
20/07/24	B25   	   3YO	1400	56.0     	Shreyas S 	  0/0  	437	 5/11	  *-31	1:28:526(4.4)	        AAAA
09/08/24	B63   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	J. Chinoy 	  0/0  	440	 8/8 	  31-0	1:41:965(3.9)	        AAAA
30/08/24	B105  	 20-45	1200	59.5     	Shreyas S 	  0/0  	435	 2/11	  31+7	1:17:410(4.6)	        AAAA
23/11/24	B27   	   3YO	1100	57.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  2/1  	429	 3/9 	  38-0	 1:7:419(3.3)	        AAAA
15/02/25	B149  	 20-45	1100	59.0     	A Rozario 	 18/10 	439	 2/8 	  38+3	 1:6:295(3.0)	        AAAA
20/07/24 B25 stopped galloping in final 200 M - NAD; interfd in the final 75 M. 
15/02/25 B149 Enq into the running & riding.
3	YANNICK	60.5	*Aleemuddin-4 (10)
Speaking of Which(IRE)-Mea Culpa	(41)	Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Usha  07/04/21	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
M/s. Rapar's Galloping Stars LLP rep. by Mr Rajendran , Mr Kersi H. Vachha & Mr Joydeep Datta Gupta's b g 4
Red,Red and Blue striped sleeves,Blue stars on Red cap
Starts:6	First:1	Second:1	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:4
25/08/24	B86   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	Antony Raj	  0/0  	424	 8/8 	   *-*	1:41:732(3.0)	        AAAA
01/11/24	B8    	 20-45	1400	55.5     	Antony Raj	 20/1  	421	 2/9 	  30+1	1:27:482(4.0)	        AAAA
15/11/24	B17   	   3YO	1600	57.0     	Antony Raj	 15/1  	418	 6/9 	  31-0	1:42:642(4.0)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B63   	   3YO	1800	57.0     	Antony Raj	 20/1  	421	 5/5 	  31-0	1:56:450(4.2)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B124  	 20-45	1200	58.5/54.5	Aleemuddin	 10/1  	420	 1/9 	 31+10	1:13:434(3.3)	        AAAA
25/08/24 B86 sustd superf inj on left hind cannon & pulled up its left testicle.
01/11/24 B8 inconvd rounding final bend. 
31/01/25 B124 took a fly jump.
4	PRICELESS PRINCE	60	S. Hussain (5)
Air Support(USA)-Crown Empress	(40)	S. Narredu
Stud:Kunigal  05/04/21	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr Daulat Chhabria & M/s. Blazing Saddles(PF)'s b g 4
Orange,black panel,orange seam on black sleeves,  black stripe on orange cap
Starts:7	First:1	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:6
14/07/24	B10   	   3YO	1400	56.0     	Vin.Shinde	  0/0  	440	 6/7 	  *-30	1:26:922(4.0)	        AAAA
12/08/24	H42   	   3YO	1100	56       	Suraj Nare	 11/4  	448	 1/14	   *-*	  1:7:91(5.5)	        AAAA
13/12/24	B57   	 20-45	1100	61.5     	Suraj Nare	  7/1  	433	 6/14	  43-0	1:11:238(4.8)	        AAAA
04/01/25	B90   	 20-45	1100	61.5/58.5	Abhishek M	 10/1  	432	 5/13	  43-1	 1:7:909(3.0)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B121  	 20-45	1200	61.0     	Vin.Shinde	 20/1  	430	 9/11	  42-2	1:14:920(3.4)	        AAAA
13/12/24 B57 interfd at the start and passing 800 M.
5	ANZAC PARADE	59	L. Alex Rozario (8)
Dali(USA)-Semper Fidelis	(38)	S. Dominic
Stud:Star Born  05/03/21	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Akshay Karan & Mr Syed Nawaz Hussain's b f 4
Claret, Yellow sashes, Yellow Sleeves and cap
Starts:8	First:1	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:4
30/08/24	B105  	 20-45	1200	57.5     	Rayan Ahme	  0/0  	422	 4/11	  27-2	1:19:714(4.6)	        AAAA
01/11/24	B3    	 20-45	1200	55.0/56.5	Tousif    	 25/1  	427	 7/8 	  25-0	1:15:461(4.0)	        AAAA
29/11/24	B33   	   3YO	1200	55.5     	A Rozario 	 15/1  	425	 3/8 	  25-0	1:14:887(3.3)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B77   	 20-45	1200	55.0     	P. Trevor 	  4/1  	425	 1/10	 25+13	1:14:497(3.8)	        AAAA
26/01/25	B121  	 20-45	1200	59.0     	P. Trevor 	  8/1  	420	 3/11	  38-0	1:13:598(3.4)	        AAAA
01/11/24 B3 Joc reprd for riding an indiff race.
