First Day,Saturday, 6th January, 2018
1st Race       02:15 PM       (About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 11.27 Sec.
Maiden Horses 3 years old only
Weights:       Colts & Geldings        - 55   Kgs.
        Fillies  - 53.5 Kgs.
Winner  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth
Ow      Rs.3,01,950    Rs.150,975     Rs.90,585      Rs.35,025      Rs.16,910
Tr      Rs.36,600      Rs.18,300      Rs.10,980      Rs.4,245       Rs.2,050
Jk      Rs.27,450      Rs.13,725      Rs.8,235       Rs.3,185       Rs.1,535
1       DECISIVE       55      Ryan Marshall (7)
Becket-Repique ( - )   Faraz Arshad
Stud:Vikram Greenlands  21/04/15              <b>AAAA
Capt. P. Diwakaran & Dr Arun Raghavan's b g 3
Orange,Green Chevrons,Orange Sleeves Green Arm Band, Orange and Green Quartered Cap
2       DIAMOND RAYS   55      V.R.Jagadeesh (8)
Tazahum(USA)-Moment of Glory   ( - )   Sriram Komandur
Stud:Sans Craintes  29/01/15          <b>AAAA
Mr Shankar Srinivas' dk b c 3
Royal blue,gold panel & diamonds on sleeves,white cap
3       KING OF THE WIND       55      PrashantP.Dhebe (1)
Excellent Art(GB)-Ladyship     ( - )   Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  19/03/15        <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Ajith Vittal Shetty's b c 3
Dark blue,gold epaulettes,dark blue cap
4       PRINCE CHARMO  55      Sunil Samson (11)
Charmo(FR)-Wile Wench  ( - )   Samar Singh
Stud:Hazara  23/02/15  <b> (pb)       <b>AAAA
Mr Nirmal Singh's gr c 3
Lemon yellow, dark blue swastika and cap
5       SIR CECIL      55      P. Trevor (5)
Win Legend(JPN)-Elusive Trust  ( - )   S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Dashmesh  09/03/15        <b> (cnb)      <b>AAAA
Sarainaga Racing Pvt Ltd's gr c 3
Gold,royal blue hoops, royal blue sleeves,gold cap
6       SPIRIT BRUCE   55      A.Ramu (4)
Sedgefield(USA)-Sweet Essence(USA)    ( - )   Dheeraj.V
Stud:Jai-Govind  13/02/15             <b>AAAA
Jai-Govind Stud & Agrl Farm's b g 3
7       SUBAH KA TARA  55      Arshad Alam (10)
Juniper(USA)-Ashwa Prabha      ( - )   Samar Singh
Stud:Master Racing  10/03/15          <b>AAAA
Mr Samar Singh , Mr Gautam Sengupta & Mrs. Smitha Gautam's dk b c 3
Light blue, pink swastika, striped sleeves, light blue cap
8       BLACK WHIZZ    53.5    T. S. Jodha (9)
Net Whizz(USA)-Well Rehearsed(GB)     ( - )   S. Dominic
Stud:Hazara  22/03/15          <b>AAAA
Mr Sanjay Rai & Mr Nirmal Singh's dk b f 3
White, red maple leaf, hooped sleeves, red cap
9       GIN DAISY      53.5    Suraj Narredu (3)
Green Coast(IRE)-Dama Grande   ( - )   Dheeraj.V
Stud:A.B.  28/03/15            <b>AAAA
A.B. Stud Thoroughbred Pvt Ltd's b f 3
10      INTO THE GROOVE 53.5    David Allan (6)
Excellent Art(GB)-Amazing Queen       ( - )   S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  01/05/15        <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd & Mr Chaduranga Kanthraj Urs' b f 3
Red, white maltese cross with white seam on the sleeves and red cap
11      VANITY FAIR    53.5    Imran Chisty (2)
Midnight Interlude(USA)-Magdalena     ( - )   S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Nanoli  09/03/15  <b> (ts)       <b>AAXX
Five Stars Shipping Co Pvt Ltd's b f 3
Dark blue, red & yellow sash, yellow sleeves, red arm band, red spots on dark blue cap
DECISIVE Infection 17/10/17 , Injury from 03/11/17 to 07/11/17 , Injury from 28/11/17 to 02/12/17
DIAMOND RAYS colitis 30/10/17 , Infection from 20/12/17 to 24/12/17
KING OF THE WIND guttural pouch infection 22/12/17 , Infection from 22/12/17 to 26/12/17 , guttural pouch infection 23/12/17
PRINCE CHARMO Intra Articular Inj. 08/12/17
SIR CECIL Infection from 03/11/17 to 07/11/17 , Injury from 11/11/17 to 13/11/17
BLACK WHIZZ Lameness 21/10/17 , Intra Articular Inj. 24/10/17 , Infection 04/12/17
GIN DAISY Infection 24/10/17
INTO THE GROOVE Lameness 15/12/17
VANITY FAIR Intra Articular Inj. 22/10/17 , Intra Articular Inj. from 06/11/17 to 08/11/17
2nd Race       02:45 PM       (About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 11.27 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 15 to 35
Winner  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth   Sixth
Ow      Rs.1,88,720    Rs.94,360      Rs.56,615      Rs.21,890      Rs.10,570      Rs.5,285
Tr      Rs.22,875      Rs.11,435      Rs.6,865       Rs.2,655       Rs.1,280       Rs.640
Jk      Rs.17,155      Rs.8,580       Rs.5,145       Rs.1,990       Rs.960  Rs.480
1       MULHOLLAND     60      Arshad Alam (11)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Never Ending     (28)    Neil Darashah
Stud:Sohna  05/04/14   <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Hemant Dharnidharka , Mr Neil Darashah & Mr Arjun Sajnani's b g 4
Light green,black cross sashes, black stripe on light green cap
Starts:4       First:0 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:3
07/01/17       B120       3YO  1200    55.0           S. Zervan              HNC      7/12      *-*      1:15:48(3.5)          AAAA
03/02/17       B162       3YO  1400    55.0           Suraj Nare             HNC      9/12      *-*      1:27:37(3.5)          AAAA
16/07/17       B137       3YO  1400    56.0           R Marshall     403     HNC      8/9      *-25     1:29:38(3.8)          AAAA
03/08/17       B170     15-35  1200    55.5           R Marshall      93     HNC      2/10     25+3     1:13:87(3.6)          AAAA
2       DESERT GOLD    58.5    A.Ramu (9)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Sudestada(GB)    (25)    M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Manju Meadows  24/02/13   <b> (ts) (scp)  <b>AAAA
Mr Vazhaparmbil John Joseph & Mr Kumaraswamy M. S.'s dk b m 5
Pink, dark green maltese cross, gold sleeves, dark green arm band, hooped cap
Starts:18      First:2 Second:1       Third:1 Fourth:1       Unplaced:13
01/09/17       my15     00-25  1100    51.5           IrvanSingh       0/0   475      7/12      *-*       1:7:39(3.4)          AAAA
22/09/17       my50     00-25  1200    52             PrashantPD       0/0   470      3/14      *-*      1:13:33(2.5)          AAAA
05/10/17       my71     00-25  1200    50.5           D'u S Deor       0/0   469      1/14      *-*      1:13:83(3.5)          AAAA
30/10/17       my126    00-25  1200    57/53          Darshan RN       0/0   459      1/13      *-*      1:12:22(  3)          AAAA
23/11/17       my3      00-25  1200    62.5/58.5      PrasanthTM       0/0   449      7/14      *-*      1:14:07(2.8)          AAAA
3       PERFECT MONARCH 58.5    Nazerul Alam -3 (6)
Roi Maudit(USA)-Reminiscent    (25)    S. Narredu
Stud:Country  21/04/14         <b>AHAAA
Mr P.S.Somakanthan , Mr P. Ramesh Naidu & Mr K. A. Prasannan's ch g 4
White, red sash, striped sleeves and cap.
Starts:4       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:4
08/07/17       B116       3YO  1100    56.0           K'srd Alam     1332    HNC     10/11      *-*      1:11:34(4.2)         AhAAA
22/09/17       my55     20-45  1400    57.5/53.5      Darshan RN       0/0   HNC     11/11      *-*      1:28:65(2.5)         AhAAA
19/10/17       my96     20-45  1400    55/51          Syed Imran       0/0   HNC     11/14      *-*      1:29:26(3.4)         AhAAA
31/10/17       my138    20-45  1200    56.5/52.5      Syed Imran       0/0   HNC     13/14      *-*      1:17:39(2.8)         AhAAA
4       PRODIGAL SON   58.5    Darshan R.N -3 (7)
Excellent Art(GB)-Persa        (25)    V. Lokanath
Stud:Poona  16/02/14           <b>AAAA
Mr N. Prem Kumar & Mr V. Lokanath's b g 4
White; peacock blue, orange and peacock blue belt,peacock blue sleeves and orange cap
5       ANGELIC LOVE   57.5    Jan'dhan Paswan (10)
Ivory Touch(USA)-Axara (23)    Samar Singh
Stud:Mare Haven  19/01/12      <b> (ts) (scp)  <b>HAHAHAHA
Mr. Waseem Dadapeer , Mr S. N. Krishnamurthy & Mr Ashok A. Rajani's ch m 6
Yellow,light green & blue checked sleeves,blue cap
Starts:16      First:1 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:14
25/02/17       B201     00-20  1200    57.5/53.5      Syed Imran             HNC     10/10     14-0     1:17:70(3.5)        hAhAAA
13/05/17       B2       00-20  1200    55.0/51.0      Syed Imran     525     HNC      8/11      8-0      1:18:13(4.6)        hAhAAA
02/07/17       B108     00-20  1200    56.0           V.R Jag'sh     196     HNC      1/10     8+15     1:13:93(3.2)        hAhAAA
14/08/17       B202     15-35  1200    54.0           V.R Jag'sh      66     HNC      8/10     23-*     1:16:77(4.3)      hAhAhAhA
17/08/17       B210     15-35  1200    54.5           D'u S Deor     226     HNC      9/12     23-0     1:19:66(5.4)      hAhAhAhA
25/02/17 B201 Joc reprd for travelling wide frm 500 M till winning post.
13/05/17 B2 found to have Epiglottic Entrapment. 
14/08/17 B202 Jockey V.R.Jagadeesh, the rider of ANGELIC LOVE was reprimanded for dropping hands before passing the winning post. 
17/08/17 B210 lost whip passing 900 M.
6       ABOVE THE REST 57      Aqeed Waheed (1)
Green Coast(IRE)-Political Power      (22)    Dheeraj.V
Stud:A.B.  04/03/13    <b> (ts)       <b>HAHAAA
Mr L. D'Silva & Mr M. Sreeram Murthy's dk b h 5
Red and black checks, red sleeves, quartered cap
Starts:16      First:1 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:14
04/11/16       B4       15-35  1400    60.0           Adarsh G.       20/1   434      8/9      32-0     1:31:70(4.2)          AAAA
16/12/16       B84      15-35  1400    58.5/54.5      Darshan RN       0/0   440      5/12     32-0     1:31:23(5.2)          AAAA
10/02/17       B169     15-35  1600    59.0           Adarsh G.              448      5/6      32-0     1:42:68(4.0)          AAAA
16/07/17       B140     15-35  1600    56.0           SSree          390     448      7/15     26-1     1:40:12(3.8)        hAhAAA
12/10/17       my88     00-25  1400    61.5/59.5      Rayan Ahme       0/0   449      4/13      *-*      1:27:10(4.7)        hAhAAA
16/12/16 B84 inconvd  at the start. 
10/02/17 B169 Joc fined  for excessive use of whip.
7       KRUGER PARK    57      *Chethan Gowda-4 (5)
West Virginia(USA)-Superb      (22)    Warren Singh
Stud:Nakul  15/04/14           <b>AAAA
Mr Warren Singh's b f 4
Peacock blue; light green, red and light green belt, red sleeves, white cap
8       MUSIC DIVINE   57      T. S. Jodha (2)
Eljohar(IRE)-Cape Africa       (22)    S. Dominic
Stud:Mukteshwar  05/04/14             <b>HAHAAA
Mr Aditya P. Thackersey & Mr Gurpal Singh's b f 4
White, claret maltese cross, hooped sleeves and hooped cap
9       MYSTIFY ME     57      *S.K.Paswan (3)
Total Gallery(IRE)-Allonia     (22)    Sandhu G.
Stud:Akal Sahai  28/03/14      <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Mrs. Mohana Jagatheesan's b f 4
Orange,light green quarters,black sleeves,orange & light green hooped cap
Starts:2       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:2
18/06/17       B80        3YO  1400    54.5           S.K.Paswan     992     HNC      7/7       *-*      1:30:96(4.4)          AAAA
09/07/17       B123       3YO  1200    54.5           RManjunath     1121    466      9/11      *-*      1:17:07(3.8)          AAAA
18/06/17 B80 slowly away & lost few lengths, ran detached from 300 M; Adv G.P.
09/07/17 B123 inconvd at the start.
10      PRINCESS RUMELA 57      David Allan (12)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Margarita Rita(USA)     (22)    S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Usha  01/05/14            <b>AAAA
Col.Swapan Bhadra's b f 4
Dark purple, gold sash, checked sleeves & cap
Starts:2       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:2
11/03/17       B224       3YO  1200    53.5           A.Sandesh              HNC      7/11      *-*      1:16:16(3.6)        bAbAAA
14/08/17       B198       3YO  1400    54.5           R Marshall     215     443      5/8       *-*      1:28:24(4.3)          AAAA
11/03/17 B224 inclined to run out passing 800 M; sustd superf inj on lt hind outer bulb.
11      SHADES OF DESIRE       57      S. Selvaraj (4)
Total Gallery(IRE)-Lake Fairy  (22)    Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Badal  10/03/14   <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>HAHAAA
Mr K. Shasha Bindu Das , Mr K.Balamukunda Das , Mr K. KameshMr K. Manoj Kumar's dk b f 4
Gold, red and dark blue stripes, striped sleeves, hooped cap
12      ZEDCLASS       57      Sunil Samson -3 (13)
Lord Admiral(USA)-Lisianthus(IRE)     (22)    Sriram Komandur
Stud:Sans Craintes  13/03/14   <b> (ts)       <b>HAHAHAA
Mr S. Pathy's b f 4
Royal blue, white sleeves, quartered cap
Starts:2       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:2
14/05/17       B10        3YO  1100    54.5           Ar'd Alam      300     HNC     11/12      *-*      1:10:03(3.8)          AAAA
30/07/17       B162       3YO  1200    54.5           VishwanatA     1627    HNC      7/11      *-*      1:16:08(4.4)         AAhAA
30/07/17 B162 hanging out in straight & found to hv sustd inj on both commissure.
13      NEW ERA 56.5    P. Mani (14)
New Famous(BRZ)-Abide Proven   (21)    Faraz Arshad
Stud:Yeravada  13/05/12        <b> (ts) (bb)  <b>AAAA
Mr Faraz Arshad's dk b g 6
Dark green, brown sash and cap
Starts:24      First:0 Second:1       Third:3 Fourth:2       Unplaced:18
17/06/17       B78      15-35  1200    56.5           Raja Rao       2903    395     13/13     28-1     1:17:50(5.1)          AAAA
15/07/17       B130     15-35  1200    56.0           Bhaw'Singh     648     393      8/8      27-0     1:16:19(3.8)          AAAA
17/08/17       B210     15-35  1200    56.5/53.5      Naz'l Alam     538     400      7/12     27-2     1:18:37(5.4)          AAAA
30/10/17       my126    00-25  1200    62.5           AImranKhan       0/0   393      5/13      *-*      1:13:43(  3)          AAAA
20/12/17       my33     20-45  1200    53/50          Naz'l Alam      10/1   394      6/14      *-*             (3.1)          AAAA
17/08/17 B210 sustd inj on rht fore cannon.
14      PINK SMILE     55      Ramesh KumarN (8)
Dancing Forever(USA)-Pinkchuchi       (18)    Sharat Kumar
Stud:Hazara  09/03/14          <b>AAAA
Mr K. Mallikarjuna Rao's b f 4
Brown, white sash, arm band and cap
Starts:4       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:4
01/07/17       B107       3YO  1200    54.5           Afsar Khan     1075    509     12/13      *-*      1:21:94(3.5)          AAAA
16/07/17       B141       3YO  1200    54.5           Naveen M.      2039    502     13/13      *-*      1:20:60(3.8)          AAAA
30/07/17       B162       3YO  1200    54.5           Jan.Paswan     1149    495      9/11     *-20     1:17:05(4.4)          AAAA
17/08/17       B205     15-35  1100    57.0           R'shKumarN     1072    492      9/11     20-2     1:13:02(5.4)          AAAA
16/07/17 B141  ran detached.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 3.5Kgs
Change of Shoe
DESERT GOLD EIPH(Bleeder) from 29/06/16 to 01/07/16
PRODIGAL SON  Sore Back 08/12/17
ANGELIC LOVE Injury from 10/11/17 to 12/11/17
MUSIC DIVINE Intra Articular Inj. 06/12/17
MYSTIFY ME Tieback / Hobdays from 14/09/16 to 16/09/16 , Arytenoidetomy 14/09/16
SHADES OF DESIRE Injury from 08/11/17 to 10/11/17 , Infection from 08/12/17 to 12/12/17
ZEDCLASS EIPH(Bleeder) 28/10/17
First Treble Pool Leg 1
3rd Race       03:15 PM       (About) 1100 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 06.10 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 00 to 20
Winner  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth   Sixth
Ow      Rs.1,50,975    Rs.75,490      Rs.45,290      Rs.17,515      Rs.8,455       Rs.4,225
Tr      Rs.18,300      Rs.9,150       Rs.5,490       Rs.2,120       Rs.1,025       Rs.515
Jk      Rs.13,725      Rs.6,860       Rs.4,120       Rs.1,590       Rs.770  Rs.385
1       COUNTRY'S PEARL 60      Nazerul Alam -3 (13)
Roi Maudit(USA)-Evia   (20)    Faraz Arshad
Stud:Country  23/02/14         <b>AAAA
Country Stud Farms LLP's b f 4
Light blue,dark green spots, white and dark green striped sleeves,dark green cap.