6	LADYLION	58	Antony Raj S. (6)
Gusto(GB)-Stormy Princess	(36)	Sriram Komandur
Stud:Bishan  21/03/21	<b> (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Ramesh R's b f 4
Yellow, blue 'V's,halved sleeves ,blue cap
Starts:5	First:1	Second:0	Third:2	Fourth:1	Unplaced:1
10/02/24	B122  	   3YO	1400	54.5     	V.R Jag'sh	 30/1  	407	 7/12	   *-*	1:26:579(3.0)	        AAAA
30/08/24	B94   	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Arvind Kum	  0/0  	401	 3/9 	   *-*	1:14:880(4.6)	        AAAA
01/11/24	B3    	 20-45	1200	56.0     	Girish R. 	 15/1  	423	 3/8 	  27+1	1:14:726(4.0)	        AAAA
29/11/24	B34   	   3YO	1200	55.5     	Kiran RaiP	  4/1  	405	 1/8 	  28+8	1:12:926(3.3)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B80   	 20-45	1200	58.0     	V.R Jag'sh	  8/1  	406	 4/10	  36-0	 1:14:22(3.8)	        AAAA
30/08/24 B94 bumped in the final 100 M.
01/11/24 B3 Joc suspd under BTC Rules & Tr severely cautioned. 
29/11/24 B34 tightnd b/w 600 M till abt 500 M.
7	PERICLES	57.5	Akshay Kumar (9)
Sir Cecil-Angels Glory	(35)	S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Dashmesh  13/02/21	<b> (ts) (cnb) (	rbb) 	<b>AAAA
M/s. DT Racing & Breeding LLP , Mr Mukul A. Sonawala & Mr S. R. Sanas' b g 4
Red, white sleeves,Black cap
Starts:6	First:1	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:3
10/02/24	B122  	   3YO	1400	56.0     	Shreyas S 	 12/1  	452	 3/12	   *-*	1:25:515(3.0)	        AAAA
16/03/24	B165  	   3YO	1600	57.0     	Ak'y Kumar	  9/4  	458	 1/4 	   *-*	1:37:946(2.9)	        AAAA
09/11/24	B11   	 20-45	1400	59.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  4/10 	455	 4/9 	  37-0	1:27:111(3.6)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B60   	 20-45	1600	58.5     	Ak'y Kumar	  3/1  	448	 6/8 	  37-0	1:44:464(4.2)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B129  	 20-45	1200	58.5     	Darshan RN	  7/2  	432	 6/10	  37-2	1:14:674(3.3)	        AAAA
09/11/24 B11 raced fiercely; blood vessels (Gr - IV) & bit sore on right commissure; Qustd reg running & riding - explan noted.
14/12/24 B60 not striding out well in the final 200 M -  pulled up its rht testicle. 
31/01/25 B129 inclined to run out b/w 900 M & 800 M.
8	COUNT BASIE	55.5	Mukesh Kumar (Hyd) (2)
Cougar Mountain(IRE)-Aquamarine	(31)	G. Y. Rajesh Babu
Stud:Nanoli  23/01/21	<b> (ts) (cnb) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Shiju Vazhapully Joseph's b g 4
Silver grey, blue 'V', blue diamonds on silver grey sleeves,blue cap.
Starts:5	First:0	Second:1	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:2
09/08/24	B63   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	Shreyas S 	  0/0  	475	 6/8 	   *-*	1:41:119(3.9)	        AAAA
25/08/24	B86   	   3YO	1600	56.0     	Vivek.G   	  0/0  	467	 5/8 	   *-*	1:39:291(3.0)	        AAAA
15/11/24	B19   	 20-45	1600	55.0     	P. Trevor 	 11/10 	459	 3/9 	  30-0	1:41:478(4.0)	        AAAA
14/12/24	B63   	   3YO	1800	57.0     	Srinath   	 19/4  	458	 4/5 	  30-2	1:54:997(4.2)	        AAAA
25/01/25	B108  	 20-45	1400	54.0     	Tau. Ahmed	 30/1  	476	 2/12	  28+3	1:26:871(3.6)	        AAAA
09/08/24 B63 sustd superf inj on left hind cannon. 
15/11/24 B19 had to be checked appr 1200 M; could not get a clear view due to kick back; sustd clip inj on left fore cannon & superf clip inj on rht hind cannon. 
14/12/24 B63 stumbled appr 600 M.
25/01/25 B108 hanging ‘in’ in the last 250 M; Tr fined & Joc suspd under BTC Rules.
9	MEHRA	55.5	A.R.Pradeep (11)
Whatsthescript(IRE)-Ximena	(31)	Pradeep Annaiah
Stud:Kunigal  09/02/21	<b> (ts) 	<b>BABAAA
Mr. Arun Kumar K. N.'s b f 4
Royal blue,gold sleeves and cap
Starts:10	First:0	Second:4	Third:0	Fourth:2	Unplaced:4
25/08/24	B87   	 20-45	1200	55.0     	Darshan RN	  0/0  	426	 2/11	  30+1	1:13:232(3.0)	      bAbAAA
30/08/24	B100  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Antony Raj	  0/0  	420	 2/9 	  31-0	1:14:101(4.6)	      bAbAAA
26/10/24	my91  	   3YO	1200	56       	P. Trevor 	  9/4  	416	 2/9 	   *-*	 1:12:67(3.1)	      bAbAAA
23/11/24	B27   	   3YO	1100	55.5     	Pradeep AR	  8/1  	421	 5/9 	  32-0	 1:8:520(3.3)	      bAbAAA
15/02/25	B145  	 20-45	1100	56.0     	Darshan RN	  2/1  	420	 4/8 	  32-1	 1:7:618(3.0)	      bAbAAA
15/02/25 B145 Joc reptd that mount was wobbling in the final 100 M - NAD.
10	EQUALIZER	55	K.G. Likith Appu (1)
Win Legend(JPN)-Mannat	(30)	G. Y. Rajesh Babu
Stud:Dashmesh  05/04/21	<b> (blk) (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mrs. Rohini Thuppal's dk b g 4
Royal Blue,Orange swastika,Orange arm band,Orange Cap
Starts:4	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:1	Unplaced:3
22/09/24	P93   	   3YO	1000	56       	Amit      	 20/1  	472	 4/10	   *-*	 0:59:31(4.3)	        AAAA
13/10/24	P122  	   3YO	1400	56       	R.Ajinkya 	 15/1  	480	12/13	   *-*	 1:30:24(4.3)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B74   	   3YO	1400	57.0     	M. Mark   	 30/1  	451	 8/12	  30-0	1:29:193(3.8)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B100  	 20-45	1400	60.0     	Tau. Ahmed	 15/1  	448	 7/9 	  30-0	1:28:306(3.3)	        AAAA
18/01/25 B100 Tr adv 1 G.P.; inconvd passing 1200 M.
11	FEELING GOOD	54	*Suhas. K-4 (7)
Pinson(IRE)-Lady Be Good	(28)	V. Lokanath
Stud:Nakul  27/04/21	<b> (blk) 	<b>AAAA
Mr H. K. Lakshman Gowda & Mr. Rakesh Kumar's b g 4
White, dark green horse shoe, dark green sleeves, striped cap
Starts:7	First:0	Second:0	Third:1	Fourth:1	Unplaced:5
27/07/24	B40   	   3YO	1200	56.0     	Faizan Kh 	  0/0  	386	 7/8 	  *-30	1:15:493(3.6)	        AAAA
29/11/24	B34   	   3YO	1200	57.0     	Shreyas S 	 20/1  	391	 8/8 	  30-0	1:14:946(3.3)	        AAAA
28/12/24	B80   	 20-45	1200	55.0/51.0	Suhas. K  	 50/1  	391	 7/10	  30-2	1:15:520(3.8)	        AAAA
18/01/25	B100  	 20-45	1400	59.0/55.0	Suhas. K  	 30/1  	392	 8/9 	  28-0	1:28:488(3.3)	        AAAA
31/01/25	B124  	 20-45	1200	57.0/53.0	Suhas. K  	 40/1  	394	 3/9 	  28-0	1:14:854(3.3)	        AAAA
27/07/24 B40  inclined to run out till abt 600 M. 
29/11/24 B34 hanging out from 800 M - NAD.
18/01/25 B100 Joc reprd for travelling wide rounding final bend.
12	POSTHASTE	53.5	Shamaz Shareef (12)
Smuggler's Cove(IRE)-Distorted Promise(USA)	(27)	Vishesh M.P.