Starts:3       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:3
31/12/16       B110       2YO  1100    53.5           S. Zervan        0/0   421      8/9       *-*      1:10:50(3.2)          AAAA
17/03/17       B235       3YO  1100    53.5           IrvanSingh             419      6/9       *-*       1:9:25(3.2)          AAAA
14/05/17       B10        3YO  1100    54.5           Bhaw'Singh     1324    413      9/12     *-20      1:9:95(3.8)          AAAA
31/12/16 B110 slowly away.
14/05/17 B10  inconvd passing 1000 M.
2       LIKEAKNIFE     60      Rajesh Kumar M (14)
Lucifer Sam(USA)-Karisini      (20)    Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Sans Craintes  08/02/13          <b>HAHAAA
Mr Raghavendra. N's b h 5
White, cerise spots and sleeves, royal blue arm band and cap
Starts:7       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:6
04/11/16       B1         3YO  1100    57.0           IrvanSingh      40/1   423      5/11     28-0      1:9:49(4.2)        hAhAAA
18/11/16       B27        3YO  1400    57.0           IrvanSingh       0/0   425      4/12     28-0     1:27:24(3.9)        hAhAAA
04/10/17       my65     00-25  1200    61             Raj.KumarM       0/0   420     13/14      *-*      1:13:86(2.4)        hAhAAA
21/10/17       my102    20-45  1200    54.5           Raj.KumarM       0/0   404     11/13      *-*      1:14:07(2.9)        hAhAAA
20/12/17       my33     20-45  1200    52.5           Raj.KumarM     52.5/52.5      408        12/14      *-*          (3.1)        hAhAAA
04/11/16 B1  inconvd  at the start & mount was running green throughout the race.
18/11/16 B27 lame on left fore.
3       AAFRIKAAN      59.5    Shiva Kumar S. (11)
Serious Spender(USA)-African Queen    (19)    Sandhu G.
Stud:Kunigal  03/04/14 <b> (ts) (cnb) (pb)    <b>AAAA
Mr. Devaraj Palaniswamy's ch g 4
Orange,black star,orange sleeves with black arm bands,black star on orange cap.
Starts:5       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:5
26/01/17       B144       3YO  1400    53.0           IrvanSingh             441      9/10      *-*      1:30:63(3.8)  rpArpAdcAdcA
24/02/17       B194       3YO  1200    57.0           IrvanSingh             438      6/8       *-*      1:17:19(3.8)  rpArpAdcAdcA
10/06/17       B54        3YO  1400    56.0           RManjunath     4447    460     14/14     *-23     1:36:76(4.3)          AAAA
22/07/17       B145     15-35  1100    57.5           A.Ramu         365     477      7/10     23-2      1:8:55(3.2)          AAAA
11/08/17       B196     15-35  1200    54.0           S.K.Paswan     506     HNC      6/11     21-2     1:16:69(5.1)          AAAA
10/06/17 B54 sustd inj on lt hind cannon.
4       PURITY  59.5    Mudassar Nazar (7)
Lucifer Sam(USA)-Anna  (19)    Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Lumbini  08/03/14 <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Lumbini Stud&Agrl Farm Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr N. S. Ramanj and Mrs Sharada Ramanj , Mr Sanjeev Jacob & Mrs M. M. Annaiah's dk b f 4
Gold, dark green maltese cross, gold cap
Starts:5       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:4
11/03/17       B224       3YO  1200    53.5/55.5      S. John                421     10/11      *-*      1:17:95(3.6)          AAAA
17/06/17       B71        3YO  1200    54.5           Muda.Nazar     961     430      9/9       *-*      1:17:99(5.1)          AAAA
08/07/17       B116       3YO  1100    54.5           Vin.Shinde     1378    424      8/11     *-22     1:10:55(4.2)          AAAA
03/08/17       B170     15-35  1200    54.0           Vin.Shinde     846     419      7/10     22-1     1:15:44(3.6)          AAAA
17/08/17       B205     15-35  1100    57.5           Vin.Shinde     277     413      4/11     21-2     1:11:92(5.4)          AAAA
11/03/17 B224 inconvd passing 800 M.
17/06/17 B71  lost few lengths, Adv G.P.
08/07/17 B116 inconvd at the start.
5       TEA WID ME     59.5    D. Patel (2)
Steinbeck(USA)-Sea Princess    (19)    S. Inayathulla
Stud:Usha  27/02/11    <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Savi K. Jain's b m 7
Peacock blue, yellow and brown belt, arm band, yellow cap
Starts:29      First:3 Second:1       Third:2 Fourth:1       Unplaced:22
16/07/17       B140     15-35  1600    56.0           D. Patel       1500    395     15/15     26-0     1:42:26(3.8)          AAAA
30/07/17       B168     15-35  1200    55.5           D'u S Deor     244     394      8/11     26-1     1:15:69(4.4)          AAAA
31/08/17       my13     20-45  1200    53.5           V.R Jag'sh       0/0   386      8/13      *-*      1:14:32(3.5)          AAAA
05/10/17       my73     00-25  1200    61.5           D. Patel         0/0   390      8/13      *-*      1:15:17(3.5)          AAAA
31/10/17       my134    00-25  1400    60.5           D. Patel         0/0   378      7/14      *-*      1:26:79(2.8)          AAAA
6       BOLD RUNNER    59      Aqeed Waheed (10)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Jade Image(IRE)  (18)    Dheeraj.V
Stud:Badal  20/02/13           <b>AAAA
Mr. Dheeraj V's b g 5
Claret,gold star ,claret stars on gold sleeves and cap.
Starts:12      First:1 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:9
25/02/17       B200     15-35  1100    55.0           B. Nayak               457      6/10     16-4     1:10:06(3.5)          AAAA
11/06/17       B64      00-20  1100    53.0/54.0      Jan.Paswan     217     456      5/13      6-0       1:9:03(4.1)          AAAA
02/07/17       B108     00-20  1200    55.0           Jan.Paswan      21     449      4/10      6-2      1:14:85(3.2)          AAAA
04/08/17       B182     00-20  1200    52.0/53.0      T.S. Jodha      29     450      2/12      4+3      1:14:96(3.4)          AAAA
01/09/17       my15     00-25  1100    53.5/50.5      Naz'l Alam       0/0   461      1/12      *-*       1:6:79(3.4)          AAAA
25/02/17 B200 inconvd passing 1000 M; interfd before passing red marker post. 
02/07/17 B108 inconvd passing 1000 M - NAD.
04/08/17 B182  interfd 1100 M.
7       DELIGHT 59      Ryan Marshall (3)
Roi Maudit(USA)-Absolute Joy   (18)    S. Narredu
Stud:Country  31/03/14 <b> (cnb)      <b>AAAA
Mr P. Ramesh Naidu's b f 4
Yellow, black stars on yellow sleeves, yellow stars on black cap
Starts:4       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:4
11/06/17       B67        3YO  1200    54.5           N. Rawal       2310    HNC     14/14      *-*      1:19:55(4.1)          AAAA
25/06/17       B100       3YO  1200    54.5           KiranNaidu     1410    HNC     14/15      *-*      1:17:59(3.3)          AAAA
17/08/17       B203       3YO  1200    54.5           Adarsh G.      684     HNC      5/9       *-*      1:20:16(5.4)          AAAA
01/09/17       my15     00-25  1100    60/56          Syed Imran       0/0   384     11/12      *-*       1:8:57(3.4)          AAAA
8       SILKEN STRIKER 58.5    *R. Anand (6)
Sussex(GB)-Flying Rani (17)    F. Sirajuddin
Stud:Pratap  11/03/14  <b> (blk)      <b>AAAA
Mr Daruwala Latif Mehboob's b g 4
Grey; white, red and white belt, grey and red hooped sleeves, red cap
Starts:7       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:7
04/03/17       B210       3YO  1400    55.0           Rayan Ahme             401     13/14      *-*      1:28:34(3.6)          AAAA
10/06/17       B59      15-35  1400    54.0           R. Anand       5453    390      6/12     23-2     1:28:85(4.3)          AAAA
08/07/17       B121     15-35  1400    53.5           V.R Jag'sh     114     380      6/10     21-2     1:28:90(4.2)          AAAA
03/08/17       B170     15-35  1200    52.5           R. Anand       745     385      6/10     19-2     1:15:09(3.6)          AAAA
23/12/17       my3      00-25  1200    58.5/54.5      RManjunath       0/0   384     13/14      *-*      1:14:78(2.8)          AAAA
08/07/17 B121 interfd passing 800 M.
9       GOLDEN OPINION 58      Ashok Kumar A. (1)
Excellent Art(GB)-Fervent Wish(GB)    (16)    S. Ganapathy
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  12/01/14    <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Dr.A C Muthiah's ch f 4
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:5       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:5
07/01/17       B120       3YO  1200    53.5           Sunil Sams             451     10/12      *-*      1:15:91(3.5)          AAAA
04/03/17       B210       3YO  1400    53.5           P.S.Ch'han             431     11/14      *-*      1:27:33(3.6)          AAAA
13/05/17       B3         3YO  1400    54.5           Bhaw'Singh     1557    428      8/11     *-20     1:29:64(4.6)          AAAA
10/06/17       B55      15-35  1600    53.0/50.0      Vishal         1213    427     10/14     20-2     1:41:06(4.3)          AAAA
21/09/17       my45     00-25  1400    59/55          Sunil Sams       0/0   430     11/11      *-*      1:27:84(2.6)          AAAA
07/01/17 B120 slowly away.
10      BELLEROPHON    57.5    Arshad Alam (12)
Arazan(IRE)-Amazing Girl       (15)    Neil Darashah
Stud:Poonawalla  09/03/13      <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Mr P. S. Ranganathan's b g 5
Purple, gold spots, purple sleeves and white cap
Starts:13      First:0 Second:0       Third:4 Fourth:0       Unplaced:9
25/02/17       B207     15-35  1100    55.0           Jan.Paswan             463      9/11     25-2      1:9:68(3.5)          AAAA
17/03/17       B234     15-35  1400    57.5           IrvanSingh             457      5/11     23-2     1:28:08(3.2)          AAAA
14/05/17       B11      00-20  1400    57.5           Suraj Nare      33     HNC      3/10     15-0     1:28:96(3.8)          AAAA
10/06/17       B53      00-20  1400    59.5           Suraj Nare      29     455      3/14     15+2     1:28:99(4.3)          AAAA
24/06/17       B88      00-20  1400    58.5/54.5      Vishal          56     462      7/13     17-2     1:29:09(3.5)          AAAA
25/02/17 B207 inconvd passing 900 M.
11      CASHMERE       57.5    Rayan Ahmed R. -1 (5)
Stern Opinion(USA)-Copertina   (15)    S. Britto
Stud:Pratap Racecitemen  14/03/13             <b>AAAA
Mrs Prabha Dominic &  Miss. Maria Divya Dominic's b m 5
Light blue, orange disc and arm band and cap
Starts:14      First:1 Second:1       Third:1 Fourth:3       Unplaced:8
15/07/17       B136     15-35  1200    56.0/54.0      Rayan Ahme      59     376      4/10     19-2     1:14:70(3.8)          AAAA
30/07/17       B160     00-20  1100    58.5/56.5      Rayan Ahme     100     384      4/14     17-0      1:9:41(4.4)          AAAA
01/09/17       my15     00-25  1100    58.5/56.5      Rayan Ahme       0/0   388      2/12      *-*       1:7:04(3.4)          AAAA
04/10/17       my65     00-25  1200    59.5/57.5      Rayan Ahme       0/0   384      6/14      *-*      1:13:18(2.4)          AAAA
23/11/17       my3      00-25  1200    58.5/57.5      Rayan Ahme       0/0   379      5/14      *-*      1:13:55(2.8)          AAAA
30/07/17 B160 Joc reprd for not maintaining a straight course in last 200 M - NAD.
12      ROCKET PUNCH   56      V.R.Jagadeesh (4)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Special Quest    (12)    Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Blood Horse  11/05/13     <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>AAAA
M R Stud Farms Private Limited rep. by Mr N. Chandrashekar Rai & Sohna Stud Farm Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr Gautam Thapar & Sultan Singh's dk b m 5
Red, white fleur-de-lys, orange and red striped sleeves, red cap
Starts:11      First:0 Second:0       Third:3 Fourth:2       Unplaced:6
13/05/17       B7       00-20  1200    57.5           A.A. Asbar      46     453      3/11     15-0     1:16:70(4.6)          AAAA
02/07/17       B109     00-20  1200    57.5           AImranKhan      18     461      6/9      15-2     1:15:47(3.2)          AAAA
11/08/17       B190     00-20  1200    56.5           A.A. Asbar      49     469      6/11     13-2     1:17:23(5.1)          AAAA
22/09/17       my50     00-25  1200    57             IrvanSingh       0/0   470      4/14      *-*      1:13:85(2.5)          AAAA
27/10/17       my119    00-25  1200    55.5           T.S. Jodha       0/0   458      3/12      *-*      1:12:88(2.9)          AAAA
13      INCITATUS      55.5    A.Ramu (9)
Carnival Dancer(GB)-Northern Haven    (11)    M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Akal Sahai  21/03/13             <b>AAAA
Mr P. Jayakumar & Mr B. Prithviraj's ch g 5
Gold, dark blue epaulettes, peacock blue cap.
Starts:12      First:0 Second:0       Third:1 Fourth:2       Unplaced:9
02/07/17       B108     00-20  1200    57.5           PrashantPD      61     420      5/10     11-2     1:15:17(3.2)          AAAA
15/07/17       B131     00-20  1600    54.5/55.0      Akshay         257     419     11/13      9-0      1:43:45(3.8)          AAAA
04/08/17       B182     00-20  1200    54.5           D'u S Deor     108     408      4/12      9-0      1:15:03(3.4)          AAAA
12/10/17       my86     00-25  1400    54.5           A.Ramu           0/0   404      3/14      *-*      1:26:54(4.7)          AAAA
23/11/17       my1      00-25  1200    55.5           A.Ramu           0/0   417      4/12      *-*      1:13:35(2.8)          AAAA
02/07/17 B108 lost whip 100 M. 
15/07/17 B131 Joc reprd for dropping hands.
04/08/17 B182 inconvd at the start.
14      SPECTRE 50.5    PrashantP.Dhebe (8)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Alhambrah (1)     V. Lokanath
Stud:Kunigal  15/03/13         <b>HAHAAA
Miss. Neeti Premkumar , Mr. Ramesh G. Patel & Mr M. Satyanarayana's ch m 5
Black & red halves,red sleeves,black cap
Starts:15      First:0 Second:0       Third:1 Fourth:2       Unplaced:12
30/07/17       B160     00-20  1100    52.5           Pradeep AR     1187    426      6/14      5-3       1:9:54(4.4)        hAhAAA
14/08/17       B197     00-20  1100    51.0           Ar'd Alam       80     421      5/11      2-2       1:9:97(4.3)        hAhAAA
01/09/17       my15     00-25  1100    50             V.R Jag'sh       0/0   418      3/12      *-*       1:7:22(3.4)        hAhAAA
05/10/17       my71     00-25  1200    50.5           Ar'd Alam        0/0   426      9/14      *-*      1:15:18(3.5)        hAhAAA
27/10/17       my119    00-25  1200    50.5           V.R Jag'sh       0/0   418     10/12      *-*      1:14:49(2.9)        hAhAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
COUNTRY'S PEARL Lameness from 10/10/17 to 11/10/17
AAFRIKAAN Lameness 22/10/17 , Phlebitis 30/11/17
DELIGHT Lameness from 31/10/17 to 02/11/17
GOLDEN OPINION Dermatitis from 12/12/17 to 16/12/17
INCITATUS Fever 25/10/17
First Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 1
4th Race       03:45 PM       (About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 30 to 50
A Trophy (Value Rs. 25,000) presented by Mr.K.Jayaram
Winner - The Trophy &  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth   Sixth
Ow      Rs.2,26,465    Rs.113,230     Rs.67,940      Rs.26,270      Rs.12,680      Rs.6,340
Tr      Rs.27,450      Rs.13,725      Rs.8,235       Rs.3,185       Rs.1,535       Rs.770
Jk      Rs.20,585      Rs.10,295      Rs.6,175       Rs.2,390       Rs.1,155       Rs.575
1       WAR ENVOY      60      Nazerul Alam -3 (4)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Blue Ridge      (49)    Hidayat Khan
Stud:Usha  03/03/13    <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAHAHA
Mr S. N. Prasad's b g 5
Claret, gold belt and arm band, claret cap
Starts:11      First:2 Second:0       Third:2 Fourth:4       Unplaced:3
30/12/16       B107       3YO  1400    57.0           Srinath          0/0   429      1/6     43+11    1:25:97(3.5)         AAhAA
03/02/17       B165     45-65  1400    57.0           Srinath                HNC      3/12     54+1     1:25:86(3.5)         AAhAA
24/02/17       B199     45-65  1400    57.0           Srinath                HNC      9/11     55-0     1:27:32(3.8)         AAhAA
10/08/17       B186     45-65  1400    52.0           Neeraj Raw      59     437      4/11     49-0     1:27:96(4.4)         AAhAA
17/08/17       B206     30-50  1400    59.5           Srinath         32     426      7/12     49-0     1:31:01(5.4)         AAhAA
03/02/17 B165 slowly away & lost abt 2 lengths. 