Stud:Track Supreme  27/02/21	<b> (ts) 	<b>AAAA
Mr. Vikram Sreeram & Dr T. S. Ravindra's dk b f 4
Silver grey, royal blue "V",royal blue diamond on silver grey cap
Starts:2	First:0	Second:0	Third:0	Fourth:0	Unplaced:2
26/10/24	my91  	   3YO	1200	54.5     	Antony Raj	 20/1  	414	 9/9 	   *-*	 1:20:97(3.1)	        AAAA
30/11/24	B41   	 20-45	1600	58.5/54.5	Sachin    	 50/1  	419	 8/8 	  27-0	1:41:565(3.2)	        AAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Change of Equipment
ALL ATTRACTION Suspensory Desmitis 01/10/23 , Myopathy 20/01/25
YANNICK Sesamoiditis from 06/07/23 to 26/07/23
PRICELESS PRINCE Injury from 13/12/24 to 17/12/24 , Dermatitis from 29/01/25 to 02/02/25 , Dermatitis from 03/02/25 to 04/02/25
ANZAC PARADE Sesamoiditis from 24/04/24 to 14/05/24 ,  Sore Back 07/12/24 ,  Sore Back 02/01/25
LADYLION Injury 10/12/24
PERICLES Suspensory Desmitis 04/05/24 , Sesamoiditis from 06/05/24 to 03/06/24 , Sesamoiditis from 10/06/24 to 09/07/24 , Suspensory Desmitis 28/08/24 ,  Sore Back 11/01/25 ,  Sore Back 02/02/25
COUNT BASIE guttural pouch infection from 19/12/24 to 23/12/24 , Infection from 19/12/24 to 23/12/24
MEHRA Oedema 02/12/24 , Lameness 07/12/24
EQUALIZER Lameness from 28/01/25 to 30/01/25 , Injury from 28/01/25 to 01/02/25 , Lameness 06/02/25 , Lameness 09/02/25
POSTHASTE Lameness 01/01/25 , Lameness 18/01/25 , Intra Articular Inj. 20/01/25
2nd RACE
1400 Metres
03:00 PM
1	KING OF WAR	62.5
3	SEKHMET	61.5
6	ARMORY	57.5
3rd RACE
1200 Metres
03:30 PM
3	MARTHA	55.0
10	CARTER	53.0
12	AMUSING	51.0
4th RACE
1600 Metres
04:00 PM
3	VIVALDO	57.5
5	FORSETI	52.5
5th RACE
1400 Metres
04:30 PM
1	EL REY	55.0
2	QUEBEC	55.0
4	ICE OF FIRE	53.5
5	MOON STAR	53.5
6th RACE
1200 Metres
05:00 PM
3	BENZEMA	61.0
4	MEGHANN	61.0
5	RAFFLES	61.0
7th RACE
1200 Metres
05:30 PM
3	YANNICK	60.5
9	MEHRA	55.5
3rd RACE
1200 Metres
03:30 PM
3	MARTHA	55.0
10	CARTER	53.0
12	AMUSING	51.0
4th RACE
1600 Metres
04:00 PM
3	VIVALDO	57.5
5	FORSETI	52.5
5th RACE
1400 Metres
04:30 PM
1	EL REY	55.0
2	QUEBEC	55.0
4	ICE OF FIRE	53.5
5	MOON STAR	53.5
6th RACE
1200 Metres
05:00 PM
3	BENZEMA	61.0
4	MEGHANN	61.0
5	RAFFLES	61.0
7th RACE
1200 Metres
05:30 PM
3	YANNICK	60.5
9	MEHRA	55.5
Horse	R.No.	C.No.	Rating	Weight	Race Catg	Eqpt
ALL ATTRACTION	7	1	45	62.5	20-45	(ts)
AMUSING	3	12	22	51.0	20-45	(ts)
ANCHORAGE	1	5	29	55.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
ANZAC PARADE	7	5	38	59.0	20-45	(blk) (ts)
ARMORY	2	6	55	57.5	40-65	(ts) (cnb)
BENZEMA	6	3	22	61.0	00-25	(ts) (cnb) (	rbb)
BLUE SAINT	3	9	26	53.0	20-45	(blk)
BURNING ARROW	6	8	17	58.5	00-25	(blk)
CARTER	3	10	26	53.0	20-45	(ts) (hood) (visor)
CHINKY PINKY	6	6	19	59.5	00-25	(scp)
COUNT BASIE	7	8	31	55.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
DAWN RISING	6	2	23	61.5	00-25	(ts) (scp)
DE VILLIERS	4	2	96	58.0	80+	(ts) (cnb)
DISRUPTOR	2	7	50	55.0	40-65	(ts) (hood)
DUN IT AGAIN	4	4	88	54.0	80+	(ts)
ECLIPSE PULSE	7	2	41	60.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
EL REY	5	1	-	55.0	3YO
ELVEDEN	1	1	39	60.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
EQUALIZER	7	10	30	55.0	20-45	(blk) (ts)
FEELING GOOD	7	11	28	54.0	20-45	(blk)
FORSETI	4	5	85	52.5	80+	(cnb) (ts)
GLORIOUSNESS	5	3	-	53.5	3YO	(cnb) (ts)
GOLDEN TIME	2	2	64	62.0	40-65	(blk) (ts) (hood)
ICE OF FIRE	5	4	-	53.5	3YO	(cnb) (ts)
ICE STORM	1	8	25	53.0	20-45	(ts)
INDIAN BLUES	2	4	62	61.0	40-65	(ts) (hood) (cnb) (bb)
KING OF WAR	2	1	65	62.5	40-65
LADY INVICTUS	1	4	37	59.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb) (blk)
LADYLION	7	6	36	58.0	20-45	(cnb)
LEGENDARY IMPACT	3	11	25	52.5	20-45	(ts)
LORVEN LUV	3	2	30	55.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
MARTHA	3	3	30	55.0	20-45	(hood) (ts) (bb)
MASTER VICTORY	6	12	4	52.0	00-25	(ts) (hood) (blk)
MEGA SUCCESS	1	2	38	59.5	20-45
MEGHANN	6	4	22	61.0	00-25	(ts)
MEHRA	7	9	31	55.5	20-45	(ts)
MEMORABLE TIME	2	8	41	50.5	40-65
MISTER BROWN	3	4	30	55.0	20-45	(hood) (ts) (cnb)
MOON STAR	5	5	-	53.5	3YO	(ts)
MY VISIONARY	6	11	11	55.5	00-25	(ts)
N R I MILLENNIUM	6	1	24	62.0	00-25	(blk) (ts)
NOBLE CAUSE	3	5	30	55.0	20-45	(ts) (bb)
PERFECT ATTITUDE	5	6	-	53.5	3YO	(ts) (cnb)
PERICLES	7	7	35	57.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb) (	rbb)
PERIDOT	1	3	38	59.5	20-45	(hood) (ts) (cnb)
PHOENIX SURPRISE	6	7	19	59.5	00-25	(ts) (cnb)
POSTHASTE	7	12	27	53.5	20-45	(ts)
PRICELESS GOLD	4	1	105	62.5	80+
PRICELESS PRINCE	7	4	40	60.0	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
PRINCESS JASMINE	6	10	14	57.0	00-25	(ts)
PROPHECY	3	1	40	60.0	20-45	(bb)
QUEBEC	5	2	-	55.0	3YO	(bb) (ts) (cnb)
QUICK WITTED	1	6	26	53.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
RAFFLES	6	5	22	61.0	00-25	(ts) (hood) (bb)
RECREATOR	6	9	16	58.0	00-25	(ts) (cnb)
SEA DIAMOND	1	7	26	53.5	20-45	(blk) (ts)
SEKHMET	2	3	63	61.5	40-65	(ts) (blk)
SOUTHERN FORCE	2	5	61	60.5	40-65	(ts) (cnb)
STAR SYMPHONY	3	6	27	53.5	20-45	(blk)
VIVALDO	4	3	95	57.5	80+	(cnb) (bb) (ts)
WAKIZASHI	3	7	27	53.5	20-45	(ts) (pb)
WINFIELD	3	8	27	53.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
YANNICK	7	3	41	60.5	20-45	(ts) (cnb)
Horse	Racedate	R.No	Trainer
LUX AETERNA	01/11/2024	1	S.S. Attaollahi
CLASSIC CHARM	09/11/2024	4	S. Ganapathy
CAT WHISKERS	15/11/2024	7	Aravind G.
GLOW IN THE DARK	15/11/2024	7	Warren Singh
INVINCIBLE	15/11/2024	7	Narayana Gowda V.
MEGA SUCCESS	15/11/2024	7	S. Inayathulla
MEMORABLE TIME	15/11/2024	7	V. Lokanath
PERIDOT	15/11/2024	7	Irfan Ghatala
PETTES LOVE	15/11/2024	7	Neil B Devaney
RAFFLES	15/11/2024	7	S. Dominic
SOUTHERN DYNASTY	15/11/2024	7	S. Ganapathy
SOUTHERNARISTOCRAT	15/11/2024	7	Kishan Thomas. K
THE GOLDEN DREAM	15/11/2024	7	Warren Singh
THE GREY GERANIUM	15/11/2024	7	V. Lokanath
ANCHORAGE	15/11/2024	8	Imtiaz Khan
FAST RESPONSE	15/11/2024	8	S. Dominic
JOYFUL SPIRIT	15/11/2024	8	M. Rajendra Singh
KNOTTY PATTON	15/11/2024	8	Azhar Ali
LORDS GRACE	15/11/2024	8	Sriram Komandur
MAKOTO	15/11/2024	8	Narayana Gowda V.