24/02/17 B199 slowly away & lost few lengths; interfd in straight. 
17/08/17 B206 lost few lengths, Adv G.P.
2       SPOT LIGHT     58.5    PrashantP.Dhebe (7)
Arazan(IRE)-Avec Plaisir(GER)  (46)    S. Ganapathy
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  19/02/14    <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>AHAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Dr.A C Muthiah's b g 4
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:8       First:1 Second:1       Third:1 Fourth:1       Unplaced:4
16/07/17       B143     15-35  1400    55.0           Ak'y Kumar      27     476      8/12     25-0     1:29:21(3.8)         AhAAA
08/09/17       my23     20-45  1200    53             Neeraj Raw       0/0   477      2/14      *-*      1:12:12(3.3)         AhAAA
05/10/17       my72     20-45  1400    55.5           Srinath          0/0   480      1/12      *-*      1:25:89(3.5)         AhAAA
22/10/17       my116      3YO  2000    56             Dash'Singh       0/0   482      6/6       *-*       2:6:34(3.2)         AhAAA
11/12/17       H77        3YO  1600    57             P. Trevor       20/1   HNC      8/9       *-*      1:40:41(3.8)          AAAA
16/07/17 B143 planted, Adv Mock Race.
3       RUM RUNNER     58      S. John (13)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Crown Empress    (45)    Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Kunigal  08/02/14 <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Mr H.J. Arjun , Mr H.J. Balram , Mr Pratap Madhukar KamathMr Abhijit Nayak's b g 4
Royal blue,gold diablo, gold stars on royal blue sleeves and cap
Starts:7       First:2 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:4
11/03/17       B224       3YO  1200    55.0           I.Chisty               448      1/11      *-*      1:14:35(3.6)          AAAA
14/05/17       B12      15-35  1400    60.0           S. John         12     449      1/7     29+16    1:28:20(3.8)          AAAA
10/06/17       B57      45-65  1200    50.0           PrashantPD     157     450      5/14     45-1     1:13:55(4.3)          AAAA
09/07/17       B124     30-50  1400    57.0           S. John         21     446      5/13     44-1     1:27:19(3.8)          AAAA
04/08/17       B178     30-50  1200    57.0           P. Trevor       78     449      2/11     43+2     1:12:89(3.4)          AAAA
4       DONNA ROSSA    57.5    Suraj Narredu (10)
Rebuttal(USA)-Kabubina(IRE)    (44)    Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Hazara  16/03/14          <b>HAHAAA
Mr Mohd. Javeed Ghatala & Mr Amarjeet Singh Narula's ch f 4
Gold, dark blue spots, quartered cap
Starts:2       First:1 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:1
16/07/17       B141       3YO  1200    54.5           Neeraj Raw     139     HNC      7/13      *-*      1:14:74(3.8)         AhAAA
04/08/17       B177       3YO  1200    54.5           Neeraj Raw      52     451      1/12     *-44     1:13:48(3.4)         AhAAA
16/07/17 B141 sustd superf inj on lt hind fetlock.
5       GANDHARVA      57.5    Sunil Samson -3 (9)
Abbeyside(GB)-Flight to Glory  (44)    Sriram Komandur
Stud:Dashmesh  13/02/14        <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Ramesh Chandra Mehta & Mr. Kaushik Ghosh's b c 4
Pink, red belt and hooped sleeves
Starts:5       First:1 Second:2       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:1
11/06/17       B62        3YO  1200    56.0           P. Trevor       21     465      2/14      *-*      1:13:65(4.1)          AAAA
02/07/17       B110       3YO  1400    56.0           Srinath         22     474      9/14      *-*      1:27:08(3.2)          AAAA
03/08/17       B172       3YO  1600    52.0           VishwanatA     478     466      4/5      *-30     1:39:34(3.6)          AAAA
22/09/17       my53     20-45  1400    55             Srinath          0/0   463      1/12      *-*      1:23:96(2.5)          AAAA
30/10/17       my133    20-45  1400    60             Srinath          0/0   446      2/14      *-*      1:24:00(  3)          AAAA
02/07/17 B110 inconvd passing 1300 M; hanging 'in' straight - NAD.
03/08/17 B172 lost whip passing 200 M.
6       JAMES BOND     57.5    Vivek (14)
Epicentre(USA)-Golden Shower   (44)    S. Inayathulla
Stud:A.B.  29/03/11    <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>AAAA
Mr Savi K. Jain's dk b g 7
Peacock blue, yellow and brown belt, arm band, yellow cap
Starts:32      First:4 Second:2       Third:1 Fourth:4       Unplaced:21
22/07/17       B150     15-35  1400    60.0           A Merchant     373     478      6/11     35-1     1:27:48(3.2)          AAAA
04/08/17       B176     15-35  1600    60.0           D. Patel       256     483      6/10     34-1     1:41:87(3.4)          AAAA
31/08/17       my10     20-45  1400    56.5           Suraj Nare       0/0   489      3/13      *-*      1:26:66(3.5)          AAAA
21/09/17       my44     20-45  1600    57             T.S. Jodha       0/0   482      1/12      *-*      1:38:39(2.6)         hAAAA
12/10/17       my87     20-45  1600    62             S. John          0/0   474     10/13      *-*      1:41:19(4.7)          AAAA
22/07/17 B150 accidentally brushed railings passing 1000 M.
7       RECZAI  56.5    Ramesh KumarN (12)
Rebuttal(USA)-Czai     (42)    Sharat Kumar
Stud:Hazara  31/01/13  <b> (blk) (ts)  <b>HAHAAA
Mr R. M. Ramaswamy & Mr R. N. Vijaya Kumar's b m 5
Orange, dark blue hoops, orange sleeves, dark blue cap
Starts:13      First:2 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:2       Unplaced:9
30/12/16       B108     30-50  1200    59.5           R'shKumarN       0/0   HNC     11/12     39-1     1:15:85(3.5)        hShSSS
21/01/17       B137     30-50  1200    54.0           R'shKumarN             HNC     11/12     38-2     1:16:03(3.6)        hShSSS
10/02/17       B173     30-50  1200    54.5           R'shKumarN             HNC      9/11     36-0     1:16:18(4.0)        hShSSS
03/08/17       B170     15-35  1200    58.0           R'shKumarN     236     HNC      4/10     30-1     1:14:72(3.6)        hAhAAA
17/08/17       B210     15-35  1200    57.5/53.5      Naveen M.       42     HNC      1/12    29+13    1:16:29(5.4)        hAhAAA
21/01/17 B137 inconvd appr 800 M.
17/08/17 B210 jumped awkwardly outwards.
8       DONT DILLY DALLY       55.5    Arshad Alam (1)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Swan Maiden(USA) (40)    Neil Darashah
Stud:Sohna  02/01/14           <b>RPARPAAA
Mr Hemant Dharnidharka , Mr Neil Darashah & Mr Arjun Sajnani's b c 4
Light green,black cross sashes, black stripe on light green cap
Starts:7       First:1 Second:1       Third:1 Fourth:2       Unplaced:2
11/03/17       B226       3YO  1200    55.0           V.R Jag'sh             456      4/11      *-*      1:14:56(3.6)      rpArpAAA
17/03/17       B235       3YO  1100    55.0           Suraj Nare             454      1/9       *-*       1:7:73(3.2)      rpArpAAA
18/06/17       B86      30-50  1200    53.5/49.5      Vishal          68     460      2/15     37+3     1:14:36(4.4)      rpArpAAA
09/07/17       B124     30-50  1400    55.0           A.Sandesh       30     460      3/13     40-0     1:26:94(3.8)      rpArpAAA
04/08/17       B178     30-50  1200    55.5           A.Sandesh       42     462      5/11     40-0     1:12:93(3.4)      rpArpAAA
17/03/17 B235  running out under pressure during closing stages. 
18/06/17 B86 jumped awkwardly inwards.
09/07/17 B124 sustd superf inj on rht hind tendon.
9       PRINCEAZEEM    54.5    *Syed Imran-4 (11)
Juniper(USA)-Sound Of Silence  (38)    M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Capricorn  19/02/11       <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Syed Muheeb's b g 7
Dark green, yellow halves, arm band and cap
Starts:23      First:3 Second:1       Third:5 Fourth:2       Unplaced:12
04/08/17       B181     15-35  1400    56.5           T.S. Jodha      44     464      3/11     26-0     1:27:19(3.4)          AAAA
14/08/17       B202     15-35  1200    55.5           D'u S Deor      42     467      1/10    26+10    1:14:73(4.3)          AAAA
15/09/17       my37     20-45  1200    59             D'u S Deor       0/0   472      2/12      *-*      1:11:05(  3)          AAAA
22/10/17       my117    20-45  1400    58.5           S. John          0/0   469      3/14      *-*      1:23:98(3.2)          AAAA
27/12/17       my47     20-45  1400    59/56          Naveen M.        8/1   470      3/12      *-*      1:25:08(3.2)          AAAA
14/08/17 B202 Routine Sample was taken for analysis from the winner b g PRINCEAZEEM.
10      HIGH ADMIRAL   54      V.R.Jagadeesh (5)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Ordoneyah(FR)    (37)    Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Sohna  22/02/13   <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
M R Stud Farms Private Limited rep. by Mr N. Chandrashekar Rai & Mr Sultan Singh's b m 5
Red, white fleur-de-lys, orange and red striped sleeves, red cap
Starts:11      First:1 Second:3       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:6
04/03/17       B212     15-35  1400    56.5/57.0      AImranKhan             427     10/15     28-2     1:27:96(3.6)          AAAA
14/05/17       B11      00-20  1400    60.0           A.A. Asbar      61     448      2/10     20+6     1:28:65(3.8)          AAAA
01/07/17       B106     15-35  1400    56.5           A.A. Asbar      22     455      1/14    26+11    1:27:14(3.5)          AAAA
03/08/17       B174     30-50  1600    54.0           T.S. Jodha     417     464      7/8      37-0     1:40:40(3.6)          AAAA
27/10/17       my122    20-45  1400    58.5           T.S. Jodha       0/0   441      4/13      *-*      1:24:22(2.9)          AAAA
14/05/17 B11 EIPH(GR-IV); Tr fined for contravention of Rules & Jockey susp.
11      LAWRENCE OF ARABIA     54      David Allan (6)
Excellent Art(GB)-Running Flame       (37)    S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Poonawalla Exhilaration  04/05/14        <b> (blk) (ts) (cnb) (bb)      <b>BABAAA
Radiant Blood Stock Pvt Ltd rep. by Mrs Sharmila Padmanabhan and Mr S. Padmanabhan's ch g 4
Light green, pink sash, sleeves and cap
Starts:3       First:0 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:1
07/01/17       B120       3YO  1200    55.0           DavidAllan             477      4/12      *-*      1:14:28(3.5)        bAbAAA
26/01/17       B144       3YO  1400    53.0           A.Sandesh              470      2/10      *-*      1:26:24(3.8)        bAbAAA
15/07/17       B129       3YO  1600    56.0           Srinath         38     474      9/9      *-37     1:41:55(3.8)        bAbAAA
15/07/17 B129 interfd passing 1200 M; burst blood vessels.
12      SETAGLOW       54      Mudassar Nazar (8)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Set Ablaze      (37)    Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Usha  13/03/14    <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Utd Rac & B'Stk Breeders Ltd.'s b f 4
White, black 'V', red cap
Starts:4       First:1 Second:0       Third:1 Fourth:0       Unplaced:2
24/02/17       B194       3YO  1200    55.5           P. Trevor              456      1/8       *-*      1:15:30(3.8)          AAAA
05/07/17       my51       3YO  1400    54             P. Trevor        0/0   453      3/5       *-*      1:25:57(  3)          AAAA
30/07/17       B166     30-50  1400    55.0           P. Trevor       65     HNC      6/9      37-0     1:26:79(4.4)          AAAA
30/10/17       my130      3YO  1400    55             Muda.Nazar       0/0   454      6/7       *-*      1:24:77(  3)          AAAA
30/07/17 B166 Joc reptd horse lost pace b/w 700 M till abt 500 M - NAD.
13      HIDDEN SOLDIER 53.5    Kiran Rai P (2)
Razeen(USA)-Ladybank   (36)    Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Usha  31/01/11            <b>AAAA
Mr B. Sunil Kumar Sharma's b g 7
Saffron, white`V', white sleeves, saffron spots on white cap
Starts:44      First:2 Second:3       Third:3 Fourth:6       Unplaced:30
18/06/17       B84      30-50  1400    60.0/56.0      R.P.Shinde     1975    463     11/14     44-0     1:29:18(4.4)          AAAA
09/07/17       B124     30-50  1400    57.0/53.5      R.P.Shinde     1349    464      8/13     44-2     1:27:69(3.8)          AAAA
23/07/17       B154     30-50  1400    56.5           Kiran RaiP     1117    470     10/15     42-2     1:27:47(3.1)          AAAA
15/09/17       my38     40-65  1400    54             Kiran RaiP       0/0   471     11/13      *-*      1:25:35(  3)          AAAA
22/10/17       my113    20-45  1400    59             Kiran RaiP       0/0   464      5/14      *-*      1:24:27(3.2)          AAAA
14      NICARAGUA      52      P. Trevor (3)
Midnight Interlude(USA)-Golden Bright(USA)    (33)    S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Nanoli  01/03/14  <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>RPARPAAA
Five Stars Shipping Co Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr & Mrs K. N. Dhunjibhoy and Mr & Mrs Z. K. Dhunjibhoy's b g 4
Dark blue, red & yellow sash, yellow sleeves, red arm band, red spots on dark blue cap
Starts:4       First:0 Second:1       Third:1 Fourth:0       Unplaced:2
03/02/17       B162       3YO  1400    55.0           R Marshall             456      6/12      *-*      1:26:78(3.5)          AAAA
25/02/17       B204       3YO  1600    54.0           I.Chisty               451      3/5       *-*      1:40:91(3.5)          AAAA
10/06/17       B61        3YO  1400    56.0           A.Sandesh       83     465      2/14     *-33     1:26:27(4.3)          AAAA
21/10/17       my109    20-45  1600    56.5           Rayan Ahme       0/0   445      6/14      *-*      1:38:35(2.9)      rpArpAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 0.5Kg
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
LAWRENCE OF ARABIA first run after gelding  on 31/07/17
DONNA ROSSA  Sore Back 28/10/17 , Injury 21/11/17
JAMES BOND Arthrotomy 18/07/16
RECZAI Injury from 17/10/17 to 19/10/17
HIGH ADMIRAL EIPH(Bleeder) from 17/05/17 to 21/05/17 , Injury from 18/12/17 to 20/12/17
NICARAGUA Intra Articular Inj. 29/11/17
First Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 2
5th Race       04:15 PM       (About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
A Sweepstakes of Rs. 14,400 each with Rs. 12,00,000 added. Total Stakes will thereafter be distributed in the following manner:-
Winner - The Trophy &  49.5%   6%      4.5%
Second  16.5%   2%      1.5%
Third   8.25%   1%      0.75%
Fourth  4.125%  0.5%    0.375%
Fifth   2.475%  0.3%    0.225%
Sixth   1.65%   0.2%    0.15%
4 years old and over at the time of starting
Weights:       5 years old and over    - 55   Kgs.
@racehead =    4 years old only        - 51.5 Kgs.
Penalties : (i) Winner after 30th April, 2015 of a
(a) Grade III race to carry 1 kg. or either of two
or more such races to carry 2 kgs.
(b) Grade II race to carry 3 kgs. or either of two
or more such races to carry 4.5 kgs.
(c) Grade I race to carry 6 kgs. or either of two
or more such races to carry 7.5 kgs.
(ii) Winner after 30th April, 2017 of a race of the
value of Rs.10,00,000 or over to carry 1 kg. OR
either of two or more such races or a race of
the value of Rs. 15,00,000 or over to carry 1.5
kgs. OR either of two or more such races or a
race of the value of Rs.30,00,000 or over to
carry 2 kgs extra.
N.B.     If the highest weight an acceptor has to carry is less than 60 Kgs it shalll be raised to 60 Kgs and the other weights shall be raised equally.
Entries 8       @ 10800 on      04/01/18
7       @ 3600  left in on     04/01/18
A Trophy (Value Rs. 60,000) presented by Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
Total Stakes : Rs.13,11,600
Winner - The Trophy &  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth   Sixth
Ow      Rs.7,42,500    Rs.2,47,500    Rs.1,23,750    Rs.61,875      Rs.37,125      Rs.24,750
Tr      Rs.90,000      Rs.30,000      Rs.15,000      Rs.7,500       Rs.4,500       Rs.3,000
Jk      Rs.67,500      Rs.22,500      Rs.11,250      Rs.5,625       Rs.3,375       Rs.2,250
1       BOLD COMMAND   60      Y. S. Srinath (1)
Arazan(IRE)-Indian's Feather(IRE)     (104)   S. Ganapathy
Stud:Villoo's Greenfield  25/04/12            <b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Dr.A C Muthiah's b g 6
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:23      First:7 Second:4       Third:3 Fourth:3       Unplaced:6
11/06/17       B68       4+YO  1600    57.0           Ak'y Kumar     298     489      8/10    110-3    1:38:28(4.1)          AAAA
02/07/17       B111      4+YO  1200    60.0           Ak'y Kumar     224     491      4/12    107-0    1:11:71(3.2)          AAAA
15/07/17       B133      4+YO  1400    56.5           Srinath        113     493      3/11    107-0    1:23:74(3.8)          AAAA
01/09/17       my19      4+YO  1400    60             Srinath          0/0   493      4/12      *-*      1:22:37(3.4)          AAAA
29/11/17       my15       75+  1400    64.5/61.5      Sunil Sams       7/1   479      3/11      *-*      1:23:07(2.9)          AAAA
2       SHIVALIK STAR  57.5    S. John (5)
Shamardal-Badraan(USA) (100)   Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Hazara  24/02/09  <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAHAHA
Mr Benly Abraham , Mr Ajith Prasad & Mr Chitturi Krishna Kannaiah's b g 9
Dark blue, silver grey horse shoe and arm bands, silver grey stars on dark blue cap
Starts:53      First:11       Second:7       Third:9 Fourth:5       Unplaced:21
18/06/17       B85        75+  1200    63.5/59.5      Antony Raj     975     441      8/12    102-3    1:13:51(4.4)        AAhAhA
02/07/17       B111      4+YO  1200    57.5           Vin.Shinde     949     441      7/12     99-2     1:12:08(3.2)        AAhAhA
30/07/17       B165      3+YO  1200    60.0           Vin.Shinde     1190    447      5/9      97-2     1:12:38(4.4)        AAhAhA
08/09/17       my26       75+  1200    60             Muda.Nazar       0/0   450      1/11      *-*      1:10:28(3.3)        AAhAhA
19/10/17       my98      3+YO  1200    59.5           S. John          0/0   438      7/12      *-*      1:11:06(3.4)        AAhAhA
3       ACE BUCEPHALUS 55.5    Nazerul Alam (3)
Rebuttal(USA)-Shantay  ( - )   Irfan Ghatala
Stud:Hazara  04/03/10  <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>HAHAAA
Mr Sunil K. Vasant's b g 8
Silver grey; cerise, royal blue and cerise belt, cerise sleeves, silver grey arm band and cap
Starts:32      First:5 Second:4       Third:9 Fourth:7       Unplaced:7
11/06/17       B68       4+YO  1600    52.5           KuldeSingh     1677    511      4/10     92-2     1:37:82(4.1)        hAhAAA
15/07/17       B133      4+YO  1400    52.0           A.A. Asbar     564     508      9/11     90-3     1:24:73(3.8)        hAhAAA
04/08/17       B179      4+YO  1600    52.0           IrvanSingh     333     510      4/5      87-2     1:36:76(3.4)        hAhAAA
19/10/17       my99      4+YO  2000    57             Naz'l Alam       0/0   494      3/5       *-*       2:4:37(3.4)        hAhAAA
27/12/17       my46      4+YO  2000    55             Naz'l Alam      10/1   496      7/11      *-*       2:3:82(3.2)        hAhAAA
11/06/17 B68 interfd passing 1000 M.
4       GESTAPO 55.5    P. Trevor (2)
Mastercraftsman-Dajolie(GER)   (103)   S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Nanoli  21/02/12  <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Vijay B. Shirke , Mrs Vijay B. Shirke , Mr Jay V. ShirkeFive Stars Shipping Co Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr K. N. Dhunjibhoy's gr g 6
Light green, red sash, yellow sleeves, light green cap
5       JERSEY WONDER  55.5    Vivek (4)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Agassiz   (100)   K.P.G Appu
Stud:Kunigal  13/04/12 <b> (ts) (bb)  <b>AHAAA
Mr. Ananth Iyengar & Mr Jairam G. Kimmane's b g 6
Yellow, red `V', red and yellow halved sleeves, red star on yellow cap
Starts:20      First:6 Second:3       Third:1 Fourth:4       Unplaced:6
30/12/16       B106       60+  1600    54.5           P. Trevor        0/0   474      1/9     68+11    1:36:89(3.5)         AhAAA
26/01/17       B147       60+  1800    59.5           P. Trevor              480      1/12    79+11    1:51:19(3.8)         AhAAA
10/02/17       B172       4YO  2400    59.0           S. John                475      1/8     90+16    2:31:24(4.0)         AhAAA
05/03/17       B222      4+YO  2400    59.0           S. John                477     12/12    106-0    2:32:69(3.2)         AhAAA
09/07/17       B125      4+YO  2200    55.0           PrashantPD     243     486      9/10    100-0    2:19:36(3.8)         AhAAA
30/12/16 B106 Tr ques reg inconsistent perf & explan noted.
6       MAGISTERO      55.5    PrashantP.Dhebe (7)
Rebuttal(USA)-Zacheta's Girl(GB)      (87)    S. Ganapathy
Stud:Hazara  10/02/13          <b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Dr.A C Muthiah's b g 5
Gold,brown belt and white cap
Starts:16      First:1 Second:4       Third:4 Fourth:3       Unplaced:4
01/07/17       B105       60+  1600    53.0           Ak'y Kumar      67     470      4/7      66-2     1:37:47(3.5)          AAAA
16/07/17       B139       60+  1800    52.0           Ak'y Kumar      79     468      2/9      64+3     1:51:18(3.8)          AAAA
11/08/17       B193      4+YO  2400    52.5           A.Sandesh      135     464      3/6     67+13    2:36:66(5.1)          AAAA
31/08/17       my12       60+  1800    60             Suraj Nare       0/0   465      3/9       *-*      1:52:73(3.5)          AAAA
27/10/17       my123      60+  1400    60             Srinath          0/0   456      9/10      *-*      1:22:99(2.9)          AAAA
11/08/17 B193 jumped awkwardly inwards.
7       PEARL CITY     54      Suraj Narredu (6)
Lord Shanakill-Bundle of Joy(IRE)     (73)    M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Mebajeona  16/03/13              <b>AAAA
Mr Ajith Vittal Shetty's b m 5
Dark blue,gold epaulettes,dark blue cap
Starts:12      First:3 Second:3       Third:2 Fourth:1       Unplaced:3
16/12/16       B84      15-35  1400    60.0           Suraj Nare       0/0   HNC      1/12    35+15    1:28:47(5.2)          AAAA
27/01/17       B157     45-65  1600    52.5/53.5      Suraj Nare             HNC      5/12     50-0     1:38:52(3.4)          AAAA
05/03/17       B223     30-50  1400    60.0           Suraj Nare             HNC      1/15    50+17    1:25:12(3.2)          AAAA
18/06/17       B82      45-65  1200    59.0           PrashantPD     165     HNC      2/15     61+2     1:13:29(4.4)          AAAA
04/08/17       B180     45-65  1200    59.0           PrashantPD      22     HNC      1/12    63+10    1:12:41(3.4)          AAAA
18/06/17 B82 took a fly jump; inconvd passing 400 M.
Weights raised 0.5Kg
Change of Equipment
SHIVALIK STAR Tieback / Hobdays from 22/09/11 to 26/09/11 , EIPH(Bleeder) 07/12/13
ACE BUCEPHALUS EIPH(Bleeder) from 13/07/16 to 17/07/16 , EIPH(Bleeder) 13/07/16 , EIPH(Bleeder) from 08/01/17 to 14/01/17
GESTAPO Lameness 07/12/17
JERSEY WONDER Injury 20/10/17
Second Treble Pool Leg 1
Jackpot Pool Leg 3
6th Race       04:45 PM       (About) 1400 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 23.239 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 60 and above
A Trophy (Value Rs. 25,000) presented by Bangalore Turf Club Ltd.
Winner - The Trophy &  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth
Ow      Rs.3,01,950    Rs.150,975     Rs.90,585      Rs.35,025      Rs.16,910
Tr      Rs.36,600      Rs.18,300      Rs.10,980      Rs.4,245       Rs.2,050
Jk      Rs.27,450      Rs.13,725      Rs.8,235       Rs.3,185       Rs.1,535
1       INTO THE SPOTLIGHT     60      *WITHDRAWN ()
Alnasr Alwasheek(GB)-Radiate   (73)    S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Exhilaration  03/03/13           <b>
Poonawalla Racing & Breeding Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr Zavaray S. Poonawalla and Mrs Behroze Z. Poonawalla , Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr Byram N. Jeejeebhoy & Capt Jamshed J. Appoo's ch g 5
Red, white maltese cross with white seam on the sleeves and red cap
Starts:10      First:3 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:5
14/01/17       C87        4YO  2400    57             DavidAllan       0/0   HNC      7/12      *-*      2:34:77(4.1)          AAAA
17/06/17       B74      30-50  1600    57.0/56.0      Daman          272     500     11/11     40-0     1:42:35(5.1)        bAbAAA
03/08/17       B175     30-50  1400    55.0/55.5      Srinath         60     498      1/12    40+14    1:25:52(3.6)        bAbAAA
15/09/17       my39     40-65  1400    58             Srinath          0/0   499      2/13      *-*      1:23:22(  3)        bAbAAA
21/10/17       my106    40-65  1400    58             Srinath          0/0   488      1/13      *-*      1:23:01(2.9)        bAbAAA
17/06/17 B74 slowly away; travelling wide rounding final bend.
2       LIGHTNING STRIKES      59.5    S. Selvaraj (5)
Ace(IRE)-Rapidash      (72)    Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Poonawalla  21/03/13      <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>AAAA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal & Mr Gautam Aggarwal's ch g 5
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, light green cap
Starts:11      First:3 Second:3       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:4
26/11/16       B48      30-50  1200    56.5           A.Sandesh        0/0   526      6/11     43-1     1:13:93(3.8)          AAAA
23/12/16       B98      30-50  1400    56.5           S. Zervan        0/0   528      2/12     42+1     1:28:10(4.5)          AAAA
26/01/17       B148     30-50  1400    56.5           Srinath                526      2/12     43+6     1:26:08(3.8)          AAAA
17/02/17       B187     30-50  1400    59.5           Srinath                521      1/12    49+15    1:26:01(3.8)          AAAA
18/03/17       B249       60+  1200    52.0/52.5      P. Trevor              509      1/12    64+14    1:12:42(2.9)          AAAA
26/11/16 B48 interfd before passing red market post.
23/12/16 B98 intefrd abt 1300 M; lost right hind shoe.
26/01/17 B148 reared up & lost few lengths, adv Gate Practice.
3       AYRTON  59      S. John (6)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Synergize (71)    Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Kunigal  27/02/10 <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Mr Arjun Mangalorkar's ch g 8
White, dark blue hooped sleeves and red cap
Starts:21      First:3 Second:4       Third:2 Fourth:2       Unplaced:10
20/05/17       B22        60+  1400    56.0/52.5      Antony Raj     557     416      3/10     71+1     1:27:24(4.5)          AAAA
17/06/17       B75        60+  1400    56.0/52.5      Antony Raj     329     416     12/13     72-0     1:27:94(5.1)          AAAA
08/07/17       B118       60+  1400    56.0           S. John        140     418      6/11     72-0     1:27:34(4.2)          AAAA
03/08/17       B173       60+  1400    56.0/56.5      S. John         69     418      8/10     72-1     1:25:92(3.6)          AAAA
17/08/17       B207       60+  1200    55.5/53.0      Antony Raj     176     415      5/11     71-0     1:16:45(5.4)          AAAA
20/05/17 B22 slowly away.
17/06/17 B75 slowly away & lost few lengths, Adq G.P.
08/07/17 B118  planted, Adv Mock Race. 
17/08/17 B207 planted, Adv Mock Race.
4       MICHAELA       58.5    Ryan Marshall (4)
Roderic O'Connor-Zabadani(GB)  (70)    S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Nanoli  21/03/13  <b> (blk) (ts)  <b>AAAA
Mr Marthand Singh Mahindra , Mrs Rina Mahindra & Hyperion Bloodstock Pvt. Ltd. rep. by Mr Sameer F. Rattonsey & Mr Zaheer F. Rattonsey's ch m 5
Peacock blue, gold sleeves, peacock blue cap
Starts:12      First:3 Second:2       Third:1 Fourth:3       Unplaced:3
08/07/17       B118       60+  1400    52.5           P.S.Ch'han     114     459      4/11     65-2     1:26:58(4.2)          AAAA
17/08/17       B208     45-65  1600    60.0           P. Trevor       36     455      2/8      63+2     1:43:86(5.4)          AAAA
31/08/17       my12       60+  1800    52.5           IrvanSingh       0/0   454      2/9       *-*      1:52:35(3.5)          AAAA
08/10/17       P157      3+YO  1800    55             P.S.Ch'han       8/1   446      4/5       *-*      1:52:58(3.7)          AAAA
30/11/17       C52      60-85  1400    60             IrvanSingh       0/0   HNC      3/14      *-*      1:25:00(   )          AAAA
5       MYSTIC MUSIC   57.5    Mudassar Nazar (8)
Ivory Touch(USA)-Vedic Chants  (68)    Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Jind  13/05/11    <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Mr Vivek N. Rao , Mr Vittal Belandor & Mr N. S. Srivatsa's ch h 7
White, claret `V', striped sleeves, white cap
Starts:42      First:5 Second:5       Third:4 Fourth:8       Unplaced:20
15/07/17       B134     45-65  1600    59.5           S. John        147     465      7/12     60-2     1:39:97(3.8)          AAAA
23/07/17       B156     45-65  1400    57.0/53.0      Antony Raj     261     462     10/15     58-0     1:26:35(3.1)          AAAA
17/08/17       B208     45-65  1600    57.5           S. John         91     469      3/8      58-0     1:44:01(5.4)          AAAA
15/09/17       my41     40-65  1600    59             S. John          0/0   460      1/12      *-*      1:36:02(  3)          AAAA
22/10/17       my115      60+  1600    56             S. John          0/0   459      7/12      *-*      1:36:43(3.2)          AAAA
15/07/17 B134 inconvd passing 1500 M.
23/07/17 B156 Joc reptd lump of earth hit  face passing 700 M.
17/08/17 B208 had to be checked passing 800 M.
6       FLAMBOYANCE    56.5    Y. S. Srinath (1)
Multidimensional(IRE)-Romantic Scene  (66)    Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Usha  17/04/12    <b> (cnb)      <b>AAAA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal & Mr Gautam Aggarwal's dk b m 6
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, white cap
Starts:23      First:2 Second:3       Third:3 Fourth:2       Unplaced:13
26/01/17       B147       60+  1800    57.0           IrvanSingh             455     11/12     74-2     1:53:25(3.8)          AAAA
17/03/17       B238       60+  1600    56.0           Srinath                454      3/9      72-0     1:39:11(3.2)          AAAA
31/10/17       my140      60+  1600    53             V.R Jag'sh       0/0   443      2/9       *-*      1:35:63(2.8)          AAAA
23/11/17       my6        60+  1200    54             V.R Jag'sh       0/0   443      4/14      *-*      1:10:37(2.8)          AAAA
27/12/17       my46      4+YO  2000    52.5           PrashantPD      10/1   440      5/11      *-*       2:2:07(3.2)          AAAA
7       UNGOOGLEABLE   56.5    A.R.Pradeep (2)
Noverre(USA)-Cazisa Star(USA)  (66)    Samar Singh
Stud:Sohna  22/05/10   <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>HAHAAA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal & Mr Gautam Aggarwal's b g 8
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, orange cap
Starts:28      First:4 Second:6       Third:4 Fourth:4       Unplaced:10
27/02/16       B209       60+  1400    63.0           Surya P.        40/1   412     12/12     86-0     1:27:05(3.5)        hAhAAA
18/03/16       B236       80+  1400    54.5           Jan.Paswan      30/1   416      7/7      86-2     1:27:06(4.0)        hAhAAA
14/05/16       B5         60+  1200    59.5           M.Noornabi      20/1   414      5/12     78-2     1:14:00(3.8)        hAhAAA
12/06/16       B80        75+  1200    50.5           Neeraj Raw      15/1   418      4/9      72-2     1:12:81(3.8)        hAhAAA
19/06/16       B96        60+  1200    58.5           Neeraj Raw      15/4   425      5/12     74-2     1:16:88(4.6)        hAhAAA
14/05/16 B5  sustd bruises on left hock.
8       ZAFRAN  54.5    P. Trevor (10)
Mizzen Mast-Jack In The Cat(USA)      (62)    S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Nanoli  29/03/13  <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Marthand Singh Mahindra & Mrs Rina Mahindra's ch m 5
Peacock blue, gold sleeves and gold cap
Starts:14      First:3 Second:3       Third:1 Fourth:3       Unplaced:4
14/05/17       B13      30-50  1200    58.0           P. Trevor       35     468      2/12     46+3     1:13:78(3.8)          AAAA
10/06/17       B60      30-50  1200    60.0           P. Trevor       21     470      1/13    49+15    1:14:19(4.3)          AAAA
09/07/17       B126     45-65  1200    60.0           P. Trevor       64     478      4/11     64-1     1:13:69(3.8)          AAAA
04/08/17       B180     45-65  1200    59.0           P. Trevor       36     479      5/12     63-1     1:13:43(3.4)          AAAA
23/11/17       my6        60+  1200    52.5           P. Trevor        0/0   459      5/14      *-*      1:10:89(2.8)          AAAA
09/07/17 B126  lost  whip passing 350 M. 
04/08/17 B180 sustd superf inj on rht hind cannon.