MAYNE MAGIC	15/11/2024	8	Kishan Thomas. K
PRICELESS PRINCE	15/11/2024	8	S. Narredu
SLING SHOT	15/11/2024	8	V. Lokanath
SUPER KIND	15/11/2024	8	Pradeep Annaiah
THE GALLERY TIME	15/11/2024	8	Warren Singh
TRUE PUNCH	15/11/2024	8	M. Rajendra Singh
GOLDEN TIME	23/11/2024	5	V. Lokanath
CR SEVEN	29/11/2024		Narayana Gowda V.
ELPENOR	30/11/2024		S.S. Attaollahi
ENGLISH BAY	30/11/2024		Warren Singh
SPLENDIDO	30/11/2024		S. Padmanabhan
TEHANI	30/11/2024		S.S. Attaollahi
CHAMPIONS WAY	06/12/2024		S. Narredu
EVALDO	06/12/2024		Prasanna Kumar
GALAHAD	06/12/2024		S.S. Attaollahi
ALTAMONTE	14/12/2024	7	S. Inayathulla
BOURBON BAY	14/12/2024		S. Ganapathy
CHIRAAG	14/12/2024		Faraz Arshad
MASTER VICTORY	14/12/2024		Pradeep Annaiah
PRINCESS JASMINE	14/12/2024		V. Lokanath
ROCKING GIRL	14/12/2024		S. Dominic
TANKINIKA	14/12/2024		S. Inayathulla
EXTRAORDINARY	20/12/2024	4	Joseph B. Awale
DR. COLCHESTER	28/12/2024	9	S. Inayathulla
AMUSING	14/02/2025		Azhar Ali
DAWN RISING	14/02/2025		Faraz Arshad
MASTER VICTORY	14/02/2025		Pradeep Annaiah
ROYAL WHISPER	14/02/2025		Neil B Devaney
SHE RULES	14/02/2025		Darius R. Byramji
ABLE ONE	22/02/2025	7	Azhar Ali
DESERT GODDESS	22/02/2025		S. Padmanabhan
STENTORIAN	22/02/2025		S. Narredu
THRILL OF BRAZIL	22/02/2025		Md Sajid Qu'shi
Race date : 22/02/25
Index to Jockeys Engagements with total mount, race number,	 Horse number, weight alloted, allowance draw number & Trainer.
1	A. Sandesh(1)
5	4	ICE OF FIRE	53.5		1	Prasanna Kumar
2	A.R.Pradeep(1)
7	9	MEHRA	55.5		11	Pradeep Annaiah
3	Afsar(1)
6	2	DAWN RISING	61.5		9	Faraz Arshad
4	Akshay Kumar(4)
2	1	KING OF WAR	62.5		3	V. Lokanath
3	11	LEGENDARY IMPACT	52.5		7	V. Lokanath
4	2	DE VILLIERS	58.0		2	S.S. Attaollahi
7	7	PERICLES	57.5		9	S.S. Attaollahi
5	Aleemuddin(3)
1	1	ELVEDEN	60.0	-4	2	Arjun Mangalorkar
6	6	CHINKY PINKY	59.5	-4	12	Umar Shariff. S
7	3	YANNICK	60.5	-4	10	Arjun Mangalorkar
6	Anish Anamo Hangal(2)
3	6	STAR SYMPHONY	53.5	-4	8	Pradeep Annaiah
7	1	ALL ATTRACTION	62.5	-4	3	V. Lokanath
7	Antony Raj S.(4)
2	3	SEKHMET	61.5		2	Kishan Thomas. K
3	8	WINFIELD	53.5		10	Arjun Mangalorkar
5	6	PERFECT ATTITUDE	53.5		2	Arjun Mangalorkar
7	6	LADYLION	58.0		6	Sriram Komandur
8	Arvind Kumar. N(1)
6	7	PHOENIX SURPRISE	59.5		1	K. Purshotham
9	C.Umesh(1)
1	7	SEA DIAMOND	53.5		8	Umar Shariff. S
10	David Allan(1)
5	1	EL REY	55.0		6	S. Padmanabhan
11	K.G. Likith Appu(3)
2	8	MEMORABLE TIME	50.5		8	V. Lokanath
3	1	PROPHECY	60.0		3	S. Padmanabhan
7	10	EQUALIZER	55.0		1	G. Y. Rajesh Babu
12	Kiran Rai P(3)
2	4	INDIAN BLUES	61.0		6	Narayana Gowda V.
3	3	MARTHA	55.0		6	Narayana Gowda V.
6	8	BURNING ARROW	58.5		6	Narayana Gowda V.