9       PINYADA 53.5    Suraj Narredu (3)
Lord Admiral(USA)-Queen's Way  (60)    S. Inayathulla
Stud:Sans Craintes  10/04/14          <b>AAAA
Mr S. Pathy's b g 4
Royal blue, white sleeves, quartered cap
Starts:5       First:1 Second:2       Third:1 Fourth:0       Unplaced:1
11/06/17       B67        3YO  1200    56.0           V.R Jag'sh     926     498      8/14      *-*      1:16:08(4.1)          AAAA
02/07/17       B110       3YO  1400    56.0           A Merchant     539     490      1/14     *-35     1:26:12(3.2)          AAAA
03/08/17       B174     30-50  1600    53.0           A.Sandesh       28     488      3/8      35+3     1:38:69(3.6)          AAAA
25/08/17       my5        3YO  1400    51.5           P. Trevor        0/0   486      2/4       *-*      1:24:77(3.8)          AAAA
30/10/17       my130      3YO  1400    55.5           Suraj Nare       0/0   HNC      2/7       *-*      1:23:39(  3)          AAAA
02/07/17 B110 inconvd appr 1000 M.
03/08/17 B174 sustd superf inj on rht hind fetlock & lost rht hind shoe.
10      SILVER CHIEFTAIN       53.5    Sunil Samson -3 (7)
Rebuttal(USA)-River Route      (60)    S. Ganapathy
Stud:Hazara  25/03/12  <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Dr.A C Muthiah's gr g 6
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:12      First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:2       Unplaced:10
27/01/17       B156       60+  1200    56.0           P.S.Ch'han             445      6/12     72-2     1:13:49(3.4)          AAAA
10/06/17       B58        60+  1200    52.0           Bhaw'Singh     749     455      8/11     64-2     1:14:30(4.3)          AAAA
25/06/17       B98        60+  1200    51.0           Ak'y Kumar     185     446      8/9      62-0     1:15:40(3.3)          AAAA
14/09/17       my32       60+  1200    51             V.R Jag'sh       0/0   450      6/12      *-*      1:11:67(2.8)          AAAA
12/10/17       my90     40-65  1400    60/56          Sunil Sams       0/0   438     10/14      *-*      1:26:79(4.7)          AAAA
11      TAQDEER KA BADSHAH     53.5    Rajesh Kumar M (9)
Pinson(IRE)-Corona di Oro      (60)    Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Pratap  01/02/12          <b>HAHAAA
Mr Gnanadeva Rao's ch g 6
Light blue, dark green belt and arm band, quartered cap
Starts:31      First:2 Second:3       Third:7 Fourth:4       Unplaced:15
01/09/17       my18     40-65  1200    60.5           Raj.KumarM       0/0   438      2/14      *-*      1:10:91(3.4)        hAhAAA
14/09/17       my32       60+  1200    52             Raj.KumarM       0/0   437      3/12      *-*      1:10:69(2.8)        hAhAAA
21/10/17       my105      60+  1200    54             Raj.KumarM       0/0   439      6/7       *-*      1:12:76(2.9)        hAhAAA
06/12/17       my22     40-65  1200    62             Kiran RaiP      10/1   432     12/14      *-*      1:12:16(3.3)        hAhAAA
20/12/17       my39       60+  1400    51             Raj.KumarM      10/1   427      7/14      *-*      1:24:13(3.1)        hAhAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 3.5Kgs
Change of Equipment
LIGHTNING STRIKES Arthrotomy 16/06/17 , Arthrotomy from 16/06/17 to 20/06/17 , Intra Articular Inj. 22/10/17 , Injury from 05/12/17 to 07/12/17
Second Treble Pool Leg 2
Jackpot Pool Leg 4
7th Race       05:15 PM       (About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 11.27 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 15 to 35
Winner  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth   Sixth
Ow      Rs.1,88,720    Rs.94,360      Rs.56,615      Rs.21,890      Rs.10,570      Rs.5,285
Tr      Rs.22,875      Rs.11,435      Rs.6,865       Rs.2,655       Rs.1,280       Rs.640
Jk      Rs.17,155      Rs.8,580       Rs.5,145       Rs.1,990       Rs.960  Rs.480
1       AEROSPEED      60      Suraj Narredu (5)
Chinese Whisper(IRE)-Ocean Wish       (33)    Rajesh Narredu
Stud:Tohana  30/03/14          <b>AAAA
Mr P. Ramesh Naidu's b f 4
Yellow, black stars on yellow sleeves, yellow stars on black cap
Starts:10      First:1 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:7
22/07/17       B147     15-35  1100    58.0/54.0      M A Khan       160     HNC      6/10     31-1      1:8:08(3.2)          AAAA
03/08/17       B170     15-35  1200    58.0           P. Trevor       48     HNC      9/10     30-0     1:16:40(3.6)          AAAA
08/09/17       my23     20-45  1200    55.5/53.5      Rayan Ahme       0/0   408      5/14      *-*      1:12:78(3.3)          AAAA
05/10/17       my72     20-45  1400    55/52          Naz'l Alam       0/0   HNC      2/12      *-*      1:26:44(3.5)          AAAA
21/10/17       my102    20-45  1200    60/57          Naz'l Alam       0/0   398      4/13      *-*      1:13:21(2.9)          AAAA
22/07/17 B147 interfd passing 850 M.
03/08/17 B170 took a fly jump; interfd passing 1000M, 800 M & 200 M;sustd superf inj on rht fore cannon.
2       BAZINGA 59.5    Kiran Rai P (14)
Ace(IRE)-Priceless Memories    (32)    Narayana Gowda V.
Stud:Poona  25/05/11           <b>AAAA
Mr Babu Krishna Kishore's b g 7
Yellow, brown panel, brown and white hooped sleeves, brown cap
Starts:47      First:2 Second:4       Third:6 Fourth:5       Unplaced:30
15/07/17       B132     30-50  1400    55.0           Raj.KumarM     1189    497      6/14     37-0     1:27:01(3.8)          AAAA
30/07/17       B167     30-50  1200    53.5           Kiran RaiP     106     493      5/11     37-1     1:14:40(4.4)          AAAA
10/08/17       B185     30-50  1200    57.5           Kiran RaiP     504     496      3/11     36-0     1:15:55(4.4)          AAAA
22/10/17       my117    20-45  1400    58             Kiran RaiP       0/0   485     11/14      *-*      1:24:89(3.2)          AAAA
30/10/17       my133    20-45  1400    57/53          R.P.Shinde       0/0   482      8/14      *-*      1:25:79(  3)          AAAA
3       PANAMA  59      S. John (9)
Abbeyside(GB)-Practicallyperfect      (31)    Arjun Mangalorkar
Stud:Dashmesh  08/01/14        <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AAAA
Sarainaga Racing Pvt Ltd's b f 4
Gold,royal blue hoops, royal blue sleeves,gold cap
Starts:3       First:0 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:1
18/06/17       B80        3YO  1400    54.5/56.0      S. John         36     454      6/7       *-*      1:29:06(4.4)          AAAA
04/08/17       B177       3YO  1200    54.5/56.5      S. John         27     440      2/12      *-*      1:14:46(3.4)          AAAA
17/08/17       B209       3YO  1200    54.5/56.0      S. John         35     437      4/9       *-*      1:16:84(5.4)          AAAA
4       FLORENCIA      58.5    Sunil Samson -3 (1)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Confiserie       (30)    Mahmood Khan
Stud:Mebajeona  10/03/13       <b> (scp) (ts)  <b>AAAA
Mr A. Wajid & Ms Hannah Joythi's b m 5
Light green, black diamond, yellow and black striped sleeves and yellow cap
Starts:22      First:1 Second:4       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:17
08/07/17       B115     15-35  1200    54.5/52.5      M A Khan       168     429      6/12     19-2     1:15:63(4.2)          AAAA
23/07/17       B152     00-20  1400    58.5/54.5      Sunil Sams      64     427      5/11     17-2     1:29:15(3.1)          AAAA
14/09/17       my29     00-25  1400    57.5           S. John          0/0   430      0/14      *-*             (2.8)          AAAA
12/10/17       my86     00-25  1400    58             S. John          0/0   420      2/14      *-*      1:26:34(4.7)          AAAA
27/10/17       my119    00-25  1200    59.5           S. John          0/0   418      1/12      *-*      1:12:56(2.9)          AAAA
5       GIRL WITH PEARL 58.5    V.R.Jagadeesh (12)
Admiralofthefleet(USA)-Clear Cut      (30)    Imtiaz Khan
Stud:Kunigal  16/02/13 <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>AAAA
M R Stud Farms Private Limited rep. by Mr N. Chandrashekar Rai's dk b m 5
Red, white fleur-de-lys, orange and red striped sleeves, red cap
Starts:9       First:1 Second:2       Third:0 Fourth:2       Unplaced:4
31/12/16       B111     15-35  1200    56.5           AImranKhan       0/0   419      1/11    21+13    1:14:26(3.2)      rpArpAAA
11/02/17       B178     15-35  1400    60.0           AImranKhan             428      4/11     34-1     1:28:19(3.6)      rpArpAAA
20/05/17       B25      15-35  1200    56.0           AImranKhan      24     428      2/10     27+2     1:15:06(4.5)          AAAA
22/07/17       B150     15-35  1400    57.0           AImranKhan      27     426      5/11     29-1     1:27:36(3.2)          AAAA
19/10/17       my95     20-45  1400    57             T.S. Jodha       0/0   424      2/13      *-*      1:26:06(3.4)          AAAA
31/12/16 B111 lost left fore shoe.
22/07/17 B150  had to be steadied passing 800 M - NAD.
6       REGENCY GIRL   58.5    PrashantP.Dhebe (13)
Charmo(FR)-Andilisa(GB)        (30)    Neil Darashah
Stud:Vikram Greenlands  06/03/13      <b> (ts) (cnb) (blk)   <b>AAAA
Mr Vikram Singh's b m 5
Dark green, peacock blue and orange belt, arm band and quartered cap
Starts:8       First:1 Second:1       Third:1 Fourth:1       Unplaced:4
17/02/17       B184     15-35  1200    57.5           V.R Jag'sh             HNC      5/10     23-2     1:16:18(3.8)          AAAA
25/02/17       B200     15-35  1100    57.5           S. John                450      4/10     21-0      1:9:29(3.5)          AAAA
13/05/17       B7       00-20  1200    57.5           Suraj Nare      27     454      1/11    15+13    1:15:98(4.6)          AAAA
01/07/17       B106     15-35  1400    57.5           Suraj Nare      39     445      2/14     28+2     1:27:47(3.5)          AAAA
22/07/17       B150     15-35  1400    57.5           P. Trevor       40     HNC      3/11     30-0     1:27:19(3.2)          AAAA
7       CALICO KING    57.5    Aqeed Waheed (8)
Ivory Touch(USA)-Penumatcha    (28)    Dheeraj.V
Stud:Krishna  03/02/13 <b> (hb) (bb)  <b>HAHAAA
Mr. Ramesh R's gr g 5
White,red epaulettes,red spots on gold sleeves and cap
Starts:20      First:1 Second:2       Third:1 Fourth:3       Unplaced:13
22/07/17       B150     15-35  1400    56.0/52.0      Sunil Sams     246     456      8/11     27-0     1:27:84(3.2)        hAhAAA
10/08/17       B183     15-35  1400    56.0           V.R Jag'sh     173     461      4/10     27-0     1:29:41(4.4)        hAhAAA
31/08/17       my14     20-45  1200    54.5/52.5      Rayan Ahme       0/0   456      4/13      *-*      1:13:29(3.5)        hAhAAA
04/10/17       my65     00-25  1200    62.5           D'u S Deor       0/0   458      2/14      *-*      1:12:65(2.4)        hAhAAA
27/10/17       my122    20-45  1400    54             P. Mani          0/0   455      9/13      *-*      1:25:83(2.9)        hAhAAA
22/07/17 B150 Joc Susp; Tr fined for running & riding.
10/08/17 B183 lost few lengths, Adv G.P.
8       LOVE FOR LIFE  56.5    Vivek (10)
Stern Opinion(USA)-Adios Meadowlake(USA)      (26)    K.P.G Appu
Stud:Pratap Racecitemen  25/01/13     <b> (scp)      <b>AAAA
Mr Vinay Kumar's gr m 5
Red,green maple leaf, green sleeves,red cap
Starts:16      First:1 Second:2       Third:2 Fourth:1       Unplaced:10
09/07/17       B122     00-20  1200    60.0/58.0      Amit            20     413      4/9      20-0     1:16:93(3.8)          AAAA
04/08/17       B182     00-20  1200    60.0           P. Trevor       35     418      1/12     20+8     1:14:86(3.4)          AAXX
17/08/17       B210     15-35  1200    57.0           P. Trevor       75     423      5/12     28-0     1:17:44(5.4)          AAXX
19/10/17       my95     20-45  1400    57/55          Rayan Ahme       0/0   413      9/13      *-*      1:27:59(3.4)          AAAA
31/10/17       my128    20-45  1200    56.5           Vivek            0/0   409     10/14      *-*      1:13:57(2.8)          AAAA
09/07/17 B122 Tr fined for faulty saddling; lost whip passing 150 M.
9       BAROG   56      Ryan Marshall (11)
Western Aristocrat(USA)-Missoni       (25)    S.S. Attaollahi
Stud:Dr. Kehar Singh  04/02/14 <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr Marthand Singh Mahindra & Mrs Rina Mahindra's b c 4
Peacock blue, gold sleeves, peacock blue cap
10      IMPRIMATUR     56      Nazerul Alam -3 (2)
Lucifer Sam(USA)-Zulima        (25)    Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Sans Craintes  03/03/14   <b> (bb) (ts)  <b>AAAA
Mr. Nishanth Gowda & Mr K. Kamesh's b g 4
Dark blue, red "V",red stars on dark blue sleeves and cap
Starts:1       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:1
14/08/17       B198       3YO  1400    56.0           S.Selvaraj     630     441      7/8       *-*      1:31:43(4.3)          AAAA
11      LIMATO  55.5    A.Ramu (3)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Real Magic       (24)    M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Vikram Greenlands  10/04/14              <b>AAAA
Mr M. B. Hegde & Mr P.S.Somakanthan's b g 4
Black, gold sash, gold stars on black sleeves, black star on gold cap
Starts:5       First:0 Second:0       Third:1 Fourth:1       Unplaced:3
17/02/17       B191       3YO  1200    55.0           PrashantPD             416     10/11      *-*      1:16:42(3.8)          AAAA
11/03/17       B224       3YO  1200    55.0           PrashantPD             422      4/11      *-*      1:15:29(3.6)          AAAA
13/05/17       B1         3YO  1200    56.0           Akshay         2387    HNC      8/11     *-23     1:16:69(4.6)          AAAA
18/06/17       B81      15-35  1100    56.5           Akshay         769     HNC      3/14     23+1      1:9:26(4.4)          AAAA
22/07/17       B149       3YO  1200    56.0           A.Ramu         218     HNC      7/12     24-0     1:14:95(3.2)          AAAA
17/02/17 B191 inconvd at the start. 
13/05/17 B1 jumped awkwardly inwards.
18/06/17 B81 Joc fined for not improving position b/w 700 M & 500 M; could not get a clear run b/w 350 M to 150 M;sustd superf inj on rht fore cannon. 
22/07/17 B149 slowly away.
12      GAME AGAIN     54.5    P. Mani (4)
Roi Maudit(USA)-Cannon Treasure       (22)    Faraz Arshad
Stud:Country  06/02/14 <b> (ts) (cnb)  <b>AHAAA
Dr Arun Raghavan &  Capt. P. Diwakaran's b g 4
Gold,black chevrons,striped sleeves, green cap
Starts:5       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:4
10/12/16       B69        2YO  1100    55.0           T.S. Jodha       2/1   425      6/9       *-*       1:9:40(3.8)          AAAA
13/01/17       B130       3YO  1200    53.0           IrvanSingh             434      6/7       *-*      1:15:87(3.7)          AAAA
17/03/17       B233       3YO  1100    55.0/55.5      Srinath                420      4/11      *-*       1:9:00(3.2)         AhAAA
15/07/17       B136     15-35  1200    58.5           Srinath         59     418     10/10     24-0     1:16:03(3.8)         AhAAA
17/08/17       B205     15-35  1100    59.0           Neeraj Raw      50     417      8/11     24-2     1:12:73(5.4)         AhAAA
13/01/17 B130 hanging out after entering straight - NAD.
15/07/17 B136 slowly away; sustd superf inj on rht hock.
17/08/17 B205 inconvd appr 100 M.
13      RHAPSODYEIN QUEEN      54.5    Jan'dhan Paswan (7)
Burden of Proof(IRE)-Rhapsody In Blue (22)    Sharat Kumar
Stud:Kunigal  23/04/14 <b> (blk)      <b>AAAA
Mr Sharat Kumar's ch f 4
White, black and light green checked halves, white sleeves, black and light green checked cap
Starts:1       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:1
04/08/17       B177       3YO  1200    54.5           Jan.Paswan     1163    HNC      9/12      *-*      1:17:10(3.4)          AAAA
04/08/17 B177 lost few lengths, Adv G.P.
14      DYNAMISM       54      Arshad Alam (6)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Prada(ITY)       (21)    S. Narredu
Stud:Sohna  25/01/14   <b> (blk) (ts)  <b>HAHAAA
Mrs Radhika Narredu's b g 4
Light blue, light purple maltese cross and cap
Starts:5       First:0 Second:0       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:5
21/01/17       B136       3YO  1100    55.0           IrvanSingh             470      5/10      *-*       1:8:96(3.6)        hAhAAA
03/02/17       B162       3YO  1400    55.0           M.Pr'karan             465      7/12      *-*      1:26:89(3.5)        hAhAAA
04/03/17       B210       3YO  1400    55.0           KiranNaidu             464     10/14      *-*      1:27:32(3.6)        hAhAAA
01/09/17       my17     00-25  1100    61.5/57.5      S Imran          0/0   456     11/11      *-*      1:10:36(3.4)      rpArpAAA
04/10/17       my65     00-25  1200    60.5/56.5      Darshan RN       0/0   457     14/14      *-*      1:15:85(2.4)      rpArpAAA
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 1.0Kg
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
AEROSPEED Injury 22/10/17
BAROG Infection from 12/12/17 to 16/12/17
IMPRIMATUR Lameness from 13/11/17 to 15/11/17 , Abscess from 13/12/17 to 15/12/17
LIMATO Injury 21/10/17
GAME AGAIN  Sore Back 16/10/17
Second Treble Pool Leg 3
Jackpot Pool Leg 5
8th Race       05:45 PM       (About) 1200 Metres
Course Record: 1 Min. 11.27 Sec.
A Handicap for Horses rated 30 to 50, 5 years old and over
Winner  Second  Third   Fourth  Fifth   Sixth
Ow      Rs.2,26,465    Rs.113,230     Rs.67,940      Rs.26,270      Rs.12,680      Rs.6,340
Tr      Rs.27,450      Rs.13,725      Rs.8,235       Rs.3,185       Rs.1,535       Rs.770
Jk      Rs.20,585      Rs.10,295      Rs.6,175       Rs.2,390       Rs.1,155       Rs.575
1       TZAR    60      T. S. Jodha (1)
Tariq(GB)-Tiddly Widdly        (49)    S. Dominic
Stud:Equus  19/03/13           <b>AAAA
Mr Aditya P. Thackersey's b g 5
White, claret maltese cross, hooped sleeves and hooped cap
Starts:13      First:2 Second:3       Third:2 Fourth:0       Unplaced:6
14/05/17       B15      45-65  1400    57.0           Srinath        134     433      7/12     56-0     1:27:24(3.8)          AAAA
18/06/17       B82      45-65  1200    56.5           P.S.Ch'han      47     428     10/15     56-2     1:14:55(4.4)          AAAA
14/08/17       B200     45-65  1200    54.5/52.5      Rayan Ahme     199     439      6/12     54-1     1:14:79(4.3)          AAAA
15/09/17       my39     40-65  1400    57.5/55.5      Rayan Ahme       0/0   441     13/13      *-*      1:26:24(  3)          AAAA
21/10/17       my107    40-65  1400    57/55          Rayan Ahme       0/0   415      5/14      *-*      1:25:15(2.9)          AAAA
2       ONE BIG GANG   56.5    Jan'dhan Paswan (11)
Lord Admiral(USA)-Tunisia      (42)    Samar Singh
Stud:Sans Craintes  14/05/12   <b> (cnb)      <b>AAAA
Mr. Waseem Dadapeer & Mr T. Srinivas' ch g 6
Yellow,light green & blue checked sleeves,blue cap
Starts:18      First:1 Second:4       Third:1 Fourth:0       Unplaced:12
21/01/17       B135     45-65  1200    58.5           D. Patel               468     11/12     51-0     1:15:79(3.6)          SSSS
13/05/17       B6       30-50  1400    58.5/55.5      Rayan Ahme     2015    463     10/11     45-2     1:29:38(4.6)          AAAA
25/06/17       B96      30-50  1200    57.0/53.0      Surya P.       1325    455     13/15     43-0     1:16:15(3.3)          AAAA
30/07/17       B167     30-50  1200    56.5           M.Noornabi     537     456     11/11     43-1     1:15:38(4.4)          AAAA
22/10/17       my113    20-45  1400    61             Harish B.        0/0   449     10/14      *-*      1:25:53(3.2)      lpAlpAAA
25/06/17 B96 sustd deep inj on rht hind tendon.
3       WILD WILD ANGELS       56.5    Aqeed Waheed (5)
Juniper(USA)-Adam's Delight    (42)    Dheeraj.V
Stud:Hazara  07/03/11          <b>RPARPAAA
Mrs. Malathi N Venkataswamy's b m 7
Claret, gold horse shoe, white and claret striped sleeves and cap.
Starts:29      First:4 Second:1       Third:4 Fourth:1       Unplaced:19
09/07/17       B127     15-35  1400    58.0/55.0      Rayan Ahme      37     456      1/14    31+11    1:27:17(3.8)      rpArpAAA
10/08/17       B189     30-50  1200    56.0           V.R Jag'sh      85     461      5/11     42-0     1:15:96(4.4)      rpArpAAA
15/09/17       my42     20-45  1200    61             D'u S Deor       0/0   464      3/13      *-*      1:12:07(  3)      rpArpAAA
19/10/17       my101    20-45  1400    61.5           D'u S Deor       0/0   462     11/13      *-*      1:27:36(3.4)      rpArpAAA
30/10/17       my133    20-45  1400    61.5           D'u S Deor       0/0   458      5/14      *-*      1:24:77(  3)      rpArpAAA
09/07/17 B127 Joc fined for loss of whip passing 200 M.
4       MAYWEATHER     56      PrashantP.Dhebe (3)
Phoenix Tower(USA)-Allied Cause(GB)   (41)    Neil Darashah
Stud:Manjri  19/04/13  <b> (blk) (ts)  <b>AAAA
Manjri Horse Breed's Farm Pvt. Ltd rep. by Mr & Mrs S. P. Mistry & Mrs Anneka Darashah's dk b g 5
Claret, gold epaulettes and claret cap
Starts:5       First:1 Second:1       Third:1 Fourth:1       Unplaced:1
05/11/16       B9       15-35  1200    60.0           Cedric S         6/1   476      3/11     28-0     1:14:58(4.0)      rpArpAAA
31/12/16       B117     15-35  1400    58.0           Suraj Nare       0/0   461      7/12     28-2     1:28:42(3.2)      rpArpAAA
11/06/17       B64      00-20  1100    60.0           PrashantPD      17     460      4/13     20-1      1:9:01(4.1)      rpArpAAA
30/07/17       B160     00-20  1100    59.5           PrashantPD      42     448      1/14    19+16     1:8:14(4.4)      rpArpAAA
20/12/17       my35     20-45  1200    59.5           PrashantPD      11/4   410      2/12      *-*      1:11:92(3.1)          AAAA
05/11/16 B9  inconvd at the start.
5       TINDERELLA     56      Ryan Marshall (7)
Dancing Forever(USA)-Modern Art       (41)    S. Padmanabhan
Stud:Hazara  26/03/13  <b> (visor)    <b>AAAA
Mr T. S. Suresh's ch m 5
Light blue & pink vertical halves,white sleeves,  light blue & pink quartered cap
Starts:10      First:2 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:6
13/01/17       B128     30-50  1600    53.0/53.5      P. Trevor              HNC      4/8      36-0     1:40:01(3.7)        bAbAAA
24/02/17       B193     30-50  1600    54.0           DavidAllan             HNC      2/6      36+6     1:40:38(3.8)        bAbAAA
18/03/17       B250     30-50  1600    56.0           DavidAllan             HNC      1/10     42+7     1:39:19(2.9)        bAbAAA
19/10/17       my101    20-45  1400    61.5           A. Qureshi       0/0   HNC      9/13      *-*      1:27:16(3.4)          AAAA
06/12/17       my20     20-45  1600    61.5           A. Qureshi      10/1   410      8/13      *-*      1:38:13(3.3)          AAAA
6       AGNETA  55      Shiva Kumar S. (12)
(late SAGA)
Lucifer Sam(USA)-Upper Crust   (39)    Sandhu G.
Stud:Sans Craintes  24/02/13   <b> (ts) (cnb) (pb)    <b>AAAA
Mr Anil K. Joseph's ch m 5
White,Light Green Quarters, Striped sleeves, Quartered cap
Starts:8       First:1 Second:2       Third:0 Fourth:2       Unplaced:3
12/08/16       B203       3YO  1100    54.5           S. John          7/1   HNC      4/10     30-0     1:10:92(3.4)          AAAA
31/12/16       B113     15-35  1200    58.0           Srinath          0/0   450      1/12    30+13    1:13:76(3.2)          AAAA
10/06/17       B60      30-50  1200    54.0           Muda.Nazar     295     476      2/13     37+2     1:14:91(4.3)          AAAA
01/07/17       B103     30-50  1200    55.0/56.0      S. John         67     466      5/13     39-0     1:13:47(3.5)          AAAA
14/08/17       B199     30-50  1200    55.0/51.5      RManjunath     486     458     11/11     39-0     1:28:03(4.3)          AAAA
10/06/17 B60 interfd passing 250 M;
7       ERDEMIR 55      V.R.Jagadeesh (13)
Sussex(GB)-Southern Goddess    (39)    M. Rajendra Singh
Stud:Pratap  07/02/13  <b> (ts) (blk)  <b>AAAA
Mr Rajan Aggarwal & Mr Gautam Aggarwal's b g 5
Brown, gold belt and sleeves, light green cap
Starts:13      First:1 Second:2       Third:0 Fourth:2       Unplaced:8
24/02/17       B197     15-35  1400    60.0           Srinath                HNC      1/8     35+11    1:27:71(3.8)          AAAA
13/05/17       B6       30-50  1400    56.0/52.0      RManjunath     1858    HNC     11/11     40-0     1:30:37(4.6)          AAAA
18/06/17       B84      30-50  1400    58.0           A.Ramu         1637    490     10/14     40-0     1:29:13(4.4)          AAAA
09/07/17       B124     30-50  1400    55.0           A.Ramu         658     481      4/13     40-0     1:27:00(3.8)          AAAA
03/08/17       B175     30-50  1400    55.0           A.Ramu          53     483      5/12     40-1     1:26:32(3.6)          AAAA
24/02/17 B197 sustd superf inj on right gaskin. 
13/05/17 B6 slowly away.
09/07/17 B124 Joc fined for not making sufficient effort - NAD.
8       CELTIC MIST    54.5    Imran Chisty (14)
Arazan(IRE)-Shoot(GB)  (38)    Praveen Jesu
Stud:Exhilaration  28/04/13    <b> (cnb) (ts)  <b>AAAA
Mr Soumitra Banerji's b i m 5
Claret and peach quarters, striped sleeves, peach cap
Starts:10      First:1 Second:2       Third:2 Fourth:1       Unplaced:4
18/06/17       B79      00-20  1200    57.5           AImranKhan      71     421      2/14     15+6     1:14:42(4.4)          AAAA
08/07/17       B115     15-35  1200    55.5/52.5      Rayan Ahme      21     418      3/12     21+2     1:15:10(4.2)          AAAA
22/07/17       B145     15-35  1100    57.5/55.5      Rayan Ahme      34     416      4/10     23-2      1:8:32(3.2)          AAAA
30/10/17       my126    00-25  1200    60.5           KSKiran          0/0   414      2/13      *-*      1:12:31(  3)          AAAA
20/12/17       my33     20-45  1200    54.5/51.5      IrvanSingh       9/4   412      1/14      *-*      1:11:97(3.1)          AAAA
18/06/17 B79 Joc fined for excessive use of whip.
08/07/17 B115 accidentally lost whip passing 100 M. 
22/07/17 B145 Joc fined for lost of whip passing 300 M (3rd infrg)..
9       FLICKA  53.5    Sunil Samson -3 (4)
Rebuttal(USA)-Illaunslea(USA)  (36)    Aravind G.
Stud:Hazara  28/02/13  <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Dr. M A M Ramaswamy Chettiar of Chettinad Charitable Trust rep. by Dr.A C Muthiah's b m 5
Gold,brown belt and cap
Starts:12      First:0 Second:2       Third:1 Fourth:2       Unplaced:7
20/05/17       B25      15-35  1200    56.0/52.0      Vishal         310     448      3/10     27+1     1:15:11(4.5)          AAAA
18/06/17       B81      15-35  1100    59.0           Ak'y Kumar      22     459      2/14     28+6      1:8:47(4.4)          AAAA
02/07/17       B114     15-35  1200    60.0           Ak'y Kumar      41     462      4/12     34-0     1:14:50(3.2)          AAAA
10/08/17       B185     30-50  1200    56.5           A.Sandesh       37     460      6/11     34-0     1:15:96(4.4)          AAAA
21/10/17       my108    20-45  1200    57             S. John          0/0   460      2/14      *-*      1:12:34(2.9)          AAAA
10/08/17 B185 burst blood vessels.
10      PARADISO       52      Arshad Alam (6)
Mull of Kintyre(USA)-Calamity(FR)     (33)    S. Narredu
Stud:Sohna  31/03/13           <b>AAAHA
Mrs Radhika Narredu's dk b m 5
Light blue, light purple maltese cross and cap
Starts:11      First:2 Second:0       Third:3 Fourth:2       Unplaced:4
13/05/17       B4       15-35  1100    55.5           KiranNaidu      94     HNC      7/12     26-0      1:9:96(4.6)         AAAhA
18/06/17       B81      15-35  1100    58.0/54.0      M Ayyar        143     HNC      7/14     26-1      1:9:87(4.4)         AAAhA
08/07/17       B115     15-35  1200    57.5/55.5      Amit            37     HNC      1/12     25+8     1:14:95(4.2)         AAAhA
22/07/17       B147     15-35  1100    59.0           A. Velu        205     HNC      4/10     33-0      1:7:76(3.2)         AAAhA
11/08/17       B196     15-35  1200    60.0           A. Velu         74     HNC      3/11     33-0     1:16:20(5.1)         AAAhA
13/05/17 B4 reared up & lost few lengths, adv gate practice.
22/07/17 B147 inconvd passing 850 M.
11      BEYOND REACH   51.5    Nazerul Alam -3 (8)
Ikhtyar(IRE)-Dutch Auction(USA)       (32)    Prasanna Kumar
Stud:Nanoli  11/04/13  <b> (blk) (ts)  <b>AAAA
Mrs Namitha Jagtap , Mr B.R. Vinod , Mr Satish DasamMr Sriharsha G.S.'s ch g 5
Dark blue,light green and white hooped sleeves,dark blue cap
Starts:7       First:1 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:1       Unplaced:4
03/07/16       B124       3YO  1200    56.0           As'k Kumar      50/1   447      4/9      *-26     1:17:05(3.9)          AAAA
18/11/16       B27        3YO  1400    57.0           S. John          0/0   HNC      7/12     26-2     1:27:96(3.9)          AAAA
16/12/16       B84      15-35  1400    54.5           P. Trevor        0/0   446      2/12     24+3     1:29:06(5.2)        hAhAAA
30/12/16       B104     15-35  1600    56.0           AImranKhan       0/0   442      5/12     27-2     1:40:14(3.5)        hAhAAA
11/08/17       B190     00-20  1200    59.5           S. John         22     HNC      1/11    19+13    1:15:88(5.1)      rpArpAAA
18/11/16 B27  jumped awkwardly outwards.
12      GOOD WORD      50.5    Irvan Singh (2)
(late GHOONJ)
Rebuttal(USA)-Vade Retro(IRE)  (30)    Warren Singh
Stud:Hazara  17/02/13  <b> (ts)       <b>AAAA
Mr H. A. Rukhana & Ms Minal A. Rukhana's b g 5
Purple, pink hoops, hooped sleeves, yellow cap
Starts:10      First:1 Second:0       Third:1 Fourth:1       Unplaced:7
05/11/16       B14      30-50  1400    55.5/56.5      Sh'n Babu       30/1   448      4/11     40-0     1:27:26(4.0)      hAhAhAhA
23/12/16       B98      30-50  1400    55.5           AImranKhan       0/0   440      5/12     40-2     1:28:66(4.5)          AAAA
13/05/17       B8       15-35  1400    58.5/54.5      Syed Imran     408     444      9/12     32-0     1:31:57(4.6)          SSSS
17/06/17       B78      15-35  1200    58.5           P. Trevor       17     438      6/13     32-2     1:15:70(5.1)          AAAA
22/07/17       B150     15-35  1400    57.5/55.5      Rayan Ahme      71     436      0/11     30-0            (3.2)          AAAA
13/05/17 B8 sustd superf inj on right knee. 
22/07/17 B150 jumped out awkwardly, swerved towards left, dislodged rider & ran riderless, Adv Mock Race.
13      INDIAN BRAHMOS 50.5    Rayan Ahmed R. -1 (10)
Samhoon(USA)-Fall of the Hammer       (30)    S. Inayathulla
Stud:Track Supreme  27/02/12          <b>AAAA
Mr Savi K. Jain & Mr Sanjay Gautam's ch g 6
Peacock blue, yellow and brown belt, arm band, yellow cap
Starts:35      First:2 Second:6       Third:4 Fourth:3       Unplaced:20
09/07/17       B127     15-35  1400    57.0           P.S.Ch'han      49     491      8/14     29-1     1:28:23(3.8)          AAAA
23/07/17       B157     15-35  1200    56.5           Srinath         48     490      2/13     28+3     1:13:69(3.1)          AAAA
04/08/17       B181     15-35  1400    59.0           D'u S Deor      48     500      5/11     31-1     1:27:57(3.4)          AAAA
17/08/17       B210     15-35  1200    58.0           IrvanSingh      79     497      3/12     30-0     1:17:00(5.4)          AAAA
22/09/17       my55     20-45  1400    57.5           T.S. Jodha       0/0   491      3/11      *-*      1:24:56(2.5)          AAAA
23/07/17 B157 inerfd passing 1100 M. 