13	Koshi Kumar(3)
2	2	GOLDEN TIME	62.0		4	V. Lokanath
3	2	LORVEN LUV	55.0		4	G. Y. Rajesh Babu
4	4	DUN IT AGAIN	54.0		3	V. Lokanath
14	L. Alex Rozario(3)
2	7	DISRUPTOR	55.0		7	Imtiaz Khan
3	5	NOBLE CAUSE	55.0		5	S. Dominic
7	5	ANZAC PARADE	59.0		8	S. Dominic
15	Laxman Singh(1)
6	4	MEGHANN	61.0	-4	11	Warren Singh
16	Mukesh Kumar (Hyd)(1)
7	8	COUNT BASIE	55.5		2	G. Y. Rajesh Babu
17	P. Sai Kumar(2)
2	5	SOUTHERN FORCE	60.5		5	Faraz Arshad
6	3	BENZEMA	61.0		8	Faraz Arshad
18	P. Trevor(5)
1	4	LADY INVICTUS	59.0		5	M. Eshwer
4	3	VIVALDO	57.5		4	Prasanna Kumar
5	2	QUEBEC	55.0		3	Prasanna Kumar
6	5	RAFFLES	61.0		2	S. Dominic
7	2	ECLIPSE PULSE	60.5		4	Azhar Ali
19	Pavan(2)
1	3	PERIDOT	59.5	-4	4	Irfan Ghatala
6	9	RECREATOR	58.0	-4	5	V. Lokanath
20	R. Vaibhav(1)
3	10	CARTER	53.0		2	Md Sajid Qu'shi
21	Rajesh Kumar M(2)
1	8	ICE STORM	53.0		3	Narayana Gowda V.
2	6	ARMORY	57.5		1	Narayana Gowda V.
22	S. Hussain(2)
6	12	MASTER VICTORY	52.0		3	Pradeep Annaiah
7	4	PRICELESS PRINCE	60.0		5	S. Narredu
23	S.Hinayathulla(1)
6	1	N R I MILLENNIUM	62.0	-4	4	Md Sajid Qu'shi
24	Salman Khan(2)
3	9	BLUE SAINT	53.0		11	Azhar Ali
4	5	FORSETI	52.5		1	Imtiaz Khan
25	Shamaz Shareef(1)
7	12	POSTHASTE	53.5		12	Vishesh M.P.
26	Shreyas Singh S(1)
1	5	ANCHORAGE	55.0		6	Imtiaz Khan
27	Shrikant Kamble(1)
1	6	QUICK WITTED	53.5		7	Neil B Devaney
28	Suhas. K(2)
6	10	PRINCESS JASMINE	57.0	-4	7	V. Lokanath
7	11	FEELING GOOD	54.0	-4	7	V. Lokanath
29	Suraj Narredu(1)
5	3	GLORIOUSNESS	53.5		5	S. Narredu
30	Tousif Khan(1)
3	4	MISTER BROWN	55.0		1	Pradeep Annaiah
31	V.R.Jagadeesh(2)
1	2	MEGA SUCCESS	59.5		1	S. Inayathulla
6	11	MY VISIONARY	55.5		10	S. Inayathulla
32	Vinod Shinde(2)
3	12	AMUSING	51.0		12	Azhar Ali
4	1	PRICELESS GOLD	62.5		5	Rajesh Narredu
33	Vishwa. V(1)
3	7	WAKIZASHI	53.5	-4	9	Vishesh M.P.
34	Vivek.G(1)
5	5	MOON STAR	53.5		4	S. Ganapathy
#= Final Entry / Declared to start 63 Race date : 22/02/25
Index to Trainers'wards with total wards, race number,	 Horse number alloted weight, allowance,draw number & Jockey.
1			Arjun Mangalorkar(4)
1	1	ELVEDEN	60.0	-4	2	Aleemuddin
3	8	WINFIELD	53.5		10	Antony Raj S.
5	6	PERFECT ATTITUDE	53.5		2	Antony Raj S.
7	3	YANNICK	60.5	-4	10	Aleemuddin
2			Azhar Ali(3)
3	9	BLUE SAINT	53.0		11	Salman Khan
3	12	AMUSING	51.0		12	Vinod Shinde
7	2	ECLIPSE PULSE	60.5		4	P. Trevor
3			Faraz Arshad(3)
2	5	SOUTHERN FORCE	60.5		5	P. Sai Kumar
6	3	BENZEMA	61.0		8	P. Sai Kumar
6	2	DAWN RISING	61.5		9	Afsar
4			G. Y. Rajesh Babu(3)
3	2	LORVEN LUV	55.0		4	Koshi Kumar
7	10	EQUALIZER	55.0		1	K.G. Likith Appu
7	8	COUNT BASIE	55.5		2	Mukesh Kumar (Hyd)
5			Imtiaz Khan(3)
1	5	ANCHORAGE	55.0		6	Shreyas Singh S
2	7	DISRUPTOR	55.0		7	L. Alex Rozario
4	5	FORSETI	52.5		1	Salman Khan
6			Irfan Ghatala(1)
1	3	PERIDOT	59.5	-4	4	Pavan
7			K. Purshotham(1)
6	7	PHOENIX SURPRISE	59.5		1	Arvind Kumar. N
8			Kishan Thomas. K(1)
2	3	SEKHMET	61.5		2	Antony Raj S.
9			M. Eshwer(1)
1	4	LADY INVICTUS	59.0		5	P. Trevor
10			Md Sajid Qu'shi(2)
3	10	CARTER	53.0		2	R. Vaibhav
6	1	N R I MILLENNIUM	62.0	-4	4	S.Hinayathulla
11			Narayana Gowda V.(5)
1	8	ICE STORM	53.0		3	Rajesh Kumar M
2	6	ARMORY	57.5		1	Rajesh Kumar M
2	4	INDIAN BLUES	61.0		6	Kiran Rai P
3	3	MARTHA	55.0		6	Kiran Rai P
6	8	BURNING ARROW	58.5		6	Kiran Rai P
12			Neil B Devaney(1)
1	6	QUICK WITTED	53.5		7	Shrikant Kamble
13			Pradeep Annaiah(4)
3	4	MISTER BROWN	55.0		1	Tousif Khan
3	6	STAR SYMPHONY	53.5	-4	8	Anish Anamo Hangal
6	12	MASTER VICTORY	52.0		3	S. Hussain
7	9	MEHRA	55.5		11	A.R.Pradeep
14			Prasanna Kumar(3)
4	3	VIVALDO	57.5		4	P. Trevor
5	2	QUEBEC	55.0		3	P. Trevor
5	4	ICE OF FIRE	53.5		1	A. Sandesh
15			Rajesh Narredu(1)
4	1	PRICELESS GOLD	62.5		5	Vinod Shinde
16			S. Dominic(3)
3	5	NOBLE CAUSE	55.0		5	L. Alex Rozario
6	5	RAFFLES	61.0		2	P. Trevor
7	5	ANZAC PARADE	59.0		8	L. Alex Rozario
17			S. Ganapathy(1)
5	5	MOON STAR	53.5		4	Vivek.G
18			S. Inayathulla(2)
1	2	MEGA SUCCESS	59.5		1	V.R.Jagadeesh
6	11	MY VISIONARY	55.5		10	V.R.Jagadeesh
19			S. Narredu(2)
5	3	GLORIOUSNESS	53.5		5	Suraj Narredu
7	4	PRICELESS PRINCE	60.0		5	S. Hussain
20			S. Padmanabhan(2)
3	1	PROPHECY	60.0		3	K.G. Likith Appu
5	1	EL REY	55.0		6	David Allan
21			S.S. Attaollahi(2)
4	2	DE VILLIERS	58.0		2	Akshay Kumar
7	7	PERICLES	57.5		9	Akshay Kumar
22			Sriram Komandur(1)
7	6	LADYLION	58.0		6	Antony Raj S.
23			Umar Shariff. S(2)
1	7	SEA DIAMOND	53.5		8	C.Umesh
6	6	CHINKY PINKY	59.5	-4	12	Aleemuddin
24			V. Lokanath(9)
2	2	GOLDEN TIME	62.0		4	Koshi Kumar
2	1	KING OF WAR	62.5		3	Akshay Kumar
2	8	MEMORABLE TIME	50.5		8	K.G. Likith Appu
3	11	LEGENDARY IMPACT	52.5		7	Akshay Kumar
4	4	DUN IT AGAIN	54.0		3	Koshi Kumar
6	10	PRINCESS JASMINE	57.0	-4	7	Suhas. K
6	9	RECREATOR	58.0	-4	5	Pavan
7	11	FEELING GOOD	54.0	-4	7	Suhas. K
7	1	ALL ATTRACTION	62.5	-4	3	Anish Anamo Hangal
25			Vishesh M.P.(2)
3	7	WAKIZASHI	53.5	-4	9	Vishwa. V
7	12	POSTHASTE	53.5		12	Shamaz Shareef
26			Warren Singh(1)
6	4	MEGHANN	61.0	-4	11	Laxman Singh
#= Final Entry / Total Acceptors 63
Race date : 22/02/25