04/08/17 B181 Joc fined for under persistent use of whip frm 200 M  till passing W.P.
14      KUDLA PUNCH    50.5    *S.K.Paswan (9)
Rebuttal(USA)-Wile Wench       (30)    Sharat Kumar
Stud:Hazara  08/01/13          <b>HAHAHAHA
Mr. B. Ganesh & Mr Yashraj Ramakrishna's b m 5
Yellow,dark green star,white spots on dark green sleeves and cap
Starts:14      First:1 Second:1       Third:0 Fourth:0       Unplaced:12
23/07/17       B152     00-20  1400    56.5           R'shKumarN     247     477      7/11     13-0     1:30:16(3.1)      hAhAhAhA
11/08/17       B190     00-20  1200    56.5           R'shKumarN     438     472      8/11     13-0     1:17:60(5.1)      hAhAhAhA
01/09/17       my15     00-25  1100    56.5           Afsar Khan       0/0   459      5/12      *-*       1:7:35(3.4)      hAhAhAhA
22/09/17       my50     00-25  1200    57.5           S. John          0/0   455      1/14      *-*      1:11:85(2.5)      hAhAhAhA
27/10/17       my122    20-45  1400    56             Jan.Paswan       0/0   446      5/13      *-*      1:24:29(2.9)      hAhAhAhA
11/08/17 B190 jumped out awkwardly.
(Allowances may be claimed in this race)
Weights raised 0.5Kg
Change of Equipment
Change of Shoe
TZAR Lameness 22/10/17
WILD WILD ANGELS Intra Articular Inj. 25/10/17
ERDEMIR Infection from 24/10/17 to 28/10/17
FLICKA EIPH(Bleeder) from 12/08/17 to 16/08/17 , Infection 03/11/17
GOOD WORD Fever 22/11/17
INDIAN BRAHMOS Lameness 17/10/17
3rd RACE
1100 Metres
03:15 PM
1       COUNTRY'S PEARL 60.0
2       LIKEAKNIFE     60.0
3       AAFRIKAAN      59.5
4       PURITY  59.5
5       TEA WID ME     59.5
6       BOLD RUNNER    59.0
7       DELIGHT 59.0
8       SILKEN STRIKER 58.5
9       GOLDEN OPINION 58.0
10      BELLEROPHON    57.5
11      CASHMERE       57.5
12      ROCKET PUNCH   56.0
13      INCITATUS      55.5
14      SPECTRE 50.5
4th RACE
1400 Metres
03:45 PM
1       WAR ENVOY      60.0
2       SPOT LIGHT     58.5
3       RUM RUNNER     58.0
4       DONNA ROSSA    57.5
5       GANDHARVA      57.5
6       JAMES BOND     57.5
7       RECZAI  56.5
8       DONT DILLY DALLY       55.5
9       PRINCEAZEEM    54.5
10      HIGH ADMIRAL   54.0
11      LAWRENCE OF ARABIA     54.0
12      SETAGLOW       54.0
13      HIDDEN SOLDIER 53.5
14      NICARAGUA      52.0
5th RACE
1400 Metres
04:15 PM
1       BOLD COMMAND   60.0
2       SHIVALIK STAR  57.5
3       ACE BUCEPHALUS 55.5
4       GESTAPO 55.5
5       JERSEY WONDER  55.5
6       MAGISTERO      55.5
7       PEARL CITY     54.0
6th RACE
1400 Metres
04:45 PM
1       INTO THE SPOTLIGHT     60.0
2       LIGHTNING STRIKES      59.5
3       AYRTON  59.0
4       MICHAELA       58.5
5       MYSTIC MUSIC   57.5
6       FLAMBOYANCE    56.5
7       UNGOOGLEABLE   56.5
8       ZAFRAN  54.5
9       PINYADA 53.5
10      SILVER CHIEFTAIN       53.5
11      TAQDEER KA BADSHAH     53.5
7th RACE
1200 Metres
05:15 PM
1       AEROSPEED      60.0
2       BAZINGA 59.5
3       PANAMA  59.0
4       FLORENCIA      58.5
5       GIRL WITH PEARL 58.5
6       REGENCY GIRL   58.5
7       CALICO KING    57.5
8       LOVE FOR LIFE  56.5
9       BAROG   56.0
10      IMPRIMATUR     56.0
11      LIMATO  55.5
12      GAME AGAIN     54.5
13      RHAPSODYEIN QUEEN      54.5
14      DYNAMISM       54.0
8th RACE
1200 Metres
05:45 PM
1       TZAR    60.0
2       ONE BIG GANG   56.5
3       WILD WILD ANGELS       56.5
4       MAYWEATHER     56.0
5       TINDERELLA     56.0
6       AGNETA  55.0
7       ERDEMIR 55.0
8       CELTIC MIST    54.5
9       FLICKA  53.5
10      PARADISO       52.0
11      BEYOND REACH   51.5
12      GOOD WORD      50.5
13      INDIAN BRAHMOS 50.5
14      KUDLA PUNCH    50.5
4th RACE
1400 Metres
03:45 PM
1       WAR ENVOY      60.0
2       SPOT LIGHT     58.5
3       RUM RUNNER     58.0
4       DONNA ROSSA    57.5
5       GANDHARVA      57.5
6       JAMES BOND     57.5
7       RECZAI  56.5
8       DONT DILLY DALLY       55.5
9       PRINCEAZEEM    54.5
10      HIGH ADMIRAL   54.0
11      LAWRENCE OF ARABIA     54.0
12      SETAGLOW       54.0
13      HIDDEN SOLDIER 53.5
14      NICARAGUA      52.0
5th RACE
1400 Metres
04:15 PM
1       BOLD COMMAND   60.0
2       SHIVALIK STAR  57.5
3       ACE BUCEPHALUS 55.5
4       GESTAPO 55.5
5       JERSEY WONDER  55.5
6       MAGISTERO      55.5
7       PEARL CITY     54.0
6th RACE
1400 Metres
04:45 PM
1       INTO THE SPOTLIGHT     60.0
2       LIGHTNING STRIKES      59.5
3       AYRTON  59.0
4       MICHAELA       58.5
5       MYSTIC MUSIC   57.5
6       FLAMBOYANCE    56.5
7       UNGOOGLEABLE   56.5
8       ZAFRAN  54.5
9       PINYADA 53.5
10      SILVER CHIEFTAIN       53.5
11      TAQDEER KA BADSHAH     53.5
7th RACE
1200 Metres
05:15 PM
1       AEROSPEED      60.0
2       BAZINGA 59.5
3       PANAMA  59.0
4       FLORENCIA      58.5
5       GIRL WITH PEARL 58.5
6       REGENCY GIRL   58.5
7       CALICO KING    57.5
8       LOVE FOR LIFE  56.5
9       BAROG   56.0
10      IMPRIMATUR     56.0
11      LIMATO  55.5
12      GAME AGAIN     54.5
13      RHAPSODYEIN QUEEN      54.5
14      DYNAMISM       54.0
8th RACE
1200 Metres
05:45 PM
1       TZAR    60.0
2       ONE BIG GANG   56.5
3       WILD WILD ANGELS       56.5
4       MAYWEATHER     56.0
5       TINDERELLA     56.0
6       AGNETA  55.0
7       ERDEMIR 55.0
8       CELTIC MIST    54.5
9       FLICKA  53.5
10      PARADISO       52.0
11      BEYOND REACH   51.5
12      GOOD WORD      50.5
13      INDIAN BRAHMOS 50.5
14      KUDLA PUNCH    50.5
Horse   R.No.   C.No.   Rating  Weight  Race Catg      Eqpt
AAFRIKAAN      3       3       19      59.5    00-20   (ts) (cnb) (pb)
ABOVE THE REST 2       6       22      57.0    15-35   (ts)
ACE BUCEPHALUS 5       3       -9999   55.5    4+YO    (ts) (cnb)
AEROSPEED      7       1       33      60.0    15-35
AGNETA  8       6       39      55.0    30-50   (ts) (cnb) (pb)
ANGELIC LOVE   2       5       23      57.5    15-35   (ts) (scp)
AYRTON  6       3       71      59.0    60+     (ts) (cnb)
BAROG   7       9       25      56.0    15-35   (ts)
BAZINGA 7       2       32      59.5    15-35
BELLEROPHON    3       10      15      57.5    00-20   (ts) (cnb)
BEYOND REACH   8       11      32      51.5    30-50   (blk) (ts)
BLACK WHIZZ    1       8       -       53.5    3YO
BOLD COMMAND   5       1       104     60.0    4+YO
BOLD RUNNER    3       6       18      59.0    00-20
CALICO KING    7       7       28      57.5    15-35   (hb) (bb)
CASHMERE       3       11      15      57.5    00-20
CELTIC MIST    8       8       38      54.5    30-50   (cnb) (ts)
COUNTRY'S PEARL 3       1       20      60.0    00-20
DECISIVE       1       1       -       55.0    3YO
DELIGHT 3       7       18      59.0    00-20   (cnb)
DESERT GOLD    2       2       25      58.5    15-35   (ts) (scp)
DIAMOND RAYS   1       2       -       55.0    3YO
DONNA ROSSA    4       4       44      57.5    30-50
DONT DILLY DALLY       4       8       40      55.5    30-50
DYNAMISM       7       14      21      54.0    15-35   (blk) (ts)
ERDEMIR 8       7       39      55.0    30-50   (ts) (blk)
FLAMBOYANCE    6       6       66      56.5    60+     (cnb)
FLICKA  8       9       36      53.5    30-50   (ts)
FLORENCIA      7       4       30      58.5    15-35   (scp) (ts)
GAME AGAIN     7       12      22      54.5    15-35   (ts) (cnb)
GANDHARVA      4       5       44      57.5    30-50   (ts)
GESTAPO 5       4       103     55.5    4+YO    (ts)
GIN DAISY      1       9       -       53.5    3YO
GIRL WITH PEARL 7       5       30      58.5    15-35   (ts) (blk)
GOLDEN OPINION 3       9       16      58.0    00-20   (ts) (blk)
GOOD WORD      8       12      30      50.5    30-50   (ts)
HIDDEN SOLDIER 4       13      36      53.5    30-50
HIGH ADMIRAL   4       10      37      54.0    30-50   (ts)
IMPRIMATUR     7       10      25      56.0    15-35   (bb) (ts)
INCITATUS      3       13      11      55.5    00-20
INDIAN BRAHMOS 8       13      30      50.5    30-50
INTO THE GROOVE 1       10      -       53.5    3YO     (ts)
INTO THE SPOTLIGHT     6       1       73      60.0    60+
JAMES BOND     4       6       44      57.5    30-50   (ts) (blk)
JERSEY WONDER  5       5       100     55.5    4+YO    (ts) (bb)
KING OF THE WIND       1       3       -       55.0    3YO     (ts)
KRUGER PARK    2       7       22      57.0    15-35
KUDLA PUNCH    8       14      30      50.5    30-50
LAWRENCE OF ARABIA     4       11      37      54.0    30-50   (blk) (ts) (cnb) (bb)
LIGHTNING STRIKES      6       2       72      59.5    60+     (ts) (blk)
LIKEAKNIFE     3       2       20      60.0    00-20
LIMATO  7       11      24      55.5    15-35
LOVE FOR LIFE  7       8       26      56.5    15-35   (scp)
MAGISTERO      5       6       87      55.5    4+YO
MAYWEATHER     8       4       41      56.0    30-50   (blk) (ts)
MICHAELA       6       4       70      58.5    60+     (blk) (ts)
MULHOLLAND     2       1       28      60.0    15-35   (ts)
MUSIC DIVINE   2       8       22      57.0    15-35
MYSTIC MUSIC   6       5       68      57.5    60+     (ts) (cnb)
MYSTIFY ME     2       9       22      57.0    15-35   (ts) (cnb)
NEW ERA 2       13      21      56.5    15-35   (ts) (bb)
NICARAGUA      4       14      33      52.0    30-50   (ts) (blk)
ONE BIG GANG   8       2       42      56.5    30-50   (cnb)
PANAMA  7       3       31      59.0    15-35   (ts) (cnb)
PARADISO       8       10      33      52.0    30-50
PEARL CITY     5       7       73      54.0    4+YO
PERFECT MONARCH 2       3       25      58.5    15-35
PINK SMILE     2       14      18      55.0    15-35
PINYADA 6       9       60      53.5    60+
PRINCE CHARMO  1       4       -       55.0    3YO     (pb)
PRINCEAZEEM    4       9       38      54.5    30-50   (ts)
PRINCESS RUMELA 2       10      22      57.0    15-35
PRODIGAL SON   2       4       25      58.5    15-35
PURITY  3       4       19      59.5    00-20   (ts) (cnb)
RECZAI  4       7       42      56.5    30-50   (blk) (ts)
REGENCY GIRL   7       6       30      58.5    15-35   (ts) (cnb) (blk)
RHAPSODYEIN QUEEN      7       13      22      54.5    15-35   (blk)
ROCKET PUNCH   3       12      12      56.0    00-20   (ts) (blk)
RUM RUNNER     4       3       45      58.0    30-50   (ts) (cnb)
SETAGLOW       4       12      37      54.0    30-50   (ts) (cnb)
SHADES OF DESIRE       2       11      22      57.0    15-35   (ts) (cnb)
SHIVALIK STAR  5       2       100     57.5    4+YO    (ts) (cnb)
SILKEN STRIKER 3       8       17      58.5    00-20   (blk)
SILVER CHIEFTAIN       6       10      60      53.5    60+     (ts)
SIR CECIL      1       5       -       55.0    3YO     (cnb)
SPECTRE 3       14      1       50.5    00-20
SPIRIT BRUCE   1       6       -       55.0    3YO
SPOT LIGHT     4       2       46      58.5    30-50   (ts) (blk)
SUBAH KA TARA  1       7       -       55.0    3YO
TAQDEER KA BADSHAH     6       11      60      53.5    60+
TEA WID ME     3       5       19      59.5    00-20   (ts)
TINDERELLA     8       5       41      56.0    30-50   (visor)
TZAR    8       1       49      60.0    30-50
UNGOOGLEABLE   6       7       66      56.5    60+     (ts) (blk)
VANITY FAIR    1       11      -       53.5    3YO     (ts)
WAR ENVOY      4       1       49      60.0    30-50   (ts) (cnb)
WILD WILD ANGELS       8       3       42      56.5    30-50
ZAFRAN  6       8       62      54.5    60+     (ts)
ZEDCLASS       2       12      22      57.0    15-35   (ts)
Horse   Racedate       R.No    Trainer
HELIOS  06/01/2018     3       Narayana Gowda V.
INTERNAL AFFAIR 06/01/2018     3       Narayana Gowda V.
KANTHAKA       06/01/2018     3       Narayana Gowda V.
NOTOS   06/01/2018     3       Neil Darashah
ONE TO NOTE    06/01/2018     3       Samar Singh
PRECIOUS MOMENTS       06/01/2018     3       Faraz Arshad
RAMON   06/01/2018     3       M. Rajendra Singh
RED ADMIRAL    06/01/2018     3       Narayana Gowda V.
REGAL REALM    06/01/2018     3       Aravind G.
SECRET PRAYER  06/01/2018     3       Narayana Gowda V.
SHIVALIK BOY   06/01/2018     3       S. Britto
SLIGHTLY BLONDE 06/01/2018     3       V. Lokanath
A CROWN 06/01/2018     4       Sharat Kumar
BREAKING AWAY  06/01/2018     4       M. Rajendra Singh
CALL ME MAYBE  06/01/2018     4       Imtiaz Khan
COLD FRONTIER  06/01/2018     4       Arjun Mangalorkar
WILD WILD ANGELS       06/01/2018     4       Dheeraj.V
AMALFI COAST   06/01/2018     7       Narayana Gowda V.
CORYBANTIC     06/01/2018     7       Prasanna Kumar
COUNTRY'S BLOOM 06/01/2018     7       Faraz Arshad
DEL PORTO      06/01/2018     7       Dheeraj.V
DREAMS UNITED  06/01/2018     7       Sharat Kumar
EL MATADOR     06/01/2018     7       Mahmood Khan
FREESTYLE      06/01/2018     7       Faraz Arshad
ISLAND PEARL   06/01/2018     7       Narayana Gowda V.
LOVE IS LIFE   06/01/2018     7       Imtiaz Khan
MAN OF LAW     06/01/2018     7       Samar Singh
MASTER OF WAR  06/01/2018     7       S. Dominic
NOSTRADAMUS    06/01/2018     7       Imtiaz Khan
OASIS BREEZE   06/01/2018     7       V. Lokanath
PERFECT HORIZON 06/01/2018     7       Sharat Kumar
PERFECTASTHER  06/01/2018     7       Sharat Kumar
PRINCESS HOLLY 06/01/2018     7       Narayana Gowda V.
SECURING SMILES 06/01/2018     7       Sharat Kumar
SHIVALIK GIRL  06/01/2018     7       Sharat Kumar
SMILE OF COURAGE       06/01/2018     7       S. Dominic
WINGS OF FORTUNE       06/01/2018     7       Narayana Gowda V.
AMAZING LOVE   06/01/2018     8       Prasanna Kumar
AMBER CROWN    06/01/2018     8       S. Ganapathy
EXPERT  06/01/2018     8       Imtiaz Khan
FOTOGENIC      06/01/2018     8       M. Rajendra Singh
GAME GUY       06/01/2018     8       Samar Singh
GOLDEN BOW     06/01/2018     8       M. Rajendra Singh
INTERESTING    06/01/2018     8       S. Narredu
MISTRESS OF SPICE      06/01/2018     8       S. Dominic
MONTENEGRO     06/01/2018     8       Azhar Ali
PERFECT QUEEN  06/01/2018     8       Sharat Kumar
PRAZSKY 06/01/2018     8       S. Inayathulla
SANTORINI SECRET       06/01/2018     8       S. Dominic
SOVIET UNION   06/01/2018     8       Narayana Gowda V.
STELLAR AMBITION       06/01/2018     8       Neil B Devaney
TAMARA  06/01/2018     8       S. Dominic
TARINI  06/01/2018     8       S. Narredu
Race date : 06/01/18
Index to Jockeys Engagements with total mount, race number,   Horse number, weight alloted, allowance draw number & Trainer.
1       A.R.Pradeep(1)
6       7       UNGOOGLEABLE   56.5           2       Samar Singh
2       A.Ramu(4)
1       6       SPIRIT BRUCE   55.0           4       Dheeraj.V
2       2       DESERT GOLD    58.5           9       M. Rajendra Singh
3       13      INCITATUS      55.5           9       M. Rajendra Singh
7       11      LIMATO  55.5           3       M. Rajendra Singh
3       Aqeed Waheed(4)
2       6       ABOVE THE REST 57.0           1       Dheeraj.V
3       6       BOLD RUNNER    59.0           10      Dheeraj.V
7       7       CALICO KING    57.5           8       Dheeraj.V
8       3       WILD WILD ANGELS       56.5           5       Dheeraj.V
4       Arshad Alam(6)
1       7       SUBAH KA TARA  55.0           10      Samar Singh
2       1       MULHOLLAND     60.0           11      Neil Darashah
3       10      BELLEROPHON    57.5           12      Neil Darashah
4       8       DONT DILLY DALLY       55.5           1       Neil Darashah
7       14      DYNAMISM       54.0           6       S. Narredu
8       10      PARADISO       52.0           6       S. Narredu
5       Ashok Kumar A.(1)
3       9       GOLDEN OPINION 58.0           1       S. Ganapathy
6       Chethan Gowda(1)
2       7       KRUGER PARK    57.0    -4      5       Warren Singh
7       D. Patel(1)
3       5       TEA WID ME     59.5           2       S. Inayathulla
8       Darshan R.N(1)
2       4       PRODIGAL SON   58.5    -3      7       V. Lokanath
9       David Allan(3)
1       10      INTO THE GROOVE 53.5           6       S.S. Attaollahi
2       10      PRINCESS RUMELA 57.0           12      S. Padmanabhan
4       11      LAWRENCE OF ARABIA     54.0           6       S. Padmanabhan
10      Imran Chisty(2)
1       11      VANITY FAIR    53.5           2       S.S. Attaollahi
8       8       CELTIC MIST    54.5           14      Praveen Jesu
11      Irvan Singh(1)
8       12      GOOD WORD      50.5           2       Warren Singh
12      Jan'dhan Paswan(3)
2       5       ANGELIC LOVE   57.5           10      Samar Singh
7       13      RHAPSODYEIN QUEEN      54.5           7       Sharat Kumar
8       2       ONE BIG GANG   56.5           11      Samar Singh
13      Kiran Rai P(2)
4       13      HIDDEN SOLDIER 53.5           2       Narayana Gowda V.
7       2       BAZINGA 59.5           14      Narayana Gowda V.
14      Mudassar Nazar(3)
3       4       PURITY  59.5           7       Arjun Mangalorkar
4       12      SETAGLOW       54.0           8       Arjun Mangalorkar
6       5       MYSTIC MUSIC   57.5           8       Arjun Mangalorkar
15      Nazerul Alam(6)
2       3       PERFECT MONARCH 58.5    -3      6       S. Narredu
3       1       COUNTRY'S PEARL 60.0    -3      13      Faraz Arshad
4       1       WAR ENVOY      60.0    -3      4       Hidayat Khan
5       3       ACE BUCEPHALUS 55.5    -3      3       Irfan Ghatala
7       10      IMPRIMATUR     56.0    -3      2       Prasanna Kumar
8       11      BEYOND REACH   51.5    -3      8       Prasanna Kumar
16      P. Mani(2)
2       13      NEW ERA 56.5           14      Faraz Arshad
7       12      GAME AGAIN     54.5           4       Faraz Arshad
17      P. Trevor(4)
1       5       SIR CECIL      55.0           5       S. Padmanabhan
4       14      NICARAGUA      52.0           3       S.S. Attaollahi
5       4       GESTAPO 55.5           2       S.S. Attaollahi
6       8       ZAFRAN  54.5           10      S.S. Attaollahi
18      PrashantP.Dhebe(6)
1       3       KING OF THE WIND       55.0           1       Prasanna Kumar
3       14      SPECTRE 50.5           8       V. Lokanath
4       2       SPOT LIGHT     58.5           7       S. Ganapathy
5       6       MAGISTERO      55.5           7       S. Ganapathy
7       6       REGENCY GIRL   58.5           13      Neil Darashah
8       4       MAYWEATHER     56.0           3       Neil Darashah
19      R. Anand(1)
3       8       SILKEN STRIKER 58.5           6       F. Sirajuddin
20      Rajesh Kumar M(2)
3       2       LIKEAKNIFE     60.0           14      Narayana Gowda V.
6       11      TAQDEER KA BADSHAH     53.5           9       Narayana Gowda V.
21      Ramesh KumarN(2)
2       14      PINK SMILE     55.0           8       Sharat Kumar
4       7       RECZAI  56.5           12      Sharat Kumar
22      Rayan Ahmed R.(2)
3       11      CASHMERE       57.5    -1      5       S. Britto
8       13      INDIAN BRAHMOS 50.5    -1      10      S. Inayathulla
23      Ryan Marshall(5)
1       1       DECISIVE       55.0           7       Faraz Arshad
3       7       DELIGHT 59.0           3       S. Narredu
6       4       MICHAELA       58.5           4       S.S. Attaollahi
7       9       BAROG   56.0           11      S.S. Attaollahi
8       5       TINDERELLA     56.0           7       S. Padmanabhan
24      S. John(4)
4       3       RUM RUNNER     58.0           13      Prasanna Kumar
5       2       SHIVALIK STAR  57.5           5       Arjun Mangalorkar
6       3       AYRTON  59.0           6       Arjun Mangalorkar
7       3       PANAMA  59.0           9       Arjun Mangalorkar
25      S. Selvaraj(2)
2       11      SHADES OF DESIRE       57.0           4       Prasanna Kumar
6       2       LIGHTNING STRIKES      59.5           5       Prasanna Kumar
26      S.K.Paswan(2)
2       9       MYSTIFY ME     57.0           3       Sandhu G.
8       14      KUDLA PUNCH    50.5           9       Sharat Kumar
27      Shiva Kumar S.(2)
3       3       AAFRIKAAN      59.5           11      Sandhu G.
8       6       AGNETA  55.0           12      Sandhu G.
28      Sunil Samson(6)
1       4       PRINCE CHARMO  55.0    -3      11      Samar Singh
2       12      ZEDCLASS       57.0    -3      13      Sriram Komandur
4       5       GANDHARVA      57.5    -3      9       Sriram Komandur
6       10      SILVER CHIEFTAIN       53.5    -3      7       S. Ganapathy
7       4       FLORENCIA      58.5    -3      1       Mahmood Khan
8       9       FLICKA  53.5    -3      4       Aravind G.
29      Suraj Narredu(5)
1       9       GIN DAISY      53.5           3       Dheeraj.V
4       4       DONNA ROSSA    57.5           10      Irfan Ghatala
5       7       PEARL CITY     54.0           6       M. Rajendra Singh
6       9       PINYADA 53.5           3       S. Inayathulla
7       1       AEROSPEED      60.0           5       Rajesh Narredu
30      Syed Imran(1)
4       9       PRINCEAZEEM    54.5    -4      11      M. Rajendra Singh
31      T. S. Jodha(3)
1       8       BLACK WHIZZ    53.5           9       S. Dominic
2       8       MUSIC DIVINE   57.0           2       S. Dominic
8       1       TZAR    60.0           1       S. Dominic
32      V.R.Jagadeesh(5)
1       2       DIAMOND RAYS   55.0           8       Sriram Komandur
3       12      ROCKET PUNCH   56.0           4       Imtiaz Khan
4       10      HIGH ADMIRAL   54.0           5       Imtiaz Khan
7       5       GIRL WITH PEARL 58.5           12      Imtiaz Khan
8       7       ERDEMIR 55.0           13      M. Rajendra Singh
33      Vivek(3)
4       6       JAMES BOND     57.5           14      S. Inayathulla
5       5       JERSEY WONDER  55.5           4       K.P.G Appu
7       8       LOVE FOR LIFE  56.5           10      K.P.G Appu
34      Y. S. Srinath(2)
5       1       BOLD COMMAND   60.0           1       S. Ganapathy
6       6       FLAMBOYANCE    56.5            1       Prasanna Kumar
35      WITHDRAWN()
6       1       INTO THE SPOTLIGHT     60.0                   S. Padmanabhan
#= Final Entry / Declared to start 99 Race date : 06/01/18
Index to Trainers'wards with total wards, race number,        Horse number alloted weight, allowance,draw number & Jockey.
1                      Aravind G.(1)
8       9       FLICKA  53.5    -3      4       Sunil Samson
2                      Arjun Mangalorkar(6)
3       4       PURITY  59.5           7       Mudassar Nazar
4       12      SETAGLOW       54.0           8       Mudassar Nazar
5       2       SHIVALIK STAR  57.5           5       S. John
6       5       MYSTIC MUSIC   57.5           8       Mudassar Nazar
6       3       AYRTON  59.0           6       S. John
7       3       PANAMA  59.0           9       S. John
3                      Dheeraj.V(6)
1       6       SPIRIT BRUCE   55.0           4       A.Ramu
1       9       GIN DAISY      53.5           3       Suraj Narredu
2       6       ABOVE THE REST 57.0           1       Aqeed Waheed
3       6       BOLD RUNNER    59.0           10      Aqeed Waheed
7       7       CALICO KING    57.5           8       Aqeed Waheed
8       3       WILD WILD ANGELS       56.5           5       Aqeed Waheed
4                      F. Sirajuddin(1)
3       8       SILKEN STRIKER 58.5           6       R. Anand
5                      Faraz Arshad(4)
1       1       DECISIVE       55.0           7       Ryan Marshall
2       13      NEW ERA 56.5           14      P. Mani
3       1       COUNTRY'S PEARL 60.0    -3      13      Nazerul Alam
7       12      GAME AGAIN     54.5           4       P. Mani
6                      Hidayat Khan(1)
4       1       WAR ENVOY      60.0    -3      4       Nazerul Alam
7                      Imtiaz Khan(3)
3       12      ROCKET PUNCH   56.0           4       V.R.Jagadeesh
4       10      HIGH ADMIRAL   54.0           5       V.R.Jagadeesh
7       5       GIRL WITH PEARL 58.5           12      V.R.Jagadeesh
8                      Irfan Ghatala(2)
4       4       DONNA ROSSA    57.5           10      Suraj Narredu
5       3       ACE BUCEPHALUS 55.5    -3      3       Nazerul Alam
9                      K.P.G Appu(2)
5       5       JERSEY WONDER  55.5           4       Vivek
7       8       LOVE FOR LIFE  56.5           10      Vivek
10                     M. Rajendra Singh(6)
2       2       DESERT GOLD    58.5           9       A.Ramu
3       13      INCITATUS      55.5           9       A.Ramu
4       9       PRINCEAZEEM    54.5    -4      11      Syed Imran
5       7       PEARL CITY     54.0           6       Suraj Narredu
7       11      LIMATO  55.5           3       A.Ramu
8       7       ERDEMIR 55.0           13      V.R.Jagadeesh
11                     Mahmood Khan(1)
7       4       FLORENCIA      58.5    -3      1       Sunil Samson
12                     Narayana Gowda V.(4)
3       2       LIKEAKNIFE     60.0           14      Rajesh Kumar M
4       13      HIDDEN SOLDIER 53.5           2       Kiran Rai P
6       11      TAQDEER KA BADSHAH     53.5           9       Rajesh Kumar M
7       2       BAZINGA 59.5           14      Kiran Rai P
13                     Neil Darashah(5)
2       1       MULHOLLAND     60.0           11      Arshad Alam
3       10      BELLEROPHON    57.5           12      Arshad Alam
4       8       DONT DILLY DALLY       55.5           1       Arshad Alam
7       6       REGENCY GIRL   58.5           13      PrashantP.Dhebe
8       4       MAYWEATHER     56.0           3       PrashantP.Dhebe
14                     Prasanna Kumar(7)
1       3       KING OF THE WIND       55.0           1       PrashantP.Dhebe
2       11      SHADES OF DESIRE       57.0           4       S. Selvaraj
4       3       RUM RUNNER     58.0           13      S. John
6       2       LIGHTNING STRIKES      59.5           5       S. Selvaraj
6       6       FLAMBOYANCE    56.5           1       Y. S. Srinath
7       10      IMPRIMATUR     56.0    -3      2       Nazerul Alam
8       11      BEYOND REACH   51.5    -3      8       Nazerul Alam
15                     Praveen Jesu(1)
8       8       CELTIC MIST    54.5           14      Imran Chisty
16                     Rajesh Narredu(1)
7       1       AEROSPEED      60.0           5       Suraj Narredu
17                     S. Britto(1)
3       11      CASHMERE       57.5    -1      5       Rayan Ahmed R.
18                     S. Dominic(3)
1       8       BLACK WHIZZ    53.5           9       T. S. Jodha
2       8       MUSIC DIVINE   57.0           2       T. S. Jodha
8       1       TZAR    60.0           1       T. S. Jodha
19                     S. Ganapathy(5)
3       9       GOLDEN OPINION 58.0           1       Ashok Kumar A.
4       2       SPOT LIGHT     58.5           7       PrashantP.Dhebe
5       6       MAGISTERO      55.5           7       PrashantP.Dhebe
5       1       BOLD COMMAND   60.0           1       Y. S. Srinath
6       10      SILVER CHIEFTAIN       53.5    -3      7       Sunil Samson
20                     S. Inayathulla(4)
3       5       TEA WID ME     59.5           2       D. Patel
4       6       JAMES BOND     57.5           14      Vivek
6       9       PINYADA 53.5           3       Suraj Narredu
8       13      INDIAN BRAHMOS 50.5    -1      10      Rayan Ahmed R.
21                     S. Narredu(4)
2       3       PERFECT MONARCH 58.5    -3      6       Nazerul Alam
3       7       DELIGHT 59.0           3       Ryan Marshall
7       14      DYNAMISM       54.0           6       Arshad Alam
8       10      PARADISO       52.0           6       Arshad Alam
22                     S. Padmanabhan(5)
1       5       SIR CECIL      55.0           5       P. Trevor
2       10      PRINCESS RUMELA 57.0           12      David Allan
4       11      LAWRENCE OF ARABIA     54.0           6       David Allan
23                     WITHDRAWN(5)
6       1       INTO THE SPOTLIGHT     60.0
24                     S. Padmanabhan(5)
8       5       TINDERELLA     56.0           7       Ryan Marshall
25                     S.S. Attaollahi(7)
1       10      INTO THE GROOVE 53.5           6       David Allan
1       11      VANITY FAIR    53.5           2       Imran Chisty
4       14      NICARAGUA      52.0           3       P. Trevor
5       4       GESTAPO 55.5           2       P. Trevor
6       4       MICHAELA       58.5           4       Ryan Marshall
6       8       ZAFRAN  54.5           10      P. Trevor
7       9       BAROG   56.0           11      Ryan Marshall
26                     Samar Singh(5)
1       7       SUBAH KA TARA  55.0           10      Arshad Alam
1       4       PRINCE CHARMO  55.0    -3      11      Sunil Samson
2       5       ANGELIC LOVE   57.5           10      Jan'dhan Paswan
6       7       UNGOOGLEABLE   56.5           2       A.R.Pradeep
8       2       ONE BIG GANG   56.5           11      Jan'dhan Paswan
27                     Sandhu G.(3)
2       9       MYSTIFY ME     57.0           3       S.K.Paswan
3       3       AAFRIKAAN      59.5           11      Shiva Kumar S.
8       6       AGNETA  55.0           12      Shiva Kumar S.
28                     Sharat Kumar(4)
2       14      PINK SMILE     55.0           8       Ramesh KumarN
4       7       RECZAI  56.5           12      Ramesh KumarN
7       13      RHAPSODYEIN QUEEN      54.5           7       Jan'dhan Paswan
8       14      KUDLA PUNCH    50.5           9       S.K.Paswan
29                     Sriram Komandur(3)
1       2       DIAMOND RAYS   55.0           8       V.R.Jagadeesh
2       12      ZEDCLASS       57.0    -3      13      Sunil Samson
4       5       GANDHARVA      57.5    -3      9       Sunil Samson
30                     V. Lokanath(2)
2       4       PRODIGAL SON   58.5    -3      7       Darshan R.N
3       14      SPECTRE 50.5           8       PrashantP.Dhebe
31                     Warren Singh(2)
2       7       KRUGER PARK    57.0    -4      5       Chethan Gowda
8       12      GOOD WORD      50.5           2       Irvan Singh
#= Final Entry / Total Acceptors 99
Race date : 06/01/18